《Reaper of the Shadows》Chapter 3: Im a Cheat Character


The room i got teleported into was a HUGE. More like a throne room to be precise. It has Twelve pillars supporting it and a throne in the middle where Selne’s Goblin looking Father is sitting and Selene standing next to him. Can’t see the elf and the drow though.

"Looks like you have decided what your job is. And an advance class at that. Looks like i’ll be expecting a lot from you." Selenes Father said to me with piercing gaze that made me flinch. I looked at him and saw a small blue screen pop up next to him with an arrow pointing where he is.

LvL 1000

Thurrus Crossford Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Master Job Class: Dusk Bringer

Master Sub Class: Fate Weaver

Age: 1967

Rank: SSS+ Profession: Guild Master

Time till death: ???

Looks like im in an RPG style world and that’s fine but one thing does suprise me is the age and the 'Time till Death' bar. I don’t know if that’s what reapers saw with one of there eye (Surely it is) but i don’t know which eye it is. As i stayed idled, Selene went towards me. I looked at her and saw her 'Status'.

LvL 566 Selene Crossford

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Master Job Class: Conjurer Master Sub Class: Hell Mistress

Age: 500

Rank SSS+ Profession: Trainer

Time till death: ???

So that’s why she was able to summon those tentacles from before, she’s a Conjurer. I fucking hate that class. Why? Well, they summon thats one, they fight while there summoned beast keeps you occupied and three YOU CAN’T GET NEAR THEM! I mean, if you’re playing fair and not ambushing them then you’re gonna have a hard time dealing with them, especially in PVP when there’s players trying to kill you and an angry summoned beast that wants you to be torn apart and at higher level they can summon higer level beast or fucking an army of them! And that’s why i fucking hate this class.

"Looks like you took your time to check out the Reapers left eye." So it’s the left eye, but what about the other eye? As Selene stood beside me and me facing her, she pulled out a blade behind her. I dodged just in time, "Brat, what the fuck did i do to you?!" When i said that, she strikes me again with another knife and barely dodging this time. I don’t know what she was doing with her knife when she could just summon another tentacle to hold me down. The fighting continued with Selene striking me and me dodging. Selene looked infuriated already, so i decided to mock her.


"Come on, is that all you got? Where were those tentacles you love to summon? Come on, where are they you brat!" As i said that, Selene looked even more angry and decided to summon a hell of a lot of tentacles. I’ve seen enough hentai where this is going, but fuck no if it’s gay. The tentacles are in front of me and was about half as tall of the pillars and Selene in front of me. I knew i fucked up since i never liked to trash talk that much since people either gets destroyed or them destroying you. Selene made a wicked smirk and rushed at me. So much for summoning those tentacles. But, it looks like she has a plan. I don’t know what it was, but im sure that i don’t want to be there when she does it. As soon as Selene striked me, i grabbed the knife and prepared for another attack (since she’s most likely to have another knife). Then i felt a chill behind my back and out of reflex, i dodge as the tectacle almost impaled me.

"Lucky dodge." Selene said as she snapped her finger and countless tentacles went towards me. I had no choose but to dodge, but i saw an opening towards Selene, and the tentacles are coming towards me. But since i can’t die (i hope), i charged at her and grabbed her in both arms, knocking her down and preventing her to retaliate and the tenctackes barely missing. She tried breaking free and let me tell you, she’s fucking strong. It took me at least a minute till she stopped squirming, but damn, this brat is strong. As soon as she stopped struggling, all the tentacles in the room was gone. She looked irritated and looked at me. I decided to mock her and said, "Come on, what are you waiting for? You can break free from this amount of strength can you? But know, you’re just a child. A child who can’t even get away from someone like me!" I laughed on how pathetic she looked, then she looked at me with teary eye. I expected eyes of rage or gaze of vengeance, not this kind of shit, and she was moaning and panting. Then her father laughed of what had happened. He approached (Teleported) me and said thanks for giving her daughter the Curse of a Reaper. The what know? I checked her window again and saw a debuff.


Reapers Curse (Source: David Maxwell)

When cursed by a Reaper that has an unlocked advance class, the target will experience pain or pleasure. The experience theyc an get depend on the reapers alignment. The pain or pleasure they will experience depends on how strong the Reaper is and can lessen the pain or pleasure anytime they want. The target cannot move nor speak when affected by this Curse and is brought to a near death state where any reaper can claim there soul.

Target: Selene Crossford

Experiencing: Pleasure

After what had happened i just had to scream, "What the fuck did i just do?!" Thurrus laughed and the black smoke engulfed him. After that, he then reappeared. He was a muscular version of himself. I took a good look at him (Not in a gay way) and saw he had a scar across his neck. He had glowing green eyes, long red hair, horns that looked like those of a ram, and hooves for feet. He was taller than me like probly 7 foot tall. I know that he is the guild master since he is literally a lvl 1000.

Thurrus looked at Selene and looks like he dispelled the curse, since her (only) debuff is gone. Selene was still moaning and panting but looked at me with Rage in her eyes. Yep, this is what i had expected.

Thurrus then looked at me said "I haven’t properly introduced myself to you. I am Thurrus Croosford, the father of Selene Crossford, the guild master and pride of the Reapers Guild, Dusk, and a Grim Reaper." I already know who he was but the fact that he said the guild’s name and that his a Grim Reaper means his damn powerful. Selene regained her composure and took out another knife, charging at me but her father intervened. Selene quickly pulled her knife away and pouted. "Sorry about that, She’s still at a young age, And a brat at that." I looked at him and said, "Good thing im not married." We then laughed of what i said.

I looked at Thurrus and said, "So then, Thurrus-san, what’s this Reapers Right and left eye?" He made a wicked grin and said to me, "The left eye, you surely know, but, the right eye is different. The right eye is different to every reaper, be it good or bad, the reapers right eye is special, unique and could be a Reapers true strength. Whether it was fighting, stealth, or magic, the reapers right eye is your best tool when reaping and getting out of rought situatuons." I nodded, since i understood what he meant. The reapers left eye makes me see there Window where i could see there level, names, alignment, Job class, etc. While the reapers right eye means it’s your trump card or some skill that i need to see for my self.

After that Thurrus asked me to call him Master, Boss, or Sir when addressing him. I didn’t mind since it respected him and he respects me, but the Master part was out of the question. Thu- Boss asked me if i am willing to go on my first assignment. I tried declining but he forced me to it and said it was an easy one. Just walk around town and grab myself a few set of armor and a Scythe. I accepted and he gave me a few (alot) gold coins. I whistled and there was a door suddenly appeared the elf and the drow appeared as well. He then said goodluck at me and said that im a cheat character. He then said to me before leaving, "Honestly. Being able to beat my daughter while holding back was impressive, but being able to dodge all those fast attacks was something impressive." I laughed and said, "That’s just what i am boss, a Cheat." With that i left the room and was back to the room where i woke up from.

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