《Under the Radar》Trouble Part 1:Daniel's POV


"Hey man, hear about the 'new' kid?" Jax pulled out a cigarette and lit it. "Heard he was bad. Bad as in, just out of jail bad. Apparently he's not too shabby on the eyes either." He informed.

Vinnie typed away on his phone before looking up at me, serious and confused expression plastered on his face. "Yeah apparently the entire school's avoiding him like the plague. Tanner said when he walked in, everyone froze and went to the nearest classroom. Well, everyone except for the slutty girls."

Ronnie snorted. "Looks like we've got some competition, boys." I rolled my eyes. No one, and I mean no one, will steal my title. EVER.

I leaned off the wall and stalked off to find this title-stealing-parasite. As I slammed the front doors to the school open, all eyes on me; just the way I liked it. I fixed my leather jacket and smirked as I saw the usual reactions of my peers. Guys either avoided eye contact or shrunk back in fear. Girls either hid or tried to get my attention.

The clicking of my motorcycle boots echoed through the halls, not one person made a noise as I made my way towards the unfamiliar face. Once I stopped in front of him, he stopped talking to the trampy-blonde next to him. "Can I help you?" He raised an eyebrow.

I threw him a fake smile and chuckled before losing the smiled and grabbing the collar of the kid's shirt. "I'm looking for the new kid. And I'm pretty sure, I haven't seen you before. Either that's a coincidence or you're the dipshit I'm looking for."

Tough-Guy over here thinks it would be okay to push me around. While I stumbled back, he smirked at me. "Either that or you're blind as a bat. But sure, yeah, I'm the 'new' kid. What's it to ya?" He crossed his arms and leaned against the lockers.


I clenched me fist. "Just a warning: stay out of my way and don't go after what's mine." I started to walk away when he laughed. I turned about to knock the shit out of him when I saw him smiling and coming towards me.

"You're cool man. But don't worry, I got my mind set on some things anyways." He stuck out his hand.

I tensed up but eventually shook it. "Daniel, Daniel Storm. School 'bad boy' and 'delinquent'. Sit with us at lunch." He agreed at we started in our own directions. But I stopped and shouted towards him. "Hey, kid! Got a name?"

His smile was crooked and mischievous; scary, almost. "James. My name is James."

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