《Bound By Blood》Bound By Blood: 1. You Can't Hide


It was one of those days where I finish school, I miss the bus and I have to walk home.

I know...

The reason why was because some vampire asshole decided to slam me against the lockers which made me drop all my books on the floor while he laughed and ran off. Seriously, vampires think they are the top of the chain. I know they are but they shouldn't act like it. Not even in school. Not even to me. Why the hell would he bother me? The quiet girl that sits in the back of the classroom. Oh well, I bet I wasn't the only victim for him.

After grabbing my papers that were everywhere, I sprinted out of the school running to my bus but guess what... It drives off without doing a double take at the girl sprinting behind while people on the bus are pointing at me.

Eventually I stopped in exhaustion and I walked back to the school. It was drizzling out and I didn't bring a coat, I'm only wearing a sweater so I stayed by the front doors, hoping it will stop. I don't live that close either and my parents are at work. Till midnight. Because they both work at the town's hospital. I slide down against the wall and I plop on my butt, taking out my Calculus homework and doing it while jamming out with some music on my phone.

About 10 minutes has passed and suddenly I feel someone kicking at my foot that's extended out. I look up, pulling one of my earbuds out of my ears.

"Yes?" I ask the boy in my Physics class as his light brown eyes pierce through mine. And let me tell you, he's not human.

"Wanna lower the music? It's very annoying and loud." He barks and I look at him startled. I glance at my phone to see how loud it is.

"Why you don't like Lana Del Rey?" I say and he rolls his eyes.

"She makes me feel like I want to kill myself." Ouch, that was harsh.

"Sorry, I don't have sensitive hearing like your kind which makes me hear every thing, even a pin drop." I say and let me tell you something about me. I do talk back to vampires, it's not like they can do anything to me in school. He purses his lips into a thin line than smirks.

"You're lucky we are in school."

"Try me." I say back and he slowly walks away, going back to the group of vampires they formed down the hall from me. They all looked at me as I minded my own business and I grabbed all my things, realizing that the rain had calmed down a little. I sigh as I head out of the doors and down the parking lot. I cross the road and I start walking. It's chilly out, even in February when it just finished snowing. I walk down blocks while my heart is thumping hard against my chest. I don't know why but I don't like walking by myself. It gives me the chills because I feel like someone is lurking.


Just like a vampire. Yes, they still can be deadly. The police can't do anything about it if someone is by themselves and a vampire kills them. They are too powerful. Even the Vampire King and Queen. The sun is creeping below the tall trees, the houses I'm passing are dead quiet and no cars decide to pass.

I crack my knuckles uncomfortably and I sigh, letting a fog of breath come out of my mouth. My music is low so I can hear things around me... which I do. I move onto the sidewalk once a loud car roaring down the street I'm on. I don't decide to turn my head, maybe the car will speed passed me but it doesn't.

"Hey human, want a ride home!" Someone yells at me when the car slows down and rolls at my walking pace. I don't gaze at them, I just look straight to show maybe I don't see them. I pretend that I'm jamming out with music. Suddenly, something hits my feet and I gasp, jumping away. I look down and there's a half empty blood bag beside my shoes, some blood staining them. I gag a little as I finally look up at them. It was the group down the hallway with the boy in my Physics class driving. Five of them all burst out laughing with their windows rolled down.

"Do you have a problem?" I ask them, ripping my ear buds out of my ears.

"Can I have a drink, you smell rather nice." A blonde says who's sitting in the backseats with another two boys. All were boys except one girl in the passenger seat. I shoot my eyes down to the blood bag than back at them.

"Sure." I shrug, picking up the blood bag and chucking it at the car. The boy in my class yells as the blood splatters across the side and some goes on the blonde and girl as she screams. I choke a laugh but when they all look at me pissed, that was my signal. I turn the other way, sprinting for my life as the car turns and it screeches on the ground. It starts to kill up its speeds. Luckily, there's not a lot of things in my backpack so it's not weighing me down. I know if I scream, no one will come from any house, now they say that one man is on their own. Unless you're lucky...

I turn my head, the car right behind me and suddenly, the boy turns the wheel so the car screeches sideways to me. The backseat doors open and the blonde comes out, running to me with vampire speed and lunging forward. I'm freaking out because this is my first fight or attack with a vampire.

I'm going to die.

I fall face forward on a strangers lawn, but it looks like no one is home either. Honestly, I have never had a vampire this close or touching me. I try to crawl away but he grabs my ankles and drags me back to him. Why did I even throw the blood bag at their car?


"That wasn't that nice, Diana." He growls, flipping me over so my back is on the damp grass. I finally let out a shrieking scream as he smothers me by putting his hand over my mouth. "Sorry, you're too loud." He adds, letting out a laugh which exposes his long canine teeth. It's not my first time seeing a vampire with fangs because they usually threaten us in school by having them out.

Now, it's a whole different story. He's hovering over me, a look of hunger in his eyes as he leans down to my face. I turn my head so I can be away from him but it just gives him more access to my neck.

"Mind if I do." The vampire says to me and I try to lift my head up but he pins it down with his hand.

My female instincts kick in and I bring my knee up to his groin. He pulls away from me, groaning in agony while holding onto himself. I use that as my signal and I scram up to my feet, the other vampires in the car rooting on for the blonde.

"I'll get her!" The girl vampire says getting ready to jump out of the car but the blonde growls.

"I will get her! It's my game!" He yells back and I run up the yard, climbing up the fence and hopping over it. Shockingly, I steady myself on my feet and I run in the backyard. I jump over the neighbors fence and I hide behind the house. I take a break because I'm tired and panting so much. What have I gotten myself into? I lean my head against the house and I look at every direction if I see any shadow or figure.

Literally, I'm the most quiet girl in school. Of course someone like me who wants to be such a big shot does this crap. I'm well known in school for sports and stuff but I still am a straight A quiet girl who can't even say 'hi' to her own best friend.

"I hear you!" A voice echoes in the wind as I try and hold my breath. "And smell you." He adds and I hear a snap of a twig on the floor. I gasp turning around but I feel a pair of arms wrap behind me. I jump off the ground in fright but it's not the blonde. I actually don't know who it is.

"It's fine, you're safe." The deep voice says and I slowly lose conscious. That's when I faint in the strangers arms. I know that isn't a good idea.

I knew that person wasn't human from the coldness of his hands seeping through my sweater.

My eyes flutter open and I look around my presence.

I'm in my room...

I sit up on my bed and I see that my backpack is on my desk. I run my hand through my hair and I slip out of my sheets. My curtains aren't covering my window and the moon is out, night has fallen. I hear voices downstairs and I open my bedroom door, going down the stairs. A smell of chicken tingles through my nostrils and it smells like mom's favorite dish. When I go in the kitchen, mom is in there taking the chicken out of the oven while dad is next to her.

"Hey honey, how was school?" Dad asks me and I furrow my eyebrows.

"What happen to you!" Mom gasps, running up to me after placing the chicken on the granite counter. "You ruined your jeans!" She shouted as I finally realize why sees bugging out. My sweater is covered in dirt and my jeans have grass stains all over them. So the whole thing after school and the vampires and the fainting was real. It wasn't a dream. 'Think of a lie' something says in my head and I give out a laugh.

"I was playing soccer in the backyard than I got tired so I went to take a nap." I pause and it clicks in my head. "Wait, what time is it?" I ask while mom is still examining my jeans.

"Seven o'clock, our boss let us go home early because it wasn't that crowded at the hospital." Dad says and mom sighs.

"Diana, you have to stop ruining your clothes. We can't afford that much." I roll my eyes, going to the refrigerator by only taking a water bottle out.

"I know mom, it won't happen again." She was ready to say something but I cut her off. "I'm not hungry, so I'll just go shower." I say as I sprint up the stairs to my room. I shut the door and I turn my heels to my desk. I see my shoes nicely untied but I see that there's dried blood on them. I pick them up and toss them in the garbage as I walk up to the mirror. I check my bare body to see if anyone harmed me in such way.

Especially the vampires.

Than I wonder, the vampire that saved me, why did he bring me home? Vampires are known to kill any human they see. But why didn't he kill me, feed on me, beat me? I sigh, leaning against my desk until I hear wind blowing. I jump in fright, turning around and realizing that the window is wide open. It was closed earlier, right? I run to it, shutting it and locking it until I hear something, like paper. I glance down at my feet and a piece of paper is there, trying to blow away. I snatch it before it does and I bring up to my face.

I will see you again, Diana : it says.

A shudder runs through my body as I crumble the paper up and tossing it in the garbage as well.

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