《Bound By Blood》Bound By Blood: 25. Controlled


I don't know whether I should be sad. It's been three days after the incident and Xavier is nowhere to be seen. Alexander checks up on me once in a while and Juliet hangs out with me night and day. She feels a little odd after Xavier snapped her neck dead.

"I think I saw light then I was like 'wait, I'm not fully dead.'"

I'm quiet around Juliet when she talks on and on about things, especially this boy she likes.

"Should I talk to him?"

"Have you ever talked to him?"

"Yeah, years ago when we were kids... I don't know if he'll like me." I give her a soft smile to show her I'm enjoying this conversation.

"Trust me, he will." She gives me a grin back, engulfing me with a hug.

"What's wrong with you and Xavier?"

"Nothing." I give her a shrug and I nod no.

"Yeah right, you guys haven't spoken in such a long time."

"Well, he did almost kill me." I say and she thinks about it until agreeing.

"Yeah you're right."

A war is happening again. This is a recent one after a year but it's for a reason. People are arguing that the King and Queen did kill Madison. Now they have to talk to the 'Human President', Mr. Sailor, to say that they didn't do it. That it was a threat between Xavier and I. I saw the war happening from the television news with Juliet in the living room. Human's are going on strike near working buildings and trying to kill vampires. Vampires are not letting them go so innocent, people are dying... their blood on vampires. It sickens me while watching it so I got up and went for a walk.

The mansion is so big, to be honest, I've never been around the whole thing. I decided to leave the chaos and go in some rooms. I did see a gaming room which was very cool but there was a group of people in there watching television. I didn't bother to stop in there so I went through other hallways and other rooms. Some were very odd, old pictures and old books that collected dust and made me cough. Maids were cleaning the rooms but I didn't make a ruckus while going through old photo albums.


While flipping through one, it kind of broke apart by itself because it was so fragile and my big hands were like the freaking hulk and ripped it. Honestly, I feel like I have man hands sometimes... shake my head.

"Oh my goodness! Look what you have done!" A maid shouts while running up to me. I slowly get up from kneeling on the ground and picking up pictures from the broken photo album. "Leave, get!" She slowly pushes me towards the door to the hallway and I sigh, walking out. I was a bit annoyed with her because I could have picked up the pictures myself but whatever. I explore a little deeper and when I was about to turn to another hallway... I stop my pace. I slow down when I come to face with a door down a narrow hall. I look around if anyone was watching and I go up to it... turning the knob. It creaks while I let out a hiss because it was so loud while opening.

When it fully opens, I come to face with a flight of stairs. I look up at it and something in my body was curious to see what was up there. I let my feet guide me while I shut the door and I head upstairs. I suddenly realize that I'm in an attic and it's very old and looks like it isn't finished yet. Wood is piled in the corner and the ceiling isn't fully fixed. There are boxes everywhere and old furniture and a large window with a door and outside of it is a half done balcony. Maybe they didn't finish giving a touch up in the attic?

Curiosity takes over me and I go through the boxes, finding old clothes taken place way back in the 1800's and 1900's. In other boxes, I find old products that no one uses now like very old cameras. Suddenly I find more pictures and it's the Dagger family. They are very old from when camera's came around and they look young. In some Xavier is actually smiling and he looks happy but in others, he's trying to get away from the camera and he looks upset. I frown at looking at those and suddenly, the floor board creaks below me.


Abruptly, I get up from sitting down and Xavier is being me, staring at me.

"What are you doing here?" He softly asks and my heart starts to race. I honestly don't want to see him and of course, I'm looking at him now at the worst time.

"Sorry, I was just- just bored and-and I just found the attic and I was- um... curious." He walks closer to me and I stand still, staring in his eyes. Xavier grabs the photo in my hand that's a picture of him. I let go of it and he looks at it, a smile spreading on his face.

"Ah this night, I remember it like yesterday. It was 1896 and there was a carnival at the town we were living in. I'm sure it was in Italy and this women wouldn't stop following me around so I finally let her take a picture of me." He flips the picture around towards me and brings it next to his face. He does the same face and I can't help but let out a laugh because he looks the same but a little younger in the picture. "I frowned so she can hate the picture and eventually she gave it to me to keep." I giggle than look down at my feet. I shouldn't be this happy because he yelled at me last time we saw each other.

"What do you want?" I ask him and he sighs, tossing the picture on the floor.

"I wanted to see you, I can't stop thinking about you." He admits and my face becomes red from blushing.

"But you said-" He cuts me off.

"I don't care what I said. Ignore me like you do during other times." Xavier walks closer to me and I'm too scared to move. "After I bit you, I have this connection pull to you. I can't deny it anymore." He tries to grab me but something comes in my senses. I feel like something is controlling my body and making me move around. I walk away from him while his hope dies down in his eyes.

"I don't know why I'm moving." I say to him, walking to stacked boxes that's in the corner.

"Well... you are moving now." He softly says with a chuckle at the end.

"No, Xavier I'm not doing this, my body feels numb." He furrows his eyebrows in confusion while my hands go through a box. "I think I'm being controlled." My voice shakes in fright. Who can be doing this! My hands skip through empty picture frames while Xavier comes from behind me. He lands a hand on my shoulder but my body becomes alerted and my hands grab a hold of a picture frame. I turn around and the picture frame swings across his face, hitting him hard. He groans in pain, collapsing onto the floor while my body flies backwards. I, too, fall on the floor than my body flips back on my feet.

I yell at Xavier, telling him to save me but he is in too much pain to realize what it happening. My body suddenly drags itself towards the window door while I try to stop. I scream his name and he looks up while on his knees.

"I can't move!" He screams back at me, trying to get up but he can't. The door opens and I grab the doorway, my nails digging into the wood. I couldn't hold it any longer and I'm pushed in the half fixed balcony. "Diana!" He shouts my name and I catch my breath, my arms spreading apart. My back is facing the edge of the none fixed part where you can fall off. I look straight in his blue eyes, exhaling my last breath of fright.

"Catch me." I whisper to him as I slowly fall backwards, off the balcony.

The next thing I knew is, I'm flying but not in the clouds... down to my death.

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