《Bound By Blood》Bound By Blood: 12. School...? Or Cruel


I'm clenching onto a binder tightly around my hands while a servant is driving us to the school. Xavier is keeping no attention to me, only leaning his head against the window with his eyes closed.

"The King wanted me to tell you two to have a great day." The servant says, his eyes snapping at my gaze through the mirror. I give him a weak smile till I turn my head back to the window.

"Yay, we're here." Xavier says sarcastically after five minutes. I see that we drive through a large parking lot into a regular looking school. Vampire students are walking in the large doors that are opening and the only thing I'm wondering is why are the doors open! It's freezing as hell outside. Eventually the car is parked next to the sidewalk and Xavier gets out quickly, slamming the door behind him. I follow, trying to rush to be at his side because he's walking fast.

"Wanna slow down?" I say to him while trying to ignore that fact that I didn't bring a jacket with me.

"You should walk faster." He responds as I roll my eyes. I finally jog, reaching next to him when we reach the doors. I look around us as vampire students are watching us closely. I slowly lift the collar of my shirt higher so the bite doesn't show. Honestly, it's not that bad only when I tilt my head to the side it hurts but besides that, it's two small holes from Mason's fangs. Jerk. Some girls snarl at me and boys just wink. On the other side, the gossip happens when they ask themselves why is Xavier at school.

"Where are you going?"

"To get our schedules, stupid." He's right, I have nothing except a binder and a pen and pencil stuffed in it. That's what was on my desk when a servant woke me up in the morning to get ready.

"Can't we just leave?" I groan and he chuckles.

"If I had a car."

"Do you not know how to drive?"

"I do, but my father doesn't trust me now. He thinks I'm going to leave you behind." I shrug as we walk in a room that said .



"I know." Xavier responds back until he starts to talk to a lady typing on a computer. They were talking about how we need our schedules. Suddenly, the bell rings for first period and I cuss under my breath. "Relax, it's not like your school." He adds while thanking the lady for our papers. We leave the room and right when I was about to leave he grabs my arm tightly.

"Ow!" I yell and some students around us stop and stare. He pulls me close and I feel his breath against my ear.

"You are not going anywhere. Give me your schedule." I pull away from him, handing the paper that's in my hand as he snatches it. He looks at mine and checks if we have the same classes.

"Thanks to father, he put us in the same classes. Except lunch." He says, handing my paper back as I take it. "Come, we're going to AP World." We both walk up a long staircase of stairs and I got curious so I ask him,

"When did you go to school?"

"Many years ago."

"But don't vampires age slow?"

"Well, we age like humans when we're kids but when puberty starts, we slow down. Once a year when we turn a new age, we take that year of school than we wait a couple of years again."

"You just turned eighteen, wouldn't you have to go back to school anyways?"

"No, father let me skip this year but now I do have to go back because of you." He turns to a hallway and I follow him. Some vampires are passing by us, staring me down. What, they haven't seen a human?

"Jeez, vampires are so complicated." I say and Xavier snaps his gaze at me.

"Human girls are complicated, FYI, you." I give him a 'wtf' look than I roll my eyes. "I saw that." He adds and I give him a grin.

"You were suppose to." Xavier stops in front of a classroom and I didn't realize so I slammed into him. I take a step back and he narrows his eyes at me as I stick my tongue out.


"Listen, for every class you are not going to talk."

"Why? How about if they ask me questions."

"Then be smart and answer them correctly, if not I don't want to save your ass." He pauses and flares his nostrils. "Even from vampire boys, your smell is too strong, they can be attracted to you."

"Do I not smell good?" I ask him, lifting up my arms and smelling my armpits. I did put deodorant today so I do smell like Dove Cucumbers.

"What? No! I just hope they fed already." Does my blood smell that much? Vampires are weird.

"So like, my blood smells?" Xavier groans annoyed and leans against the wall.

"Oh my god, yes! What else?" I smirk and I let out a chuckle.

"How do I smell to you?" I ask jokingly.

"Mouthwatering." He whispers, jumping off of the wall and walking closer to me. "Even with that open wound." He gestures his head towards my neck as fear washes over my face. I start taking steps back when Xavier was walking closer to me. Eventually, I hit the other wall but against a door that said and he leans over, opened the door and pushing me in. I fall back, almost losing my binder but I grab it in my tight grip. It's a small closet, tighter than the towel closet in the pool room. What's up with Xavier and I in closets? The door shuts as he turns to face me, our bodies tight together. "Even when I haven't fed on a human body for a long time."

"Bu-but, you-you drank blood three days ago in a cup."

"Nothing better than warm blood circulating through the veins." He says, his eyes electric through mine.

"Xavier. Don't." I exclaim when he gives me a chuckle.

"Why not? Because we're in a school full with vampires? Or because it hurt when Mason bit you? Oh, Diana, I don't bite hard." He says and when he smirks, I see his fangs enlarging from his gums. I slam my back against a pantry with products for classrooms, bathrooms etc.

"Please, you don't have to do this."

"I can do anything." He says, the tip of his fangs brushing his bottom lip while talking and I just stare at them, the sick part of me thinking that he looks incredibly attractive with them. My binder that's against my chest is holding between us from touching and I thank that. He leans his hands against one of the pantry bars with my head in the middle of them. "You can't stop me." Xavier whispers in my ear when he leans his face closer to mine. I'm shaking so much he holds me with one of his hands, resting on my arm. His head tilts at the side and I feel his lips graze my neck. I feel them over my wound that Mason left on my neck.

"Xavier..." I breath out because his fangs run along my throat and tingles run down my spine.

"Don't move." He demands, holding me still when his lips reach my wound again. I feel his warm tongue run along the two holes and I feel like my knees are ready to collapse. Eventually, he pulls away from me and his fangs are gone.

"What did you do?" I ask, leaning up from the pantry and touching my neck. Than I feel that nothing is on my neck, not even the bite.

"I healed you. I don't want anyone to touch you today, not on the first day."

"Oh um, thanks." I say, blush flushing my cheeks as he just stares down at me with furrow eyebrows. I look down at the ground, trying not to make eye contact with him. "Should we go to class? We're really late." I add and he nods, opening the door.

"Yeah, you're right for once." He responds.

This is going to be so cruel for me.

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