《The Claim ✔️ *Editing*》16. Unexpected


Six days later...

I spent the past six days with Seth and Maci. We were growing closer day by day. Titus was supposed to be coming back tomorrow. I would be lying if I said I wasn't anxious.

Maci, Alex, and I were going to the mall today. I haven't hung out with Alex in a while and I didn't want her to feel left out.

We all piled into my white Range Rover and drove off. Alex and I sat in the front while Maci sat in the back playing on her phone. I turned on the radio to drain out Alex and Maci's b*tching about my driving. I wasn't the best driver, but I was...decent.

They both sighed in relief when we pulled into a parking spot outside of the mall. "You guys are so dramatic." Their eyes went wide. "Are you insane? You ran over three curves. It's a miracle the tires are still intact!" Alex exclaimed.

"Whatever." I turned off the car and got out. Maci and Alex followed.

We spent two hours in Forever 21 and Urban Outfitters. I got a bunch of tops and jeans. By the time we walked into Victoria Secret all of our hands were filled with bags.

I bought a couple pairs of underwear and bras, then walked over to PINK.

I was browsing through the long-sleeved shirts when Alex came to stand next to me. I held up the purple shirt and the teal one. She studied them then spoke. "I like the teal one."

I nodded. "Same." I placed the purple one back on the rack then went to go check out.

After I checked out we went to the food court. We decided on a pizza place. We ordered our food then sat down. "Have you talked to Titus lately?"

I nodded. "Yeah, but he sounded busy so I let him go." I said with a shrug.

I wasn't going to be one of those girls who constantly checked up on their mates. It was exhausting and I had better things to do.

"You guys are so cute." Maci said through mouthfuls. Maci was a hopeless romantic at heart. I thought it suited her.


I began to feel my cheeks heating up. "Thanks."

We ate the rest of our food in a comfortable silence. I popped the trunk and we all placed our bags in the back. I went to close the trunk when Alex snatched the keys from my hand. "I'm driving back."

I tilted my head. "Seriously?"

"Yup, now get in. I'd like to make it back to my pup in one piece." I rolled my eyes then sat in the back.


When we got back, I decided to unpack all my clothes at our house. Ryan agreed as long as I made it back before dinner. I dropped all of my bags in the walk-in closet and started hanging up my clothes.

I walked out of my room when I was finished. As I sat on the bed I started to feel sweat coming from my forehead. I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand and sighed.

I stood up and went downstairs to get a water bottle. I don't know why but when I reached the last step, I was completely winded. Is this my body's way of telling me I'm out of shape?

I brushed it off and continued my walk.

As I opened the fridge the first thing I grabbed was a cold water bottle. I placed it on my forehead, letting coolness of the water bottle ease my heated head. But all that was soon forgotten when I heard the front door slam shut.

I placed the water bottle down and replaced it with a butcher knife, as I slowly walked out of the kitchen and into the foyer. I stood there wide-eyed when no one was at the door. Oh héll no, I've seen this too many times in the movies.

The second I felt a presence behind me, I swung around and raised the knife, ready to strike the intruder. Titus stood in front of me with his arms up. "Woah drop the weapon, it's just me." He chuckled lightly.

I rolled my eyes. "Will you stop doing that?" I placed the knife on one of the side tables. "Sorry." I shook my head then ran into his arms.


I wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his torso. "I missed you." I said breathlessly. "I missed you too. But um..." He set me down then stared at me. I brought my hands to my side and furrowed my brows. "What?"

He placed the back of his hand against my forehead. "You're burning up." I moved his hand away from my forehead as he buried his nose into the crook of my neck. "Yeah, I think I'm catching a cold or just severely out of shape." I said with a breathy laugh. He pulled away and stared at me wide-eyed. He shook his head. "No Brinn. You're in heat."

My eyes went wide. "Whaaa...."

He placed a hand on my shoulder. A low moan escaped my mouth. I looked up at Titus and saw his eyes were flickering back from hazel to gold. I threw his hand off my shoulder and took a couple of steps back. "Stay away from me you horn dog!" I shouted.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened them a few seconds later, they were back to his normal hazel eyes. I sighed in relief.

Out of nowhere, he bolted for the door. "Where are you going?!"I shouted after him.

He stopped then turned to face me. "Your scent is drawing attention from the unmated males. I need to cover it now before it gets out of hand." He said in a panicked tone. I nodded before he left.

I ran my hand through my hair, exhausted. This is a mess!

A stab of pain went through my torso. It felt a sizzling knife was tearing through my flesh. I quick held onto the wall to keep myself upright. I took a deep breath and gained enough courage to make my way to the stairs.

On my way up the stairs, sweat began running down my face at an intense rate. I was like a track star running a race in the middle of August. It's seemed like the more I would wipe it away, the more would reappear.

When I walked into our room I laid down on the bed. I was staring at the ceiling as another stab of pain reined in. This one stronger than the last one. I let out a cry of pain.

The heat became so unbearable that I began to strip out of my clothes until I was left in only my bra and underwear. I placed my hands over my face and started crying. Waiting for the next swoop of pain. This was horrible, I couldn't understand how females went through this.

I knew the only person who could end this was Titus. It's not that I was scared about mating with Titus. I was just...nervous.

I could feel my wolf trying to claw her way out as I sat up and dug my fist into my hair. It started to feel like everything was closing in on me. I needed to get out of here.

I stood up on shaky legs and proceeded towards the door. I didn't make it very far before I collapsed onto the floor. I sat there on my hands and knees breathing heavily.

I looked up through my blonde strands when I heard the door fly open. Titus rushed towards me, picking me up and placing me back on the bed. "I'm so sorry this is happening to you Brinn, but I have to go. My wolf is about to take over. I will have no control over my actions."

I grab his arm in a death grip. I felt my claws tearing through his flesh. "No!" I screamed.

His eyes when wide. "Please don't leave me." I begged.

He ran his free hand through his hair. "But Brinn..."

I nodded my head. "I know."

Our eyes locked. "And it's okay."

He wrapped his hands around mine. "It'll be okay I promise."

"I trust you."



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