《Devils Spawn》~Chapter 3~


I woke up the next morning in an unfamiliar room. I looked around as the last two days came back to me, my parents telling me I'm moving, Gage picking me up from the airport, uncle Bill showing me my room and telling me he is Chief.

I got out of bed and looked around the room I will call home for the next year. There were two doors opposite the bed and another door to the left of the bed. The door on the left side of tge bed is the way out, the two doors opposite went into a bathroom and the other a small closet.

Deciding to unpack later, I went into the bathroom to shower. Once I was finished getting ready, I went out into the hall and tried to find a kitchen or somewhere there would be food.

Finding anything soon vecome impossible as I somehow got lost in the maze of hallways. Damn, I need to get uncle Bill to draw me a map or something.

As I was looking for a way out of the maze, I walked into someone. Yeah I don't know how I missed seeing him standing in the hallway. He was huge, tall, well built and since he had no shirt on, extremely lickable. Damn this man has an eight pack, I thought, come to mama.

"Wipe the drool off your chin, and watch where you're going, whore." he sneered before stepping around me.

I was shocked, I mean people have been mean before but nothing as cold as that. I stood in the hallway for a minute before lifting my chin and walking down the damn corridoor in search of the exit.

After walking around for what seems like hours I finally find the exit and walk outinto the fresh Thorn air, I take a deep breath before choking on it. "Damn, what is that smell"

All I could smell was something rotten or dead, and considering the people I now live with, I'm not going to investigate the source of the smell.


"Ripper, there you are." uncle says walking up behind me "Lets go get breakfast."

I was starving so there was no way in hell I was turning him down. I followed him to his bike and got on behind him. He fired up his haley and we were off the the local diner.

When we got to the diner, the towns people looked at us before getting back to there breakfast and not making eye contact again. We take a seat in a booth and wait for the waitress.

"So how did you sleep lastnight?" uncle asked.

"Good, I didn't hear a thing from the party you were having."

"Your room is sound proof, so you wont have to put up with the shit some of the boys start up." he said.

"Thanks. So when do I start school, and when does my car get here?" I asked studying the menu.

"You start school monday and your car should be here this afternoon."

The waitress came to our table and we placed our orders. "There will be a welcoming party tonight for you so you can meet a few of the members and the old ladies. And call me Chief, uncle Bill makes me feel old" he said.

I laughed, "You are old Uncle Bill, but I will call you Chief if I must."

Our food arrived and we ate. After breakfast we went back to the clubhouse and Cheif showed me to my room again after I told him that I got lost this morning. I didn't tell him about the run in I had with the hot guy though.


Later on that day there was a knock at my door, Chief had come to tellme that my car had made it to the garage. I followed him out to inspect my car and make sure the delivery pwople hadn't scratched it. This car is my baby and nody drives her but me so I had to make sure.

When we got to my car I saw a few people standing around it. I walked around it, checking to see if it had any marks on it. Once I was satisfied, Chief gave me my keys, I got in and started it up and let the engine run for abit listening to her purr.


I thought I would go for a ride and check out the sites of the town, if there were any and see if I could find the school. As it turned out the school wasn't that far away, so I made my way back to the garage.

When I pulled up I saw some of the boys staring in awe as I passed and parked at the back. Yes, I'm a chick driving a very sexy muscle car. I parked my car and webt to my room to get ready for the party tonight.

As I was walking to my room I walked passed the asshole from this morning. "Nice car sweetheart, you must be a good fuck if Chief got you that."

I ignored him and kept walking, thats disgusting like I would fuck anyone to get what I want. He grabbed my arm and pulled me around to face him.

"Don't ignore me baby. I'm much better in bed than that old man." he said smirking at me and looking me up and down.

I shivered in disgust, he let me go and I went to my room. My good mood ruined by the asshole again.


The party was in full swing by the time I got to the building which held a bar and a few back rooms the club members could use. I walked in looking for Chief, only to find the asshole. Damn I had hoped to avoid him.

"You looking for someone to show you how its done, sweetheart?" he said, again with the damn smirk. Its hot as hell when he does it but I wish he could keep his damn mouth shut.

"Demon, leave her alone." Gage said coming up behind the asshole, whose name I now know, Demon. Kinda suits him, he has a devilish look to him with almost black eyes and sharp features, not to mention the sinful body, dayum.

"Fuck off Gage, you have no claim on the whore."

Before Gage could speak I heard the familiar voice of Cheif behind me, "He may not have a claim, Demon but you speak to my neice like that again, vice president or not, and I won't hesitate to put a bullet in your head."

By the deep and dangerous edge to his voice I knew Chief wasn't kidding. I looked back at Demon to see his eyes harden and his fists clench. I guess he didn't like being threatened.

"I didn't know she was your neice prez, but don't worry I will look out for her." By the look in his eyes when he said that I knew this wasn't going to be fun.

"Good, because starting monday she will be working in the garage after school." Chief said looking pleased with himself. What the hell is the old coot doing?!

Demon on the other hand didn't look too happy with this idea, "I already have a full payroll in the office, prez I need a mechanic not a princess."

"What is up with people calling me a princess lately? Do I look like a fucken girly girl princess to you, asshole. My car out there I built from the fucken ground up, I reconditioned the fucken engine, I changed the fucken transmission, and I can work as a fucken mechanic!" I yelled, my temper snapped and I was fuming at him while he stood there smirking like all I just said was a fucken joke.

"Alright then princess if you think you can do it I'll see you after school on monday. Just dont mix up the socket wrench and the spanner." he said and walked out.

"Welcome to Devils Spawn, Ripper." Chief said.

Fuck this I need a drink. I made my way to the bar and proceeded to get absolutly hammered. Lights out baby, tequila kicks ass.

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