《The Frozen Rose》CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: The start of a good night


William entered the ballroom of the West Cirsley estate, a stack of gifts in his arms.

"Where do I leave these?" he asked no one in particular.

"In the corner, there," Emily said while pointing at the furthest corner of the room. William sighed, then walked in that direction.

"Is that not where all the refreshments will be?" Alexander asked.

"O darn it, yes is it," Emily responded. "William, put them over there," she said, pointing at the very opposite corner. While he was walking in that direction, Alexander wondered: "Is that not too hidden?"

"Maybe it is," Emily said. "William, put them in that corner." With another sigh, he walked toward the third corner of the room and before anyone could make him move them again, he laid them down.

"So? How does it look?" Emily wanted to know. Everyone turned around, watching every wall and every piece of furniture in the room.

"Well," William said, "it is a ballroom."

"Yes, it looks good – like a ballroom," Alexander agreed.

Emily sighed. "Men. Now I hope, William, that I will actually see you in the ballroom, and that you do not leave with a woman. This a celebration for Mother and Father, not for you."

William smiled, trying not to laugh. "Do not worry, I will not leave the ballroom easily."

"Why not?" Alexander asked. "Preoccupied?"

William merely laughed, then turned to walk away, but Emily shouted: "who?!"

He turned around, pretending he did not know what they were talking about. "What do you mean, who?"

She sighed and walked closer to him. Was this supposed to be intimidating? For he feared it worked...

"Who did you invite to the ball?" Emily asked, her eyes full of excitement.

He looked down at his sister, not certain if she would appreciate the woman he invited. They did not get along well, that was a fact. Would either of them leave when they saw each other? They were both capable of it, there was no doubt.


"Please, do not get angry," he started, those words changing both Emily and Alexander's expression. "I have invited Elizabeth."

"Elizabeth Brompton?" Alexander asked, "the lady who lied to you?"

"We are merely friends, nothing more."

"Yet you will be too preoccupied with her to invite a woman to your chambers?"

That rendered William speechless, for he had indeed said that, and he also believed that. He did not want to leave Elizabeth alone at this ball, for he was not certain if she would know some people here, other than him. But while he would stay with her all night, he did not mean to become more than friends. Everyone would think it, but he did not want that, for he could not trust her. Would he ever?

"No comments, Emily?" he asked, looking down at his sister.

Her eyes were unreadable, but he thought she did not agree with his decision to invite the lady.

"Is it smart to invite her? You left her for a reason, yet now you want to be back with her."

"As friends," he repeated.

"Will you ever be friends? Do you truly believe you will be able to stop once you are friends?"

"What is that supposed to mean?" he asked, quite angry that she would say that. Of course he would stop once they were friends. Did she think him weak?

"It means," Alexander explained, "that we know what it is like to be in love. And either you give up on her, or you put your full trust in her. You cannot possibly be friends with the person you love. You are either a memory to her, or you ask for her hand."

William let out a mocking laughter, but was not certain it was truly mockery rather than fear. What if they were correct and he could not stop? What if he would ruin her and then never ask for her hand?

But what if he left her and remained a memory? Would he not break her heart all over again?


The door to the ballroom opened, and the butler entered. "The lord and lady of West Cirsley have just arrived," he announced.

"Make your decision fast, William," Emily told him, "before you hurt her again."

Together with Alexander, she left the room to bring their parents to the ballroom, just like they had planned. William followed them, but his mind was with Elizabeth. What was he to do? Give her chance at befriending him, or tell her they would be better apart? Would she be a worthy friend, or would he always see her as the perfect woman he could never have?

The questions remained in his head as he hugged his parents and wished them a happy anniversary. Would Elizabeth be more hurt if he told her to leave now, or when he gave them time to realize that they will never become friends?

As his parents followed Emily and Alexander, William walked behind them, wondering: what if he was not strong enough to stay away from her? Was it too late already?

When they neared the ballroom, he shook his head, trying to shake the thoughts away. But he feared they would stay in the back of his mind for the rest of the day.

The door to the ballroom opened and everyone stepped inside, the three children looking at the surprised faces of their parents.

"Why did you prepare the ballroom?" Tina asked, her voice high pitches, ready to be angry at her children for making a mess she had to clean.

"Because it is your anniversary, Mother," Emily asked.

"And anniversaries need to be celebrated," Alexander continued.

"So we organized a ball for you," William finished.

"A ball?" their mother asked surprised. "For us?"

Her husband smiled at her. "I told you they were up to something. But I never expected it to be a ball."

With a wide smile, Tina walked to her three children and hugged them one by one.

"O Albert, when was the last time we had a ball in our name?" she asked happily.

"When Alexander was born, I believe," their father answered.

"This is grand!" She walked to her husband and pulled him out of the ballroom. "We must prepare quickly. I do not know what dress to wear!"

"You look good in any dress, darling."

"That, William," Emily said, "is love."


The ball had started about an hour ago and the ballroom was full of people. William was standing with his siblings, watching their parents receive felicitations and presents. They enjoyed this ball, and it was obvious with just one look on their face.

But William did not. Not only was he standing next to Emily and her husband and Alexander and his wife, reminded of how alone he was, he also had to endure their looks that silently asked him where she was.

He did not know either. She had not really told him she would come, and the last time he saw her, he tried to kiss her but she refused. Was she angry with him? Would she not come to the ball?

If she did not, it should not bother him. Mayhap it was good that she decided to stay away from him, so that he did not have to ask it. But his mind spoke differently than his heart, for a part of him wanted her to be here. He wanted to prove to his family that they could be friends, but he also wanted to talk to her and laugh with her and dance the night away with her in his arms.

Would he not be proving exactly what his siblings expected – that he could not be just friends with her?

Before he could question it more, he saw her enter the room, beautiful as she was. Her chocolate brown hair was up in a bun, and her body was covered in a golden dress with a low, V-shaped collar, but a skirt that reached the floor and wide sleeves.

He could not hide the smile that appeared on his lips when he saw. He told himself it was relief, but he doubted it was true.

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