《Bound By Blood》Bound By Blood: 13. Back To The Big Mouth


After the closet incident, Xavier walks in first to AP World. The door creaks open as I look over his shoulder. The young teacher pauses from talking and turn towards our direction.

"Oh, Xavier Dagger, surprise that you are here." She says, all the students snapping their heads to us. All of the girls were giggling about Xavier and others whispered about me who's behind him. There was more boys than girls in the classroom and all of them were eyeing me sexually, hungry, or no expression at all. Xavier steps aside and reveals me to the teacher as her eyebrows shoot up in shock. "A human." She mutters than shakes her head, clearing her throat. "Sorry, I just didn't know we can have humans in this school." She smiles, sticking her hand out.

"Mrs. Lepore, this is Diana Wilson, she is staying with my family and I for personal reasons and my father kind of forced us to go back to school." Xavier says and I slowly take her cold hand, shaking it.

"Excellent, school is a great learning experience so I do agree with the King. Find two seats here and hopefully these students will make you feel like home Diana." Mrs. Lepore says to me and I nod, giving her a grin. Xavier walks off in silence, taking a seat in the back corner which made him surrounded with vampire students. I exhale softly, feeling a bit self-centered because I wanted to sit near Xavier but no seats are near him.

"Are you going to sit?" A girl barks but I don't know who as I start shaking. My heart thumps tightly against my ribs and I look at Xavier. He leans over his desk and sighs, feeling a bit annoyed. I finally swallow as I take the last seat that's in the middle.


I place my binder on the desk while Mrs. Lepore goes back to teaching. Her voice was a blur in my ears as I look around my presence. From the corner, a boy winks at me which makes my cheeks flush red with embarrassment. I turn back and my gaze catches a girl who snarls at me with her fangs. Nothing has changed from my regular school to this school. Except that I'm the only human. This is going to be a long day.


AP World wasn't that bad but the worst was English Honors, which was next. I didn't think I was going to walk in with a perverted young teacher who can't keep his eyes off of me. He's the teacher too so it doesn't make anything better at all. Xavier greeted me to him and Mr. Walsh grabs my hand and kisses the top of it. Students watched with their mouths agape and honestly, mine was too.

"Okay, we're going to sit down now." Xavier says, breaking the silence in the class, thank goodness. He went back to teaching after watching me sit down, luckily next to Xavier who would just ignore me. I knew some familiar faces who were in my AP World class so it wasn't that much scarier.

"Today, I am going to let you all write a poem. If I find one interesting, I'll make you share it to the class." A group groans annoyed as Mr. Walsh starts to laugh. "But that doesn't mean you all will write bad ones. If you do, you'll get the poem graded as a test and you will get a zero. Now start." He walks to his desk while people around us start opening their notebooks and start to brain storm. I love to write poems so it isn't hard for me. I open my binder while I see Xavier scribbling stuff down in his notebook already. I sigh, picking up my pen and closing my eyes. That's when I start to write:

They all are suffocating in their screams

Blood pouring out of their wounds from the battles they fought

Either it was at home, outside, in school, in their bedroom...

She knows that she can save some of them

Smother them close until there souls become white again

The night won't be cold anymore with death surrounding them

They all can have peace once again through the sunrise

I hear a grunt behind me and when I turn around it's Mr. Walsh glancing over my shoulder. He grabs my paper and I try to snatch it back but he walks away.


"Diana please, may I read this to the classroom?" He asks and all heads look up from their papers.

"Ugh, no."

"Why not?" His voice is a little irritated but I shrug.

"It's no ones concern. I don't want to share it."

"Diana." Xavier snaps next to me and I turn my gaze to him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"No, I have the right to say things. So, no, I want my paper back." Mr. Walsh stares at me for a while and he ticks me off. "What? Am I going to get detention now?" He lifts an eyebrow up and stands in front of the classroom.

"Come get it yourself."

"My apologies Mr. Walsh but I don't want to cause a scene with my little human friend over here." Xavier chuckles while a group of guys join him.

"Don't call me 'little human' again." I growl to Xavier with gritted teeth and he purses his lips into a thin line.

"Well, now someone decides to have the big mouth again?" I slip out of my desk and I walk up to Mr. Walsh, face-to-face. He has a round face, shaved beard, blue eyes and dark skin from most vampires. He is wearing a button down and black pants and it shows his broad shoulder and thick arms. He's attractive and probably in his twenties so it isn't no surprise if he has hooked up with some of these vampire sluts in this school.

"I'm not scared of you."

"I didn't say you should be." He breaths out and I look up into his eyes. He's taller than Xavier so I'm having trouble looking at him.

"May I have my paper back?"


"Why not?"

"Because you are very rude." I scoff.

"Rude! I can be rude as much as I want. I don't need to be nice to your kind." I growl, some students whispering about me in disgust.

"So is that how things are going to play out, eh?" He asks and I nod my head up and down.

"I won't leave till a fight-" The bell rings for next class and students were leaving the classroom. A smile creases on his lips as he walks to his desk.

"Come back to me when you have lunch, Diana. Alone." Mr. Walsh says, placing my paper in front of him as he looks away like I de-solved into dust. I stand there with my mouth hung open until Xavier comes next to me and slams my binder against my chest.

"Let's go." He grabs me by my arm and pulls me out, both of us walking to our next class.

"He's annoying."

"Just get over yourself. It's just a poem."

"Something very meaningful to me." I respond back as he turns into a classroom and I follow him behind.

"Why so?" I sigh, running my hand through my hair.

"Let's just say it's personal."

"Well, I can wait till we get home to hear the story. And no, you are not going back to Mr. Walsh's room next period."

"Why not?" I snap back at him as we both sit down and wait for other students to come in.

"Because he is very fond of you from how you acted in class all of a sudden."

"It wasn't my fault."

"They all say that." He replies while giving me a cocky grin as I roll my eyes.

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