《Pregnant By The School's Player.》Excited For The Genders.
Chapter 21:
Sophia's POV:
It's been two weeks since Jayden's been on the team. He's really good, almost as good as Jake. But Jake is still the best player. So since Jayden's on the team he spends more time with Jake and the guys so he's gotten to know them more and now they're all really good friends which made me really happy to see him find more good friends. Also, Ty and Taylor have become friends with Jake and the others too, we have lunch with them all the time now!
Because of us becoming friends with Jake and the others we're now the most popular group in school! I don't really care about popularity, just as long as I have close friends, that's all that matters! Lots of people are trying to become friends with us, even Elena's friend Avril tried to become my friend but I hate her. Emily's gotten really close with Charlie, I keep telling her to ask him out but she's scared. Maybe I should ask him for her. The bell rings and I get my stuff and leave the class room. I go to my locker and throw my books into it.
All these books were getting harder to hold with my growing belly. I decide to go over to Jayden's locker so we could go to lunch. I grab my bag from my locker and make my way to his locker to see him making out with a girl against it. Another girl comes up to him and slaps his cheek. Whoa, what's going on here?! Who is she and why is she slapping my best friend's cheek!
"You cheating bastard," the girl who slapped him yells. She slaps him again before storming off. What the fuck?! Jayden didn't tell me he had a girlfriend, he would never cheat. The girl who he was making out with him slaps him too and storms off. Jayden turns around and spots me. I walk over to him with shock. This wasn't like him.
"What was that?" I ask.
"Nothing," he answers, shrugging as if it was nothing. I notice he was checking out a girl across the hall from us. He winks at her and she walks off giggling. Is this Jayden?! He's not a player, what's happen him?
"This isn't you, Jayden."
"Who said I can't have a few girlfriends." A few?! How many has he been dating?
"You have never cheated, you hate people who cheat and now you've become one of them," I say sadly. I don't want Jayden like those players!
"So what?" he mumbles.
"Those guys from the football team have changed you." Not Brad, Danny, Austin, Charlie, Alex, Bennett and Cameron, they were players but not as bad as some of the other football players.
"I'm the same person," he yells, slamming his locker door closed. He never gets angry, especially not with me. He wasn't an aggressive person, he doesn't slam things.
"Okay no need to shout," I whisper. I was a tiny bit scared of him at the moment. He was like a different person. Those football players are a bad influence on him. "I don't like the way you're treating girls."
"So? What's it got to do with you?" he mutters.
"So you're not a player, Jay, you've never wanted to hurt a girl's feelings so why are you now? You're turned into a player just like them, you shouldn't sleep around," I tell him.
"You can't say much," he yells with frustration and as soon as he says it I know that he regrets it. Tears start to spring from my eyes. "Soph, I'm-" I walk off before he can say anything else. I go into the lunch hall and sit beside Ty and Taylor, the others weren't here yet.
"You okay, Soph?" Taylor asks with worry. I wipe my tears away and nod.
"What's up?" Ty asks, wrapping his arm around me for comfort.
"It doesn't matter," I assure them.
"Of course it matters, what's happened?" Taylor asks. I can't say it, I'm still shocked. I don't want it to be true, my best friend has become someone I can't even recognise anymore. He hates me and thinks I'm a whore. Well maybe I am because I'm pregnant but he doesn't have to say it to my face.
"I think I've lost someone really close to me," I whisper, wishing it wasn't true. They pull me into a hug quickly. "And I really want them back," I cry.
"Is it Emily or Jake? I'll kill Jake if he's done something," Ty says, angrily.
"No, can we not talk about it," I sniffle.
"Whatever you want, I just hope you're okay," Taylor smiles.
"Thanks, I'll be fine." They rub my back as I pull back. I notice Jake and the others coming over. I quickly wipe all my tears and put on a smile.
"Hey, baby," Jake greets then kisses me as he sits down. He caresses my baby bump which has gotten a lot bigger in the past two weeks. I'm now eighteen weeks and it was very noticeable and big. I put my hand on top of his and he leans down and kisses it. He was just so loving and sweet. The babies have kicked a lot since two weeks ago as well. I can finally get them to kick for me.
"You're going to be the best Dad ever," Emily says, smiling over at Jake.
"He already is," I grin. He smiles and kisses me again.
"And you're the best mom ever," he says softly. I hope I am, I love them so much. I don't want to be a bad mother to them. "Do you want to come over after school?"
"Um..." I say, uncertainly.
"It's fine if you don't," he says.
"No it's not that I don't, it's just I'm really tired, I just want to go home and sleep," I lie.
"I understand," he says.
"I'm sorry."
"You don't have to apologise, it's fine baby." The real reason is I'm upset about Jayden and don't feel like talking to anyone at the moment. After school I walk to the woods after I told Zach and James I was going to the woods. It was near our house and I always went there when I was upset or wanted to think. I never saw Jayden during the rest of school which made me a bit glad because if I saw him I would have gotten more upset but I also want to see him because I miss him, it wasn't the same at lunch without him.
When I get to the woods I go to my favourite place which was deep into the woods. I sit on the white bench and look at the scenery surrounding me. I could hear birds singing and I saw a few rabbits, they were so cute and fluffy. I love this place, it's so beautiful and the scenery is amazing. The sounds were so soothing and the fresh air was refreshing. Suddenly, I heard some footsteps and someone comes up behind me.
"I thought I'd find you here," Jayden says. I look away from him and get up. "Please don't go." I sigh and sit back down. He sits beside me and tries to get me to look at him. "Soph, I didn't mean what I said, I'm really sorry and I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but please Soph. I'm so, so sorry." He looks so guilty and sad, I know he really is sorry but I'm still upset with him.
"It doesn't matter," I say quietly.
"It does matter, I was acting horrible to you and you were just looking out for me. I can never forgive myself for hurting you like that, you're my best friend and I was a total prick."
"I forgive you, Jay," I assure him.
"Really?" he asks with disbelief.
"Of course I do, I can't lose you, you're my best friend and I can't live without you." He gives me a bear hug which was very tight but loving.
"You don't know how much that means to me to hear that come out of your mouth," he whispers in my ear. As he pulls back I could smell his breath.... It smelt like alcohol.
"Have you been drinking?" I ask, shocked.
"I was last night with some guys from the team," he says, guiltily.
"But you're under aged."
"I know, they were all doing it and they kept saying to, so I did."
"You shouldn't fall into peer pressure."
"I know, it was the only time and I'm never doing it again. I didn't mean to cheat on all those girls either. I do hate when people cheat and now I've turned out just like them."
"It doesn't matter, Jay. You're not like those people, it only happened this one time."
"But I never slept with any of them no matter how drunk I was. I haven't slept with anybody."
"I know you don't sleep around, I shouldn't have said it," I say.
"I was drunk, I didn't mean to say that to you. But still me being drunk isn't an excuse, I should never have said that to you drunk or sober."
"It's okay, Jay, I told you I've already forgiven you," I reassure him.
"Thanks, Soph. I'm not going to be a player anymore, I promise. I hate this me I like the old me better."
"I like the old you better too." He gives me a smile and holds my hand. "I love you Jay, don't ever change yourself, you're perfect the way you are."
"I love you too, Soph, and you're perfect just the way you are too." He kisses my hand and cheek. Jayden's like a big brother to me, he's so kind and caring. I love him so much and he's my best friend. Emily and Jayden are both my best friends and I couldn't live without either of them. I know he'll keep to his promise, he's a good guy. I rest my head on his shoulder and look at the scenery again. We chat for a while then it started to get dark and cold so Jayden offers me his jumper.
"No thanks," I refuse.
"You need it to keep warm, Soph, for yourself and the babies." He puts his jumper over me before I can object. I smile and put it on.
"But you'll get cold."
"I don't care, you're more important," he says, putting his hand on my bump. After he feels a little kick he smiles warmly then helps me off the bench and we walk back to my house.
"Want to come in?" I ask, standing at the door.
"I should probably go and do my homework but thanks." I take off his jumper and pass it back to him.
"I'll see you tomorrow then."
"Yeah I will, and thank you again for forgiving me, Sophia. You mean a lot to me and I never meant it. I'll see you tomorrow." I give him a hug and wave him off as he goes out my gate and turns right. He waves back and we smile at each other. When he was gone from my sight, I go inside. I enter the kitchen, I see my school bag on the counter, I gave it to James when I told him I was going to the woods. I lift it up and walk into the living room with it. Zach was watching TV when I enter. I sit beside him and start doing my homework.
"You okay, when you go to the woods you're usually upset," Zach says with a concerned look.
"Yeah but it's all sorted now," I assure him. James emerges from his bedroom with Isabella. I do not want to know what they did in there.
"You All right Soph, you've been gone a while," James says.
"And you two have been in there a while," Zach says, rolling his eyes, making me cringe as I think of what they were probably doing. James chuckles and Isabella blushes. "Oh my god, you two seriously did, while I was downstairs?! What the hell is wrong with you, do it when no one's here!"
"No we didn't do anything, you sick bastard," James mumbles. Thank god, I'm so relieved. "You all right, Soph?"
"Yep, feeling great," I say. I really am, Jayden made me feel so much better. I get back to my homework and Zach does his too. When I finish it, I put my bag up to my room and go back downstairs.
"Soph, you know I love you, right?" Zach says.
"What do you want," I sigh, making James and Isabella laugh.
"Well since you're really smart, I thought you could help me with my homework," Zach says, nervously.
"Why didn't you ask me?" James asks as if he was offended.
"Soph is way smarter than you," Zach says. I don't want to sound modest but that was true. "Please, Sophia."
"Okay," I sigh. I look in with him and help him. It takes a while to make him understand but we get there. "Do you get it now?"
"Um...yeah, sure," Zach says. I sigh with annoyance, it's taken so long and he still doesn't know! "I'm joking! I get it, no need to get stressed out." I've had enough stress lately. I hope I'm not harming the babies; I don't want to end up in hospital again.
"Are you sure you do?"
"Yes now stop stressing out," he says, giving my bump a rub.
"Okay, good." I get up and lie on couch. It took a long time to get in a comfortable position because of my belly. James chuckles at me struggling to get comfy.
"You okay, it looks like you have ants in your pants," James laughs.
"If you were me, you wouldn't be laughing," I sigh.
"Aw come on, where's your sense of humour gone?" James asks.
"James, she's really uncomfortable. She's right, you wouldn't find it funny if you were eighteen weeks pregnant, huge and couldn't get comfy," Isabella agrees.
"Hey!" I pout. I don't like being called huge, even if I am. I cradle my belly and put my head on a pillow.
"I'm sorry, Soph but you are quite big," she grins.
"I know," I mumble and they laugh. I'm glad they thought me being big was so funny. I roll my eyes at them but join in on the laugh. You can't help loving your family from time to time even if you are the subject of the joke.
*2 weeks later.*
I get up and put on a cute purple dress with leggings. It fitted my bump perfectly and it was very adorable with my bump sticking out. I tie up my hair and straighten my fringe. I put on some light eye make-up and put on purple matching pumps. Finally, I brush my teeth and grab my bag as I walk down stairs.
"I'll take that," James says, taking my bag from me.
"Hey, give it back," I laugh.
"You might trip with it on your back, it's too much weight, you might hurt yourself." I bite my lip but allow him to take it downstairs. He puts it on the kitchen counter and I sit down beside Zach.
"Thanks James," I smile. He smiles back and sits down beside me.
"So are you excited?" James asks.
"Yup, but also nervous," I admit. Today was my doctor's appointment where we'll find out the sex of the babies. I can't wait, at first I wanted it to be a surprise but now I want to know what I'm having. Instinctively my hand goes to my mouth as I feel a wave of sickness go through me.
"Soph, are you okay?" my father asks. I nod as I cover my mouth. Stupid morning sickness, I haven't got it in a while, now it's back. Why God, why?!
"I think I'm going to go to the toilet," I mumble, holding my sickness back.
"Want me to hold back your hair?" Zack offers.
"Last time she got sick, you couldn't even watch so I doubt you'll be able to sit beside her as she's puking," James says. When he mentioned puking yesterday's dinner started coming up my throat.
"My hair's tied up so it won't go in my face but thanks," I say. I was definitely going to get sick; I quickly get off the chair and hurry into the nearest toilet. I end up only making it to the sink in the bathroom. My Dad knocks on the door.
"Sophia, can I come in?" he asks.
"Not...right now I'm getting....si-sick," I mumble while throwing up. Despite what I said he comes in and rubs my back.
"Come on let's get you to the toilet instead of the sink." He helps me to the toilet and I get on my knees as I puke into it. He strokes my hair and when I get back up, he pats my back. "I'm ringing the school and telling them you're not coming in today."
"But, Dad I'm fine," I argue.
"No you're not; you'll probably be puking for the rest of the day." That may be true but I still want to come in so I can see Jake.
"Okay," I say, giving in.
"Good, now do you want me to take the day off?"
"No it's fine, Dad, I'll be fine here with Zoey." He nods and kisses my forehead. "Does this mean I won't be able to go to the appointment?"
"We'll see how you're feeling and if you're feeling okay then you can still go," he says. I nod excitedly and he grins. "Keep my little grandchildren safe while I'm at work."
"I got it, thanks bye, Dad." He pats my belly and leaves the room. Zoey comes in and gives me a hug.
"Looks like I'm looking after you today, we're going to have some fun!" she says. I chuckle and follow her to the sitting room. "By the way I love the outfit, it's totally adorable." I thank her and lie down on the couch. Zach and James come in and give me a hug each.
"Get better soon," Zach says.
"Thanks, I'll see you guys later." They wave goodbye as they depart. A few minutes later I hear the car leave the driveway. "So we have the house to ourselves." My Mum was at a business meeting in London so she won't be back till two weeks. "Can you pass me my phone?"
"Yes Ms Lazypants," she chuckles.
"Sorry, it's just I can't do much being the size of a whale," I groan. She gives me my phone and I text Jake saying I won't be in. I get an instant reply saying...
I read. Wow, he's such a worry guts.
I text back saying,
"I'll go get a duvet cover to keep you warm and a hot-water bottle, oh and a basin in case you puke again," Zoey says. She runs out of the room and returns with all the stuff she said. I put the covers around me and put the basin beside me. "The hot-water bottle will be done soon, do you want something to eat or drink, you haven't had breakfast yet."
"If I eat something I'll end up puking it up." But then again I need the energy from the food. "Actually maybe a glass of water, please." She goes back out of the room and I hear the doorbell ring. I try and get off the couch but I couldn't. Why do I have to be so big, I can't even lift myself up anymore!
Zoey's POV:
I hear the doorbell ring. I hurry out of the kitchen and put back a stand of hair behind my ear. I open the door and find Jake waiting outside. He had flowers in his hand and a smile on his face.
"Hey, Zoey, can I see Sophia?" he asks.
"Of course, come in." I move out of the way and he comes inside. "She's in the sitting room, I'll let you guys have some space, I'll be scarce." He thanks me and walks off to the sitting room. He's such a wonderful boyfriend and father.
Jake's POV:
I go into the sitting room, Sophia was trying to get off the couch but it wasn't working out for her. I chuckle at her and she looks up at me shocked.
"Jake? What are you doing here?" she asks.
"I got you these," I say, passing her the flowers. Her face lights up with a huge smile and she smells them.
"They're incredible, thank you. Why did you get them?"
"Well I was on my way to school when I got your text so I went into a shop on the way to your house and bought them, then I came here," I explain.
"But why are you here? You should be in school."
"I wanted to keep my girlfriend company and make sure she gets better, forget about school, you're more important, I'm staying here all day with you. Are you feeling any better?"
"Not really, still feel sick," she mutters. I put my arm around her and into a hug. The covers were warm and I snuggle into them. "Do you want to get in the covers too?"
"Yes please." She chuckles and takes the covers off her. I saw that she was wearing a beautiful dress that really brought out her green eyes. Her hair hung back in a pony tail but there was some strands coming out of it. Her bump was sticking out that made her look so damn adorable. I sit down beside her and pull the covers over us both as we cuddle with each other for warmth. I move my hand onto her bump and caress it. "You look beautiful."
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Explosions/Shadows (Bakugo X Reader)
I write this on wattpad, fanfiction.net, and A03. Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/231598824?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=MelodyRenslow&wp_originator=Sr5KaHHc22l68xfNJt2J2GrYueewUao17MZPlOy4zNox8xHA8nBBMUtMQVB4MNjafebbo5EuLnhv9u360%2FvJ%2FARbCki11gJCZJLDtf7yc3j47bQx86CZgUwo4lybJHdz fanfiction.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13797722/1/Bakugo-X-Reader-Explosions-and-Shadows A03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30310224 Cover done by gej302, thanks so much for making it! I love it!
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