《Bound By Blood》Bound By Blood: 9. His Friends


Three days have passed after the deal Xavier and I have made. We haven't seen each other at all except today in the morning.

"Listen, I'm having a couple of friends over so if any one of them tell you to follow them somewhere, don't go." He says to me and I furrow my eyebrows.


"Because you don't want to be with teenage vampires at all, even when you're a human." I frown at his comment than I shift my standing position, looking around the hall we are in to check if anyone is around us.

"Okay, what time are they coming?"

"Tonight, maybe around dinner."

"I'll just stay in my room." A grin appears on his face as he nods, going the other direction as I head the other way.

So after eating lunch I just stayed in my room, read a book than feel asleep. I was awaken by a knock on my door and when I looked towards it, someone slipped a piece of paper under it. I get up, walking to the door and picking it up, ready what it says.

Come to the indoor pool at the East wing of the mansion


I open the door, sticking my head out to see if she was anywhere around but no one was here. I shrug, shutting the door and going to the closet. I drop the paper on the floor as I look around, checking if she packed a bathing suit from my house.

And she did.

I let out a smile, picking it up which was in my underwear draw and I strip down, putting on the bathing suit. I check what time it is because the sun has gone down and Xavier told me to stay away. But Juliet invited me right? It's only going to be us two right? I shake it off as I throw on athletic clothes over me and I go barefoot, shutting my bedroom door.


I go down the stairs and I turn to the East wing, walking down random halls until I find it. Eventually, there was two large doors and a sign that said pool so I open it, walking in. It was very large room, with tables and chairs and a large pool and on the other side was a hot tub.

"Juliet?" I call out as it echoes but no respond. I shrug, maybe she's coming later, I say in my head. I walk to one of the tables, taking my shirt and shorts off than taking my hair out of it's sloppy bun. I let my brown hair flow behind me as I ran to the edge of the pool and dived in. I swim up for air and I take a deep breath, the water so warm and relaxing. I lay on my back, floating while closing my eyes and slowly swishing my hands around in the water.

After getting bored, I do a couple of laps back and forth than I look at the clock that's hung up on the wall. Twenty minutes have passed and Juliet still hasn't showed up. Weird right? I get out, letting the water drop down my body as I head back to my clothes. Shit! I forgot a towel! I look around the large room and on the other side, there's a shut door which looks like a towel closet.

My body starts forming goosebumps as I jog to the closet, trying not to slip but when I grab the door knob, it wouldn't nudge open. I try to open it a couple of times but nothing. I cuss under my breath than I hear voices. My ears pop up in alert and I hear guys laughing and talking. Oh please don't tell me that's Xavier's friends.


I look around the room once more and next to the closet I'm in front of was another door. I beg for it to be open and when I twist the knob it does. I mentally cheer as I jump in there, looking around and realizing that this was the towel closet. Than what was the other room I was trying to open? The pool doors open and the voices echo in, I'm biting my lip and begging for them to leave.

"Oh it's so warm in here."

"I shoddy jumping in first."

"Not if I go in first!"

"Listen, Xavier, I might as well sleepover here so I can stay in here all night." Different voices were talking over themselves until one makes my breathing stop.

"Whose clothes are these?" A boy asks and it runs silent. "Oh and there girl clothes too. Xavier, are you getting kinky with someone?" The same voice says and the boys laugh while I don't hear Xavier.

"I don't know, maybe Juliet's. I'll get towels." Xavier lies and I look around the pretty large towel closet. I'm in it! I start to panic while I hear water splashing from the other boys who jumped in. Suddenly, the door opens and shuts quickly but I feel a warm presence of another body in front of me. It's dark in the closet but I see those blue eyes who are owned by Xavier himself.

"I knew you were the one." He says, a growl escaping from his throat. "Didn't I tell you to stay away?" I look down at how close we are. His body is against mine and I realize that he's wearing black swimming shorts and a white tank top. His muscles are showing on his arms and wow, that's what I can say right now. And me who is covered in water, in my bathing suit, which is very exposing. Of course I have about a size C or D boobs (I don't know what because every store I go too have different size bras) and my colorful bathing suit top which makes them look big. And I'm wearing a black bottom as I slowly cross my legs. "Hello?" He asks again, placing one of his arms next to me so it can rest.

"I'm sorry, Juliet sent me a letter under my door to meet her here." His eyebrows crunch in confusion.

"Juliet? She's not even here."


"She's out at the village with my parents."

"Then who gave me the letter?" He shrugs but when I look in his eyes, they become dark.

"Now you got me pissed. I told you to stay away but of course you listen to who ever gave you that letter." He says and I hear one of the boys call his name.

"Xavier, I'm sorry." He glares in my pleading eyes but he purses his lips into a thin line.

"Honestly, there's no where else for you to go. Now that you broke one of my commands of staying away, you're just going to stay with me and my friends. They'll have fun with you." I yell no as he grabs my arm and opens the door, pulling me out.

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