《She's dead》Chapter 2


Greysons POV -

I was in a meeting with my 2 eldest sons for the legal businesses in London, being the former CEO, when I got a call. Excusing myself from the meeting, I answered the call. "What"

"Hello is this mr Romano? I'm here with child services concerning your daughter Sapphire. Earlier this morning sapphires foster father met with an accident and didn't make it so we are looking for someone to take her in. If you do not wish to have her then she will go back into the system where we will will find her another home" a lady says. What. No this has to be a joke. We have been looking for sapphire for 6 years ever since we eliminated the threats but haven't got a lead on her till now.

"My dau-daughter? Are you sure? Oh god yes of course I will take her give me the address and I will come pick her up" we finished the call and I said I'd be there in 2 hours or so. Rushing back into the meeting room I grabbed zaidon and Matteo and dragged them out of the room to the car, explaining the phone call on the way to her school as I made the driver break the speed limit. By a lot. After I finished, both had looks of happiness and love in their eyes.

Arriving at the school, we three make our way to the principles office where we wait for our principessa. After a few minute we hear a bang as the office doors were kicked open and a beautiful young girl walking in with confidence. As I look at her I see my princess, her eyes just like mine, I feel happiness like I haven't before since we sent her away. I just hope she doesn't hate us for what we did, that she understands our reasoning although we won't tell her about the mafia.


She walks straight to the leather chair infront of the desk not looking at us. "So Jerry what did you call me for because you sure as hell know I don't like to be disturbed" I hear her say in a monotone voice with cold, calculating eyes boring into him. I watch as the colour completely drains from his face, which didn't even happen when he saw me and my boys, and we are very well known. She can't be that scary right? Oh principessa, where's that bubbly little girl I knew.

Sapphires pov -

I watch as the principles eyes turn to one of pity. Oh how I fucking hate pity. "I'm sorry to inform you of this miss Williams but you foster father was in a car accident this morning and he didn't make it"

" okay so am I going to another foster home now?" I question, my expression not changing which seemed to shock everyone in the room as if expecting me to break down into tears.

"No miss. Your father has agreed to take you in along with your 6 older brothers" after he said this I was in shock but I didn't show it. They actually wanted me back. I know they sent me away because of the mafia threats but that still doesn't excuse them, they could have protected me better with them. They sent me away because they thought that because I was a girl I wouldn't be able to learn to protect myself well enough so they just didn't try. I would have never been what I have been through if they just taught me, the same as they did with Elias, and for that I can't forgive them yet.

Finally looking at the men in the room I recognise my so called father alone with zaidon and Matteo looking at me with adoration and love in their eyes. I continue to look at them with my emotionless face and nod towards them. A look of hurt passes through all their eyes before they cover it back up, perhaps because I wasn't happy to see them.


"Come on principessa, let's go back to your house before we go back to New York, back home" my father states.

"I have no home" is the only thing I say before walking out the doors to my bike so they could follow me to the house where I pack my few outfits, my money and my weapons and ask for my motorcycle to be shipped to the house. We make it to their private jet and we are on our way to New York.

This is it. I'm going back to a house that use to be home, people who used to be my family. My twin, my other half, the only one who didn't say those hurtful things that left an indent In my mind. And although as much as I don't want to admit it, I'm excited to be back, to not be alone. As much as they hurt me, I'm happy to see my family again.

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