《Pregnant By The School's Player.》The First Kicks.
Chapter 20:
Jake's POV:
I quickly arrive at Sophia's house not long after I left. I knock on the door and Zach answers it.
"Hey Jake," he says.
"Hey Zach, is Sophia here?" I ask.
"Yeah, she's upstairs, she might still be asleep though." I nod and come inside. After getting a cold glare from James I go upstairs to her room. I sigh at the closed door and knock. There was no answer so I go inside. She was asleep in her bed. I sit down beside her and stroke her cheek. Suddenly she startles awake.
"Shit I'm sorry for waking you Soph."
"No it wasn't you, I had a bad dream," she says, rubbing her eyes.
"What was it off?" I ask with worry.
"You went off with Elena and forgot about me," she whispers.
"I'm guessing Jayden and Emily told you." I look away from her because I couldn't look her in the eyes.
"Yeah," she whispers.
"I stressed you out for no reason, that fucking bitch was lying. If you want to break up with me-"
"Why would I want to do that? I love you," she interrupts.
"You're not mad?" I ask with surprise.
"No, of course not. It was before we were together, it's not like you cheated. Yeah I probably would have been really upset if it was true and I definitely would have been heartbroken if you left me for her but I would have understood after a while because I knew you had to because she blackmailed you."
"I don't deserve you", I smile. I lean down and kiss her. "And don't worry, your bad dream will never happen. I hate Elena, I always have. I didn't mean to sleep with her those few weeks ago, I was so mad that you said no that I needed to get you off my mind."
"I know, Jakey. It's okay," she smiles.
"I've missed you saying that. I'm sorry for being a total asshole for ignoring you these past two days, there was a lot on my mind as you know now. I shouldn't have done it and I feel horrible for treating you like that, I hope you can forgive me."
"Of course I forgive you. I just wish you told me, I would have understood. We can tell each other anything, no matter how upset it would make the other person, we still need to tell them. Okay? Because communication is really important in relationships."
"Got it, I'm sorry baby. I've missed you, I love you so much," I say, tackling her in a tight hug. She giggles and hugs back while putting her head on my shoulder.
"I've missed and love you too," she repeats. I give her a deep, passionate kiss and she deepens it.
"Is it bad that I feel really horny now?" she asks which makes me chuckle. We start to make out and she takes off my top. "Oh fuck," she says, running her hands down my six-pack.
"You're acting like you've never seen it before," I chuckle. She smirks and gets on top of me which entices me more. I grab her ass and squeeze it gently. She pulls back suddenly.
"Wait, we can't my brothers are downstairs and so is Zoey." I nod understandingly and sit back upright.
"It's fine, you're worth the wait," I say, cupping her cheek and kissing it softly. She smiles and I give her a hug. "I'm sorry for being a mean asshole to you yesterday, you were just making sure I was okay and I was horrible towards you."
"It's fine baby, I said I already forgave you, I know you were under a lot of stress and it's all right."
"No it's not, I love you and I am really sorry for hurting you."
"I know you're sorry, you don't need to apologise, I know you didn't mean to do it on purpose. I love you too," she smiles.
"You haven't got any pains anywhere have you?" I ask, putting my hands over her bump while caressing it. She shakes her head. "Good." I feel a kick and I look down at her bump with surprise. "Oh my god, I felt a kick." She smiles and nods excitedly.
"I haven't felt one before," she says excitedly, putting her hands on the area the baby kicked.
"That's the first time?" She nods happily. I'm so glad I was able to enjoy this experience of the first kick, I thought I was going to miss it. I feel another kick coming from her other side. They're both kicking at the same time! It feels magical, I don't want them to stop. "I love you guys too my precious babies."
"So does Mommy," she adds with tears in her eyes. I hug her tight and she cries into my chest. I was even crying a bit. I'm such a pussy but I don't care because I love them all so much and it felt wonderful.
Sophia's POV:
Jake left around two hours later. I felt so happy, it was like the best day of my life! My babies finally kicked and Jake got to be there. Maybe they kicked because they knew it was their Dad who was caressing my bump, that's what I like to think. I go downstairs after putting some pyjamas on. James and Zach were on the couch watching TV so I join them.
"You guys better not have done anything up there," James warns. I roll my eyes at him. We were but then I remembered you guys were downstairs I felt like saying. I sit on James to annoy him and he chuckles. "Get off me, fattie."
"Hey, that was mean," I pout.
"The truth hurts, Soph," James laughs.
"You're going to be getting much bigger soon, Soph. You're tiny compared to what you're going to be at 40 weeks, you're going to wish you were this size again," Zach chuckles.
"You're right so I might as well enjoy it while I can," I sigh. Zoey comes in with our dinner and I get off James. "Thanks Zo," I say and she smiles at me. After I eat my dinner I try and get them to kick again by rubbing my belly and caressing it. How come they did it for Jake and not me, do they love him more? I sigh and put my feet up on the couch with annoyance.
"What's wrong?" Zach asks.
"They won't kick again," I sigh.
"They kicked already?" Zoey squeals excitedly. I nod with a big grin. "Why didn't you tell me?" She gets off the other couch and puts her hands on my bump. "Come on babies, kick for your Aunt Zoey." I smile, maybe they will.
"I doubt they'll do it again toda-" James says but is interrupted by Zoey.
"They're kicking," she squeals with delight. They were doing it again! Do they love everyone else besides me? James and Zach come over and put their hands on my bump too.
"Whoa, wait I don't think there's enough space," I say.
"Yeah there is, you're huge," Zach teases. I can't argue, I was quite big now.
"Does it hurt?" James asks.
"No, it just feels weird but in a good way," I say. Too bad Jake wasn't here, I wish he was here to enjoy this moment too.
"Aw Soph, this is amazing," she says and I smile at her.
"I think it feels weird," Zach comments. "I'd be kind of freaked out if I had two babies kicking inside me."
"Not for me, I got really excited when I felt them first kick earlier," I note. Zach checks his watch.
"You better get ready," Zach says to James. Huh? Where is he going?
"Yeah," James agrees. "Bye babies." He kisses where one baby kicks then kisses where the other baby's kicking.
"Where're you going?" I ask curiously.
"I've got a date with Isabella in a few minutes it's our three month anniversary," James smiles happily.
"Aw congratulations, it's gone so quick. Have fun, tell me about it later, bye," I smile.
"I will do, see you later," he gives me a hug and kisses my head then goes upstairs.
"Are you and Jake all right, he looked upset when I opened the door?" Zach asks with worry.
"Yeah, we're great," I assure him. We're both happy and we love each other so much.
"I saw him the first time today and boy is he hot," Zoey smirks. I nod in agreement as I smirk back. "I know what you see in him." Zoey and I share a giggle.
"Enough girl talk," he mumbles. We pretend to not hear him and keep talking about Jake. It's fun watching him get annoyed.
Jake's POV:
When I arrive at school the next day I go straight to my locker. My friends then come over to me as I'm getting my last book out.
"So we heard it was all a scam," Brad sighs.
"Yup, I should have known, she's always been a scheming cow," I mutter.
"Well at least everything's back to normal, right?" Danny asks.
"Yeah, everything's great," I say.
"What about you and Soph?" Charlie asks.
"We're still going out, she forgave me," I explain.
"Well we were going to get you a stripper tonight because we thought you might be single but you can still come if you want?" Cameron asks.
"No thanks, I'm done with that shit," I say.
"Sure you are," Bennett says sarcastically.
"I am," I say seriously.
"Sophia has rubbed off on you, you're not a badass anymore, but hey at least one thing good has come out of this," Austin notes.
"What's that?" I ask.
"You're not a player anymore," Austin says.
"Thank God," I say.
Sophia's POV:
I sit down at the table Jayden and Emily were.
"Did you get some rest like I said?" Emily asks.
"Yeah, I feel way better," I assure her. I've been really tired lately but now I'm fully energised.
"So you two are still going out?" Jayden asks and I nod. "Good."
"Hey, you won't believe who are back!" Emily squeals with delight suddenly.
"Who?" I ask intrigued.
"Taylor and Ty! We ran into them earlier," he says. Taylor and Ty were my gay friends who were gone away for a while.
"What's Ty back for, I thought he moved?" I ask.
"He persuaded his parents to let him move in with Taylor," she says.
"Aw that's great," I exclaim. They won't be in a long distance relationship and now they can see each other every day! "Does Taylor's brother not mind?" Taylor's parents died a few years ago, so he lives with his twenty-seven year old brother.
"Nope, as long as they're not too loud," she smirks then winks at me.
"God I didn't need to know that Ems, it was just a yes or no question," I say with disgust and they laugh.
"They asked us about you, but we didn't say you're pregnant in case you didn't want them knowing," he says.
"It's not like I can keep it a secret even if I didn't want them knowing," I sigh. They smile and put their hands on my bump.
"Yeah but we just thought you might want to tell them yourself," he says.
"Thanks, I will do," I say.
"They're over by their lockers if you want to see them," she suggests.
"Yeah I'll go see them, see you two later at lunch." They give me a hug before I walk off. I find Ty nd Taylor at their lockers like Emily said. I come up behind Ty and hug him. They turn around and Ty hugs me back. Ty had blond hair and blue eyes, he's quite tall and very fit. Taylor was also tall, fit and had hazel eyes and light brown hair. They were both 17 but Taylor's older by a month.
"Whoa, what's that I feel?" Ty asks, pulling back suddenly. He gasps as he sees my baby bump and I bite my lip. "Wow, someone's been busy," Ty teases, poking me in the belly.
"Someone's been having a bit too much fun while we've been gone," Taylor smirks and I fake laugh. "So how come you didn't tell us about this?" Taylor puts his hand on my bump.
"Maybe she just let herself go a lot because she missed me," Ty grins. I laugh and hit him playfully.
"No I didn't let myself go dumbass," I mutter.
"So who's this baby daddy?" Ty asks.
"Is he hot?" Taylor asks.
"Hey," Ty pouts.
"I'm just wondering, you know I only love you," Taylor says, putting his arm around his waist.
"Good," Ty says, and then they kiss. It used to make me awkward and uncomfortable when they were kissing in front of me but now I'm used to it. They were so good together and got jealous a lot. Like if Taylor was talking to another guy Ty would get jealous and if Ty was talking to some other guy Taylor would get jealous. "So who is he?"
"Jake Campbell," I say.
"I fucking knew he'd get someone knocked up but never you," Taylor says.
"So you're a badass now, huh? Did my good influence make you turn bad after I left," Ty says.
"She can be a badass when she wants," Taylor says with a wink. I chuckle at them.
"I'm so glad you're back, I've missed you," I say and Ty hugs me again.
"I've missed you too Soph," Ty says.
"What about me, I've been gone for four months," Taylor frowns.
"Of course I missed you too," I say, giving him a hug too.
"We'll have to beat the crap out of Jake later," Ty says with a brave voice. I chuckle.
"No it's okay, he's my boyfriend," I say.
"Boyfriend? Since when?" Taylor asks.
"Well I was at a party four months ago and we slept together, then like six weeks ago he found out they were his and we told each other our true feelings and we've been going out ever since," I say.
"You really don't tell us much anymore," Ty laughs.
"Well you two have been gone and it doesn't matter you know now. So you're back for good now, that's great," I say with delight.
"Yeah, my brother said it's fine as long as we're-" Taylor says but I cut him off.
"Yeah, I know, as long as you're not too loud, I get it," I interrupt and they chuckle.
"Oh we know you get it, this cute baby bump's proof," Ty says. I blush and they laugh at my reaction.
"I forgot what twats you two can be," I say.
"Oi!" they argue.
"But even though you can be twats sometimes I still love you both," I say. They smile and we have a group hug.
"Wait, you said a few seconds ago "he found out they were his", you're having twins!" Taylor says.
"Oh yeah, forgot to tell you that too," I say shyly.
"You're the person I least expected to get pregnant," Ty says.
"I know, if you guys think I'm a slut just say it now," I say.
"Of course we don't think you're a slut, you're our friend and you're nothing like Elena or her bitch friends," Taylor assures me. I look down at the ground. "Hey listen, Soph." He cups my cheek and makes me look at him.
"We don't think you're a slut, no one does because you aren't, always remember that," Ty says. I smile and the bell rings. "We'll see you at lunch."
"Okay, thanks you two." They hug me goodbye and I walk off to class.
Jake's POV:
At lunch I meet up with Sophia, Emily, Jayden and my friends.
"Hey baby," I greet then kiss her softly.
"Hi Jake," she answers with a smile. "Our friends have come back, they've been gone for four months, do you mind if they join us for lunch?"
"Of course not," I say. It will be nice to get to know more of her friends.
"Just to let you know they're gay," Emily adds.
"Um...." Alex says uncertainly.
"Do you have a problem with gays, Alex?" Emily asks.
"No, it's just they're 9 guys here, that's going to be a bit awkward," Alex says.
"No, it's not, they're going out so they're not going to be falling for one of you," Emily says, rolling her eyes. I noticed she sat really close to Charlie and he didn't seem to mind. Maybe they have a thing for each other.
"Did they kick again?" I ask Sophia.
"Yeah after you left, Zoey got them to kick," Sophia says and a smile lights up my face with happiness. I'm glad they kicked again but I wish I got to feel it, it was so wonderful.
"That's great," I say, resting my hand on her cute baby bump.
"You never said they kicked before," Jayden notes to Sophia.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you two that they kicked yesterday," Sophia says.
"Aw that's great," Emily squeals. Something catches Jayden's eye and he walks over to two guys and starts talking to them. After a few seconds the three of them come and sit with us.
"This is Taylor and Ty," Sophia says, pointing to them as she says their names.
"Hey," they both say shyly, keeping their heads down. Emily whispers something to them which makes them look up. There was an awkward silence.
"So..." Danny says, breaking the silence. I don't know why but the whole moment made me chuckle. The guys have never been so quiet. Sophia looks at me oddly.
"Nothing," I say. She gives me a shy smile. "So are you good friends with Jay, Ems and Soph?"
"Our Moms were all best friends, so we all used to hang out a lot. Then we became good friends and now go to the same school," Taylor says.
"Awesome, nice to meet you both," I say.
"And you're Jake who knocked up our Soph," Ty says.
"I sure am," I smirk. She laughs and kisses my cheek. I pull her closer and we have a make-out session. I hear a few groans come from the guys. I sit her on my lap and she rests her head on my chest. The effect this girl has on me is unbelievable. I put my arms around her which was a bit hard to do with her bump in the way but I managed to do it.
"I love you," she whispers in my ear.
"I love you too," I smile and we gaze into each other's eyes.
"Ugh," Danny grumbles.
"Enough lovey-dovey," Bennett mutters.
"Someone's jealous," Alex teases which makes Bennett hit Alex on the arm.
"Hey Jayden, you said before you like football, right?" Austin asks.
"Yeah, why?" Jayden asks.
"We were wondering if you wanted to join the team, we're down a player," Cameron says.
"Seriously, me? You don't even know if I can play," Jayden says.
"Well are you shit?" Charlie asks.
"No he's not, he's great," Sophia chimes in.
"Well then welcome to the team," Brad grins. Sophia and Emily congratulate him and he thanks them.
"We have training after school, can you make it?" I ask.
"Yeah sure, I'll be there, thanks", Jayden says.
Sophia's POV:
After school Jayden and the others go off to the school stadium to practise.
"Have fun," I say to Jayden.
"They'll think I'm shit when they see me play," he sighs.
"No they won't, you're as good as them and you're even better than some of them," Emily assures him.
"No, I'm not", he whines.
"Yes you are, now go down there and show them what you got," I advise him. He smiles and gives us a group hug.
"Okay, thanks you two." We wave him off and go shopping, Fridays are always shopping day. Emily drags me into one of the shops as we enter.
"Maybe you should start wearing maternity clothes," she says, picking up a top.
"No, not for a while," I say.
"Oh come on, you're huge." She gives my belly a rub.
"Hey I am not." I look down at my bump. "Well not that much." She chuckles at me and I feel a kick.
"Oh my god, I felt that." Emily puts her hand on where the kick's coming from. "That feels awesome!" she squeals which makes me laugh. She gets on her knees and kisses my bump twice. "Aunty Emily loves you both."
"Emily we're in a shop, get up." I pull her up off the ground.
"What? I was only showing that I loved them," she says with a hurt expression.
"I know, I think it's sweet but people are trying to get passed." She nods understandingly and I felt the babies stop kicking. Damn! I put a hand on my waist while I rub my bump with my other hand. Nothing! They do it for everyone else except for me. They did it for Jake, Zoey and Emily, why not me? I'm their own mother, do they love everyone else more. "They've stopped."
"Oh well, maybe they'll do it again later." I nod in agreement, hopefully. We join our arms and go further into the shop as we look at the clothes. Some of these outfits were cute, maybe I should start wearing maternity clothes. I'll ask my Mum later. Although people were looking at me with disgrace because of my age, I tried not let it bother me. "Are you okay?"
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