《Bound By Blood》Bound By Blood: 14. Bad Idea To Go Back?


My heart is thumping against my ribs. I'm standing in front of their bedroom door and I'm too scared to knock. Maybe I should? Or just go! No. Yes! I sigh, my knuckles hitting the door with a thud and I hear the King inside telling me to come in. I close the door softly behind me and I cock my head back to face the King and Queen who are both reading on the couch.

"Is everything okay, Diana?" The Queen asks me with her soft voice and I nod, walking closer to them.

"About what happen today, which gave me this." I point at my forehead which has a huge gash with dry blood. "It wasn't Xavier's fault. I kind of led him to a trap and he saved me. Whatever he said to you guys, it's a lie." The Queen gives me a gesturing smile and the King lets out a chuckle.

"Diana, whatever happen, happen. Sometimes it's okay if he takes the blame to save you."


"Because it will show how much you care to him. How much he loves you."

"But... He doesn't love me." I softly say and it runs silent. They both frown at me than the King's lips form into a thin line.

"Honey, just go to bed, it's late and you have school tomorrow."

"Right, school." I mutter under my breath as I turn and leave their room without another word. Why can't they just understand what I did at school was my mistake! Xavier came and saved me! I run my hand through my hair fierce fully and I groan under my breath. Suddenly, I hear footsteps and when I snap my head up, Xavier stops and looks at me from far. He's at the top of the stairs and I'm ready to turn to another hall where my bedroom is. I give him a half smile but he just returns a grin, walking the other way. I let out a shaky breath as I rethink about what happen.

Xavier was telling me to don't go back to Mr. Walsh's room alone. But I didn't care what he thinks. I want my poem back, it means a lot to me. After deciding not to go to lunch -either way I had no where to sit- I find my way back up to Mr. Walsh's class. Without a knock, I just barged in and realized that he didn't have a class, he was alone.

"Okay, I came here alone, where is my poem." I ask him, slamming my binder on his desk to make him look up. He gives me a smirk, and gets up, heading to the classroom door.

"I threw it out."

"You what!" I scream as I watch him shut the door slowly and turn back to me. Is it a bad idea that I went back?

"Yeah, I threw it out."

"Why, because 'I was too rude'?" I say sarcastically and he chuckles under his breath.

"Maybe, you shouldn't be mean to a teacher." I roll my eyes and he walks closer to me and I take a step back. "Tell me Diana, are you at the Royal's Mansion because of the Prophecy?" I choke a laugh and he furrows his eyebrows.

"What Prophecy?"

"Oh don't lie to me, you know if you are living with them." I swallow, becoming serious when his eyes darken.

"And how do you know about it?" He gives me a seductive smirk while winking at me.


"I get my ways with the girls in this school who know everything." I frown in disgust while grabbing my binder.

"You're such a gross pervert, I don't care what you do with these sluts. I'm out of here." I say, walking pass him and heading to the door. Suddenly, I'm stopped by Mr. Walsh who stands in front of the door.

"You're going nowhere." My heart races and I take a step back, my throat forming a tight lump. "I've never had fun with a human." He looks up and down at my body than right into my eyes.

"Whatever you are thinking is never going to happen. Now let me go."

"Nah, I have two periods off, and... no one will bother us..." He strides to me and before he grabs me, I lift up my binder and slam it across his face. My wrists ache from swinging the huge binder so I drop it and I race to the door. I grab the door knob and when I open it an inch, a thick body slams onto my back. I let out a yelp of pain as I collapse onto the floor. Before the door closed from the crack, I scream Xavier's name through the hallway.

"Oh, that hurt my ears." Mr. Walsh says while flipping me over on my back. I look up at his face where I hit him with my binder and it's a little red.

"Oh sorry, you creatures have sensitive hearing." I snap back with gritted teeth as he lets out a quick chuckle.

"Oh yes, and that hit hurt very hard." He grabs me by my upper arms and throws me against the front desk, my back aching in pain as I scream. Tears form in my eyes from the pain and from the force, the desks all moved around when I slammed into the first one. "Ouch, that must have hurt." He teases while walking to me and kneeling down. I turn to my side and I cuss under my breath, slowly getting up as he watches me.

I slowly balance on my feet and I wince from my back that's in agony. I let out a shaky sigh which helps my tears go back down. Mr. Walsh uses his speed and grabs me by my throat, spinning me around so that he's behind me. I dig my nails in his hand that's wrapped around my throat and he lets out a laugh.

"Let her go." A growl appears from behind us and Mr. Walsh spins me around so I can face Xavier who is in front of me. His hands are clenched at his side and he snarls at him.

"Why should I? She has been very bad." He loosens his grip against my throat and I swallow down as much oxygen as I can.

"Because she is mine." He barks back and I look at him with sweat forming along my forehead. Am I going to die? Mr. Walsh shrugs and sighs.

"Fine." He grabs the back of my head and slams it down forcefully, the corner of my head slamming against the edge of a desk and I get so dizzy, I fall on the floor. Xavier hesitates a little than walks to me but Mr. Walsh grabs his arm. "But I didn't say you can get her." Xavier pulls his arm away and swings a fist across his face, so much force, he flies back. Now I feel like I have a concussion. My head is banging and I realize that something warm is trickling down my forehead. Mr. Walsh cracks his jaw in place and grins, lunging at Xavier and punching him rows across his face. Xavier drops down to the floor, spitting blood from his mouth while it pours out of his nose.


"Really? Beating the King and Queen's son? That isn't smart." Xavier says while I realize that I am getting lifted off the ground. I groan in pain and Mr. Walsh holds me in place, sniffing the air.

"Oh no, someone is bleeding." Xavier snaps his head up and looks up at my face while Mr. Walsh brings his fingers at my bleeding cut. I close my eyes in exhaustion while he runs his fingers along the wetness. He brings his fingers in his mouth and licks my blood away while moaning. "Oh, a virgin." He mumbles while digging his head between my neck. I start to shake while I feel his tongue flick against my neck. "Xavier, her blood is unique, something different." He adds while Xavier slowly gets up.

"Give. Me. Her."

"Aren't you tempted to try her? How long has she stayed with you guys?"

"Mr. Walsh, let's just end it right now and forget everything. Just give me her." His face is pleading while my heavy eyelids are fluttering open and close.

"Come' on Xavier. Let's just have some fun, we won't kill her. Just try her blood." Xavier shifts uncomfortably in his position while watching me slowly with his dark eyes. "Don't you smell it, I know you're hungry. She's ripping you inside out whenever you see her. Is she the human for the Prophecy?"

"I don't care about her." He skips the last question and I mentally thank him.

"Then let's have a drink." He tilts my head to the side and moves my hair away, revealing my pale exposed neck.


"No? Than you're lying to me?"


"Then... Drink." He pushes me away from him as my body heats up when I reach contact with Xavier. He's holding me by my arms and he growls at himself, trying to control himself. I look down at his pink plumb lips and his fangs are exposed. "Go." Mr. Walsh demands and Xavier bring his head to my neck, his cold breath hitting me. My throat is on fire and my head is pounding so hard. "Prove that she isn't the human for the Prophecy." Xavier let's out a hiss, something I never heard him do while his fangs press down on my skin. I wince at the feeling and I squeeze my eyes shut when he bites down harder. Before my skin breaks, he quickly pulls away from me and I grab balance against the wall. He runs up to Mr. Walsh with vampire speed and wraps his arms around his head. Without hesitation, he snaps his neck with a sickening crap that echoes through my ears which makes me shrink back in disgust. Mr. Walsh's body falls helplessly on the floor while Xavier walks up to me.

"Are you stupid to go here by yourself! You are lucky I heard you scream!" He shouts and I realize that I'm starting to get dizzy. "Diana?" He calls my name and that's when I black out.

I wake up on a bed and when I flutter my eyes open, Juliet is in front of my face with a smile.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I groan in agony because of my back and my head. I rub my scalp and I sit up from laying down. My eyes blur but then I see my presence around me.

I'm in my room at the Mansion.

"Ugh, I don't feel so good."

"Yeah, Xavier was pretty hard with you at school." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

"You passed out in school after the incident."

"Yeah, Xavier saved me." Juliet shrinks her head back in confusion.

"No he didn't, after what happen he ran home while carrying you. Father freaked out and when Xavier told them what happen, father wasn't pleased."

"Let me get this straight." Juliet looks up to me and nods while I take a deep breath.

"What did your brother say to your parents about what happen?"

"Oh he said that you were talking and talking in class and he got pissed off so he slammed your head against the desk which gave you that cut. Then Mr. Walsh tried to stop him but he snapped his neck." After she finished, my eyes widen in shock. Why would Xavier say that he hurt me? Oh my god. He did it to showed that we have no interest in each other. That he hates me. I push the blankets off of my body and I stand up while my eye sight revolved in circles. I close my eyes while sighing and Juliet grabs a hold of me.

"What's the matter?"

"I have to talk to your parents."


"Because what Xavier said was a lie. He did no harm to me." I walk out of my room while Juliet is calling my name.

After he walks away I head back to my room. After I shut the door, I turn around to see Alexander sitting on my bed. I gasp in fright while he gives me a smile.

"I believe you." He says while I walk closer to him.

"What do you mean?"

"Xavier wouldn't hurt you. Even if you're human, he's never hurt a girl like that."

"So you believe me?"

"Yeah and Mr. Walsh? Psh, I know him. He'd never try and stop a vampire from beating a human. Such a big lie Xavier said." I sit next to him in silence than I groan, falling back onto the bed while I stretch in agony.

"I just don't want to go back to school and go back to Mr. Walsh's class."

"Maybe tomorrow with be your last." Alexander looks down at me and I gaze my eyes at him.


"What my father is doing is irrelevant, so dumb. Going to a school full of Royal vampires? Sorry to say it Diana but you are our source, they will crawl all over you in seconds."

"True, it was the worst."

"I'll talk to my mother and father. They usually listen to me and they won't listen to what Xavier has to say now on."

"Yeah, I just saw him and he looked upset."

"He is just trying to show that he has no emotional feelings for you." I knew it!

"And he's doing that perfectly great."

"Yeah but he doesn't really mean it." He pauses and licks his lips. "I do think he cares about you."


"Did he save you today?"

"Well... yeah." I say slowly like it didn't connect with my thoughts. I close my eyes when my headache hits me again and rub my hands against my face.

"Exactly." Alexander responds back and I pop open my eyes.

"But that means..." I sit up and he isn't next to me anymore. He's nowhere to be seen in my room. "Nothing..." I finish my sentence low as a whisper while I look around my room in silence.

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