《She's dead》Chapter 12


Sapphires POV -

I woke up refreshed, to a hard but comfortable surface. Thinking it's a pillow I snuggled closer to it, feeling confused when said pillow chuckles beneath me. Lifting my head, I meet the amused eyes of Enzo as he gently strokes my hair, to which I blush and stick my head in the crook of his neck. "Good nights sleep love?" He questions looking at me with a soft smile.

"The best. I for once had no horrible nightmares" I mutter tiredly, smiling slightly at the worry in his eyes.

"If you ever need to talk or need a nightmare free sleep I'll always be available to help baby" he stated, taking my cheeks in his hands, looking at me with concern clear on his features.

"I know Enzo. I usually sleep with Elias which helps sometimes but only to the extent that I don't wake up screaming, I still have them they just aren't as bad when I'm with someone but I can only be Elias at home as no one Knows what happened after I was sent away. Elias knows about the rape, my daughter and has a hunch on the abuse but has never been confirmed. But with you it's like you chased them away. I finally wanted to sleep, felt safe enough to sleep" I said looking at him in adoration before kissing his nose lightly and getting out from bed.

As I stand out of bed I hear a phone ringing, picking it up I see it's zaidon. Answering I put the phone on speaker as I go sit on Enzos lap having him play with the bottom of my hair.

"Zaidon. What's up"

"Where are you sapphire" he says, I can hear the anger and concern in his voice as he talks.

"I wasn't in the best place last night so I slept round a friends house. I told Elias, I assumed he told you"

"He did but didn't tell me who. Anyway I called to tell you, you have school in an hour and when you get home we have another business partner coming so I thought I'd warn you" To which I replied with a simple okay and see you later.

"I need to tell you something sweetheart" Phoenix says from behind me. Turning on his lap so I'm straddling him, which his hands holding my thighs, I give my full attention. "I'm the leader of the American mafia. I got given the position after my father stepped down early and it is to be passed down to my eldest child" he said watching me cautiously.


"I know enzo. I've known since the moment I looked up to you in that classroom. No need to be worried. As you said last night, nothing is going to make me leave." I reply laughing slightly.

"Oh thank god" he says relaxing into me, "also me and my father are the business partners that are going round yours tonight" he states smiling at me.

"Ohhhh we have to match. I'm going to go find some clothes for you to wear tonight at dinner while you go find me something to wear for school" I order while walking into his wardrobe.

Walking back into his room and laying out the clothes for later, I see enzo sitting in his bed, clothes in hand. "I called a maid to pick something up before you woke up and to leave them outside" he tells me before going to get changed himself.

I get changed into the clothes he gave me adding one of his blazers to top it off.

When both ready we drove to school before he give me a kiss on the cheek and we make our way to our separate classes. Walking into my biology class my eyes instantly latch onto Elias' who hold relief as soon as he sees me. Ignoring the teachers words I make my way toward him where he pulls me into a tight hug. Gasps were heard around the class from girls, probably not knowing we were related or look similar, great I'm gonna get shit from them later.

"I'm fine Ellie, I stayed round Phoenix's house. And no we didn't do anything, only slept."

"I know you didn't fire. I trust you. I'm just glad your safe" he says pulling away, sending a smile before we both take our seats and listen to the lesson. Well him listening, me mostly drawing on my book.

It was now lunch and I was sitting with enzo and Kota when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to meet the classic queen bee probably here to tell me to stay away from her man *insert eye roll*.

"Yes" I ask bored.

"I warning you now to say away from my man bitch" she says in a high pitched screechy voice.

"And who may that be" I says getting angry at the disrespect.

"Elias Romano of course" she says as if it's obviously. Called it. Poor Ellie.

"As if he'd ever go for you. I mean your ugly and fat while I'm beautiful. Stay away from him before I make your life a living hell whore" she snaps.


I stand from my seat sending a punch straight to her nose, effectively hearing the crack as it breaks and blood flows. "Never disrespect me again. Never tell me what to do. And NEVER call me a whore or I'll do more than just break your big ass nose" I say in a dark, cold voice that has her shaking from her seat in the floor. "I'll see you later" I say to the boys before making my way to the office knowing I'm gonna get called sooner or later.

Barging my way into the principals office my face turns to one of shock as I see who's sitting behind the desk.

"Niko?!" Nikolai Lebedev one of the only foster fathers at the homes I went to over the last 12 years that treated me well who left when I was 10.

"Ray. Your the sapphire that I was told got into a fight with Britney in the canteen. It's really you?" He asks tears in his voice.

"It's really me Niko"I say, vulnerability in my tone.

"What are you doing here. Didn't you tell me you don't want to come to New York."

"I did. I'm living with my biologicals now. I didn't want to come here because this is where I knew they lived and I didn't think they'd want me back but turns out they did" I say in a soft tone, as he was like a second father to me, well, at the time the only father. Neither of us registering the door opening or the other presence in the room.

"What? You mean the biological family you told me about. The ones that left their 4 year old daughter in that disgusting orphanage" he spat in concern, anger and disgust. My breath hitches in my throat and my face turns emotionless as I hear a throat clear from behind me. Fuck.

"Sapphire what the fuck did you do" Teo spoke from behind me, anger clear. Oh god Is all I think before I turn to face him.

His face was slightly red with anger. "You know what never mind come on we're going home. Sorry for the inconvenience Principal " he says politely grabbing my arm dragging me me up. "Ray" niko says with concern.

"I'm fine niko" I say before letting Matteo drag me to his car and shove me inside. "Matt-" I try to explain but he shuts me up quickly so I just roll my eyes and lay my head against the window. Staying silent the rest of the ride home.

Getting out and ripping my door open, Teo once again grabs my arm in a bruising grip pulling me to the living room where dad and my two oldest brother are waiting on the sofa. Ripping my arm from Teos grip, paying no attention to the red, slightly purple hand mark on my wrist, I sit infront of my family with my cold face on waiting for them to talk first. "What is this I hear about you breaking a girls nose today sapphire. You can't just go around hurting people for no fucking reason" dad says to me in a stern voice with disappointment in his eyes.

"Well if you let me fucking explain before making assumptions, you would know that now only did she call me a bitch, ugly and fat. She called me a fucking whore. So I punched her to teach her a lesson to respect me"

"And why was that principal saying that you talked to him about us and why was he saying it in such an angry and disgusted tone. What shit were you making up to get him to feel sorry for you now" Matteo says harshly, barely controlling his anger and hurt.

"I wasn't making up any shit Matteo . Nikolai knows that you left me in an orphanage when I was 4 because he was one of the only nice foster families I had over the last 12 years. He was like a father to me even when my own gave me up. That's why he was disgusted. Because my so called family abandoned me. They left me to fend for myself. They left me to be hurt." I say with hard eyes narrowed On the men infront of me including the rest of my brothers who had gotten home from school.

All their eyes soften and fill with guilt when I finish before their eyes all look down to when I'm rubbing by bruised wrist. "Sapp-" Teo starts to say staring at my bruised arm in guilt.

"Leave it Teo. I'm fine. Not the worst injury I've had over the years" I laugh humourlessly. "I should go get ready. I assume the guests shall be here soon" I say before I leave to my room.

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