《Bound By Blood》Bound By Blood: 24. Bipolar Much?


I'm awake but I don't open my eyes, I'm too scared to. Am I dead? No, heaven would have been brighter and the light would have seek through my closed eyelids. Don't tell me... am I a vampire? No, don't think that. I will never be one. Questions are running through my head and it's giving me a headache. I know someone is sitting next to me because I hear light noises.

I just don't know who.

I know I'm laying on a bed and that I'm not paralyzed because I can move my toes. When I try to swallow, my body denies my saliva, my throat is dry.

"W-wat-ter." I try to say trough my parted lips. The person next to me understands and I feel a tip of a glass hit my lips. I allow the cold water to go down my throat which felt refreshing. I lick my lips and I lay back down, dizziness washing over me. I just hate getting attacked by different people and passing out. I hate passing out because you don't know whether it's your last time being in this world. Like Madison...

I clear my throat so my voice isn't scratchy when I ask questions to the person next to me. I finally lift my eyelids and I turn to my right, just to jump back a few inches. It's Xavier who is sitting on a chair near the edge of the bed. His crystal blue eyes are filled with guilt when I glance into them.

"Get. Away. From. Me." I say through gritted teeth.

"Just let me explain." He stand up and decides to sit on the bed while I move a bit away. He doesn't look like from last night, the blood, the dark eyes engulfing him... the illness that showed his face.


"Explain what? That you went all nuts on everyone and almost killed me?"

"I don't know what got into me, Doctor Amber took a look at the drink I drank and it wasn't from a human. No human can make that. It was a witch."

"But you all said that every witch is dead in this world."

"That's what we all thought." Anger washes over his voice and my heart starts beating rapidly. Is he bipolar or something? He realizes that I'm getting scared so he looks away from me.

"I can't." I say before running my forehead. "I want to go home."

"No, you can't."

"Why not?!"

"Because I bit you, I marked you." Now I remember Alexander's and the King's conversation.

"What does that mean! Then didn't Mason mark me?"

"No, marking someone needs work to be done... if you know what I mean." Don't tell me he means having sex right? "And if they are both vampires, they have to mark each other which means biting. And I do know that you and Mason didn't have sex, so..." He pauses again and sickness washes over me. "My father just told me today that for the Prophecy is a bit different. I only have to bite you but it signals out that you are my property. My scent will be on you so if anyone goes close to you, they can know."

"So what's the difference between the vampire mark?" I run my hand over my neck and I feel that the wound is gone. Did Xavier heal me again?

"It just gives a little scar on the neck with the persons initials to show that they are yours." Xavier replies back as I leave my head on the backboard.


"I hate this."

"Me too." He pauses and looks up at me. "Listen, you can hate me as much as you want." I bring my eyes to him while I furrow my brows in confusion.

"Why should I?"

"Because I almost killed you, Diana. Aren't you a little mad?"

"Well, y-yeah I guess, I'm happy I'm alive!" I shout while letting out a quick laugh.

"But not one bit you look at me and I terrify you?" Xavier is staring at me like I'm stupid.

"No, it happens."

"It happens?" He exhales a chuckle and gets up from sitting down. "I don't think tearing a girls throat out happens every damn day. You almost died, Diana, don't you think that's a bit scary?"

"It is but it doesn't mean that I have to call yourself a monster. You are a vampire, you are born to do this."

"No, don't make me be Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes. I'm bad and you know it. You are just denying it, I am a monster. When I kill, I don't feel the guilt, to be honest... I like it!" I slowly move myself off the bed and I stand up, walking around the bed to be closer to Xavier.

"What's wrong with you! Why are you making me hate you!"

"Because you should! Hate me Diana, hate me! I'm just doing all these nice things for my family to show that the Prophecy is working but it isn't! I can't do this, I can't believe I marked a human!" I'm staring at him in disbelief because whatever is coming out of his mouth isn't leaving my ears. Is he being honest about all of this? Why is he pushing me away? Unless we really don't have anything between us.

"Stop it, stop it! I just wanna go home!" I cry out but my tears aren't coming out.

"You can't, Diana, you're stuck in here forever." Xavier walks towards the door and leaves, leaving me speechless.

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