《His Elixir | 18 + | COMPLETED》C A P I T O L O D I C I A S S E T T E



Literally to spit out a frog; to speak one's mind

"Chérie? Don't cry, look, you have to be strong and I know you can do that. Papa didn't raise you to break easily." My tears died down leaving the traces behind. I spilt everything, everything that my breaking heart couldn't hold. Since I found out about my sudden 'infertility' I first and foremostly told my parents and they arranged for me to go to Paris.

I hummed and he began to soothe me with his words. "Chérie, what time did you last eat?" He asked as he knew that I needed to eat because sleeping with an empty stomach makes me groggy in the mornings.

"About 4 hours ago," I said timidly. I did begin to feel hungry but I didn't want to go downstairs. "Chérie, have something to eat. I'll call you tomorrow. Also, Maman and I have something to tell you but we will explain soon."

"Ok Papa, take care, bonne nuit. Bisous." I said sadly. Just as the call ended, a gentle knock tapped on my locked door. I froze because I didn't feel like seeing anyone for the time being. Another soft knock tapped again.

(T: goodnight, kisses)

"Amore mio, are you ok?" Angelo spoke in his sweet loving voice. I was awed by his cute gesture. "Yes, mon chéri," I shuffled from my bed heading to my door, as I was about to open the door a note slipped through.

I opened it and it was a drawing of a flower with a yellow sun in the corner drawn by Sienna as I know the way she draws her flowers which always consisted of pink petals and a bright yellow pistil whereas, Angelo would draw a rose. A little message was written using a blue crayon.

Despite the little mistakes, I smiled and my heart warmed at the cute letter in my hands. I unlocked my door and came face to face with a concerned-looking Valerius. I looked away from his eyes, trying to find Angelo, who was nowhere to be found.

"Um, where's Angelo?" I asked, still not looking at him. "I...Um... I kinda used him to...check up on you because I knew you wouldn't have opened up if I was going to ask you." Valerius stammered, his ears turning red.

"Oh, um I'm fine now, thanks." I smiled awkwardly. Valerius looked down on me and pulled my chin up, as if reading me like an open book he disagreed. I was about to enter my room again and close the door when Valerius placed his foot against the door.

"You're not fine and you need to eat!" Valerius yelled, he grabbed my wrist hard but not hard enough to leave a mark. He dragged me out of my room and took me into his.


Once he pulled me into his room, he dragged me to the balcony area. I was hit with the smell of chicken casserole, the smell of fresh vegetables and the strong scent of chicken wafted through my lungs. It smelt delicious.

"What is this?" I was puzzled. I looked at the scene in front of me, it was a candlelit dinner. The vase, which helped the roses stand tall and show off their delicate petals.

The metal bucket with ice sunk at the bottom and filled midway kept the white wine chilled. Heads of orchids and daisies were carelessly yet perfectly scattered around the table. Steam emitted from the casserole pot filled our surroundings and my heart melted at the scenery.

Valerius closed the sliding door shut and pulled the chair and signalled me to sit down. I obeyed and sat down as he slid the chair back in. I blushed at his chivalry.

"Thank you" I looked outside to be amazed by the view of the back garden. I stared as the moon gleamed on the beautiful scenery presented in front of me. "It's beautiful isn't it?" I said out of the blue.

"Yeah, it is." Feeling his eyes on me, I turned to be met with his eyes locked on me. I felt my cheeks brighten. "So, did you cook this?" I broke the tension and Valerius cleared his throat and picked his spoon and tapped it on the clothed table.

"Yes, I heard from Lorena this is your favourite, I hope you like it." I was stunned but it was this cute gesture that lightened my day. Valerius picked the ladle and poured some of the chicken casserole into my white soup bowl.

"Here, bon appétit" He placed my bowl in front of me. I smiled as I inhaled the mouth-watering scent. French sounded good on his lips, I stared at how he carefully placed the lid on the pot. He had a heart, he just needed to find his way back. "What?" He asked.

(T: Enjoy your meal)

"Nothing but thank you, you didn't have to. I would've prepared a simple dish." I said honestly. I stirred the soup and scooped up a decent amount before blowing on it.

"Well, I didn't want you to just have a simple dish after you cried." I looked at him in the eyes as I saw a side that was undiscovered until now. I could see the care he held within him.

Lorena was right, Valerius was sweet and pure. I wondered how much hurt Chantelle must have caused him for him to put aside his sanity. "Mia tigre, I know I'm incredibly handsome but please you don't want the food to get cold now, do we?" He smirked, bringing back his cockiness.

"You have one big ego," I rolled my eyes before tasting the hot soup, the taste of all kinds of spices perfectly added enhanced the natural flavour. The flavour plastered itself on my tongue and I was instantly addicted.


"I'm quite proud of it, but I'm more proud of the big D I have" I gulped and licked my lips whilst clenching my legs together.

"Can I have something to drink please?" I said as I tried to clear my throat. Valerius popped open the bottle of wine, which was placed in a bucket of ice and poured a decent amount into my glass. "Thank you." I said.

Valerius poured some into his glass too and sipped some too. "Why are you getting so worked up, tigre? I was referring to my demeanour." He laughed and sipped more of his wine.

I carefully eyed him as the cold wine entered his mouth and how his plump lips hooked on the rim of the glass. Valerius smirked as he caught me staring longer than I should have. Looking down at my food, we continued to dine.

After dinner, Valerius collected the plates and we went inside. I asked him whether he needed any help. He said he was taking care of me today. I sat on his bed and reached out for the book that intrigued me the other day. A few were romance novels like this and most were a range of poetry. I continued to read from the page, I left off.

Consumed in the book, I didn't notice when Valerius walked in. I closed the book and as I was about to place it back on the shelf, Valerius halted my movements. "You can have it, I have read it a couple of times." He pushed the book towards me. I thanked him whilst he situated himself next to me.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to but why were you crying, bellissima?" I turned to face him, concern was in his eyes which made me want to open my heart to him, but what am I to him apart from his dad's best friend's daughter?

"I was feeling low and needed to talk to Papa." I partially told him the truth. I felt that he knew I didn't want to go any further about the topic so he nodded and left it. "Valerius, can I ask you something?"

"Yes, bellissima," He spoke with a small smile on his lips. "When did you learn how to cook?" I smiled, diverting the subject.

"Ah, well in Italy I was fond of cooking, it was a small hobby for me. The cooks were good but I wanted to experiment with flavours so I did just that. No one can beat my mama's cooking. It's the best of the best." I laughed and smiled at his optimism.

"True but all food that comes from our mum is the best," I said as I reminisced the thought of my mother's cooking.

"Yeah, their secret ingredient is love which you can't find anywhere but from them." Valerius said as he smiled at the thought too.

We talked, laughed and found out a lot about one another. It was late and so I stood up ready to leave but Valerius held my arm and stood with me. "Where are you going?" He questioned as he pulled me closer to him.

"It's late, I should go. Besides, you probably have a lot of work to do." I smiled at him before taking another step towards the door. Valerius halted me once again, taking my hand in his.

"Stay. Stay with me tonight, please." It was more of a plea rather than a demand. I looked at him and thought whether I should or not. "Please, bellissima, I don't want you to leave yet." I nodded and agreed but something within me found it weird how Valerius said it in a way as if I was leaving him forever. Forever like Chantelle did.

"Fine, but I need to give my compliments to the chef first." I said, lightening the mood. "Well, you see he's a very busy man but I can pass it to him." Valerius said as his hands instinctively grabbed onto my waist gently. His face so close to mine.

"Ok, tell him dinner was perfetta-" I whispered in his ear and wrapped my arms around his neck. I copied what he told me when I first cooked for him, his body became rigid.

(T: perfect)

"And tell him how next time I would like a dessert." I finished off and pulled away with my arms still wrapped around his neck. Valerius's eyes had darkened and he brought his face closer, pecking me on the side of my lips.

"The chef sincerely apologises and will remember your preferences for next time, my lady-" Valerius spoke, which brought a smile to my lips. "-but he did only what the boss told him to do." He stated as he brought our bodies together.

"And what did the boss ask him to do?" I played along as I held a questioning gaze. "That I should provide you with dessert." With that being said Valerius slammed his lips on mine as my hands travelled to his hair where I tugged.

Indulging myself in the moment.

Hello, my loves, hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a lovely day or a good night's sleep

What show are you currently watching?

I watching Love Alarm and it's so good. I'm in love

Update: I am watching a Turkish show!

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