《Sugar And Spice》Chapter four: Your voice


What the hell was I thinking? What kind of stupid 'offer' is that? "Oh, God help me," I sighed to myself as I got out of my car and entered my house. I threw the keys on the counter.

"Hang them up!" my dad's voice reached my ears.

I groaned but grabbed the keys and hung them up on the coat hanger nonetheless. I grabbed myself a bottle of water at the same time my dad came downstairs.

"How was the game?" he asked.

"It was good. We won." I turned to him. "How was work?" I asked.

"It was good, I got a new client today, someone your age I think," he replied. He's a psychiatrist working mainly in the field of anxiety, depression, and addictions and he doesn't realize it but our conversations usually sound like a therapy session. "Anything trouble you today? Can I help?"

There it is.

I was about to say no but why not take advantage of the moment and just seize the opportunity? "Actually yes, you can help me." And suddenly he's all ears. "You see, I did something very stupid," I began, chuckling awkwardly. "You know Amber, right?"

He nodded, "The girlfriend for now, yes."

I resisted an eye roll and continued, "Well, she cheated on me," I paused to see his reaction and he wasn't bothered in the least. "With someone else's boyfriend."

His eyebrows shot up, "Continue."

I sighed, "You know Faith, right?" I asked hesitantly.

"Monica's daughter?" he questioned and I nodded in response.

"Well, the boyfriend was hers," I stated. "And I found her crying after the game and I had to help her because she helped me. She got me my stuff for the game because uh- you see, Amber said she couldn't make it. And Faith's boyfriend also couldn't make it. An-and I don't know how or where but she caught them together-"

He rolled his eyes, "Will you get to the point?"

I rolled my eyes, "I offered her a very stupid deal and I-I think she took it on impulse and now I don't know what to do," I groaned.

"What kind of deal did you offer the girl?" He looked at me weirdly.

"I offered to-" I got caught in my words. "Well, let's just say help her get revenge in not the best way," I sighed, realizing that didn't exactly help my case. "I said I'll help her make him jealous."


What? That's not a complete lie.

"And how do you think I can help you with this?" he questioned.

"You're a therapist, I don't know," I threw my arms up in the air.

"Good luck with that one," he patted my shoulder before going into his room. I grabbed myself some leftover pasta from today's lunch that my mom made and took it up to my room. I ate, got changed, watched a little bit of Friends, and went to sleep.


"Alex! Wake up!" My mom's voice pierced my ears. "There's someone on the phone for you!" She said in a sing-song voice. "It's a girl," she whispered.

"Just tell Amber I don't want to talk," I groaned into my pillow.

"It's not Amber! I know her squeaky voice, it's someone else. Here." She handed me the phone and ran out.

"Hello?" I asked on the phone sleepily.

"Hi," she said.

"How can I help you, Faith?" I asked.

"How'd you know it's me? I never said my name?" she questioned.

"I know your voice," I sighed.

"Why?" she asked.

Why do I know her voice?

"Because it annoys me a lot, did you need anything?" I asked, changing the subject.

"You said you were going to see me today, what time?" she asked.

I glanced at my clock. "You're calling me at nine in the morning to ask me this?" I questioned. She just stayed quiet and I knew she was waiting for my answer. "Noon sound good?" I asked.

"No," she said quickly. "Hayley's coming over then."

I sighed, "What time then?" I asked.

"Um- now?" she said but it came out more like a question.

"Now?" I repeated. "Now?" I asked.

"Yeah," she replied.

I groaned, "I'll be there in ten." I said bye and then she hung up. I placed the phone on my nightstand.

Why did she call on the house phone?

Oh wait, we don't have each other's numbers. I got showered, dressed, ate, and then left for her place which was so far away am I right? I rang the doorbell and her dad answered.


Great, he doesn't like me.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"Um- I- uh-"

Faith showed up and saved me. "I called him!" She skipped down the stairs, almost tripping at the end. "I called him," she said a little breathlessly, running up to us. "To uh- talk about the project!" she exclaimed.

"Project?" her dad questioned.

"Yup. Chemistry project," she said.

"You don't take chemistry," her dad and I said in sync.

She glared at me, "Yeah uh- I don't. But he does! And uh- he needed to uh- help me out for um- my biology project. Photosynthesis and uh- yeah, okay, let's go." She grabbed my hand and dragged me up to her room.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Her dad called behind us and we halted, turning to him. "Do you take chemistry?" he asked me.

No, I don't.

"Just say yes," she whispered.

"No, I don't. But I used to." I said truthfully. I heard her curse under her breath.

"So you know how to help her then?" he pressed further.

"Yes?" I replied.

"He used to be a chemistry teacher, you fucking idiot," she whispered to me.

"Oh, what does he teach now?" I whispered through gritted teeth.

"Literature. In college," she answered. "Bye dad!" she screamed before dragging me into her room and closing the door. "You're such an idiot! Oh, my god! You're such an idiot!" she facepalmed. "If you would have just said yes with confidence he wouldn't have suspected a thing!" she groaned.

"Okay, easy there tiger, relax," I chuckled.

She took a deep inhale, "You wanted to see me today. Why?" she asked.

"To talk about the deal and how we're going to go with this," I answered nonchalantly.

"Okay then, talk." She literally just sat down on the floor against the door, crossed legs.

"You're just gonna sit on the floor?" I asked in confusion.

"Yeah, I do it all the time, begin."

Why is she acting so weird?

"Right," I said slowly, "Well if you wanna make him jealous and mad then uh- you're gonna have to stick to the plan. And the plan is to date. At least make it seem like we're dating. Which means every time he's around, we're gonna have to act all lovey-dovey."

She groaned.

That's nice.

"And hold hands, and walk really close to each other. I'm gonna have to walk you to class, you're gonna watch all my games and cheer, you could have to stay and watch my practice because I know he stays for the football training right after my soccer, we're gonna have to hang out outside school in the places where we are likely to bump into him." I put air quotes around that. "And yeah, that's pretty much it," I sighed.

"Anything else?" she asked. "No fake gifts? Fake asking out on dates?" she questioned.

"That and uh- we might have to kiss. Or make out, I don't know yet," I said quickly.

"You did not mention that!" She glared at me.

"Did I not? Oh, oops." I smiled.

"And this- uh- scheme starts when?" she questioned.

"Monday morning," I replied.

"This Monday? Why not next Monday?" she asked nervously.

"Because this Monday is your nine months with him," I answered.

She looked at me weirdly, "And you know that because?" she asked.

"He announced it to the whole locker room a million times a while ago." I rolled my eyes.

"You should do that, let more people know when we 'date'." She put air quotes around it.

"I will if that's what you want," I sighed.

"And we'll do this until?" she questioned.

"Until we're satisfied with how pissed he is." I nodded.

She stood up, "Why are you really doing this? I know it's not to help me, don't use that line again." She stood in front of me.

"I don't like your little boy toy," I huffed.

"He's not my boy toy. What'd he do to you?" she pressed further.

"I just don't like him," I shrugged it off.

"Lie all you want, Alex. You're gonna tell me eventually," she shrugged.

"If you can make me, I will," I smirked, standing up and towering over her.

"Okay," she chuckled, taking a huge step back, increasing the space between us.

"No, not okay," I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. "We have to get used to it. Otherwise, it'll seem fake and we don't want that, do we?" I asked.

She shook her head, "No we don't."






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