《She's dead》Chapter 5


Sapphires POV-

Waking up this morning I felt the other side of the bed empty but warm meaning he only got up a little while ago, noticing the white paper on my desk side I picked it up and read it.

Fire... I hope your feeling better this morning. And don't worry I won't tell anyone. This is our little secret but I can say that they will find out sooner or later so prepare but I will be with you every step of the way. I'm sorry I wasn't here when you woke up but I went down as we usually eat breakfast together in the mornings so once you've dressed do come down and join us I'm sure we'll still be there. Love you fire - your Ellie

Awwww. My stomach decided to grumble reminding me neither I nor Elias ate dinner last night. Oops. Anyways I got up and showered then went to get dressed for the day which reminded me I need to go shopping I've got like 2 outfits in here ughhh. Once I covered all visible bruises and scars not bothering to cover my tattoos and was dressed in baggy pants and a crop top.

I went down to the kitchen where I was met with all my brothers and my father seated eating breakfast. "Morning" I muttered monotonously. As I looked up after sitting in the empty chair at the table I saw all my family staring at me wide eyed. "What" I snapped getting annoyed and self conscious by their stares.

"You've got tattoos!!!" My twin exclaimed in awe to which I simply nodded at emotionlessly and continued with my breakfast.

"Right. Now your awake principessa, I want to tell you that you, Elias and the older twins will be going shopping while the rest of us are at work. But first we will be going over rules" dad stated. Rules? Ha. Right like I'll follow those.


"Rule 1- we all eat dinner together and breakfast on the weekends which reminds me that you will be starting school with the twins and elias on Monday which is in 2 days

Rule 2- always show respect to those around you. Especially me and your brothers

Rule 3- if you go out you must tell one of your brother or I where and who with for your own safety

Rule 4- no smoking,drinking,drugs,swearing or boyfriends

Rule 5- appropriate clothing only. No showing of your butt or cleavage

Rule 6- you must get good grade in school but based on you last school report that will be no problem

And lastly rule 7- no going into the basement at all or onto the third floor without permission

Is that understood" he said staring at me sternly but it doesn't effect me.

I keep my blank face as I reply "no not understood. Rule 1-fine. Rule 2-respect is earned not given, respect me and I will return it. Disrespect me and I'll fuck you up.

Rule 3- I will tell you when I go out but I have my own privacy and don't have to tell you where or who with unless it concerns my safety.

Rule 4- I don't drink or do drugs but I do smoke and swear occasionally and you can't stop me as I know you all do too. Also bold of you to assume I only like boys. But if I want I shall have a boyfriend or girlfriend but I will let you meet him or her first.

Rule 5 and 6 I'm fine with. Rule 7- I don't care about. As long as you respect my privacy I will respect yours. Understood" I said staring him straight in the eyes.

I watch as his and zaidon eyes hold pride and the rest hold awe for standing up for myself against dad before all apart from Valentino,River and elias conceal it. "Understood" dad said amused. "If that done let's go shopping boys" I say what walking out the room towards the garage.


After shopping-

After I had put away all the clothes and devices I bought. I took some painkillers, as my ribs had started to hurt, before making my way downstairs for dinner. As I took my seat elias,River and Val smiled at me whereas dad and zaidon were emotionless and Matteo and Blaze were glaring hole into my head but you could see the pain and happiness behind their eyes.

"Bambina tomorrow we have some... buisness partners coming over for dinner so I wanted to warn to dress accordingly and be on your best behaviour" zaidon sternly told me. Internallly scoffing at that. Ha buisness partners you mean mafia allies. But instead I just nod my head before keeping quiet and listening to the different conversations going on around the table. Beside her Elias was telling Val about his basketball game last week as none of the younger brothers went and the oldests could make it.

Despite our brothers not making it, what Elias doesn't know is that I had been keeping track of all my family for the last few years and actually made a special trip last week to come watch his game. I watched as his team won and a real grin made its way on to his face and as he and his teammates congratulated each other while I stood hidden within the crowds staring proudly at my twin. Zoning back into dinner I realised most were finished and I was full. Washing my plate I excused myself from the table before going to explore the house.

On my way I saw a dance studio. I used to dance all the time before I got pregnant, Dakota was always my partner. We were both amazing but I couldn't continue without him there. I started sadly at the room remembering Kota and how I might not see him again before I decided to go I and dance to express my feelings.

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When I finished I became aware of my surroundings, feeling eyes watching me and a presence behind be but when I turned there was no one there so I shrugged it off and went to bed.

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