《His Elixir | 18 + | COMPLETED》C A P I T O L O Q U I N D I C I



Literal meaning: Reheated Cabbage Meaning: The attempt to revive a failed relationship.

S H I R A ' S P O V

My devilish mind wanted Valerius to bite my lip until it bled, bled for him. My eyes were still locked on his prussian blue eyes that instantly made me succumb to him. My name was being called from a distance and interrupted my wild thoughts. I withdrew my eyes from him, I stood up and picked up my plate to place it in the dishwasher.

Valerius's eyes still stayed on me, targeting me like his prey. "You know by taking a picture, the view will last longer." I deadpanned. Valerius laughed and his beautiful smile enticed me.

"Mm, I think that would be you, mia tigre, " Valerius came close behind me and cornered me. His right hand came up to push a hair that always managed to situate itself on my face whilst his other hand instinctively held my waist. "I saw how you were checking me out earlier, don't deny it."

I couldn't. It was hard for me to deny it. His body is literally perfection to the next level. His muscles are perfectly defined, I don't think I have seen anyone this perfect. "I wasn't checking you out. I was-" I was interrupted.

"Please don't say you were checking out your bodyguard because he has a boyfriend. Mm, what's his name again?" He looked questioningly but I could tell he knew. "Alejandro? Isn't that right, Shira?" I gulped and lowered my gaze whilst the red embarrassed look on my face answered his question.

"Lorena called for me, I have to go." I whispered. It came out as more of a question, asking him whether I could leave or not. "Fine but you have lied to me," He said. I looked up to see amusement yet seriousness in his eyes.


"What! I didn't even lie though." I said. Valerius pushed the hair that situated itself on my face, behind my ear. His finger traced my jawline ever so slow. "You were about to. So get ready for another punishment, mia tigre." My panties damped as his Italian accent took over.

I couldn't believe that I could be so aroused just listening to Valerius speak in his mother language. He could insult or degrade me and my lower regions will still sweat for him.

I gasped and moved past him, making my way to Lorena. I knew exactly where she would be. I walked along the path that my small feet used to run on. The memories seemed to flow and run like oxygen through my blood.

Sienna and Angelo were playing Uno with Riccardo and by the look of it Sienna was winning as she had only one card left to put down. I passed them and entered the next gap with roses blooming on each side.

Lorena sat down on the white swing and she had her eyes closed as the water fountain melodious sound relaxed her and the late afternoon sun shone down on her, warming her. Sensing my presence she opened her eyes. "Come, sit here, chèrie." She tapped on the free space next to her.

(T: Darling)

I sat down and made myself comfortable. "What did you want to talk about, Lorena?" I asked as I rested my head on her shoulder whilst her hand came up and held my chin. "Chèrie, you know you don't have to hide anything from me." She said as her eyes held worry. I knew what she was on about.

"I know and you know that I would never hide anything from you." I sighed, letting out a heavy breath. "It's just that .I-" I exhaled again.

"Shira, I don't want to say that I understand your pain because I don't, but I want to you to at least assure me everything is going well." I looked into the depth of her hazel eyes. Her concern for me grew even more as I remained silent.


"Well, let's say this thing hasn't made any progress." I said, refusing to say the word that haunts me. Lorena took my hand in hers, holding it tight.

"Shira, it takes time. You must have faith. Hopefully, the results of the next one come out well." She assured me. I did have faith, but I didn't have much of it left like I used to

"I have noticed you and Valerius become quite close." My eyes snapped wide to her hazel ones. I knew she was trying to avert the previous conversation but it was brought up, it was hard to get rid of, but I played along.

"We are just talking." I lied. Lorena smiled and laughed at my horrible excuse. "Not only have you got your dad's face but his terrible lies when he fell in love with your mother." My face paled on hearing what Lorena was saying. "I haven't fallen for Valerius, Lorena." I couldn't, no I can't. I have only met him for less than a month and I just couldn't.

"Chèrie, I saw how both of you gaze into each other's eyes and speak words that cannot be spoken. I also saw what he did when he was telling you to get ready to go to the beach." I was speechless but it still didn't justify how I had 'fallen' for him.

"I'm sure it means nothing Lorena, Valerius probably does that to most girls and I'm not his type at all." It was too early to say that he likes me or vice versa. "If either I or Valerius falls in love, I would have to stop it." I said, looking at Lorena.

"What do you mean chèrie, you can't do that. You can't blame yourself for falling in love nor should you and you can't stop this from hurting you." Tears began brewing in my eyes.

"If Valerius falls in love with you, you can't stop him. He's also hurting too, chèrie." Lorena said, looking at me. Tears were flowing down my cheeks. The tears were turning cold as the sun was beginning to set and the breeze brushed them.

"Valerius or anyone deserves better. All the reports have turned negative. Do you think that I will be accepted to be someone's wife in this world I was brought up in." I questioned as my tears flowed uncontrollably. "Valerius is the Don isn't he?" I stood up and took a couple of steps forward.

"Yes, chèrie, but please don't-'' I interrupted Lorena and spoke of the chaos that swirled in the pit of my stomach. "Wouldn't it be embarrassing for the Don or any leader not to have an heir?" I questioned but it was rhetorical.

"Would I be accepted for being infertile here?" I turned to look at Lorena searching for an answer in her hazel eyes, but there was nothing but pity. As always.

"Shira, the second test will come soon, everything doesn't work for the first time," Lorena said, she walked up to me and hugged me tightly. Her soft hands stroking the back of my head. I cried on her shoulder, my tears fell like heavy bricks down my cheeks, turning them blistering red.

Hello, my loves, how was this chapter? Let me know! Anyways, have a lovely day or a good night's sleep

Do you have a pet peeve? If so, what is it?

Yes. I hate it when people chew really loud and also foot tappers. Sorry if I offended anyone

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