《She's dead》Chapter 13


Sapphires POV -

It was now dinner time and Enzo had texted me saying he's arrived so I'm making my way downstairs. Walking into the room everyone was in, I held my head high and cleared my throat slightly making everyone's eyes turn to me. "Sapphire this is Phoenix Knight and his father Alexander. Mr Knight, don, this is my daughter Sapphire" my father stated proudly. I felt my lip twitch slightly before I turned my face neutral again and nodded. "Wait- what the hell! Are you matching with him" River exclaimed looking between me and Enzo, wide eyed.

Me and Phoenix smirk at him before turning to each other.

"Raine" he says smiling at me.

"Enzo, Alex" I replied, returning the smile, nodding to each.

"Ahh Sapphire its good to see you again dear. I hope my son hasn't been annoying you too much. I know he does to me" Alexander says rolling his eyes playfully before walking over and pulling me into a small hug. My family stands gaping at us, not believing that the big bad don and ex-don of the American mafia were smiling and hugging me.

Letting go, Alex moves back as Enzo makes his way towards me, wrapping me in a tight hug, my head in the crook of his neck. We stay this way for a few seconds before I pull away and he kisses my forehead lightly.

"How the hell do you know them and why is he kissing you" Blaze hissed at me, making me roll my eyes.

"Phoenix goes to our school and he's friends with Dakota so they started hanging out. She also knows Mr Knight as it was his house she stayed at when you lot made her to upset to want to come home" Elias says like it's common knowledge. Great, I think sarcastically. Now they're all gonna go all overprotective family on my because I stayed at a boys house. Wait for it.


A few minutes have past as the 4 of us stare at the rest of my family who look horrified.



"Oooh you guys look like a fucking power couple girl" I hear a smack after River said that. Ouch.

"No dating, no sex. Never"

"See I told you she was a whore"Blaze says quietly but we all still heard him.

The Knights, Elias and I's faces all harden, glaring at my once favourite brother as I tighten my hands beside me into a fist making my knuckles turn as shade of white.

"Now now dear brother of mine, what did I tell you last time you called me a whore" I start in a deadly calm voice.

"Call her a whore one more time" Enzo threatens in a cold voice.

"Alliance or not" his father continues for him, sticking up for me.

"Brother or not" Ellie spat.

"We will beat you black and blue. No one disrespects me. And they definitely don't get away with calling me a whore" I finish coldly before punching Blaze in the stomach, making sure not to use my full force or leave a bruise but just enough to wind him. I look at the rest of my family seeing them do nothing to defend me before letting out a sad sign and exiting the room to the music room.

I sit at the piano, lightly grazing my fingers over the keys, thinking back to how oceana loved listening to me play the piano we had at our old home. Pushing down on the key, I start to play one of my favourite songs, getting lost In the music.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I have tears trailing down my cheeks with my eyes closed, but I don't care, I keep playing until someone sits beside me. They take my face in their hands and wipe my tears causing me to look up at them. As I do, I see Enzo sitting down with his father and my twin standing behind him all sporting concerned faces. Leaning into Enzos hand I smile softly at them and say "oceana loved when I played. I would every night he was gone, probably getting drunk at some bar somewhere. It always helped both of us calm down, I'm fine it just reminds me of her" Alexander looked at me confused, not knowing about my daughter, but Enzo and Ellie both have sad smiles.


"Thank you by the way" I say quietly as I stand and pull them all into a group hug.

"For what" Enzo asks, look as confused as the rest of them as we all move apart.

"For sticking up for me against the rest of my family"

" of course dear" Alex says as the other 2 nod with smiles of adoration, and sadness laced In their eyes.

"I'm sorry but I have to get back to your father. Nix don't worry about tonight, I'll sort it all out, you stay with Saph and elias you come with me" Alex commands before sending me one last smile and dragging Elias out of the room, leaving just me and Enzo in a comfortable silence.

Sitting back down with him as I ask if he plays. "I do" he replies as he pressed down on the keys with one hand. I join in soon after, singing, my head resting on Enzos shoulder as he plays.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As we finish I see him looking down at me. My eyes drift towards his lips before going back to his eyes which were still on mine. I lean closer and i whisper "can I?"

His eyes flicker towards my own lips.

"Yes" he replies huskily, placing his lips on mine. The kiss was slow and gently, loving. I tilted my head to the side, placing my hands behind his neck gently playing with ends of his hair, deepening the kiss for a few seconds before pulling apart. Enzo tests his forehead on mine, hands on my hips as we both breathe heavily. "Wow" he mutters in a daze.

"Rain, can I ask you a question" enzo asks, biting his lip nervously.

"Anything" I say pulling away slightly but keeping my arms round his neck.

"Urm. Well I wanted to ask if you'd go on a date with me. I mean if you don't want to we don't have you. You know what forget I asked, I don't want to ruin our friendship. I'd rather just be friends than loose you completely" he mutters the last bit, doubting himself.

Shaking my head, a small smile playing on my lips, I reply with a confident voice "of course I will enzo. Don't back out on me now".

"You will" he asks in disbelief, to which I firmly nod my head. He looks in my eyes for any hesitation or lies but when he finds nothing a smile graces his face and he too nods.

He seems to have regained his cockiness and he pulls a smirk onto his face as he playfully rolls his eyes. "I mean, of course you will. I mean have you seen me, who wouldn't want a taste of this" he says gesturing to himself with a raised eyebrow. I just shake my head softly laughing as I turn around and walk straight out the room leaving him to follow behind me like a goddamn lost puppy.

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