《Bound By Blood》Bound By Blood: 4. Far, Far Away


My eyes are still closed but my ears can hear. I'm awaken by a buzzing noise than a bump which makes me jump from where I'm laying down.

I'm still in a car.

I groan in pain, rubbing my head as I sit up and a bright light of headlights from another car blinds me.

"Oh my god, people are so annoying." I exclaim and when I look around I realize that I'm still in the car... with Alexander and Xavier.

"She's awake, can I bang her head unconcious again?" Xavier asks Alexander as he rolls his eyes back at him.

"No, you did it pretty hard. Maybe she has a concussion."

"My head hurts like a bitch."

"You are one." Xavier says to me and I bring my hand down from rubbing my scalp.

"Wow thanks! I didn't know that!" I say sarcastically as I look out the window. "Where are we?"

"Far, far away from home." Xavier replies back and my eyes widen.


"He's joking." Alexander cuts in while Xavier chuckles and I sigh in relief.

"You were out for about thirty minutes. We're almost home."

"Your home actually." I correct and Alexander shakes his head back and forth.

"Get used to it because you're going to stay with us for a while now." He adds and I take a deep breath. Dizziness overwhelms me and I grab the door for support.

"I think I'm gonna throw up." I say and suddenly, Alexander presses on the brakes and pulls the car on the side of the road. He vanishes in my vision and pulls me out of the car, taking me to a small ditch.

"Come' on! I want to go home!" Xavier wales in the background, slamming the passenger door shut. "And I'm hungry." He adds and I bend down, waiting for vomit but nothing comes up my throat.

"Shut up! Check if she has a concussion while I call up father and tell him that we are almost home." He leaves my side and Xavier grumbles under his breath.

"Why should I?"

"Because she's part of the Prophecy with you. You guys are suppose to-" Xavier raises his hand to silence him which he does. Suppose to what?

"Stop, I don't want to hear it! I'll check her." I feel a pair of arms grab me and I'm faced with the beautiful boy with bright blue eyes. "Look at me." He says and I stand there frozen which I don't know why while he looks away from my eyes. I hear Alexander talk to someone on the phone near the car and other cars speeding by on the road.


I feel Xavier's cold arms touch my neck and giving a squeeze which I wince because he squeezed too hard. He brings his hands on my face, goose bumps rising on the back of my neck as he presses his fingers on my temples and giving it a little pressure. "You're fine, get over it." He says before heading back to the car but I shake out of my frozen in place feet. I grab his wrist but he pulls it out of my grip, turning around to me. His eyes alarmed like he was going to kill me.

"How do you know I'm okay?" I shyly ask after thinking about grabbing him and he rolls his eyes.

"I did go to school." He says and Alexander hangs up, telling me to get in the car. I obey.

We finally reach our destination and large tall gates open by themselves as he slowly drives it. My mouth drops agape when he stops right in front of a mansion. A freaking mansion! I never really paid attention in Vampire Studies in class when I had to take it in school last year. It was the period where I slept. But I did not know the King and Queen lived in here. It's made out of dark red bricks with black window frames and a huge black door. We three slowly get out of the car as two vampire guards in black open the doors for us to go in. A cold breath makes me jump from behind and it's Xavier, letting a low chuckle.

"Stay close, don't want to have hungry vampires pouncing on you." My alerted eyes widen as I look at Alexander. He rolls his eyes and Xavier laughs, slamming his shoulder against mine and walking off.

"Where are you going? You have to introduce Diana to our parents." Xavier turns around and pauses from walking.

"They already know her!"

"But you are her business-"

"Oh my goodness! She's here!" A high-pitched voice rings in my ears and I look around the huge hall we are in. Granite flooring is beneath us and cream walls are covered with dark paintings or furniture. A girl runs to me with vampire speed and hugs me. She pulls away from me and laughs, sticking her hand out for me to shake.

"Hi, I'm Juliet!" She exclaims to me and I look down at her hand that's stuck out towards me and I take a step back. Juliet puts it down and frowns, her green eyes sharp and dark. "I don't bite." She adds and Xavier chuckles.


"Yes you do, don't lie."

"I don't mean it like that, I won't bite her, she's for you." Her head turns to Xavier as he rolls his eyes.


"Let's go, my parents are eager to meet you." Juliet adds, skipping away while I follow with Alexander and Xavier behind me. After a long walk, we arrive in a room with warmth from a fireplace welcoming me. "She's here!" Juliet sings while stopping in front of two people who are sitting on the couch. I stand in front of the doorway but Xavier pushes me in. The two figures slowly get up and turn to me, my mouth exhaling loudly. They are stunning. And I know who the they are.

The Vampire King and Queen.

The mom was a little shorter than me, her blue eyes much like Alexander's but with long black hair that's into a long braid. The father has green eyes just like Juliet's but with blonde hair. They walk up to me as my heart starts to beat faster. I'm surrounded by five vampires, the Royal ones especially.

"Xavier..." The Queen's voice softly says and I turn to Xavier who was staring at my back the whole time. "May you tell us who this beautiful young girl is?"

"But you know her-"

"Now." She barks back and he sighs, walking up next to me.

"Okay, mother and father. This is Diana, uh-"


"Diana Wilson." Xavier says, eyeing me than Juliet squeals.

"Marvelous! She is going to be so cute with you."

"Juliet, shut up." Xavier snarls at her and I furrow my eyebrows with confusion. What is going on?

"Son, manners." The King's voice booms loudly in the room and I shiver from it.

"Diana, these are our parents, Jean and Antonia Dagger, the Vampire King and Queen." Alexander butts in, coming closer to us. I half smile at them awkwardly and they smile back at me.

"Pleasure to meet you, sweetie." The mother says to me and I look away from her eyes.

"And over there who you met earlier is our younger sister Juliet." Alexander says and Juliet waves at me excitedly.

"Now, Xavier, would you mind showing Diana where she will be sleeping?"

"Sure." Xavier replies darkly, grabbing my upper arm and dragging me with him. When we leave the room I try to pull out of his grasp.

"Let go of me."

"If you walk with me I will." He bites back and he let go once I agreed that I will.

"What does your mother mean by sleeping?"

"Do you not sleep?" He glances at me and I look away from his eyes.

"No, I mean, I want to go home."

"This is your home."


"Listen, you're just staying here for a while, until my parents realize that the Prophecy isn't real." We both walk up a large set of stairs and I let out a huff of exhaustion when we reached the second floor.

"What Prophecy?" I ask, using air quotes when I say 'prophecy'.

"None of your business." He adds, stopping in front of a door and opening it. A breeze brushes my body as I shutter from it.

"Are you going to tell me anything?"


"Then why am I- umph!" I am pushed into the dark room by Xavier's large arms and I fall on my butt. I groan from my butt stinging in pain and the door slams shut. I quickly get up, my heart racing in a faster pace. "Let me out! This is kidnapping! Xavier! Alexander!" I scream, slamming on the door but the knob is locked. No way out. I flick on the lights and I'm surrounded by a desk, couch, a queen sized bed against the farthest wall, another room which is the bathroom and next to it, the closet.

The window is large but it's the kind that doesn't open. I look down and I see nothing but pitch black. The stars are bright in the night and I get nauseous from looking down at the ground from the second floor.

I guess this is where I am staying for a while. But what about my parents. When they get home and they see that I'm nowhere to be found, they'll freak! Or when I don't appear in school the next day, Madison is going to cry or Dylan... Does he know or is he still thinking that I'm going to appear in school tomorrow? I walk to the bed and I sit on it, bringing my knees up to my face and digging my head between them.

I let out a bawl while tears run down my cheeks.

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