《I'm the Bad Boy's Sweetheart (Completed!)》Chapter 28-Tears of a Lost Battle


Adriana P.O.V.

I felt sick as I rolled myself up in my blankets in the darkness of my room. My heart ached painfully and even though my brain told my heart I had no reason to be upset my heart told my mind to go to hell.

I closed my stinging eyes and hugged myself tighter. I tried to shove the memories of that night back but they flashed in front of my eyes like a movie.


"I am here to see my fiancée of course."

I gawked at Tirana in shock, her words ringing in my mind mockingly. She had to be lying, there was no way Jake was engaged to her. I slid my eyes from Tirana to Jake, silently pleading with him to deny it.

Instead I saw only a faint frown on his face as he leaned over to Tirana and whispered loud enough for me to hear,

"I thought it wasn't a sealed deal yet."

Tirana turned to him and raked her long nails down his chest as she purred seductively,

"Babe, our parents just agreed on it. This party is to celebrate ."

She emphasized on the us and flashed me a triumphant grin.

I stared unseeingly at them. Jake was taken. I was too late, too slow. I wanted him to fall in love with me slowly and softly but I had been too timid.

Jake bowed to me slightly then kissed the top of Tirana's hand, sending a shot of pain through my heart.

"Excuse me, dear. I have a matter to discuss with my mother."

Jake speed walked away and vanished inside the ballroom. Once he had vanished Tirana turned to me and a wide smile jumped across her face. She gushed,

"Oh isn't my fiancée just dashing in his suit? I cant wait to see him in it again on our wedding day."

I clenched my fists at my sides and gritted out,

"Tell me it isn't true."

Tirana pouted mockingly at me,

"Oh I cant tell you that, considering it is true. Look."

She showed me a glistening ring on her finger. My stomach dipped as I stared at the glittering proof. My whole body felt numb as I stared at it. I blinked and it was still there.

Tirana sneered,

"Your pathetic crush was so obvious, bitch. Only Jake didn't notice because he was too busy looking at ME."

She stepped towards me, her seven inch heels making her swash her hips back and forth. She paused inches away from me and whispered in a sickly sweet giggle,

"I also know your little secret."

I gasped and stared at her in shock. How did she know about my dad? Maybe she was just pretending to know.

"What secret, Tirana? I'm an open book."

The next thing I know I was kneeling down cradling my bloody cheek caused by Tirana's fake nails.

Fury swirled around Tirana as she hissed at me angrily,

"Don't lie to me, you slutty bitch. Jake told me everything! About how your daddy couldn't stand having a whorish fat idiot as a daughter!"

She drew back her foot and delivered a stinging kick to my stomach. I cried out and fell on my side, feeling winded.

Tirana dropped to her knees beside me and whispered in my ear,

"He also told me about your poor mommy. How selfish of you bitch, making your mom suffer for you."

Fear and pain was quickly replaced by rage. How dare she talk about my mom when she doesn't even know about it!


When I tried to talk all that came out was a breathless gasp,

"You don't know what you are talking about."

She sneered and dug her heel into my ribs, making me wince,

"You calling me a liar, bitch? Jake told me everything and he would never lie to me."

Tears welled up my eyes and dripped down my cheeks, making my make-up drip and smear. I hadn't even told Jake what happened. Had he gone poking around in my history? How could he? A pain like nothing I had ever felt before stabbed my heart. It was the pain of my heart breaking.

Tirana's heel dug into my ribs painfully and I thrashed and tried to shove her away. I waited for an adult to come find us but no one came.

"You know I actually feel sorry for you Tirana."

She pulled her heel away in surprise.

"What are you talking about, whore?"

I sat up and mustered my pride and courage.

"I feel sorry for anyone who is going to give their husband STDs if they actually settle for one guy."

Horror and rage flashed across her face. Her eyes flashed angrily at me and her face twisted before the point of her shoe landed on my temple, making everything go dark.

End Flashback...

The only thing I remembered after that was waking up in bed with my dress on and Lucas sitting by my bed. He had tried to get me to eat for five days but I could even stomach the thought of eating. He came by every day at noon.

Speaking of Lucas, I clicked the backlight on my alarm clock and squinted at the blue light. He should be coming soon. I hoped he didn't, I didn't want to talk to him. I didn't want to talk to anyone.

"Adriana, my dear?"

I silently groaned and buried my face in my pillow at Lucas's quiet soft voice at the door. I heard the door open and the rattling of china as he made his way over to my burrito of blankets and pillows.

"Adriana please eat."

The smell of some soup wafted over me and normally I would be all over that soup but instead it made me nauseous. I didn't say anything and burrowed deeper into my bed. I had tried speaking but somehow I couldn't. Pathetic, I know.

Lucas huffed and left the tray of food and walked out. I was left back in silence again.

I pushed myself up, feeling my bruised ribs scream in protest and my head pounded at the sudden movement. I was still in my dress and the sequins and rough fabric had irritated my legs and arms but I was too numb and tired to take it off.

I slowly dragged myself up and picked up the tray with the soup in it and carried it to the bathroom. Maybe if I dumped the soup down the drain Lucas would think I ate it and get off my back.

When I shuffled back into my main room I saw someone sitting on my bed. I froze in panic and fear. Was that Jake? Was he hear to mock me? Was he hear to rub it in my face?

I slowly creeped closer and in the dark of my room I only saw the outline of their body. I hesitantly poked their shoulder and the person turned around and I could see their white toothed smile,


I sighed and nearly collapsed in relief. It was only Zero.

Zero jumped up and hugged me.


"Are you ok? Why haven't you been at school? What happened?"

At feeling his arms around me and hearing the concerning tone in his voice, I broke down. I threw my arms around him and sobbed, the pain in my chest was almost unbearable. I buried my face in his chest and felt my knees give out from underuse and weakness.

Zero rubbed my back and guided me to the bed. He sat me down and ran to my window, throwing it open. The sudden bright light made me wince and hiss. Zero turned to me and his breath caught at my appearance. I buried my face in my hands and whimpered.

"Oh Adriana..."

My dress was wrinkled and crooked. My once elegant smooth bun was a rats nest on top of my head and dried streaked make up was glued around my eyes and on my cheeks. There were noticeable bruises and deep scratch marks on my cheek from Tirana slapping me.

Zero ran back over to me and sat down,

"Whats wrong? What happened?"

I opened my mouth and tried to speak but all that came out was a thin croak. My throat was unbearable dry from my near constant crying. Zero noticed my problem and fetched me a glass of water. I greedily gulped it down, feeling it sooth my throat.

My voice was thin and husky when I was finally able to speak for the first time in days,

"Jake is engaged to someone else."

Zero frowned then looked shocked as he whispered,

"Are you in love with him?"

Fresh tears raced down my cheeks as I nodded. Zero was silent for a long pregnant silence before deadpanning dryly,

"Your tastes suck ass."

I chuckled and nudged him in the ribs with my elbow,

"Shut up you dork, I already know. There is just so much happening in my life and I feel so..."

I trailed off, not able to put a name on the ache in my heart for a few seconds,


Zero wrapped an arm around my shoulders and I found myself looking at the pitiful reflection of myself in his wide emerald eyes. When he didn't say anything I continued to tell him the troubles of my life,

"And tomorrow is Mom's anniversary and I don't want to visit her alone. I always bring her a bag of Lays Salt and Vinegar chips and a red velvet cupcake from the little bakery on the corner on 12."

I smiled fondly,

"She did love those cupcakes..."

Zero laced his fingers through mine,

"Would you like me to go with you?"

I looked up at him in surprise,

"You are willing to do that for me?"

Zero looked surprised and hurt as he pulled my closer and kissed the top of my head,

"Of course, as long as you agree to shower and eat something."

He pinched his nose and teasing waved the air,

"You stink!"

I punched his shoulder lightly,

"Wow thanks Zero feeling the love."

He grinned goofily at me and tweaked my nose,

"So you should."

He stood up and brushed his hands off on his jeans.

"I will be here at 10 o'clock tomorrow kay? We can go then."

Suddenly feeling shy and embarrassed, I looked down at my knitted hands in my lap. My heart pounded and I felt my face flush. Zero was coming with me to meet my mother? I hoped she liked him.

Zero blew me a kiss before closing the door.


I lay back on my bed unseeingly for a few seconds before pushing myself and slipping off the dress. My skin singing in relief at being let out of the tight uncomfortable fabric. I scooped up a towel and headed to the bathroom to make myself human again.

I spent ten minutes brushing out my hair and another ten minutes scrubbing the thick make-up off my face. Miraculously, I had no acne and my skin was still smooth and unscarred.

I stepped into the huge shower in the corner of my bathroom. I moaned when the hot water hit my face and body, feeling days of grime and tears wash away. I scrubbed myself down with coconut body wash and washed my hair with lime shampoo.

When I got out I slipped into yoga pants and a light t-shirt, wrapping my dripping hair in the towel as a make-shift turban. I sat down on my bed and took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. I felt rejuvenated and reborn. I changed my sheets and covers and buried myself in the clean soft bed. Just when I was about to fall asleep again, feeling exhausted, I heard a loud bang from outside my room.

I jumped up and ran to my door, throwing it open. My jaw dropped.

Jake had Zero pinned against the wall outside my room. Zero looked peeved and bored as Jake clenched his jaw and punched the wall inches from his head, which had made the big bang I heard. Jake snarled and shoved his arm against Zero's throat and Zero's eyes widened as his air was slowly cut off. His feet started lifting off the ground and I panicked.

"Jake stop what are you doing?!"

I grabbed onto his arm and pulled it away from Zero, who was slowly turning purple. Jake tightened his grip and spat,

"Why were you in her room alone you bastard?"

Jake abruptly let him go and spat on the ground in disgust. Zero fell down on his knees and coughed roughly as gasped for air. I placed my hands on my hips, forgetting the hurt throbbing in my heart at facing Jake after everything that happened,

"What the hell Jake?!"

Jake sneered and dropped my furious stare, ignoring me. I rolled my eyes in exasperation and turned to Zero and cupped his cheek, feeling concern roll through me,

"Are you alright?"

Zero had tears in his eyes and I realized Jake had called him a bastard. Of course that hurt him He opened his mouth to say something but suddenly my body lurched away from him and my back slammed into something hard. Warm arms slipped around my waist and the intoxicating scent of Jake's cologne washed over me. Oh no.

I weakly tried to get away but Jake held me fast. Tears filled my eyes and started to fall. Why was he doing this to me? Why was he acting like he cared about me? This wasn't fair!

A sob escaped from my mouth and Jake stiffened and let me go.

"Ri, are you ok?"

I wanted to die when he called me Ri. I remembered the cute proud smile on his face when he told me he wanted to be special by calling me that. A fresh wave of tears fell. I felt suffocated as Jake and Zero both reached for me. Bile and fear rose in my throat. The panic attack struck me like a fanged viper.

I slouched against the wall and little black dots danced around the edges of my vision. I heard their panicked frantic voices in the background of the roaring blood in my ears. When a hand landed on my shoulder I flinched and staggered up. Everything was blurred as I ran to the front door. I heard them calling after me, telling me to stop and come back but I could not stop. I needed to get away, to find some peace.

I found my unsteady feet taking me back to my old house before I moved to my apartment, the house were my mom saved me.


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