《Pregnant By The School's Player.》The Fall.
Chapter 22:
Sophia's POV:
We just have finished our dinner Zoey made; it was really nice as always!
"Thanks Zoey, it was delicious," Jake says. Just as I place my plate on the coffee table, I felt another way of sickness. I groan and lean back on the couch. "You okay?" I shake my head and cover my mouth. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me to his chest. I breathe in and out slowly as the sickness fades.
"I'm sorry for making you sick, Soph," Zoey apologises. "Here take this." She takes the basin off the ground and gives it to Jake who holds it out in front of me. He sits me on his lap and I lean over the basin. Please let me not get sick in front of my boyfriend. I haven't gotten sick in front of him before, I usually only got sick in school or at home. I couldn't keep it back any longer and puke in the basin. Jake holds my hair and rubs my back. I keep puking and finally after a few minutes of everything in my stomach being puked up I pull back up for air.
"I'm sorry," I mumble.
"Soph, there's no need to apologise, I should be apologising for not being here all the other times you've had morning sickness," he says.
"It's not your fault you weren't here before and you didn't have to be there," I assure him.
"Yes I did, you have to go through so much, it's only fair I go through this with you and help you, I told you I was going to be here for you and I wasn't there for you. I'm so sorry, Sophia," he says softly. I smile and kiss his cheek. "No kiss on the lips?" he asks with puppy eyes.
"I've just got sick I don't think you want to kiss these lips," I mutter.
"I don't care, I love you." He kisses me passionately and cups my cheek as we pull back.
"Aw, he's so sweet," Zoey says happily. He chuckles and I laugh. I know and I'm so lucky. His chocolate eyes put me into a trance. "I'll take this away." She takes the basin full of sick out of the room. I look at Jake and gaze at his eyes, I love him so much. He notices me checking him out.
"Hmm, are you checking me out?" he asks with a cocky smile on his face. I shake my head and blush. "Are you turned on right now?" he asks which makes me laugh. "'Cause I am," he winks. I giggle and hit him on the chest playfully.
"Yeah well you're going to have to keep it in your pants," I warn. He moans and starts kissing my neck.
"Are you sure? We could go upstairs and.... If you think I'm forcing you, I'm not. I would never make you do something you didn't want to do." I think about that offer.
"It sounds enticing but not right now, later and you've never forced me to do something I didn't want to do. I want to do it just not with Zoey downstairs."
"Understandable," he agrees. His alarm on his phone goes off. "Our appointment is in twenty minutes, we better get going."
"Oh okay." He gets up and helps me off the couch. He takes my hand and we walk out to the kitchen. I grab my cardigan off the chair and my hand bag off the counter. I put my cardigan on and my bag over my arm. "Ready," I tell him and he smiles at me. "Zoey we're going," I say loudly. She runs downstairs and hugs me tight.
"Text me straight away, no wait surprise me when you get home, no ring. Oh I don't know, just tell me when you get home," she says quickly. I nod and she kisses my cheek. "I love all you guys."
"We love you too. See you, Zo", Jake and I say. He puts his hand on my back and we go out to his car then get inside. "You ready to find out what we're having?" I nod excitedly and he smiles before starting the car. I grip onto the seat and bite my lip. I'm not really sure anymore if I want to know what we're having. I kind of want it to be a surprise now. "Soph, are you okay?" I look at him and he stops the car to look at me. I nod and he looks at me with concern. "What's wrong?" I shake my head. He sighs and restarts the car. I start touching the hem off my dress and mess with it to get my mind of things.
When we arrive we get out and Jake holds out his hand for me to take. I cross my arms over my chest and Jake looks hurt. He quickly changes his expression and puts his hands in his pockets. We walk inside and sit down as we wait for my name to be called. Jake looks at me but I don't look up. I start tapping my feet on the ground to pass the minutes. Jake starts to get annoyed with me not talking to him and holds my chin up so I have to look at him.
"Sophia? Seriously, what's going on? Have I done something to make you not talk to me?"
"You've done nothing, I just don't feel like talking," I mutter.
"Why not? I thought we could tell each other everything."
"We do, it doesn't matter anymore I've changed my mind. I'm sorry for ignoring you." I want to know what we're having now, forget about the surprise I'd rather know now.
"It's okay baby, I'm just glad you're okay." He takes my hand and strokes my thumb. I smile at him to show I'm all right and he leans down and kisses my hand.
"Sophia Daniels," a nurse calls. We get up and Jake puts his arm around my waist as we walk into the room. Our doctor, Doctor Meehan was sitting there waiting for us.
"Hi, Sophia and Jake," she greets.
"Hey, Doctor Meehan," Jake and I say in unison. I sit down on the bed and Jake stands at my side.
"So you guys want find out what you're having?" she asks. Jake looks at me for confirmation and I nod.
"Only if you want to to, just because I want to know what we're having doesn't mean we have to know, if you want it to be a surprise then it will be a surprise," he says.
"I want to know, Jake", I say, squeezing his hand and he smiles.
"Then yes please, doctor," he says with a grin. I lie back on the bed and pull up my dress, it's a good thing I remembered to wear leggings today. She puts the gel on my bump and moves the wand around my stomach. I bite my lip from the cold gel. I thought I'd be used to the cold gel by now but it still got me every time. Jake stands behind where my head was lying and wraps his arms around my neck as we look at the screen to see our little twins.
Jake's POV:
I look at the little blobs on the screen. It was so unbelievable that those blobs were our babies, and those blobs are the best thing that's ever happened to me other than Sophia. She and the babies are the most important things to me and I love them more than anything.
"Are you sure you guys want to know?" Dr Meehan asks. I look down at Sophia and she nods then I nod at Doctor Meehan. "Looks like baby number one here" she points to one of the babies, "is a boy." Oh my gosh, we're having a boy! "And baby number two here, is a girl." She points to our other baby. We're having a girl and a boy! I couldn't be any more happier. There's going to be a mini Sophia and I in four months. I kiss Sophia on the cheek and unwrap my arms from her neck. "I'll let you guys talk and congratulations to you both."
"Thank you," I say. Dr Meehan smiles then goes out of the room and closes the door behind her. I wipe the gel off of Sophia's stomach with a tissue. I couldn't stop grinning; I must look like a psycho maniac. I look at Soph, it was hard to tell her expression. She looks close to tears but I'm not sure if it's in a happy or sad way. "Soph, what's wrong? Are you not happy about our baby boy and girl?" She bursts out crying and I pull her to my chest. "Baby, what's wrong?" Please let them be happy tears, I hate seeing her upset. I never want my Sophia hurt by anything or anyone especially me.
"Nothing's wrong, Jake," she says through tears and sniffles. "Everything's great, it couldn't be better." Oh thank god, they're happy tears. "I'm just so happy and emotional."
"I know, I love you, Soph."
"I love you too, Jake," she smiles. I lean down and place her bump with lots of kisses.
"Daddy loves you baby girl and Daddy loves you too baby boy." She giggles and ruffles my hair. I flick my fringe out of my eyes and pull down her dress over her baby bump. I put my hand on the top of her bump and wait for a kick, hopefully one of them will. After a few seconds I feel a few kicks and laugh. "That feels so wonderful." I take my hand off and kiss her softly on the lips. She deepens the kiss, after making out for a couple of minutes we pull back for breath.
I hope this girl knows how much I love her. She gets off the bed and I hug her hard. I lift her up off the ground and spin her around the room, making sure not to hurt her or the babies. She laughs and I put her down. I take both of her hands and she looks up at me. God, those eyes of hers are hypnotising. Everything about her I love. I lean down and kiss her again. She puts her hands on my chest then up to my neck. I'm going to marry this girl and spend the rest of my life with her and our babies. We'll be a real family and maybe even have another baby in the right time, when we're both ready.
Sophia's POV:
After saying thank you again and goodbye to our doctor, we go home. I check the time on my phone, it was 2:04 PM. Zoey won't be home, she goes to visit her parents during this time every week. Jake and I get out of his car and I unlock the house.
"Is Zoey not here?" he asks. I shake my head.
"She's gone to her parents, and my brothers and Dad won't be home till 4," I say as we get inside.
"So we're alone?" I nod. "Just the two of us for another two hours?" I nod again.
"Well four of us if you count the twins," I remind him and he chuckles.
"Do you know what I'm thinking?" I narrow my eyes at him as I try and think what he's saying. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck. I moan, I couldn't help it for feeling very horny, that happens during pregnancy. I could feel Jake's erection from underneath his pants. I think I know what he's thinking about now and I'm so in.
"Want to go up to my room?"
"We don't have to if you don't want to."
"Oh I want to, a lot." He chuckles and lifts me upstairs to my room which sends me into giggling fits, today's getting better and better.
Jake's POV:
Soph twists and turns in the bed, she was like a worm squirming around the place.
"Are you okay?" I ask as I chuckle at her.
"I can't get in a comfortable position, I think these babies take pleasure in making me uncomfortable," she sighs. I laugh and put my hand on her bump. They started to kick and a smile lights up on my face. "Oh no, now they'll never stop kicking."
"Do you not like it when they kick?" I ask.
"I did before but now when they kick it gets annoying and they never stop."
"Aw well I know how to get your mind off things," I smirk and kiss her. She pulls back abruptly. "Did I do something?" I ask frantically.
"I really need to go toilet, they've after kicking me in the bladder." I laugh as she gets out of the bed and into her bathroom. I scratch my head and get out of the bed too. I put my clothes back on and wait for her to come back out.
"Sophia, are you okay in there? You've been in there a while."
"I'm fine." She comes back out. "It took a while to get up." I laugh again and put my arms around her. "I loved today."
"Me too, you were amazing," I note which makes her blush. I get a call from my Mom and Sophia gets dressed.
"Honey, I got a call from the school saying you didn't go to school today," my Mom says.
"Yeah I didn't go; I stayed here in Soph's. She was really sick today so I stayed with her all day," I explain.
"Aw that's nice; I wish you rang me though. Oh I totally forgot about the appointment, so what are my grandchildren? Two boys? No wait, two girls!" she squeals excitedly.
"Actually it's a boy and a girl," I correct her.
"Oh my god, congratulations, honey. I'm so happy for you both; can you tell Sophia I said congratulations?"
"Of course and thanks, Mom."
"Oh you've made me so happy, Jake. I have to go now; I'm going shopping for my granddaughter and grandson!"
"Mom, you don't have to do that," I laugh.
"I want to and I'm going to." She hangs up before I can argue. I don't want her buying something for us, she's already done enough.
"Jake, can you help me?" Sophia asks. I look over at her, she was trying really hard to get off the bed on her own. I laugh at her, she looks so cute. "Enough laughing at me, help me up!" I take her hands and help her off the bed. "Thanks."
"You're so big now," I comment, looking down at her huge bump.
"Yeah so big that I can't even stand up on my own." I chuckle and take her hand. We walk downstairs, as soon as we sit down on the couch the front door opened. James, Zach, Zoey and Sophia's Dad come into the room.
"Oh you two are home," her Dad says.
Sophia's POV:
"Yup," I say. I started to feel really tired, today's been stressful with the morning sickness but also happy because I've found out I'm a having a girl and boy.
"So what are you two having?" James asks with excitement. I look at Jake to let him know he can tell them.
"It's a girl and a boy," Jake says, squeezing my hands. After a chorus of congrats and congratulations we get tackled with hugs. I get out my phone and dial my Mom's number.
"Sophia, how are you feeling? Oh my God, the doctor's appointment!" my Mum says.
"I'm feeling great Mum, the doctor appointment was great, it's a girl and a boy," I say.
"Oh honey, that's wonderful news!" she squeals.
"How's London?" I ask.
"It's great although I wish I was at home with you and the others. I miss you all so much especially the babies," she says and I laugh.
"They miss you too Mum," I say, patting my bump.
"Aw, I love you, honey, keep safe," she says.
"I promise I will, bye, love you too!" I hang up and rest my head on a pillow. The rest of the day was just the same as any other day except Zoey was extra exited and squealing more. I sent a text to Jayden, Emily, Ty and Taylor telling them what we were having and they all ended up calling me and wishing me congrats. A text back would have just been fine but I'm grateful to have loving and caring friends.
The next day I get up late, I needed a lie in. This pregnancy is making me really tired, unfortunately. I reluctantly get up off the bed and get dressed. I barely had enough time to have breakfast by the time I got downstairs but I finished it on time, thankfully.
"Sophia," James says. I look over at him. He was waiting at the door with Zach. "You coming?"
"Oh yeah," I say, getting up off the chair. I give my Dad a kiss and Zoey a hug then get in James' car with him and Zach.
"You're really distracted, Soph, is something up? Are you feeling okay?" Zach asks.
"Nothing's up and I'm feeling okay, still a bit tired though," I say.
"Those babies are really wearing you out, aren't they?" James notes. I nod in agreement.
"Very," I add.
"You think this is worn out, wait till they're born," Zach says. I'll be even worse then, I probably won't ever get sleep. They're not always going to be the cute, good bundle of joys.
"Stop scaring her," James orders. He's not scaring me, it's the truth, it's going to be really hard work. I hope Jake will be there like he says, I really need him. We arrive at school and go our separate ways. I go to my locker and Jake comes up behind me.
"Hey, baby, how are you feeling today?" he asks.
"I'm good, you?"
"I'm great, here, let me help you." He takes my bag and holds my books for me.
"Thanks." He gives me a smile and I look back at my locker. Hmmm, what do I have now again? Oh yeah Science, lucky me I have a whole class with Elena now and I sit beside her. I get out my science book and hand it to Jake. I take the other books from his hand and put them in my locker neatly. He puts my science book in my bag and we walk to my science class. He leaves my bag on my desk and comes back out of the classroom.
"So since class doesn't start for five minutes, can we go for a quick walk?"
"Just through the halls," he suggests.
"I don't know, what if we miss class because we're not back on time," I say worriedly.
"We won't," he assures me, taking my hand into his. I give in and walk down the hall with him. This guy who was a real jerk looks at us with a disgusted look on his face. He was a player too, he was holding a girl's waist. I keep my head down and turn my face to Jake. Jake was looking at the guy angrily.
"No, Jake," I say.
"Okay," Jake says.
"You're going to let your slut boss you around the whole time?" the guy says.
"She's not a slut, you jackass," Jake shouts.
"Oh yeah just like I'm going to stay with this one," the guys says sarcastically, pointing to the girl he was holding.
"You fucking asshole," the girl shouts. The guy just laughs as she storms off. Jake loses his temper easily, I try to calm him down but it doesn't work. Jake lets go of my hand and goes over to the guy.
"If you say any other lies about Sophia again, I will seriously break your neck," Jake yells. I bite my lip, this doesn't look good.
"They're not lies, Jake. We all know it, even you do," the guy teases. Jake totally loses it, he jumps on him and starts hitting him in the stomach and face.
"Jake!" I shout. "Get off him!" Jake doesn't stop, he got worse. He started kicking him instead of punching. Jake's a really strong guy but so was this guy. "Please Jake!"
Jake gets off him and starts walking over to me. I sigh with relief but then I notice the guy getting up. He jumps on Jake's back and tackles him to the ground. Holy fuck, he's hurting my Jakey! Some guys around us tried to get the guy off Jake but they failed. They ended up getting punched in the face as well. I'm not letting my Jakey get beat up! I hurry over to the guy and pull him by the top. It wasn't working, I wasn't strong enough. The guy puts his hand back without looking at me and pushes me away. I fall backwards and all eyes land on me.
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Lily Bouquet - A Girls Love Anthology
Lily Bouquet is a collection of different short stories with a common theme: they're all stories about love between girls. The stories might vary in themes and genre, but they're all focused on the romantic relationship between two or more girls. While some stories might be a continuation of previous ones, this will be mentioned at the start, so any story can be read by itself.
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Forced to team up to bring renegade vampires to justice, vampire Ludovic and human Roux insist they don't need each other--but they can't help wanting each other. *****The battle for Belle Morte has been fought and won, but with enemy vampires escaped into the city, the fight is not over. Pressure from human authorities is mounting, and the future of vampirekind hangs in the balance. The escapees must be brought to justice - and fast. For reclusive vampire Ludovic de Vauban, this is the perfect opportunity to confront his fears about the world beyond the mansion's walls. But he can't do this alone. Roux Hayes knows she's the girl for the job. Accomplished liar, quick thinker, and modern human, she can help Ludovic navigate a world that has long since left him behind. Ludovic thinks he doesn't need help. Roux doesn't care.As they work together to preserve a future for their friends, they discover a mutual passion that neither of them expected, one that burns hotter than anything either of them have ever experienced.But the shadow of their old enemies stretches longer than they ever imagined...(Book 3, the Belle Morte Series)[[word count: 200,000-250,000 words]]Cover designed by Regina Dionela
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