《Bound By Blood》Bound By Blood: 23. The Bite


The rest of the day, I stayed alone in my room because the King and Queen thought it'd be best if I rested... alone. When the sun was slowly going down, a knock came at the door and it was Juliet, telling me that dinner was ready. I walked down with her to the dinning room and everyone was already sitting down. I sat at my usual spot next to the Queen and Juliet while the men sat together on the other side.

"How are you feeling, Diana?" The King asks me while we were eating. I swallow the mouthful of food and I nod.

"I'm doing better, thank you." I respond softly so I don't have to think of Madison's body hanging again. It's just very weird that we are quiet and talking about other things like nothing happen.

"Prince Xavier, a young man wanted me to give you this." A servant came behind him and we all turn our gazes to her. She was holding a tray, a wine glass on it with some liquid in it. Xavier grabs it and looks down at it, smelling it.

"What is it?" The King asks Xavier while the servant walks away and goes back to the kitchen. He was ready to drink it but Alexander stops him.

"Why are you going to drink it? You don't know what it is."

"Well, someone did give it to me for a reason and if it was a human, poison doesn't kill me so I'm not going to die." I wave of sickness hits me like something bad is going to happen. We all watch him silently as he drinks the whole thing. He swallows it and puts the glass on the table, looking straight down. Eventually he starts to cough and chug down his glass of water.

"It tasted good at the beginning but now, it's just a horrible after taste."

"Maybe because you haven't been feeding properly." Alexander says and the King nods his head no, snapping his fingers which made the servants around us move closer to the table.

"Diana, are you finished eating?" The Queen asks me and I turn to face her.

"Yeah, I'm done."

"Okay well, you know we feed on blood and sometimes we need to feed from the vein..." She slowly pauses and I look around, one servant next to each of them. Oh god they were going to feed. I wipe my mouth with my napkin and I get up, my body shaking.


"Oh um, yeah I get it. Um, I-I'll go then." I make an uncomfortable eye contact with Xavier who looked terribly pale and ill.

"You can stay if it doesn't bother you-"

"No, I should go so I don't bother you guys." I scurry away but I did realize that the boys had girl servants and the girls had boy servants. I guess vampires like feeding from the different gender of them. I leave the dining room and I go up to my room. I shut the door and I take a deep breath. I hear a noise behind me to I turn around alerted, the window open wide. I walk up to it and I slam it shut, the wind breezing against me. I hear a paper crumble and something hits my back. I turn around and a crumbled up paper is on the floor. I frown while I pick it up but suddenly a firm grip is on my arm. I wince in pain and I look next to me but no one is holding me.

Am I hallucinating?

A shout appears from downstairs and a force starts to push me towards the door. It feels like hands are on me and dragging me out of my room. I dig my heels onto the floor but it's sliding from my socks. Eventually, I'm out the door and at the top of the stairs, the force pushes me forward. I can't move at all like something is holding me back. I fall down them helplessly, moans coming out of my mouth in pain. When I land on the floor, I roll on my back, slowly getting up. My vision blurs and I grab the wall for support. I hear more screaming and servants are running out of the dining room. I walk there, concerned about what's wrong.

I reach the doorway and I lean against it, squinting my eyes to see what I'm actually seeing. The Dagger family is standing up on their toes for attacking mode but they aren't facing an enemy. They are facing their own family member.

"Xavier stop!" The King screams, pushing Juliet behind him so she doesn't get hurt. I hear a disturbing gargle noise and Xavier is holding a servant girl tight in his arms. He is feeding from her but not normally. His fangs are ripping her throat open while blood is dripping everywhere. It's sprayed on his face and a thick of it is around his mouth and chin... down to his neck. He pulls his fangs off out of her and she collapses onto the floor dead. Xavier is breathing hard, his head dropped low, staring at the dead girl. Everyone is still around him because they think if they try to tackle him down... he'll fight back.


"It must have been that drink he drank! Who gave it to him! What was in it!" The Queen screams and when my vision goes back to normal, on the other side of the dining room wall, there's a glass door. From far I see someone walk pass it and it's not who I think it is. Mr. Walsh? What would he want to do with us?

"Mr. Walsh?" I mutter under my breath so low but not low enough. Every head from the Dagger family snap to me and they look worried. I narrow my eyes to the person who is terrifying me and I wish he isn't looking at me but he is. Xavier's eyes are dark and possessive, snarling at me his fangs. He takes one step but Juliet runs up to him while the King screams no.

"Xavier, wake up! Don't do this!" She shouts, grabbing a hold of him while he pauses and looks down at his sister. I exhale loudly because he looks calm but that's what I thought he looked. Abruptly, he brings his hands around her neck and twists it sideways. I open my mouth in shock and I want to vomit. Juliet collapses onto the ground as he walks over her body and towards me. I turn the other way and I run off, my heart beating rapidly. I turn to another hallway but suddenly a force pushes me back. I fall backwards and I look in front of me but no one is near me. It felt like a pair of hands pushing me back. Is anyone invisible?

I hear footsteps behind me and I know who it is. Xavier grabs my arms and holds me tightly in his embrace. I scream to get away from him but suddenly, my feet are off the ground and a breeze whips my face. I open my eyes and we aren't in the hallway again. He must have used his vampire speed to go somewhere else. We are in his room. I'm pinned against the wall and Xavier is holding me by my arms. My eyes widen when I'm so close to him. The blood is all over him while he smirks at me. He brings his head down to my neck and I feel his wet lips skim over my flesh. I bring my hands against his chest while I push away from him but he is too strong. He brings me off of the wall and slams me back against it. I wince in pain as he let goes of me and rests his hands on each side of the wall.

"Stop fighting and relax, Diana. It won't hurt that much if you just relax." He chuckles, his breath hitting my neck. I squeeze my eyes shut when his sharp teeth hit the nape of my neck.

Then, my worst nightmare happen.

He bites down hard, earning a scream from my throat. It was painful, worst than Mason biting me. I can't explain how it feels, his fangs digging deeper in my throat. Blood stirs in his mouth as he sucks and swallows, a groan escaping from his throat. He wouldn't stop. He's going to drink me dry. He pulls away but bites down again, a new pain circulating through my body. His hands go in my shirt, his fingers dragging down my warm back and resting on my waist. But Xavier isn't feeding properly, he's feeding like a vampire who hasn't had to eat for years. He is tearing my throat apart. I slowly lose conscious and a pair of arms grab Xavier, pulling him away from me. He hisses and snarls, trying to get away from the person and finish me up. I lose balance while I collapse onto the floor.

Through my blurry vision I see Alexander and the King hold Xavier back. I taste rust in my mouth and I know it's my blood because it's seeping out of my neck and forming a pool around me. I don't know if I'm hyperventilating or not.

"He bit her!" The King shouts.

"You think." Alexander responds back through Xavier's groans.

"He can't bite her and he did."

"What does that mean?"

"For the Prophecy, if he bites Diana, he marks her."

"Any vampire can mark anyone!" Alexander shouts back.

"Yeah but I don't think he was ready. Someone did this to him, to attack Diana. But because they are part of the Prophecy, his scent will be on her... it'll make it much more suspicious about them." He pauses and my eyes slowly start to close. "We need to save her now."


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