《Claimed By The Devil》Chapter 27
Padgett Eve
I opened my eyes, only to be feel my head on a hard surface which was comfortable and warm. I closed my eyes feeling a bit of stinging in them and snuggled closer to the surface. I felt the surface shifting and I held it tight trying to keep it from anyone who was taking it away from me. I hear a chuckel and felt my pillow subtly vibrate.
"Don't worry, babygirl. I'm not going anywhere." I heard. The voice was something I was familiar with and I open my eyes realising that the 'pillow' I was clutching on to, was my husband's chest.
As the reality drown into me I was blushing, while Sebestian seemed to enjoy the vision and was wearing his usual smug and arrogant smirk. I was just looking everywhere elese exept his eyes. Those eyes were deadly gorgeous. I was looking around the room scanning my eyes through the scattered clothes on the floor from yesterday making me blush more. Maybe the day was unlucky because my gaze next fell on the sheets, the sheets were messed up with some of my blood on them.
My eyes were roaming around the room until Sebestian's hand came towards jaw forcing my eyes towards him. He was still smirking, a feeling of triumphness clearly visible in his eyes knowing what effect he had on me and my body.
When I was staring back in his eyes and leaning over him his hand left my jaw, smoothly making it's way to the back of my neck, then to the back of my shoulder finally resting at the my waist. His other hand came up to my face placing a gentle palm on my cheek, his thumb was caressing my cheek, so gentle that I was not sure if it was Sebestian or not. His other four fingers were in my hair while his thumb was still caressing my cheeks. I could feel myself relax under his touch, forgetting all the bad things he had done to me and the ones I care for.
"Why were you suddenly crying last night ?"
His morning raspy voice asked as all the things were now running in train. My hearbeat was faster than ever, my thoughts were rushing themselves into my brain, I could feel my forehead moist with what felt like sweat. I knew better than to mess with him or his choice, what will I tell him, 'I was feeling guilty for leaving Cole behind and enjoying here with you' and he will console me.
"Padgett" his voice bought me back from my thoughts. "Answer me." His tone was filled with authority, his eyes demanding an answer, long gone was the voice which was gentle this voice just made me want to jump off the window.
"Uhm.... I-I don't... r-really kn-know" I stammered very badly, I wasn't even sure he would understand what I said, still I was constantly praying that he would believe this stupid reason. He just starred at me not really clearly not buying what I said. I tried to get up from his grip in a fast action but Sebestian was faster. The moment I was going off the bed he pulled me back to the same position, chest to chest, his grip on my waist tight than before, his hands in my hair pulling my face down, our face close enough that our nose were touching.
"You don't lie to me and get away with that, you get it?" He said while his eyes held a small amount of anger which was enough to make me shiver. What was this man ? A human lie detector?
"Tell me the truth Padgett." He demanded once more.
"I-I need t-time." I said, hoping he would consider.
He just smirked and said," You need time ? Fine. Ten seconds and I want the truth out." Was this man even sane ? Or did I just married a devilishly handsome psychopath ?
Ten seconds they were literally so less for me to blurt out such a truth and his voice counting the number was even stressful for me.
I just had my my mouth slightly parted and he was still smirking. What can I tell him?
"Se-sebestian I-I....."
"2" he just nodded my head to continue, but what can I even tell him ?
"1" he just smirked further, "And my lovely wife couldn't tell me even after I gave her the time she asked for." I was speechless.
"Now, Padgett. Tell me before I force it out of you, and let me tell you won't enjoy that method." He told me, his eyes telling me he was dead serious and wasn't going to accept any lies from my side his voice only supporting his eyes and sending a shiver down my spine. And me? Well I was currently hoping for the bed to swallow me while thinking hard about some excuse.
"You're testing my patience wifey" he said in a calm tone while his grip on my waist tightened. Knowing that he won't back down I decided to speak up.
I gulped down the lump in my throat and started, "I j-just wa-wasn't feeling well." Well I admit it wasn't the whole truth but some of this is true. It's true I wasn't feeling good. He just stared at me and suddenly pulled me closer than we already were. Our lips were barely touching, his warm breath was caressing my lips.
He looked in my eyes before looking at my lips then back in my eyes, making me more nervous than I already was.
"You sure do have some guts to continuously lie to me." He said while staring in my eyes making my eyes wode and his smirk to increase.
"I'll spare you for now. You are my wife afterall." He said and captured my lips with his. After the breathtaking kiss he pulled away but not too much his breath was still caressing my lips, it was nor al while I was catching my breath which was taken away by him. He came close to my my ear whispering, "Don't think you got away with this. I will surely get to this sometime later." He pulled away looking at me in the eye once again.
"Okay?" He asked me and I just managed to nod. "Good" he said and pecked my lips tightly and a little longer. After that he settled me on the bed and then walked to the bathroom. While I just sat there on the bed still not moving because of his words. What was he again ? A human lie detector, if yes I really needed to know and get away from him.
The coversation we had right now erased all the thoughts I had of him bieng a bit civil and me adjusting with him after the conversation we had yesterday night after he came from his company. We were talking about Sebestian Knight, I doubt I will ever be able to get away from him or have a normal life with him. He wouldn't change from the monster he is, he couldn't. A monster, a nightmare I had to spend rest of my life with, hopefully not.
The door opened revealing a very, very hot Sebestian stepping out of the bathroom, his toned upper body was on display, and he had a towel wrapped around his waist, he had the other towel on his hair dying it, I was too busy to notice that he was now standing infront of me with his classic, and exreamly hot smirk. "Come on, Padgett. I told you, you could never get enough of me." He said bringing me out of my thoughts and I diverted my eyes from his upper body to meet his eyes, his face was inches away form mine as he bent down to reach my level.
His icy blue eyes were warm and it became impossible for me to break the eye contact we made. No matter how much he touched me it was always less, I have lately been craving more of his touch. His hands exploring every inch of my skin, his lips doing the same and then hungrily meeting mine, the feeling of him inside me. I was red at my own thoughts, and his smirk widened as of reading my thoughts. I mentally kicked myself and tried my best to get a grip of myself.
"I-I n-need to t-take a s-shower." I whispered, dragging my eues anywhere exept his eyes and body. He just let out a deep chuckle making my heart race, fater than it was already doing, and a feeling in between my legs which caused me to squeeze them toghether, my stomach was filled with butterflies wandering all around.
"I never stopped you." He replied making me more embarresed of myself than I already was. He stood up straight and went into the closet still with a smirk. I quickly rushed to the bathroom and locked it puching myself against the locked door, with a hand over my mouth and other over my heart. I wanted to scream really bad and be with him forgetting all troubles we have. But I couldn't. I couldn't enjoy the privilege of enjoying life like I wanted. I looked at my body in the mirror, the scars which once embraced my skin were faded. I was not as skinny as I was, and my long hair reached my waist. My neck was filled with the evidence of what we did last night and my inner thighs were the reminder of the same.
After convincing myself that Sebestian was wrong and I didn't want him but Colton, which took a lot of time I went into the shower turning the hot water on letting it slide over my body and quickly finishing my shower.
I stepped into the closet after my shower thanking God for not bieng noticed by Sebestian as he was busy typing on his phone. I slipped on my undergarments and stood infront of my section of the closet. The closet was big enough to be a room which could easily accommodate 10 people.
After thinking a lot I just decided to wear a white turtle-neck sweater which was a bit baggy and very cozy, I paired it up with a simple pair of black leggings and went out, eager to reach the dining room because I was very hungry.
When I was out of the closet Sebestian was still there furiously typing on his phone , his mood was just a warning for me to get out the room unnoticed by him and that's exactly what I tried but was not successful. As I tried to tiptoed towards the door of the room, I flinched slightly because of his deep voice, "Where do you think you're going?" He asked piercing his eyes through my body. His tone and expression were the proof of him controling his anger.
"T-to the d-dining hall." I said careful of my choice of words. I didn't ask for a death wish. He nodded at my answer and walked towards me, he grabbed my hands in his extra large ones and took me along with him outside of the room, in the hallways towards the dining room. I was sure of this now, I finally learned most of the routes in this mansion. I learned the most basic routes for now in which dining room was the first.
Sebestian was walking ahead of me with one hand capturing mine and the other typing something on his phone. He was texting someone. Is he cheating on me?! I should be happy but I was a bit sad knowing that he was cheating on me. He is probably not, I am just overthinking. The walk was quite, which was not really helping my wild imagination about my husband cheating on me.
We reached the dining room, as the doors to the dining room opened, we were greeted by Albert and the ravishing smell of food. It was mouthwatering, I wanted nothing more to push everyone and everything in my way and just eat all the food, that was how hungry I am. I just manged to pull off a smile to Albert in return while Sebestian just swiched his phone off and sat down on his chair, while I sat down on mine. There were four plates seton the dining table with the foods. I just shrugged the thought by thinking it would be that Bradly and Alan would be joining us for breakfast today. It was fun with them around, mostly Brad because Alan was mostly about business and formal, but Brad was fun, he was funny and cute, but had his own flaws. His flaws was the constant flirting he did with me, which caused him a bit of trouble because Sebestian wasn't fine with it. His other very prominent flaw was how he used to discuss his nights with his girlfriends or sluts according to Sebestian. Alan was mostly silent while Brad was very loud and always cheerful.
"Are there any guests I should be aware of ?" Sebestian asked me with a raised eyebrow, I just shook my head as confused as him. He then looked at Albert with a questioning look.
"Mr. McAdams was here last night. He used his room." Albert replied. My guess was half wrong about Alan also joining us for breakfast and a shock on knkwing the fact that Brad had his personel room in Sebestian's mansion.
"That doesn't explain the reason for the fourth plate." Sebestian said to Albert.
Albert hesitated a bit before saying, "That Master Knight.... He was not alone he was accompanied by someone."
"And who might that someone be?" Sebestian was busy interrogating Albert while I was just having my food. These waffles tasted extra good today, I mentally made a note to thank Olga for them later.
"A female, Master Knight. And I apologise for not being aware of her identity." Albert said.
Sebestian just sighed and ate his breakfast, I was still busy devouring the waffles when the doors opened revealing Bradly. He had his hair, messed up really bad, he was clutching his head between his palms as he walked towards the plate besides me, he was groaning in pain. He had his trousers on and a robe covering his bare upper body, it gave me a chance to see it. It was good but not as good as Sebestian's. I could feel Sebestian's gaze on me while I was taking in Bradly's chest and abs. He sat besides me and managed to give me a flirtatious smile, to which I responded with moving my attention back to my plate. As he settled besides me on the chair he said, "You can look Padgett, don't feel shy. Do tell ne of this robe is bothering you ?"
I scrunched my nose as the disgusting smell hit me, he reaked of alcohol, really bad. He noticed my face and said, "Is it that bad?" He asked probably refering to the smell he had. I just nodded and after staring at each other for a few seconds we both ended up laughing, while Sebestian just sat there dumbfounded.
I myself wasn't sure of the reason we were laughing but considering the time Brad and I spent toghether in the oast days, I can call him a friend who loves to annoy everyone including me. He found out to annoy me by his constant flirting which I didn't really pay attention to but he enjoyed it.
"Can you fucking stop that ?" Sebestian said a bit loud making me flinch and Brad was just holding clutching his head again as he groaned in pain. We both were silent.
"For fuck sake Sebestian stop shouting, my head will fucking blast." Bradly replied, making it clear he had a terrible headache. Bradly then turned his head towards the silent Albert who was just watching everything with no expressions on his face, as usual. "Can you please get me something for my head ?" He asked Albert to which Albert replied, "Of course, Mr. McAdams." He excused himself only to return a minute later with two tablets, handing them over to Bradly and filling his glass with water. Bradly seemed a bit better after consuming his tablets, and said, "Now dear friend, what was the reason for your shouting at me earlier ?" He said to Sebestian, in a formal and sweet tone.
"Grow up Brad. Stop bringing your sluts in my house. I allow you to my house, not your sluts." Sebestian said clearly irritated by Bradly's behaviour.
"What ? I met her in the club and I was very drunk, the closest was your house so I came here, and I couldn't leave my dear friend behind could I ? No, that would have been against my manners. And, as for growing up noticing you, I think I would require a beautiful wife for that." Bradly sakd in his defence, turning towards me and winking at me, as he completed his sentence. This wasn't a bother to me knowing Bradly I just ignored him, but it surely wasn't fine with Sebestian.
"Brad, you son of a bitch. Stop flirting with my wife or else I'll bury you alive." Sebestian replied making me gasp as he threw the fruit knife which landed an inch away from his wrist. Bradly just pulled the knife out and put it on the table before saying, "Relax, mate. I'm not doing anything." He said shifting a bit away from me, he was scared for a minute but cleary hid it. Sebestian was still breathing heavily.
Just then the doors opened revealing someone I didn't expect to be here.
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