《Bound By Blood》Bound By Blood: 16. Finding The Dress


A whole week passed and the only thing I did was try and ignore Xavier. Even if we did make eye contact, we wouldn't say anything even though he looked like he had something to say.

After waking up I walk down the stairs to the kitchen so I can eat breakfast. Some servants are working around me as I take out bread and I slop some butter over it.

"Are you sure you don't want anything else much more refreshing?" I turn my head around and Alexander is smiling down at me with Juliet by his side.

"Good morning, Diana!" Juliet skips around the island that's between us and goes to the refrigerator, taking out eggs and bacon.

"Um... can I use laziness as an excuse?"

"Well, you know you can ask the servant to cook for you."

"Why don't you do the same?" I ask, gesturing my head to Juliet who is smashing egg shells open and dropping the yoke in the bowl.

"Sometimes we do, sometimes we don't." Juliet butts in and Alexander walks around the island to reach me. He grabs the bread that's in my hand and tosses it back on the plate.

"But today, we are going to cook breakfast ourselves." I helplessly give out a smile and Juliet starts to whisk the yokes together to make scramble eggs.

While eating we talked about childhood life stories, but Alexander and Juliet had more to say because they lived longer.

"Who didn't invite me to this fun breakfast party?" We all turn around and Xavier is at the doorway, leaning against it with his arms crossed over his chest.

"No one actually, you could have just joined." I say back and the smile that was on his face vanishes.

"Don't talk back to me with that attitude." I open my mouth in shock while looking at Juliet but she just rolls her eyes, trying to say 'leave him alone'. He walks in the kitchen and goes around the island that we were eating on and faces all three of us. Alexander and I finished eating but he noticed that Juliet still had bacon on her plate. He snatches it and takes at bite while Juliet shouts at him. "Easy with that voice, you're going to burst my ear drum." He whines while Juliet mocks it.


"Than you shouldn't have taken my last piece!"

"Chill, I'll make you more." I say to Juliet as she leans over Alexander who was sitting between us and grabs my arm.

"It's fine, Xavier should make some."

"No thanks, I'm not a servant." He chuckles to his own comment while giving eye contact to me the whole time. "So, change of stupid subject, mother wanted me to tell you two girls that you guys are going dress shopping for my party."

"Yay!" Juliet cheers like a five year old and I get up, tossing my dirty plate in the sink.

"Um this past week, I have decided that I am not going." I reply and Xavier snaps his head to me.

"Why not? My parents already told you that you are attending."

"In a room full with vampires? No thanks." I turn around from facing the sink and Xavier is guarding me from making a move. Alexander and Juliet are still in their seats, watching us.

"Why, scared?"

"No, I don't want to go." He gives me a toothy smile but his canine teeth were razor blade fangs.

"So you are scared of us."

"I am not, I am used to your kind from going to school with vampires."

"Liar." He purrs in my ear and I look in his cold blue eyes.

"Oh really? Want to go back to the time when I found you feeding on that servant?" His eyes narrow and he grins.

"You will be that servant next." He growls and suddenly, Juliet was cheering behind him.

"It's working!" She shouts while Alexander yells at her to calm down.

"What?" Xavier and I say at the same time while she giggles.

"The Prophecy is working! You guys are getting closer!"

"Not a chance. Sorry for getting your hopes up Juliet." I say, moving away from Xavier who grumbles under his breath.


"It is fake! Diana has been here for a month now and nothing has happen! I will never expose my feelings to her because I will never fall in love with a human!" The room runs silent and he sighs, his eyes connecting to mine. "And if I ever did fall for her, I'd never tell her because I know she won't fall for a cruel person like me and I don't want to look like the weak one." I look down at the floor, trying not to look at anyone. "So now, the party is in three days and you are going to go. I hope you dress nice." He eyes me up and down and scoffs, leaving the kitchen.

Alexander and Juliet stare at me with wide eyes.

"Why can't he be like you?" I ask Alexander and he shrugs silently while Juliet laughs.

Juliet and I went down to the village and went in a dress boutique.

"Oh Princess Juliet, it has been a while!" The vampire worker says while giving her a hug.

"Sonia, I know but it's better off not having a party every month." Sonia pouts than realizes that I'm behind Juliet.

"And who's this beautiful human."

"This is my friend, Diana. She will be attending Xavier's party also."

"This party is for Xavier!"

"Yes, he turned eighteen two months ago."

"Oh god bless that beautiful child, come along I'll show you what I have." We both head further into the store and the dresses on the hangers were drop dead stunning.

"So I'm guessing this is a fancy party?" I whisper at Juliet while she lets out a giggle.

"Yes, we have fancy ones because we are Royal."

"So much fun." I sarcastically say while rolling my eyes.

"Juliet I found the perfect one for you!" Sonia shouted from the back and comes out with a dark red dress that flowed from the bottom. Juliet squealed with excitement while grabbing the dress and running off to try it on. "And for you Diana, I have this long one. I thought it'd bring out your eyes." Huh, people used to call it shit eyes because they are brown. I casually walk closer to her while shrugging it off until she reveals the dress.

My mouth drops down with a gasp because it's a golden one with gold beads streaking down the dress. The back is open except long straps that went up to the shoulders for support.

"Try it on." Sonia pushes it against my chest and drags me to the fitting room next to Juliet's. The door slams shut and I look at myself in the mirror, clenching the dress against my chest. I don't know why but I feel shy, red blush appearing on my cheeks.

"-Oh my god! Juliet that's beautiful!" Sonia says when Juliet walks out and I slowly take my clothes off. I slip into the dress and I zip the zipper that's on the side. Without looking at myself in the mirror, I open the door.

"Diana, that's the dress." Juliet says with her mouth agape and Sonia staring at me with wide eyes.

"You just found the best dress!" Sonia cheered as I let out a low laugh and a sigh in relief.


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