《The Frozen Rose》CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: The ball


The ballroom was full of guests. Elizabeth had been here many times before, but she barely recognize the room now that there were so many people. Walking into the room, she was looking for familiar faces, but did not see any at first glance.

She did not even see William, but mayhap that was not so bad. If she could not see him for a long time tonight, she would not have to resist the temptation to kiss him. That thought had been spinning through her head all day, and it made her doubt if she should actually come. She had not really said she would, so he was probably not expecting her. It would also be better if they did not see each other on a ball, for she could not forget what happened the last time they danced together.

But a part of her – the part she should not give in to – reminded her of how much she had liked that kiss. It also took her back to all the kisses she had shared with him seven years ago, and to all the moment she felt her belly flutter and her heart skip. All the moments she had been breathless at the sight of him would always come to mind when she was looking for reason why she should not see him, and they convinced her of the opposite.

Twas not good that she was here, looking for his face. But she could not resist it. She had told herself that she would not be able to live with herself if he was disappointed when she did not come, and that was the reason she came. But her mind knew that was not the truth. She came because she wanted him.

"You look beautiful," his happy voice suddenly said behind her. She turned around and smiled, glad to see him. He was smiling back at her, and she felt relief wash over her. Had she truly been frightened he would hate her for not kissing him when he leaned closer yesterday?

"You look quite handsome too," she told him.

He gave her his elbow – which she took – and then lead her to the other side of the ballroom.

"What do you think of the ball?" he asked her.


"Like a ball that is not missing a thing," she complimented his ball organizing abilities.

He gave her a grateful smile. "I must admit I did not really help with many of the preparations. I was too busy with the book."

"It must be almost finished, am I right?" she asked him.

"Yes, it is finished. I have given it to lord Byron so that he could review it before the play's first performance."

"Do you think he will like it?"

He shrugged. "I hope so. I would not know how I could make it any better."

Before she could comfort him and tell him lord Byron will definitely like it, a woman with blonde hair and a blue dress stood in front of them, a big smile adorned her face.

"Elizabeth," William said, "I believe you remember my sister, Emily."

She tried her best to smile at the lady in front of her, but was not certain if Emily was here to take William away from her, or to torment her. She gave the lady her best curtsy, and saw her curtsy back.

The smile on Emily's face looked genuine, Elizabeth realized. Not one that promised a bad experience was to come.

"I hope I did not startle you," Emily said, her hands nervously clutched together. "I did not mean to interrupt your evening, and I know you have only just arrived, but I was wondering if you could spare me some time to talk with you."

Elizabeth looked at the lady, surprised she sounded so genuinely kind and seemed so nervous. What was she about to tell Elizabeth? Something that truly frightened her, or was it all an act?

She looked at William and gave him a smile. "May we have a moment alone?"

William nodded. "I shall go keep Mother and Father company," he said before he turned around and walked toward his parents.

"The ball looks amazing," Elizabeth told Emily. "Congratulations on the organization."

"Thank you," the lady said with a smile. "But I did not do it all on my own. Alexander and William helped too."

She smiled. "Of course."

Emily balled her hands into fists and took a deep breath. "I want to apologize. I have not been very kind to you in the past, and I really regret everything I have said and done to you. I was truly jealous of my brothers, and I took it out on you because you made William's life even more perfect."


"I do not believe I made his life perfect," Elizabeth said, remembering how she hurt him, and how it made him decide to leave her. Those were no happy – nor perfect – memories.

"Truly, you did. Before everything happened, my brothers were so important to my parents. They were men, they were to carry on the legacy and titles of our parents, and I knew I would receive nothing. William, as the oldest son, was my parents' favourite. And when he found himself a lady worthy of a wife, my parents' happiness could not be any greater." She looked at the ground, uncertain of her next words. "And I felt like I was nothing. So I figured that if my brothers were not that perfect anymore, mayhap my parents could finally be proud of me." She looked up again and Elizabeth saw her eyes full of regret. "But it was a big mistake, and I fear I was part of why I ruined not only my brother's life, but also yours. I scared you away."

Elizabeth shook her head, feeling sorry for Emily. Yes, she had never liked William's sister, but she was not the reason they had their fight. It would be hard to forgive her, but she seemed honest and genuinely pained. Elizabeth believe she truly regretted what she had done.

"Nothing you have done is the reason for what happened between William and me," she told the lady. "Yes, you did not make it easy, but you are not to blame for anything. We all make mistakes, do we not? And people deserve another chance to make things right."

Emily nodded her head, than gave her a meaningful look. "Does everyone deserve a second chance?"

Elizabeth wondered if Emily meant William when she said "everyone", but she answered: "you certainly do."

That gained her a smile from the lady and a silent sigh of relief. "Thank you," she said before wrapping her arms around her and hugging her.

Elizabeth was glad that she was able to forgive Emily. She saw how the lady had grown and assumed that married life had changed her. Not only was she older, she had also learned the value of love – both for family and friends.

When Emily let go of her, Elizabeth said: "now I believe I should wish your parents a happy anniversary."

With a quick curtsy and a smile, she said goodbye to Emily and made her way to lord and lady West Cirsley.

"Elizabeth," lady Tina said happily with a smile. She curtsied to Elizabeth, who curtsied back. Then lord Albert took her hand and kissed the top of it.

"It is good to see you again, lady Elizabeth," he said.

Elizabeth gave William a quick smile, then said: "It is good to see you to, lord Albert, lady Tina. And on behalf of my family, I wish you a happy anniversary. May you both love each other for many more years to come."

"Thank you, dear," lady Tina said, "that is very kind of you."

"How is lady Anne?" lord Albert wanted to know. "Is she still managing everyone of your family well?"

"You know my mother," she told him with a smile. "She is managing very well. A little too well, sometimes, for she always wants to know everything."

"Still curious, is she?" lady Tina laughed. "And how are your siblings, Andrew, Thomas and Mary? How old is she now?"

"Mary is eighteen now."

"Eighteen already? I remember her still a child, always holding a doll in her hands."

Elizabeth laughed at the memory of a young Mary, always proudly showing her dolls to every visitor. "She has become a beautiful woman now."

"As have you," lady Tina said with a nod. "Very beautiful and kind."

"Elizabeth," William suddenly interrupted, probably making certain lady Tina did not get her hopes up on seeing Elizabeth more in the future. She would not, for Elizabeth did not think it a good idea, and she assumed William thought the same.

William reached his hand out to her, his eyes expectantly. "May I have a dance with you?"

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