《His Elixir | 18 + | COMPLETED》C A P I T O L O S E D I C I



A cat lady; a woman, often old and lonely, who devotes herself to stray cats.

S H I R A ' S P O V

Lorena rubbed my back soothingly, her calming aura had comforted me. My cheeks were cold, my glass like tears stained them red. I could tell my nose was red as the coldness tingled on it. I steadied my breath, inhaling and exhaling. I pulled away from Lorena and my eyes looked down at the sun-kissed grass.

I didn't want her to see those blood-shot eyes of mine that had 'Infertile' written on them. "Hey, look at me, dear," Lorena looked up at me with a small smile. "Don't look away from me, Shira, you must think positive. Miracles take a little bit of time to happen, sì" I looked up, meeting her gaze. I nodded whilst small tears still travelled down my cheeks.

(T: yes)

"Anyway, wipe these tears away and let's talk about Val" She winked and wiggled her eyebrows. I laughed and wiped my tears away, still sniffling. She took my hand and pulled me down to sit down on the grass, her brown hair glowing in the golden sun. "So, now don't deny! But what were you doing before you went to the beach and earlier on today." She looked puzzled.

"Nothing-" I began but Lorena pulled my ear gently yet hard. I moaned in discomfort.

"Don't say 'nothing' because I saw the amount of tension there was between the two of you. My, my you would need a very sharp knife to cut that." I was speechless at her comment. "Shira, it's time for you to take time and look for someone decent. Don't fret Theo or Alexandre, they will need to accept that you have grown up and you're not a little girl anymore."

"But-" I wasn't given a chance to speak as Lorena shushed me. I smiled at her lecture. This was definitely one thing I missed, Lorena's lectures were very funny. She would try to act all serious and bold but her loving side would always come out in the end.

"Look, if there's something going on, welcome it and see whether it works out. You'll never know until you find out for yourself..." Lorena began to ramble on, which she had a bad habit of doing.


"Lorena-" I grabbed her hand and looked at her. "There's nothing going on, besides I don't think Valerius likes me like that because he's just playing around you know." I said in all honesty. Valerius needed a strong queen for himself and his business

"No, I don't actually know," She sarcastically said. "Shira, I see something there that I have never seen when Valerius was with Chantelle." She said, looking in the depth of my eyes that held confusion.

"Chantelle and Valerius's relationship?" I questioned. Chantelle, the model of a lingerie brand. I never knew they were both together, I mean how could I when I didn't even meet him until now. I started to feel somewhat sad but I quickly masked it.

"Yes, before all of this ever happened, and what I mean this, I mean Valerius becoming a player, he was in a very unhealthy relationship. All I can say is that Valerius truly loved that girl but she was one nasty woman." She spoke out of disgust.

"Why, what did she do to make you call her 'nasty'?" I wanted to know more and what I have missed throughout the three years I haven't been here, but also know more about Valerius.

"Valerius would always shower with love, would always show her off as she was beautiful on the outside but on the inside she was rotten. Chantelle would spend money on unnecessary things. De Santis's may be rich but they don't waste money but put it to good use. She would cry and whine over petty things. If things didn't go her way she would get all upset. She was just a bad vibe and thank god we no longer have her."

Valerius loved her way too much, after a very long day at work, he would always manage to buy her something, something expensive. The business was failing and this was one of a hundred problems on top. The one-sided love broke him. He may seem fine but he's torn, the name itself re-opens that wound that's still healing." I was shocked to hear this unusual side of Valerius, but it made sense because if you have put your heart into someone and they betray you, it makes you do the unthinkable.


"What happened between the two?" I wanted to know, call it my curiosity but at least it will stop the questions swarming my mind

"She betrayed him at the weakest point in his life, she left him to get married to the Russian mob, Maxim Petrov. Valerius isn't the same person as he was before, when he kills he thinks of her betrayal. The number of times he came home bloody was ridiculous. He said if love exists he doesn't want it. He doesn't want the pain. I hope she burns in hell." The sun had set and darkness had surrounded us and all that was left was the eerie silence and spine chilling cold that ran up my back.

I wished that I had known earlier or that I met Valerius earlier. It may sound stupid but I care for him deeply. "Shira, I'm sure Val will tell you the full story one day, he will open up, he has to and I feel like you're the right person for him." Lorena looked at me with comfort. I played with the daisy in my hand as I contemplated whether he would open up to me or not. Chances are high that he won't.

"I don't think I am Lorena, I told you I'm not that person," The same thought invaded my mind. My infertility took me back to square one. The same level which brought me down, made me crumble to the ground.

"Each and every dinner from the day I found out, I prayed for the same thing over and over again alongside the health of my loved ones. But it seems like God has its favourites. Those who neglect their child are blessed with one, and me-" I scoff. " Who adores children immensely, I'm not able to conceive for what reason? I don't know," I stood up and left, running back into the house. I could hear Lorena faintly call but I ignored it.

The wind enhanced the tears to once again come out of my eyes. Once I got in my goal was to reach my room. "Shira, boss phoned he wants to speak to you lat- Shira are you ok?" Riccardo asked as he noticed tears ran down my cheeks. Angelo and Sienna were both holding his hands and looking at me dismally. I ignored him and ran towards my room as Lorena's voice was becoming more evident.

I ran near the stairs and was bumped into a hard chest. The scent gave off who stood in front of me. "Shira?" His voice wasn't raspy nor deep but heartwarming and comforting. I didn't say anything but tried to move out of his way but he blocked my path.

Tears were coming out of my eyes, I tried to hold them back but the reminder inside me managed to break me apart. "Hey, hey." Valerius cooed as he lifted my chin, his cold eyes now full of concern and something else that I couldn't put my finger on.

He cupped my face and wiped my tears with his thumbs. "Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying, bellissima?" I didn't answer as my lip trembled.

"Shira?" Lorena's voice called out, behind me. Valerius's hand on my face loosened and I moved past him running up the stair to my room. My name was called twice by Valerius until I locked my door and heard Lorena's and Valerius's muffled voices.

I reached for my phone and dialled the only person, who would calm me down and whose voice would soothe my beating heart of mine. Once I dialled, I waited patiently. It rang twice until the voice on the other side greeted me. I finally let go of the sobs that I held.


Hello, my loves, hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was quite a sad one :( Hope you have a lovely day or a good night's sleep

What's one thing you always wear? (jewellery)

I always wear my gold evil eye necklace and a necklace my friend gave me.

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