《His Elixir | 18 + | COMPLETED》C A P I T O L O Q U A T T O R D I C I



The play of light reflected from water or a mirror; a sunlit area; figuratively. A woman who flaunts her charms or wishes to dazzle you with her elegance.

S H I R A ' S P O V

It hasn't even been a month yet and here I am teasing and seducing Valerius De Santis. What am I even thinking? Hearing Valerius groan and curse out loud, I sprinted to my room and closed the door beside me, locking it.

I inhaled and exhaled, controlling my heartbeat which felt as if I ran in the Olympics. The throb in my lower regions was eager to be touched but I held back.

After cleaning myself up and dressing in comfortable clothing, I opened my door to be met with an extremely hot Valerius, who was wearing just a pair of plain black joggers that hung loosely on his waist teasing me with his hot V line.

"Visto qualcosa che ti piace, bellissima?" He winked with a smile sported on his face. I wanted to pounce on him like the tiger he calls me. I averted my eyes from his waist to look through the railing, noticing Riccardo with his amazing navy blue suit.

(T: Saw something you like, beautiful.)

"Si, una cosa che mi piace molto" I replied. Valerius looked where my eyes directed towards and he clenched his fists, his veins in his forearms were even sexier than they were before and his knuckles turned white. Valerius doesn't know that Riccardo is gay so it was funny watching his reaction.

(T: Yes, something I really like)

Leaving him in the middle of the hall, I went down the stairs and greeted Riccardo and hugged him. I felt those icy eyes that make my lower regions sweat with arousal, bore holes in my back. I questioned Riccardo with the usual about Alejandro, then left him to complete his job.

Walking into the kitchen, two little monsters greeted me with a big "Boo!" I gasped and laughed it off. Kneeling, I tickled them both for their little mischievous act. Lorena laughed and placed only two plates on the table.


"Are you and the kids not eating, Lorena?" I stood up and helped her bring the rest of the equipment. "We have already eaten, you and Val took a very long time upstairs." She replied, emphasising the word 'very' as a small smirk was playing on her lips.

"Oh...Um sorry for the delay, the flour was hard to get out of my hair." That was the best excuse I could currently come up with but noticing how Lorena trying to keep a straight face made my face heat up with embarrassment.

"Mm, sure? Anyway, I have to speak to you about something later." Lorena looked at me as the amusement in her face faded. "Is something wrong? Have I done something?" I asked, holding a questioning yet worried gaze as I stared in the motherly eyes. Lorena's face brightened up and shook her head 'no'.

"No, darling. Meet me in the garden after you have eaten , I have a little surprise." She grabbed my chin gently and caressed my cheek. I smiled and nodded before taking a seat.

"Amore mio, who won in the end?" Angelo asked just as Valerius walked in. "Obviously, Valval did!" Sienna said optimistically. Rolling her eyes at Angelo.

Valerius frowned as he remembered how I left him with blue balls. I lifted my eyebrows up and down and tilted my head to the side and I scratched my neck. " Our fratello always wins." I tried to hide my laughter.

(T: brother)

Valerius remained quiet, while Sienna looked for an answer. "Wow Val, that's the first," Lorena said smiling. "Sienna. Angelo. Let's go and leave them to eat, yes? We have some gardening to do, remember?" Lorena spoke.

"Buon Appetito." They both said as each one of them grabbed Lorena's hand whilst waving goodbye at us. "Grazie." Valerius and I said. I looked over to see him still embarrassed. I tried to hide my laugh but it wasn't possible.

"You find this funny, don't you?" He looked at me with one eyebrow cocked up. Valerius walked behind me as I sat down in my place next to where he was seated.


"I wouldn't say funny," I said honestly looking at him. "Actually, I find it quite hilarious." I deadpanned. Valerius rolled his perfect eyes and sat down, picking a slice of pizza.

I copied his action and picked up a slice of pizza and as soon as the savoury flavour came in contact with my mouth, I moaned delightedly as I allowed the amazing flavours of the Italian dish hit my taste buds. Valerius coughed, snapping me out of my trance.

He mumbled something that I couldn't hear as I continued to eat the rest of my pizza. "Um...So, I heard you went to Lyon, can I ask why?" Valerius curiously asked as he took another slice of the pizza.

"Of course, um..." I started, taking another slice of pizza. " I went to Lyon to volunteer," I said, biting into the end of the pizza. Valerius looked at me bewildered.

"Volunteering? For what" His eyes showed interest. "Helping kids who are orphans or up for adoption. The amount of money that comes through the business line given to me, half of it goes to these children and to poorer parts of the world too" It wasn't a lie what I said but I did miss out on the main reason why I left.

Valerius's eyes showed something I never have seen before and that was admiration. For a split second, it looked like he wasn't what the gossipers of the Mafia world portrayed him as or like he was when I first arrived here. He looked new and it was a good type of new. "Can I ask you something?" I said as his expression returned unexpressive.

"Ask me two." His voice echoed as his lips clamped on the rim of the glass, drinking the exotic wine he poured into both of our crystal glasses. "Why didn't you come here when you were younger?" I asked, circling my thumb over my index finger. I was curious since I have never seen him, especially during my childhood.

"Mm, I stayed in Italy because our business started off there and I got to understand the history of our business in order to be successful for the future. I did visit from time to time but never saw you, only Alexandre, Theo and Melanie." I felt regret swoon over me as most of the time I denied going anywhere as I paid attention in my studies and training.

"I came here three years ago and met Ace. I wanted to meet you as Theo mentioned you a lot to me. I haven't met Abella yet." He said adjusting himself comfortably to his seat.

"Trust me you don't want to see her, she's a troublemaker." I laughed then sipped on the sweet taste of my wine that lingered on my lips and tongue.

Valerius stood up from his chair and situated himself in front of me. "She can't be that much of a troublemaker like you are, mia tigre." He emphasised the word 'that' and traced his thumb over my lower lip whilst holding the bottom of my chin with his index finger.

(T: my tigress)

"I'm not a troublemaker," I whispered only for him to hear. Valerius pulled his thumb downwards dragging my lower lip in the process.

"You are more than a troublemaker, mia tigre, you're a tease." He said, looking at me, eye levelled. Unconsciously I bit my lip and averted my gaze away from his piercing blue ones.

Then, Valerius's dominating tone made me instantly obey, his hand pulled my chin making my eyes return to his and his thumb dragged my lip again: "Stop that, else I'll do it myself. Even harder."

Hello, my loves, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Let me know your thoughts. Anyways, have a lovely day or a good night's sleep

What's the first thing you notice in someone?

Their eyes.

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