《Pregnant By The School's Player.》Lies.
Chapter 19:
Jayden's POV:
Yesterday, Sophia came over to my house with Emily. She seemed like she had something on her mind but she would never tell us when we asked. She worries us a lot, I hope she's okay. Maybe something happened with Jake and her because usually when we hang around with her after school she's always texting him. But yesterday she never got any messages or texted anybody. I sit over at the table with my friends.
"Hey", they greet me.
"Hey, where's Jake?" I ask. They all look at each other. "What's happened?"
"Jake...kind of got into a tough situation yesterday", Brad says.
"What sort of situation?" I ask.
"He got Elena pregnant", Austin says. I'm going to kill him! Does Sophia know? Is that why she was upset yesterday?
"How could he cheat on Sophia like that?" I yell.
"He didn't cheat, it was before they were going out. He got mad that she didn't want to go out with him after they had sex again so he did something stupid with Elena which he totally regrets", Alex says. I'm still going to kill him. He's hurt my Sophia, he's going to pay.
"Does Sophia know?" I ask.
"No, not yet", Bennett says. I can't let her find out, it will kill her. I can't see her more upset.
"Why doesn't he just forget about Elena, he loves Soph", I say.
"Yeah but Elena said if he doesn't go out with her she will have an abortion and he doesn't want to lose his child even if he hates her", Danny says. Well at least he's responsible for his actions and willing to look after his children.
"Don't tell Sophia, it will stress her out", Charlie says. I nod with agreement. I won't tell her, I'll leave it to Jake to tell her.
"She kind of already knows there's something up anyways", Cameron says. I see Jake walk to his locker. I can't handle my anger so I storm over to him but Danny and Brad hold me back.
"Don't Jay", Austin says. I curse under my breath and stop. They let go off me and I reluctantly sit back down beside them.
"Look we'll go over and find out if there's any news with Elena. You go and see Soph", Alex says. I nod and walk into class. Sophia was there looking through our geography book so I sit beside her.
"Hey Jay", she smiles, looking up from the book.
"Hi Soph". I pull her into a tight hug. "No matter what happens we're here for you, always".
"Jay you're scaring me, what's happened?"
"It's nothing, I just want you to know that I'm here always whenever you need me".
"I know". I smile and put my arm around her shoulder. She rests her head on my shoulder and yawns.
"You okay?" I ask.
"Yeah just a bit tired, I never got much sleep last night".
"How come?"
"I was too busy thinking about Jake, he's been acting funny since yesterday. I'm really worried". I knew it was Jake that was worrying her.
"Well try not to be stressing too much, we don't want you stressed out". I move my arm down from her shoulder and put my hand on her quite big baby bump.
Brad's POV:
"Hey Jake, have you thought of what we said to do?" I ask.
"Yes and I've decided I won't do that. I can't date Sophia in secret because I'll be cheating on her by kissing Elena the whole time and I can't do that to her", Jake sighs.
"Then what have you decided because you only have one more day left?" Austin says.
"As much as I don't want to do it, I've decided to break up with Sophia and go out with Elena. I won't tell Sophia why I'm doing it because she will hate me even more than she will after I've done it. Hopefully, Sophia will let me still be a part of the twins' lives because I can't lose them or...her. I really don't want to do it, it's the hardest decision I've ever had to make but I can't let Elena kill an innocent baby...my baby", Jake says.
"But Sophia!" Charlie says with astonishment.
"I know, I know. I still love her, I always will and I want to be with her the rest of my life but I have to do this", Jake says.
"I'm proud that you are doing this for your kid, Jake, but have you really thought about this?" Cameron asks.
"Cameron's right, Jake. I don't think you've really thought about this. You haven't thought about the future, you'll have to spend the next nine months and 18 years with Elena! You might be lucky if she lets you keep the baby after nine months because I don't see Elena as the motherly type. So she might leave you to care for the baby on your own, then what will you do? You'll lose Sophia, she might never forgive you and that can make you lose the twins. Do you really want the twins to grow up without their father? And are you willing to lose the girl of your dreams?" Danny asks.
"No, I don't want to lose that...but my other baby?" Jake says.
"I'm not saying murder is acceptable but it might be the only way for you to live the life you want", Alex says.
"Just think about it before you make any hasty decisions", Bennett warns.
"I don't know anymore", Jake sighs.
Jake's POV:
Elena was at her locker, staring in it. There must have a lot on her mind. She spots me coming towards her and smiles at me. I stand beside her awkwardly. I'm totally going to regret this but it's just something I have to do for my kid.
"Hi Jake, have you thought about it?" she asks.
"Yes..." I sigh.
"What's your decision?" she asks.
"I'll be your boyfriend". She smiles widely and tackles me with a hug.
"Oh Jakey, I love you so much. You've made me so happy, now we'll be a real family". She's wrong, we won't be because I hate her so much. I put on a fake smile in front of her and sigh down at her flat belly. There's our little baby, the poor guy or girl is going to have to live with the stupid cow for the rest of their life. What about my other babies? Will they forgive me when they're older and understand? I hope Sophia doesn't get too stressed when I tell her because she might lose the babies if she stresses too much. I'll have to tell her after school, please let her be okay and not hate me.
But she will hate me, if I was her I would hate me. I hate me too, I wish I wasn't such a child by sleeping with another girl just because I couldn't get the girl I wanted. What will my parents say? What will Sophia's parents say?! They probably won't trust me to look after the twins and tell me to leave Sophia and the babies alone for the rest of their lives. They can't do that, can they? I must have some parental rights to see them once they're born.
I hope when my baby is born, Elena will hate being a mother and let me keep them. I don't trust Elena to be alone with our baby so I'll have to be with her the whole time, unfortunately. Then, if she lets me have the baby I can ask Sophia to go out with me again, if she'll have me and explain to her what Elena made me do. She understands me like no one else, will she understand my situation if I tell her? I know she will, then we can be a family again, right? It's not that simple but I wish it was.
"Jakey, I love you so much", Elena smiles. If this bitch calls me "Jakey" one more time, I will kill her, only Sophia can call me that. Sophia is the only one that makes it sound cute.
"I love you too", I lie, putting on another fake smile. She kisses me unexpectedly. I was about to pull back straight away but then I remembered I have to do this for our kid. I won't fight with Elena during the pregnancy because I don't want her to get stressed and lose the baby. I also won't fight with her after the pregnancy when the baby's born because I don't want them to get stressed from all our negative energy and shouting. We pull back from our kiss and I notice people were looking at us. Are they going to tell Sophia I cheated?! I didn't have a choice, please let them not.
"What's wrong, Jakey?" she asks with a frown.
"Nothing, it's just I haven't told Sophia yet and now I feel horrible for cheating".
"You've cheated lots of times before with other girls, what's the difference this time?" she asks. This time is different because I love this girl, Sophia is the only girl I've ever loved and now I'm going to lose her.
"I don't know", I lie. "You don't mind that Sophia's carrying my babies too?"
"Not really, just as long as she's not interfering with our lives from now on".
"Well Elena if she still lets me be a part of their lives then she will be in our lives still. I'm going to still go to her doctor appointments if she allows me to and I'll look after the twins when she lets me".
"But why do you want to look after them, leave it for Sophia to do, they're her babies".
"But they're also my babies, Elena", I explain.
"Fine but she better not annoy me too much because you're mine now not hers". I felt like getting sick when she said that. But Sophia's mine, you're not mine I wish I could say. "We're going to be a family now and I need you more than she does". Actually Sophia needs me more, she's carrying twins and I need Sophia more, I love her. I glance down at Elena's belly again and she gives me a weird look for a moment as if she didn't know why I was looking there and then bites her lip.
"Ummm......If you want to touch it...um...go ahead", she says. She didn't look like she wanted me to rub her belly. Maybe she has space issues? I doubt it, she loves having guys all around her. I wanted to touch it because I want our little baby to know I love them even though they probably can't even feel it but I also don't want to rub it because it will remind me too much of Sophia when I rubbed her belly. I could just wait until Elena develops a bump. "Are you going to?"
"Umm....All right", I say uncertainly. I slowly put my hand on her belly and give it a little rub. An image on Sophia pops into my head and I pull my hand back quickly. "Sorry, I better go. I'm going to go see my friends or something", I lie.
"Okay, love you Jakey". She kisses me on the cheek and I walk off out of the school. I'm going to clear my head by going for a walk, that should do the trick.
Sophia's POV:
Jake didn't come to lunch which really hurt and pissed me off. He really does hate me but I don't know what I did. After school I see him talking with Brad and the others. I just walk past them and sit on a bench. Eventually Jake comes over and sits beside me after a few minutes.
"Soph, I'm sorry", he says, not looking at me. I don't respond so I just look at the ground. He's keeping something from me and I'm going to find out what it is.
"It's fine Jakey, you need your space, it's okay I'll lay off for a while".
"No, it's not that, I love being around you the whole time". What is he keeping then? "Look we need to talk". Those words are never good in a relationship...or in anything in life...... Oh no he's breaking up with me! Is he? Why!? I thought everything was good! I've loved these past few weeks, they've been the best in my life! I hold back my tears. "This is the hardest thing I have ever done and I don't want to do it but I have to."
"Just say it", I whisper. He looks at me this time and holds my hand. His face was full of pain and sorrow.
"It really does pain me to do this to you". I pull my hand back and cover my eyes. "Soph, don't cry". My fucking love of my life is breaking up with me what else am I supposed to do, laugh? He tries to hold my hand again.
"Don't touch me, Jake", I yell.
"Please don't make this harder for me than it already is, Soph".
"I thought you loved me, Jake".
"I do love you Sophia, more than I've loved anyone else before", he whispers.
"Then why break up with me?"
"It's too complicated and I don't want you to hate me more than you already do".
"I don't hate you, I love you Jakey".
"You should hate me for what I've done". He looks away and I see tears. What has he done? "I don't want you to love me because this will make it harder for you".
Jayden's POV:
Emily and I were walking over to my car. School just finished and I haven't seen Soph since lunch. She was pretty upset that Jake didn't go to lunch. As we turn the corner we hear two girls talking. We spot Elena and Avril laughing and giggling. That bitch has ruined everything for Sophia. First calling her horrible names then making Jake break up with her which I hope he doesn't do. Emily and I are about to turn back but then I hear something interesting. We hide behind the wall.
"So Jake's breaking up with her?" Avril asks.
"Yeah he said to me at lunch he's doing it after school", Elena says. Poor Sophia! I thought Jake wouldn't do it and he'd stay with Sophia despite the consequences.
"So what are you going to do when it's eight months' time and there's no baby", Avril says. What? She's already had an abortion? Does that mean Jake isn't going to stay with her?
"I'll just say I had a miscarriage and we can be together. He doesn't have to know I was never pregnant", Elena giggles. She's been lying this whole time just to break up Jake and Sophia. "Even if I was pregnant I wouldn't keep it. I don't want to be all fat like that bitch". If I could hit a girl I bloody would.
"Yeah Sophia acts all nice but she's just a slut, everyone knows it", Avril says.
"Well I've broken them up, she doesn't deserve the hottest guy ever", Elena says. Then they walk off giggling.
"What the hell was that!" Emily shouts when they're gone.
"Elena told Jake yesterday she was pregnant with his child from when they slept together last month after Sophia said she didn't want to be with him. He only did it because he was annoyed and he regrets it a lot. He's been distant to Sophia since yesterday as you have probably guessed from her upset behaviour and him not turning up for lunch and stuff. Elena said she will not have an abortion if he goes out with her and he didn't want to lose his child so he must have said yes and now it's all a lie just to break them up!"
"You could have told me all of this!" Emily says with annoyance.
"Sorry! We have to go after Jake quick before he breaks up with her", I say. She nods and we run to the car park. We spot them on a bench, Sophia looked about to burst into tears, Jake looked like he was crying a few minutes ago. We rush over to them as quick as lightning.
"Wait, Jake, don't do it", Emily says. We try and catch our breaths.
"What are you guys doing here for?" Sophia asks.
Sophia's POV:
Jake was about to explain what's been going on but now I'm more interested about the thing Jayden and Emily have to say.
"Elena was lying", Jayden says. What about Elena?
"What? Who told you?" Jake asks.
"Danny and the rest of them told me today what's been happening. A few minutes ago we heard Elena talking to Avirl, she was only pretending to be pregnant to get you to break up with Soph", Jayden says. Jake got Elena pregnant, or he didn't, I'm so confused? Did Jake cheat on me? Was that the bad thing....?
"She was lying this whole fucking time?! She almost made me break up Soph, I'm going to kill her", Jake says, standing up and storming off.
"Can someone please explain to me what's going on?" I ask. Emily quickly explains to me what has been happening. I didn't feel mad, should I? It's not like he cheated, it was before we were going out. He only wanted to be a part of his other child's life, I wouldn't want someone to get rid of my child. Does this mean he's not breaking up with me? "I'm going to go home and rest, today's been...."
"Yeah, you get some rest", she says. I nod and hug them goodbye. "Keep safe, Soph." I go into James' car and rest my head against the car door and fall asleep a few minutes later.
Jake's POV:
Elena was standing against her car with a few other people. The fucking bitch made me think we were having a baby together, who does that!? Oh holy shit, I touched her belly! There's no baby in there, now it's just....weird.
"Oh hey baby", she says, kissing my cheek. I pull her off me. She looks at me with furrowed eyebrows.
"Can we have a minute?" I ask. She nods and says she'll call her friends later as they walk away.
"What's up baby? Did you break up with her finally?"
"I want you to take a pregnancy test".
"What?" she laughs nervously.
"I just want you take it and see what it says."
"But ummm...." she says nervously, biting her lip.
"Why are you so nervous, if you're pregnant like you say what's to be worried about."
"You see baby, I got my period today so it looks like I'm not. Sorry baby it was just a tiny mistake."
"You were never pregnant in the first place", I shout.
"I thought I was."
"No you didn't you knew you were never pregnant in the first place. You threatened me to break up with Sophia or else you would get an abortion. What would you do if I broke up with Soph and gone out with you, how would you explain there being no baby in eight months' time?"
"I was going to say I had a miscarriage", she whispers.
"That's horrific, Elena, that is a disgusting lie. You lied to me, you made me think I was going to be having another baby. You have caused so much stress to my girlfriend. And if those babies are hurt because of you, I will fucking ruin your life."
"Jake forget about that whore, why would you want that ugly piece of shit, those babies are probably not even yours. And if they are, why would you want to stick around, all they do is cry!"
"She's not a whore, you are and she is the most beautiful person in the whole world. I love her and those babies, they've made my life complete and if you do anything to jeopardise that you'll regret it, got it? So just leave us alone." She nods. I turn back and go straight to my car. I drive to Sophia's house. She probably doesn't want to see me after what I've done but I have to apologise to her for everything.
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