《Reaper of the Shadows》Chapter 5: Right Eye


Looks like we got ourselves in trouble. There was a dozens of lesser demons around us and an Incubus that looks like there leader. The incubus was wearing NOTHING and has a fucking boner!

LvL 579 Sylvix Altema

Advanced Class: Dominitrix (Dominator), Advanced Sub-class: Pirate (Swash Buckler)

Profession: Slave Trainer

Age: 902

Race: High Incubus

Time till death: 5 mins, 40 sec

Looks like this is gonna be one sided (For them), "Well, Well, Well. Look what we got here. Three beautiful ladys waiting to be fucked by me."

Izora narrowed her eyes and glared at the inubus, "Mind your manners incubus."

I just had to but in, "Yeah, What she said!"

The incubus glared at me, "No one asked you Reaper! And who are you to even tell me what to do huh?" And he spat at the ground.

Izora looked at me, "I thought they were with you?"

I looked at Izora with a confused look, "Huh? Me, together with them? I don’t even know where the market is and here i am in a black market together with you!" Izora shooked her head and looked at the incubus. The incubus winked at her and made a smile.

Izora commanded everyone to ready there weapons and here i am barehanded.

Izora looked at me, "Where’s your weapon Reaper?"

"None!" That’s why im here in the first place.

The Incubus laughed and said in a loud voice, "A Reaper without a weapon is nothing but a small fry!" He continued laughing and so did the rest of his group.

I looked at him and said in a loud voice, "At least i don’t have 3 minutes more before i fucking die!" Which made everyone shut up for a moment. The incubus looked enraged and with a flick of his finger, they attacked.

The lesser demons attacked in quick flurry but manageable. With my footwork and insane amount of AGI and DEX, makes dodging a breeze. Izora and the others looked fine on there own as the incubus stood there with a wicked grin in his face, waiting for us to tire out. The lesser demons looked exhausted as there attacks got slower. The incubus looked impatient and decided to finish things on his own.

He jumped at me with two (three) swords of his sword coming right me with a wicked grin. I punched him directly in the face as hard as i could and made him fall down his feet. He looked unconscious as the lesser demons attacked me at the same time. They got beaten and the others are finished on there side. And some of the lesser demons run away after the fight, leaving there leader alone.

I said in a loud voice, "Who’s a small fry know assholes!" Scaring them off completely.

Izora looked at me, "What are you gonna do with the incubus then?"

I smiled and looked at her, "Simple. Kill him." With a wicked smile on my face, i asked Angelica to borrow her sword.

"I’ve always wanted to know what an incubus blood looks like." With that said, i sliced his head off cleanly as blood splated in the wall and on me. I then looked at the incubus as something comes out of his chest. Is this his soul? It’s very transparent. I grabbed the soul (which was very squishy) and for some reason, i want to eat it. I ate the soul and it tasted delicious, like eating a sweet candy bar. After some finger licking, i looked at Angelica and tossed her the sword she gave me.


I looked at Izora, "What? Souls are tasty." Izora didn’t looked pleased and simply shook her head.

"Come, everyone is waiting." With that said, everyone walked towards the alley way. I followed them of course since im not sure if getting caught all bloody would please anyone that there walking with a killer.

I looked at my status and HOLY SHIT!!!

LvL 2 (Skill Points remaining: 10)

David Maxwell

Alignmet: Neutral

Advanced Class: Shadow Mancer

Sub-class: None Profession: Reaper

Rank: A+

Requires Sub-class Souls: One Statistics Number (Points Remaining: 10) STR 440 (+100)(+10%) CON 670 (+239) DEX 652 (+342) (+10%) AGI 667 (+342) WIS 210 INT 370 CHA 110 (+500) LCK 152 (1) (+198)

Passive: Reapers Charm

For surpassing+500CHA

For eating the soul of Sylvix, you gained +500 CHA. When talking to people, gains a +30% successful negotiation and -30% change of failing a negotiation.

Passive: Close Quarter Combat Unlocked

+50% Damage when fighting unarmed

+10% STR

I got myself a few passive skills since passive skills are always on and boy do they help you when you’re in a pinch. Reapers Chram is basically a negotiation passive while the CQC one is for melee (duh). But skills levels are something i wanna know, so i’ll save it, since i can’t even use them for know.

Izora and the others stopped in front of a door. Looks like there’s a password i guess?

Izora looked at me, "Reaper, what level are you?"

I smiled and looked at Izora, "Two." Looks like Izora was shocked on what i said.

"With your strength, you must be joking?"

"Im not joking, my current level is two."

Then the door opened as people comes out of it. They where three humans that have collars with them. They’re also wearing collars as well. Looks like they aren’t guards but slaves.

LvL 30 Michael Angelo

Class: Warrior

Profession: Slave

Age: 52

Race: Human Male

Time till death: 3 days, 12 hours, 12 minutes, 4 seconds

LvL 29 Serene Meggan

Class: Rouge

Profession: Slave

Age: 23

Race: Human Female

Time till death: 15 hours, 50 minutes, 7 seconds

LvL 10 Mitch Connor

Class: Archer

Profession: Slave

Age: 19

Race: Human Male

Time till death: 10 days, 24 hours, 3 minutes, 10 seconds

The slaves looks there in bad shape and one of them doesn’t have many hours left before she dies. Then, they charged at me collars in hand. I don’t know what those collars are so im guessing that it bounds me to someone and have to follow them. That’s easy i just need to dodge them then.

As the slaves tried there hardest to put the collar on my neck, they can’t keep up with my speed. I mocked them on how slow they are and couldn’t even manage a level two like me. Ha! This is priceless! I enjoy the suffering of others even when i was still alive! I can’t help but laugh as i got collared behind. Which made me stopped laughing. There, another slave came from behind as she grabbed me from behind and throwing me. Bitch that hurt! I didn’t bother looking at her window since she got fucking impaled by her master (since that’s what his window tell me).


LvL 100 Welub Gurn

Advanced Class: Barbarian (Beserker), Sub-class: Beserker

Profession: Slave Dealer

Age: 50

Race: Demonic Orc

Time till death: 3 minutes, 29 seconds

Slaves: 9

As the orc ate the girl who collared me, he oinked and laughed, "Is this really a reaper? His weak, pathetic and doesn’t even posses a Scythe!" With that said, he laughed again.

I looked at the orc, smiling, "Can i leave know? I need to buy myself a Scythe." I tried removing the collar but i can’t.

The Orc ordered me, "Shut up slave!"

I stood straight and saluted, "Ok! Wait? I can still speak?" What the fuck? Then a blue screen appeared.

Passive: Reapers Right Eye Unlocked

Absorption, Immunity, Nullification

Oh sweet I got it! Never thought i’ll be able to find out my right eye this early. I reallly am a fucking cheat character! Although i have no idea what those three mean in terms of combat. So i might experiment on those later on. And, how the fuck do i get my skills?!

Everyone was surprised on what had happened, "H-How are you able to resist me?!"

I smiled and looked at him with prideful a prideful face, "What? Surprised of something like this?"

The orc growled and ordered his slaves to attacked me, "Kill this bastard!"

I moved swiftly as i dodged everything the slaves tried to kill me with nothing but a collar. I then saw Izora commanded Angelica as she tossed her sword to me. I grabbed it and thanked her, dancing towards the orc as i eviscerated him, spilling his organs and stabbing him in the head. I waited for his soul to come out and ate it. It was delicious, like meat. Mhhhhhh meat~

Passive: Reapers Vigor

For surpassing +500 CONS

For eating the soul of Welub Gurn, you gained +500 CON. You gain an increase in CON whenever you are facing someone stronger than you. +10% CON

I looked at Izora, "Thanks for telling Angelica to pass the sword." With that, i threw the sword to Angelica thanking her.

"You’re welcome Reaper." Angela thanked me how sweet.

Izora looked at the slaves, "Scums like you do not belong to this place." With that said, blood rushed towards the slaves, killing them and leaving nothing but a red stain on the walls and floor.

I whistled, "I thought he was your business here? Like delivering the goods?"

Izora shook her head, "No, he was simply a rat that got a few slaves from the slavers guild and needed him dead. The guild tracked him down since the slaves give of a magical signal which allowed the guild to track him. We accepted the request since we have business in this place as well."

"What about the slaves you just killed?"

Izora glared at me, signaling me not to dig any deeper.

I smiled and looked away, "Sure thing ma’am."

Muures stepped forward, "Mistress Izora, we better enter the market as soon as we can or they might get impatient."

Izora looked at Muures and nodded, "You are right Sir Muures. We shall continue to our destination." Then she flicked her finger and Tear stepped forward.

"My apprentice, Tear shall accompany you in your shopping. Since you are looking for a new weapon, the goods will be delivered much faster without me worrying about Tear’s safety."

I smiled and looked at tear, "Well then let’s move Tear-chan!"

Tear looked at me, "Yes, Sir Reaper!"

I didnt get a good look at Izora and the others back then, but know since we aren’t fighting (killing) anything, i got a good look at them. Muures is big and bulky with all the fur around him since his a minotaur and only wears pants which are made of leather since i asked what it was made of. He carries a HUGE battle axe and knows wisely when to use it and is very fucking tall, like 10 feet tall. Izora and Tear wears the same red dress, glowing green eyes, pale skin, C Cups and white hair. But there hairstyle, figure and height differs. Izora had her hair tied behind her back and was 7 feet tall. Her figure has an hour glass shape to her. Tear on the other hand has twin tails for her hair style and was at least 6’9. She was petite which reminded me of someone back at the guild.

With that said and done, we finally reached the end of the alley way and i forgot to remove the collor so might as well do that. And men, does the black market look retro. There where people there who was carrying Sci-fi weapons that im very envious, and looks so damn cool! Man, if i get a scythe, i want it to be a Gun-Scythe like from RWBY.

Izora stopped and looked at me, "This is where we part ways Reaper. I expect you to take care of Tear while im gone and expect you to escort her like a gentleman should."

I smiled and looked at both Tear and Izora, "Don’t worry, Tears fine with me and i would gladly escort her back to her master."

Izora looked pleased but wasn’t contented, "If you finish first, then find us at this place."

Izora gave me a piece of paper and we bid farewell. I looked at Tear and said, "Looks like it’s just you me know."

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