《Bound By Blood》Bound By Blood: 2. Horrifying Detention


I get off of the bus, the sun slowly rising in the chill morning. After what happen last night, I couldn't get much sleep. So of course this morning I am very moody. I and half of the school from other buses squish through the main doors. I turn left to a hallway and go to my locker.

I take off my coat and toss in my locker while grabbing some books that I need for my classes.

"Boo!" Someone shouts, grabbing my shoulders which makes me let out a yelp. I turn around quickly and Madison, my best friend starts cracking up. Some vampires around us complain while passing by saying that I was loud. I roll my eyes as I turn back to face my locker.

"Not funny." I sigh and Madison leans against the lockers besides me.

"Someone isn't in a good mood." She says as I frown at her. "What's the matter?"

"I couldn't sleep last night." I say to her, shutting my locker and walking with her down the hall.

"Why not?" I wasn't going to tell Madison what happen so I just shrug.

"Just a bad night I guess."

"True, Mason wouldn't stop crying and mom made me stay up and watch him." Mason is her baby brother which is odd from having so many years apart. Well her mom was very young when she had Madison and Mason isn't her only younger sibling. She has three more.

"That sucks."

"I guess." She replies and the bell rings for first period. "I guess I'll see you during lunch."

"Yeah, bye." I say as she hurries the other way so she won't be late. I walk in my classroom and the first thing that I eye is the vampire girl from yesterday who just stares at me. My heart thumps wildly and every vampire in this room could probably hear it but I just ignore it. I sit at my usual seat and I hope this day will go by fast.

I watched students walk in my eighth period class, my last class of the day. My hands are shaking and I feel like my knees are going to collapse on me. Now I remember his name. The vampire in my Physics class. Dylan. When he saw me walking in a smile was pressed on his lips. I see his bottom lip pointed a little, showing that his fangs are out.

I slide in my seat while my teacher Mr. Cervini gets up from his desk and hands out a worksheet.

"Good afternoon boys and girls, the sheet I am handing out to you is today's work. Hand it in at the end of class for a grade and the answers are in the notes we took yesterday." He says, glaring up at each and one of us then heading back to his desk.


"Can we work with a partner?" I hear a girl ask who was sitting in the front and Mr. Cervini sighs.

"Okay, but if only you all actually work." A group of people cheer as desks began to move and people began to chat. I look down at the worksheet and I start doing question 1 until something bangs against my desk. While I was writing a word down, my pencil stutters and it crosses over my page, a groan escaping my lips.

"Oops, did I do that?" A familiar voice says and I look up at the person. Dylan is smiling down at me and I close my eyes, taking a deep breath. He sits down at the desk he moved next to me and he flips through his notebook to find the notes.

"What do you want?" I ask and he glances at me harsh.

"We can't be partners?"

"Um, no."

"Well, we should because you owe me something."

"For what?" I move my head back so I won't be that close to him.

"For getting blood all over my car." He says through gritted teeth and I inhale a sharp breath, placing my hands over my heart.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry. I should have cleaned it up for you except your lazy ass doing it." I say sarcastically and Dylan watches me disgusted. I grin, pinching his cheek then giving it a soft slap. He doesn't flinch at all when I do it but his eyes narrow down at me. "That's life, get over it." I mutter to him and I pick up my pencil, erasing the line I did because of him. From the corner of my eye, I see him clench his jaw then release it.

Suddenly, his arm shoots up in the air and faces Mr. Cervini.

"Mr. Cervini, I kind of forgot the rules in school, what happens if a vampire attacks a human?" He asks and Mr. Cervini looks up at him while scratching his short trimmed beard. It goes silent and everyone turn to Dylan wondering why he's asking.

"Dylan, you know what will happen. The vampire will be expelled from school, or if the human is dead he will be executed too."

"But that's unfair, how about if the human insults the vampire?" I cut off Mr. Cervini when he was about to talk and I turn to Dylan.

"Nothing should happen to the human. Because we don't have sharp teeth like you which can rip through flesh." I pause and everyone stares at me with agape mouths. "Or who have anger issues, like your kind." I lied, maybe I'm not the quiet girl in the back of the classroom after all.

"It's not my fault that you're food for me." He spits back and I get up from sitting down.


"Means nothing, go fetch a deer or squirrel."

"Now you're making me wanna have you for dinner." He slowly gets up from sitting down and humans gasp in horror. Vampires snicker at the comment.

"Touch me and I will stake you in the heart." I poke my index finger against his chest.

"Go ahead and try, weakling." He growls and it didn't sound like any human growl. Like an animal.

"ENOUGH!" Mr. Cervini yells at the top his lungs and we both snap our heads to his direction. "Diana, Dylan, both of you detention after school." My mouth drops so low, I think it hit the floor while Dylan chuckles to himself. This is my first time getting detention. Oh my god, my parents are going to be angry at me when I get home.


"No! I'm done with you. A human and vampire are not allowed to fight on school grounds."

"It was an argument." Dylan corrects and I nod.

"What he said!" Mr. Cervini cuts me off by pointing his index finger at me.

"Want to have detention for two days?" I shut my mouth and I nod no. "Now everyone get back to work, when the bell rings, Diana and Dylan, you're staying with me." He barks at the whole class and everyone goes back to work, silence digesting in the air.

I walk to my desk, sliding in my seat as I feel a presence next to me.

"Just me and you. For another hour. How much fun." Dylan whispers in my ear and I look straight ahead as he slithers away.

Dylan and I move up to the front of the class, sitting a desk away from each other.

"Can I at least call my mom and let her know that I'm in detention?" I ask Mr. Cervini who is standing in between us.

"No, I'll call her. I need to go talk to Mrs. Fowling about you two. I'll be back as soon as possible and no phones out. Or no talking." He says, walking to the door and shutting it. Mrs. Fowling is the bitchy ass principle in our school. It runs silent as I hear Dylan drumming his fingers against his desk. I sigh as I bring my head against the desk, lightly banging it. The drumming stops and I realize that Dylan is at the door.

"What are you doing?" I ask him and I see that he pulls the doorknob down but it doesn't nudge.

"Jackass, he locked us in." He whispers and suddenly he gazes at me. "So, Diana, just a nice talk." He glides to me and places his hands on my desk across from me, leaning close to my face. I sit up in my seat, looking straight in his brown eyes. His brown hair is ruffled all over the place which makes him attractive.

No, stop. Honestly I just sound like every human slut in my school. They get it with vampire boys because most of them are attractive. Which is true but I deny it in my head. Vampires get it with humans for blood in return. They are different creatures than me, they kill humans to survive.

"What." I say and he smirks.

"How the hell did you get away from Gabriel that easy yesterday." Gabriel must be the blonde vampire from yesterday who tried to bite me.

"I don't know."

"Don't lie."

"Fine, someone grabbed me and I fainted. Then I woke up in my room realizing that I was sleeping on my bed." I admit and he looks at me with furrow eyebrows.

"Who would do that?"

"You ask me, wasn't human, he was a vampire." He pushes away from me and paces back and forth in the front of the room, confusion written all over his face.

"Why the hell would a vampire save a human?" I shrug.

"I don't know." It runs silent then I take his words harsh. "Why wouldn't one save me."

"Because you're attractive, athletic, spicy with the words and smell really addicting." He sniffs the room then winks at me which makes my heart skip a beat. Did a vampire really call me attractive? Wow, that's a point for me. I'm not saying that I'm not, I know I am pretty, boys are always around me but I have never heard it from my enemy. Especially the one in front of me.

"And what does that mean?"

"They can use you as a slave." I gasp at his words as I let out a chuckle.

"Really? That is the most disgusting thing ever." He shrugs and walks closer to me, a smirk on his face.

"Not for us, we do like our food as our personal slave." I open my mouth ready to say something but Dylan is out of my sight in a flash. I didn't realize that he was sitting in his normal seat as he ran there with his fast speed. He did because the doorknob was jiggling open. I turn my gaze at the door but through the glass, I don't see Mr. Cervini trying to get in. It's someone I don't know.

"Who's that?" I ask Dylan, turning my gaze to him as his eyes are wide with fear. I have never seen a vampire this scared.


"The King and Queen's son, Alexander." I bring my eyes back at the door as blue eyes meet mine. The door gives another bang which makes me jump. What the hell does he want?

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