《She's dead》Chapter 3


Sapphires POV-

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know I'm being shaken awake by Matteo causing me to tense and hold in a flinch. Looking at him with cold eyes I move from his hold, gather my belonging and make my way out of the plane and into the car outside already containing my father and eldest brother. Relaxing into my seat I ignore the stares from my family and put my earphones in listening to false confidence by Noah Kahan.

"Bambina we are home" I hear zaidon say after tapping my shoulder slightly to get my attention. I simply nod and make my way out the car and towards the front door, waiting to be let in. "FAMILY MEETING NOW" my father screams out as we enter the house. I flinch from the shouting but lucky no one saw. I hear a stamped of feet rushing down the stairs into the room we are currently sitting in.

"What is it dad?"I heard River question.

"Now we are all present we have something we need to talk about. Principessa, these are your brothers" he says to me. I look at each one of them with my emotionless eyes and nod as a sign of greetings.

"Boys introduce your selves. Principessa I am Greyson your father"

"Zaidon, your eldest brother, 26"

"I'm Matteo, second eldest, 23. "

"Valentino, 20. Mother hen. It's good to have you back Gem"

"River , 18, oldest twin. Prankster of the family, your soon to be favourite brother"

"Blaze, 18. Don't talk to me" with that he gets up and leaves the room.

"Elias, 16. Your twin and favourite. I'm so happy your back fire, you don't know how much I've missed you"

"Sapphire, 16. Nice to meet you all I guess. Elias can you show me where I'll be saying please"


Elias and I leave to me room which was black and red. Wow is all I thought. Perfect. "Do you like it? I decorated it myself. The rest of the family wanted to go with pink and white but I thought you'd like this better. You know call it twintuition. If you don't we can change it no hard feeling or-" he nervously rambled but was cut of with a hug from me.

He froze but slowly hugged me back, holding me tighter as if I'd leave him again if he let go. "I love it. It's perfect. My favourite colours" I said as I pulled away from him and smiled. I let my mask slip for him. He could see the pain, the love, the longing in my eyes. "I missed you so much Ellie" I whimpered as I felt a tear slip down my cheek.

Elias' POV-

"Do you like it? I decorated it myself. The rest of the family wanted to go with pink and white but I thought you'd like this better. You know call it twintuition. If you don't we can change it no hard feeling or-" I was cut of when I felt her hug me. I froze, my twin, the one I hadn't seen in 12 years, the one who acted so cold and emotionless downstairs was hugging me.

I slowly wrapped my arms around her waist, when actually coming to the realisation that she was here, hugging me, I held her tighter, scared that if I let go she'd leave me again and I don't think I could handle it again. I could finally feel that void inside of me being filled. I was complete again. "I love it. It's perfect. My favourite colours" she said with a smile as we pulled apart. That's when I saw her mask slip, I saw the pain, the love and longing in her eyes. What happened to you fire.


As I saw the her tear filled eyes I felt pain in my chest. Like I could feel her pain. "I missed you Ellie" she whimpered as she let the first tear drop. "You remember. You remember us, all of us?" I breathed out. "I do. I promised you that day that I would never forget you. I always keep my promises" she sighed as she scrunched close her eyes as if in pain, as if it hurt her to remember us. If she remembers us that means she remembers what happened that day, all the things they said to her. Oh no.

" you" I gulped, " you remember what they said to you that day" I questioned hoping she's say no but I knew that was not the case. "I do. I remember all of it. Everything they said. God Ellie it still hurts so bad. Why did they have to take it that far. I didn't mean to, I really didn't mean to kill her Ellie. I promise. It should have been me" she sobbed into my chest. "Who didn't you mean to kill fire" I whispered with tears in my eyes. Please don't say who I'm thinking about. Please don't.

"Mom" she finally whispered. "Mom and oceana" So quietly I barely heard it. So full of pain. God why did they have to say that. It's been 12 years and she still thinks they hate her because she apparently killed our mother.

"Come on fire. You didn't kill mom. It was an unfortunate accident. No one thinks that and they don't hate you. Don't you dare say you should have died instead again. I don't know what I would do if you were dead. I wouldn't be able to handle it baby" I stated firmly but got quieter on the last sentence. "Fire, who's oceana?" I hesitantly asked.

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