《Bound By Blood》Bound By Blood: 15. I Will Kill Them


The next morning was dreadful. I slipped on jeans and a baggy sweatshirt as I let my hair fall behind me. I looked at myself in the mirror than the cut on my forehead. I skimmed it with my fingers as I wince in pain. It was black and blue around it which made it look disgusting. I go through the bathroom cabinets and I find a Band-Aid as I stick it over my cut. I look around my room for my binder but it's nowhere to be seen. Then I realize that I slapped Mr. Walsh with it yesterday so it's probably at his classroom. I sigh at the thought of it while leaving my room and heading downstairs. When I reach the large doors, the servant that drove us there was waiting for me.

"Where's Xavier?" I ask when we walk out the doors and he points at the car in front of us.

"He's inside waiting." I nod in understanding what he meant because when I went in the backseats, Xavier was sitting on the other side. I buckle my seatbelt and the servant starts to drive off from the mansion. I start to tap my fingers against my thigh uncomfortably until Xavier exhales lowly.

"Can you stop tapping, it's annoying." He says through gritted teeth. I don't bother to look at him because the only thing I think of is his fangs grazing my neck. The thought of it brings my hand over my neck as my heart starts to race quickly. "Listen, I'm sorry about yesterday. I haven't fed in a while and you were bleeding and you smelled so damn good-"

"I get it, it's fine." I quickly stop the conversation and from the corner of my eye, I realized that he was staring at me. "Can you stop staring?" I finally look into his blue eyes and they are compelling.

"I can heal that if you want." He points at the Band-Aid on my forehead and I lick my lips.

"No, that was creepy as hell with your saliva." I reply back which made his choke a laugh. I stretch while bringing my arms back than running them down my thighs. "You know what, now that we are talking, why did you lie to your parents?"

"Shut up, I don't want to talk about it." He turns his head to face the window but I got too pissed so I swing my hand across his head. With his fast vampire speed, he moves on the seats and slams my back against the door which makes my closed lips let out a wince. I snap my eyes open and my face is inches away from his. We are staring into each others eyes, memorized by each other I'm sure.

"Mr. Dagger, is everything okay back there?" The servant asks while still driving and Xavier snaps out of our trance.

"Yes, we are okay." Xavier says but he wouldn't move away from our position. His eyes drag back to my attention and he brings his lips to my ear.

"Don't hit me. I did it for a reason, a reason to show that I hate you."

"Do you really hate me?" I whisper which makes him pull back from me.


"Then why are you doing this?"

"Don't you remember our deal or did Mr. Walsh slam your head that hard?"


"No, I remember it, I just, I don't know." I slowly shift my seat as he goes back to sitting down except leaning over.

"Don't have anything in mind. Nothing will happen between us."

"I know." I mutter and he swallows, turning his head to face the window again.

"I can get protective at some points. If someone touches you today, I will kill them." The tone of his voice made chills run down my spine which finished our conversation till we reached to the school.

So right when I walk in Mr. Walsh's classroom, he comes up to me in silent and hands me my binder. I don't say anything to him except slowly watch every move from him. Students around us weren't suspicious at all because they were finishing their poems that they had to do yesterday in class. Xavier and I just sat there until the bell rang to leave. Luckily, Mr. Walsh didn't say a word to me except when Xavier and I were walking out of the classroom together.

"Snapping my neck yesterday wasn't necessary at all." We both pause from walking and Xavier turns around, standing in front of me for protection.

"Yeah, I apologize for my actions for doing that but I do have anger issues and you are way up on my list which made me snap your neck reasonable." I watch from behind Xavier while the bell rang. The hallways became quiet except the chuckles coming from Mr. Walsh.

"I'm way older than you and I can do much more things to you and her. It's just a shocker that a vampire is protecting a human."

"If you do anything do me, my family will come after you because last time I checked, my parents control you. You'd be dumb if you did something idiotic."

"You aren't the only Royal douche in the world. This whole school is filled with Royal students."

"But they are down below my feet, that's how low they are. But me? I'm up over your thoughts that you can't comprehend." Mr. Walsh let's out another laugh as my heart starts to race.

"I don't care if you are Royal, Xavier. You and your pathetic family is just hiding something about her that I want to know and I will find out." Xavier nods his head no and takes a step back, bumping into me.

"No you won't because this is our last time coming here."

"Oh really?"


"Than it was an honor having you in my class, Diana." His eyes gaze down to mine and I gulp a swallow. Xavier tightens his grip around my arm and pushes me away from his classroom.

"Ouch! Will you get off of me?" I yank my arm away and he starts to walk behind me like a creep. "Can you at least walk next to me?"

"I have to watch you."

"Behind me?"

"Yep, you were the dumb one who just created an enemy for us."

"Come' on, he's a stupid teacher." Suddenly, he runs up to me with vampire speed and pushes me against the wall.

"That means nothing at all!" He shouts to me and a vampire student passes us as Xavier silently watches him. The vampire watches us too as a smirk forms and a whistle escapes his lips. Xavier sighs pissed and pulls away from me as I take a step away from the wall. "Anyone can do anything to us, especially you."


"I thought you said that you don't care if I die?" Xavier runs his hand through his hair and looks down at me.

"Again, I'll be protective of you but I won't fall in love with you." He admits and my throat becomes tight.

"Okay, fine with me." I lie as we start walking again to our next class.

The rest of the day, finally finishing school without fights or threats was a stress reliever. When the day ended, Xavier and I met at the front of the school and we both went in the car that was waiting for us. When we got home, a servant came knocking on my door.

"Ms. Diana, King Jean wants me to bring you to him. It's family talk."

"Um okay." I say a little unsure so I shut my bedroom door and followed her down the stairs and to the South wing of the mansion. She opens a pair of doors and there sitting down was the King and Queen and Juliet besides them.

"Hi Diana!" Juliet shouts to me with her long arm shooting up in the air with a wave. I shyly give her a half smile as I look around the room. It looks like another hang out room with couches and a television on the wall.

"Your welcome." A deep voice says to me from behind and I jump off my own feet. Alexander gives me a grin as I look at him confused. I mouth to him 'what' as he gestures his head to his father and walks away to sit with them.

"Okay, what now. Am I in trouble?" Another familiar voice says behind me and when I turn around, Xavier's eyes narrow down to me.

"Children, please sit down." The Queen offers and he walks right pass me while I follow. I sit by myself on a couch and the others take up two.

"First of all, I want to say that today was you two's last day of going to that school. I apologize for my actions and making you guys go there." I bring my eyes to Alexander and he nods to me. So he did talk to his father.

"Secondly, Xavier, you recently turned eighteen so your mother and I have been planing a party for your birthday."

"No." Xavier says and my mouth drops agape.

"Why not?" Juliet whines and his eyes narrow to her.

"Because I don't want one."

"Um, I think I should leave because this is nothing for me." I butt in and I get up, ready to move but the Queen snaps at me.

"Please, Diana, sit down now. You will be going."


"No, you will be attending because you are living with us." I lose the fight so I sit back down and Xavier lets out a chuckle.

"I don't want one."

"Too late, the invitations have been sent out months ago because we have been planning this for years."

"Yeah but I change my mind I don't want one."

"You will have one just like we did with Alexander." Xavier snaps his blue eyes to me but I realize that they slowly darkened. Was I hallucinating or did they really darken?

"Fine but if it gets screwed up by me, don't blame me because I just warned you." He says, getting up and walking out of the room. And just like that, the meeting was over.

I was a little curious why Xavier doesn't want to have a party. If he's Royal too than the party would be huge! I roamed around the halls, a bit bored of staying in my room the whole time. From staying here for about two weeks now, I've been slowly memorizing where to go and where everyone's bedrooms were. I knock on Juliet's, calling her name but she didn't answer or she wasn't in there. I sigh, jogging down the stairs and I hear a girl wince in pain. I look around the hall but I don't see anything around me. I hear it again than whispers as I slowly follow the noise.

I stop in the dining room and sitting down alone is Xavier but a girl who looks like a servant is cradled in his arms. At first I thought they were kissing but than I realize that his mouth is on her neck. Oh my god, he is feeding on her. I choke on my saliva from watching for the first time, Xavier feeding on my kind. Sickness washes over me and suddenly, his eyes snap open and gaze up at me. They were the electric blue eyes that consume me but now, they terrified me.

I take a step back and he pulls away from her, her blood over his very red lips. His fangs are bare with blood too as he runs his bloody tongue over them. The servant collapses onto the floor and I turn around, jogging out of room but a pair of large hands grab me and pin me against the wall. What's up with pinning against the wall?

"Hello, Diana. Were you looking for me?" I look up at him and he licks the blood off his lips, cleaning them.

"Um, actually y-yeah. I was wondering why you don't want to have a party?" He looks down at me and a grin runs along his lips.

"Personal reasons, I think they are useless and going every year to a party becomes very boring."

"Oh okay." I try to move out of the way but he grabs me again and brings me back to the wall. "Wait, what are you-" I pause from talking when he brings his lips down to my neck. He's breathing heavy on me, going oddly fast. Just like how my heart quickened it's pace from earlier when I saw him feeding on the servant.

"Do you know that when I was feeding, I smelled you come in and heart your heartbeat over hers?" His breath tickles my neck and I feel like my knees are going to collapse.


"Than you should know that when you are around me, it is hard to control."

"You aren't scaring me." I say through gritted teeth and he lets out a low laugh.

"Your heart pace doesn't say that at all."

"Well mentally, I'm not."

"Who says that I'm trying to scare you?" I open my mouth to argue but I close it in defeat.

"You are confusing."

"No Diana, you are." In a blink of an eye, he is gone from being in front of me and I pull away from the wall.

What kind of game is he playing?

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