《Devils Spawn》~Chapter 2~


I arrived at LAX, and got off the plane colleting my bags at the bagage claim, I went through security and looked around for my uncle.

While looking over the crowd, I caught sightof a very hot, very rough looking guy. He had dark brown, almost black hair, green eyes, and tan skin. He stood at about 6'3 and was the definition of tall dark and handsome.

While I was busy checking him out, I didn't notice him walking towards me, nor did I notice the leather vest he was wearing. I finally snapped out of my daze, to find him standing in front of me, smirking.

"Hey, are you Riley Burrows?" he asked, still smirking.

"That all depends on who the hell you are." I said getting irritated with the cocky smirk.

"Fiesty, I'm Gage, your uncle sebt me to pick you up."

"Why didnt he come get me himself?"

"Great a fucken princess" he mumbled, "Just hurry up so I can stop being a fucken babysitter." The smirk was replaced with a deep scowl.

"Lead the way then." I said trying to keep my temper in check. What kind of jerk could mistake me for a princess, I'm not wearing an ounce of pink, and I don't wear skirts. "Jerk" I muttered to myself as I followed him out of the airport.

He lead me out to a black SUV and told me to put my stuff in the back. I got in the front seat and he pulled out of the parking lot.

"So…where exactly are we going?" I asked curiously.

"You ask too many questions, princess" he said not taking his eyes off the road.

"I'm going to be living there for the next year, I'd like toknow where it is exactly, that I'm going to be living."


"Just shut up and enjoy the ride, Chief will tell you all you need to know when we get there."

I sat queitly for the rest of the ride wondering, who the hell is Chief?


Afters hours of being on the road, Gage finally tells me we are coming into the town I will spend the next 12 months stuck in. We pass a sign saying welcome to Thorn, California. Well atleast I know the name of the town now.

Gage drives down the main street which consists of a few stores, a drug store, cafe and supermarket. He turns down a side street and pulls up a gate, The sign by the gate says Thorns Autos. Gage drives through the gates and parks behind the garage, he turns of the car and tells me to get out.

I look around and notice rows of harleys, and three other buildings with lod music blasting from one. Gage motions for me to stay put as he walks towards the music and voices.

As I'm waiting, I take a look at my surroundings, or what I can make out of them in the dark, there is the garage, and three buildings. One building has Devils Spawn and the club logo underneath it. The club logo was a devil with fire behind him.

I sat quietly on the hood of the car waiting for Gage to come back and tell me where I could put my stuff and go to sleep. Just as I was about to go in to the building I saw him disappear in, a man walked out. He looked about 40 and was wearing jeans, a black tshirt and a leather vest. As he got closer, I recognised him as my uncle Bill. I hadn't seen him since I turned 11 but he hadn't changed much. He had a little bit of a pot belly and some grey hairs showing around the edges but that was all, he was still a very good looking guy for his age, I guess.


"About time you got here, Riley. I was starting to think I would have to send some of the boys out to look for you two." Uncle Bill said in a gruff voice, "What, no hug for your favourite uncle?"

"Sorry uncle, it took me a second to figure out it was you?" I said playfully as I went to hug him.

Ok so you may be confused now as to why I was so against coming here before, but now I'm playing with the man I'm supposed to live with. Well, I never said I didn't want to live with my uncle, he alwats has been my favourite. I just don't want to live with the bikers.

"How was your trip Ripper? Was Gage a good boy on the way here?"

See as far back as I can remember Uncle Bill has called me ripper or rip, he has never once called me Riley. "It was boring, and Gage was a pain in the ass, he keeps calling me princess" I said annoyed.

Uncle Bill laughed, "I think he likes you Rip"

"Why do you sound happy about that?"

He shruged and pulled ot a cigarette and lit it before saying, "Come on, I'll show you where you're sleeping."

I followed him into one of the buildings, he walked down a long halway and turned right at the end before stopping at a door. He took a set of keys from his pocket and unlocked the door.

"This will be your room" he said, handing me the keys. "Any questions?"

"Yeah, who the hell is Chief?"

He laughed and turned to walk away saying over his shoulder, "I'm Chief, Rip."

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