《She's dead》Chapter 6


Sapphires POV -

After showing and getting dressed in some of my new clothes I bought yesterday

I made my way down to breakfast. When I was approaching the kitchen I heard people talking in Italian so decided why not listen in. "Ricorda, non le stiamo parlando della mafia. Se hai bisogno di parlare di qualcosa a che fare con esso. Fallo in italiano, ok?" I heard dad say. (Remember, we are not telling her about the mafia. If you need to talk about something to do with it. Do it in Italian, ok?) Telling myself I should make an appearance before I get caught I walk into the kitchen saying good morning before staring blankly at my food but inside I was squealing with happiness.

They made fucking pancakes with Nutella and strawberries. Ughhhh perfection. I began digging in along with everyone else before I hear someone say "fucking pig should slow down before she gets any fatter" Blaze snickers, not so quietly. Snapping my head to him, I give him my deadliest glare for disrespecting me before daring him to repeat himself. Which he does so me being me throws a knife at him, narrowly missing his ear before getting up and whispering in his ear "disrespect me again and I'll do a lot more than scare you. Brother or not" making him gulp in fear before strutting out the room and to the art room I found yesterday were I begin painting to relieve stress.

Hours later and I was nearly done with my painting I looked at the detail to see I had painted the small bridge that used to be mine and kotas secret spot that put a smile on my face before I heard a low whistle behind me.

Putting back on my blank face I turned to see Matteo looking at my painting with awe and adoration swimming in his eyes before he covers it and clears his throat telling me I had and hour before dinner so I might want to start getting ready. Replying with a small thank you and a nod I briskly make my way out of the art room and to my bedroom before getting dressed into something more suitable for dinner tonight and topping up on my makeup and bruises. I decide on a short red dress. Bad bitch it is.


Walking downstairs I instantly hear chatter coming from the kitchen with unknown voices. Believing it's the guest I walk into the kitchen, head held high and emotionless mask on. Noticing my presence, all heads, family and guests, snap in my direction. Looking at the guests I immediately lock eyes with the one person who has been with me through everything. The first person I trusted. The person who left me 2 years ago. His eyes held disbelief and tears as he tried to figure out if it was really me. I know my mask has slipped but I make no move to fix it. My family look at me in disbelief, confusion and jealousy that I was showing emotions. "Kota" I whisper in disbelief and happiness.

That seemed to snap us both out of our daze as he ran towards me and picked me up. I wrap my leg around his waste and arms around his neck while hugging him like my life depends on it. He steady me with his arms wrapped around my waste after pulling my dress down making sure I don't flash anyone. Overprotective best friend.

After 5 minutes he let me down before kissing my forehead and muttering "I missed you fifi. So much". Looking around I notice the Garcia's looking at me with a smile on their faces and love in their eyes. They always thought of me as another daughter of theirs but they had to move away. Something to do with their mafia I guess.

I then look to see my family looking at me dangerously. I can practically feeeeel the anger rolling off them. Hating that not only am I openly showing him emotion when I haven't done that to anyone but I'm also near a boy. God overprotective mafia men. All except Elias. I can see a small smile playing on his lips and happiness in his eyes. He know Dakota must be someone I trust and love for me to show my emotions so openly, he looks happy to see me happy.


"Hi mr and mrs Garcia and Emilio" I say as I pull Kota and Elias to sit next to me.

"Dear what do I always say about calling us that. Call me aunt Cathy and him uncle gael".

"I know I know auntie I just like to annoy you" I say with a small smile before pulling on my blank face suddenly remembering my families presence in the room.

"Are we gonna eat or are ya gonna keep on fucking staring at me" I spoke monotonously.

"Language" auntie scolds me.

"Sorry auntie" I spoke sincerely. She always has been like a mother to me.

Beside me I find Kota glaring at my family, probably remembering all my rants and breakdowns about them with him. Oh nononono. "Stop it Kota" I whisper sternly to him. He directs his glare towards me before his whole face softens once he sees my pleading eyes. Huffing and rolling his eyes he goes back to eating his food, I see Elias watching me curiously out the corner of my eye. I Give him a look as if to say I'll explain later.

During the dinner the two families spoke in Spanish or Italian while the Garcia's and I pretended I didn't understand them or already know about their mafias. After we finish up I ask Kota if he will come dance with me as it's been so long and I missed it. After convincing him I rushed to change into leggings and a tank top before me and Kota start with a dance we learned together just before he left.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

This is my absolute favourite dance we learned together. After we finished we heard clapping from the back of the studio and turned to see both families watching in pride and admiration. Later the Garcia's left after I told Kota that I'll see him at school tomorrow and that I'll be sitting with him and his friends at lunch. After that i found Elias and explained that Kota was glaring at our family because he was there to witness my breakdown over the years. He says he's truly sorry before going to bed. I as well went to bed hoping to not have any nightmares tonight.

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