《Bound By Blood》Bound By Blood: 8. Concern


I was getting really tired when we reached the mansion. Juliet and I didn't really keep a long conversation either because of what happen down at the village. For the whole walk home, I was fiddling my fingers in my jean pocket, touching the coin to calm me.

We went through the back gates again and through one of the back doors. But the next turn of events wasn't what I expected. When Juliet lightly shuts the door, I turn my body to the hallway. I walk in there and my feet suddenly stop for myself. My heart beats rapidly and I slip my fingers out of my jean pocket. Juliet comes out into the hallway, ready to talk but she stops in her footsteps too. Xavier was standing across from us, his arms folded across his chest and his eyes narrowing to mine. We weren't out for long but it looked like Xavier just rolled out of bed. His hair was ruffled in different places, he was wearing a white t-shirt and long pajamas pants.

"Where were you two?" His voice booms through the hallway and I gulp of fright.

"We were just roaming around, I was showing Diana the mansion." Juliet cuts in and Xavier grins, taking a step towards us.

"Don't feed me crap, Juliet. Where were you guys." He growls to her, and I realize that she starts to panic.

"Fine, I took her down to the village."


"Because I didn't want to stay here, I was scared if you were going to hurt her." She admits and I snap my head to her. Is that why she really took me out? I open my mouth, trying to say something but nothing comes out. I shut it quickly than I turn my gaze back on Xavier who sighs. He presses his fingers against his temples and slowly massages them, mumbling something to himself.

"Go to your room, Juliet." He finally says and she nods her head no.

"I am not leaving Diana's side."

"Juliet! Don't make me tell mom and dad because what you did was one of the stupidest things ever." She takes a step away from me and slowly walks up to him.

"Don't hurt her, please." Juliet begs and his gaze snaps into her eyes, his electric blue consuming.

"Go." I finally speak up and Juliet inhales a sharp breath when she hears my voice.

"I'm sorry." She says loud enough for me to hear than vanishes with vampire speed. I bite my bottom lip when Xavier slowly looks at me.

"We're alive okay? Nothing bad happened." My voice shakes when I talk to him. Honestly, I always forget about the Prophecy that's between us two. Xavier is so cruel, I can't fall in love with him. It won't happen at all. Not even with him hating me too. Abruptly, a pair of hands grab me and I'm forcefully pinned against the nearest wall. I let out a painful yelp because my head banged against it.


"Do you know that I'm trying to watch you. Trying to check that you're still breathing?" He says to me and I look into his blue eyes which are inches away from mine. He's holding me up, my feet barely touching the group and his hands glued to my upper arms.

"I thought you don't care if I die or not." I reply back, noticing that my heart beating has calmed down.

"Well, my parents do, so don't ever listen to Juliet because she will get you killed with her dizzy nonexistent brain." He says and it kind of sounded funny when it came out of his mouth.

"Put. Me. Down." I say to him and for a couple of seconds, he just stares at me than obeys. He pulls away from me and I land on my feet, my knees wobbling like they are going to collapse.

"You are only allowed to stay in the mansion, where I can watch you."

"Stop with the BS, Xavier. You'd rather want me dead because you don't believe in the Prophecy. And honestly, I can't either, because of your attitude." He's taken aback from the words that spilled out of my mouth as he lets out a chuckle.

"Me? Really? You're the one that I dread because you are the human I'm suppose to be with. All of my living years I wished that the human- who is you- wouldn't be here and I would fall in love with someone my kind."

"You're so irrelevant! If I was your family, I'd kick you out many years ago because of what kind of monster you are!" My voice chokes and it runs silent. From staring at the ground this whole time, Xavier looks up at me again. There's no expression on his face but I know what mine says.


I'm that person who feels remorse after saying something bad. I can't be mean to people and by thinking about it, either with Xavier. He may be mean but one part in my heart can't be mean to him. He slowly turns around starts heading down the hall without another word.

"I'm sorry." My throat becomes tight when I say it. My eyes are burning the back of his head until he turns around again.

"About what." He says with as a statement but his voice is dripping with venom.

"For punching you yesterday and saying what I just said." I admit and he clenches his jaw then releases it.

"Never say sorry to me because I don't give a damn about what you think." He spits to me and I flinch at his words. He turns back around and walks away.

For the rest of the day I didn't come across Juliet or anyone else. Well for half of the day after the argument I got into with Xavier, I stayed in my room. In the afternoon, I was hungry so I decided to find the kitchen by myself and see if there's any food. When I found it, there was people who must be servants but they ignored me like I wasn't there. I went through the large refrigerator and took out milk and luckily, they had cocoa puffs. I mentally cheered in my head as I poured a large bowl of cereal and I grab a spoon, leaving the kitchen and decided to roam around the halls.


While chewing like a cow and passing random vampires at times, I hear voices in a room. I pause and I turn my gaze to the door that's next to me. I swallow my mushed up food in my mouth and I quietly go up to the door, pressing my ear against it.

"Mother, father, I heard that you wanted to talk to me." I hear Xavier say and I furrow my eyebrows. His parents came home?

"Honey, Juliet told us that she and Diana went down to the village. She was being all honest but then you got mad and told her to leave but she didn't know what you did to Diana."

"I did nothing."

"Son." The King's voice finally lightens up and Xavier sighs.

"I'm honest, I just told her that she can't leave the mansion."

"Okay good, but Xavier." The Queen's voice is sweet and calming. "Please get to know her. Talk to her."

"Mother, I don't want to be involved with her."

"Because you two are part of the Prophecy, you have to take care of her-"

"She's no baby-"

"Xavier Gregory Dagger." His mom says and I try not to choke on a laugh. You know you're fucked when your parent use your whole name. Silence runs over them and the Queen talks again. "She is just a human."

"A human with a horrible attitude."

"Please, she looks like she has a lot to say. I know you two will be wonderful together."

"Where are my parents who I knew years ago who shared our secret to the human world and who wanted to control it?" Xavier asks concerned and his voice with anger. I look down at my cereal which became soggy from the milk. Ugh, now I can't eat it.

"And that decision your father and I made was the worst. Both kinds are fighting on and off, hundreds are dying everyday. We are pleased to have the Prophecy which will save the world."

"I don't believe in it."

"You should! You should have hope, honey. Cut out your abusive attitude towards that girl and talk to her."

"Fine." He sighs and I hear footsteps. Shit! I sprint away from the door and I cut to another hallway. The door squeaks open than shuts, I know it's Xavier because I hear him mumbling to himself. I suck in a breath and I act like nothing happen. I cut back to the same hallway and I see that Xavier is sitting against the wall, his arms resting on his knees and his head resting on the wall. He turns to my direction and his gaze looks softer.

"What are you doing here?" I give back a smile and I try to not make anything noticeable.

"I went to get food but I got lost the way back." Xavier gets up as I walk up to him. He brushes my arm with his hand than he gestures down the hallway.

"I'll show you where to go."

"Thank you."

"Be quiet." I don't say anything while we both walk side by side all around the mansion till we reach my room. He opens the door for me and I walk in only realizing that he walks in too. "I know you were listening." He adds, shutting the door behind him.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I say to him while placing the bowl of nasty cereal on the desk. I turn around only to a body pushing against me with force. His face is inches away from mine and I try not to lose myself into his eyes.

"Don't lie to me, I know you were listening to our conversation, I heard your heart beating." He whispers in my ear, his breath tickling my skin.

"Okay, so what if I did." I admit and he pulls away from being so close.

"Well, you shouldn't ease drop, it's none if your concern."

"I am a curious girl." I reply back and he runs his hand through his long hair.

"Just, listen. The longer you stay here, the better. We won't show any interest in each other because we don't and that will show that the Prophecy is fake and blah blah, back to normal, you go home, okay?"

"Deal." A smirk forms on his face as he nods in return.

"Great." I lift up my finger, silencing him which makes him look a little angry and annoyed.

"But if you aren't abusive towards me."


"No, 'buts'... Deal?" I stick out my hand so he can shake it which he takes. His large hand fit perfectly into mine, cold and warm both fighting against each other. We both turn our gazes down to our hands together while shaking them up and down.

"It'll be hard for me to control so now I will apologize for my concerns but... Deal."

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