《I'm the Bad Boy's Sweetheart (Completed!)》Chapter 27- My Life is Cliché
Adriana P.O.V.
I stared warily at the hot curling iron nearing my face.
I growled warningly,
"Madison I swear if you..."
Madison clucked her tongue and cut me off before I could finish,
"Seriously? You have know me for nearly fifteen years and you don't trust me to do your hair?"
I glared at her using the mirror of my vanity. Lucas chuckled as he brought the mascara wand to my face. I slowly moved my face away from it till Lucas and Madison sighed in exasperation.
"Honestly, Ana, we have to get you ready for your fancy ass dinner."
"Indeed, dear. There are many prominent major business owners there."
I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest pouting,
"I don't understand why I have to wear make-up."
Madison shoved me back in the chair when I moved to get up.
"Adriana Layman, if you don't let us do your make-up and hair I am going to post pictures of you throwing up all over Chuck E. Cheese in the school."
I paled and let them work their magic on me using their death weapons.
"There done! Know, what do you need to wear? Formal right?"
Lucas and Madison vanished into the depths of my closet for a dress. I blushed when I heard Madison snap at Lucas,
"Please don't keep encouraging her to cover up. She needs to bear those C-cups a little more."
Then Madison yelled to me,
"This is one helluva closet! These clothes are nice!"
Then Madison and Lucas reappeared, looking triumphant. Madison thrust a dress at me.
"You are wearing this. Then when you are done with it I am proceeding to steal it."
My jaw dropped at the beautiful dress. It glittered beautiful silver and royal blue in the bright light of my closet. It showed my legs and was flattering on my figure. Silent with awe, I let them slip on the dress, careful not to ruin my hair, which was curled up into an elegant bun.
I twirled around, in love with the insanely beautiful, and probably insanely expensive, gown.
Madison shoved some tall silver heels on and some blue earrings. She stared at me in envy, which surprised me since that was probably how I looked at her all the time. She glared at my legs,
"Damn long legs..."
I rolled my eyes and looked at myself in the mirror. Insecurities washed over me. Was I over dressed? Was I trying to hard? Would Jake make fun of me? Did I look overweight?
When I sucked my stomach in a little bit Lucas and Madison both yelled angrily in sync,
I blushed and relaxed again. I grabbed a silver clutch and slipped my phone and some feminine products. Ya, being a girl is bitch. And when Eve ate the fruit guys said they got the short end of the staff. I say bullshit to that statement my friends.
Madison noticed and chuckled evilly.
"Lets go leech magnet."
I punched Madison's shoulder as I walked out of the room.
Lucas and Jake chatted quietly down by the front door as I walked down the stairs to them. Nerves made me shake in my heels. Jake abruptly stopped talking to Lucas and gawked at me as I walked down the stairs. Talk about Cinderella moment.
I was bright red under the heat of Jake's stare by the time I reached the door. I gripped my clutch tight in my hands and stuttered,
"I-I knew it. I look ridiculous, huh?"
Lucas cooed and reassured me that I looked gorgeous as he wiped imaginary dust off my shoulders. Jake rolled his eyes at Lucas,
"Shes like taking a puppy from the pound. Looks scraggly but actually half decent when you clean em' up."
I flushed and pushed my finger into his shoulder,
"I am not a rescue puppy."
Jake's expression turned teasing as he grabbed my finger and raised it to his lips. He pressed a small kiss to the tip and winked,
"Oh yes that is right. You are a little Kitten right?"
I snatched my hand away, my heart pounding. I kicked the floor with my heel and looked down, trying to hide my red face.
"Am not..."
Jake chuckled then let out a fake gasp,
"Oh right? When is your date getting there?"
My head snapped up.
Jake nodded seriously but I noticed the glint in his eyes. He looked like Lucky had finally gotten his bowl of Lucky Charms. Or Trix finally got to eat his freakin cereal. What kind of message did those commercials send? That children can segregate against people who want to eat the same cereal as them?
Ok thats not the point.
Jake fluttered his eyelashes at me, which were insanely long, and cooed sweetly,
"Oh no don't tell me I forgot to tell you you have to have an escort at this party?"
I gripped my face in panic,
"No! You! Didn't! Where am I supposed to find a willing date this late?!"
Jake watched me pace in aggravated circles for a few moments before pipping up helpfully,
"Well my date cancelled so you can just go with me."
I froze and raised an eyebrow doubtfully,
Jake shrugged and looked nonchalant,
"Yeah. Not a big deal. Lets get going."
He offered me his arm and I stared at it stupidly. Did he want me to take it? Was I allowed to take it?
Jake rolled his eyes and used his opposite arm to guide my hand through the crook of his elbow.
"See? Like that. Common lets go."
Jake led the shaky nervous me to the waiting limo. Lucas stood by the door and opened it for us. Again, I froze up stupidly. Was he supposed to go in first? Or was it me?
Jake sighed and pushed me into the car.
"This is gonna be a long night..."
I slipped my hand through Jake's arm again and tried to calm my pounding heart. Bile stung the back of my throat and I began to panic. Jake noticed and stroked my cheek, which felt like a splash of cold water on my face.
"You're going to be fine, Ri. Just relax."
All I whispered back was,
"You hands are cold."
He chuckled and opened the large doors to the ballroom. We began to descend down the stairs and I looked around at the people watching us. They all looked very refined and important. Their wives lingered by their sides and looked very elegant and sharp. There were a few young men and women lingering around, which I assumed were sons and daughters.
We reached the foot of the stairs and people came over and began to greet us. A pudgy old man bowed slightly to kiss my hand. His dark black eyes smirked at me,
"Bonjour, juste femme."
Common, Adriana! Remember your French 1 class! In the end all I stammered back was,
Soon after the man had left a younger one replaced him. He looked to be about twenty-three. His brown hair was slicked back and his dark almost black eyes sparkled mischievously at me as he kissed my hand,
"These daft dinners might be worth it if you are here, ma juste femme."
Well I knew that 'ma' was 'my' and I definitely wasn't his anything so I snatched my hand away, feeling flustered. I knew I was being rude but I felt overwhelmed. The man looked surprised so I hurriedly apologized,
"I-I am very sorry, sir. This is my first time ever doing something like this."
He grinned widely,
"Ah innocence is refreshing. My name is Travis, and I could show you the ropes if you wish, ma juste femme."
I had been around the block a few times to know I definitely did not want to see the ropes he wanted to show me. Just as I opened my mouth to reject his offer, I was twirled away from him when someone grabbed my other hand. I slammed into a hard chest and someone whispered in my ear hotly,
"Need help, little Adriana?"
God dammit was I an open buffet tonight or something?!
I pushed Norman away from me and glared coldly at him.
"No I don't need help, Norman."
I spat his name out in disgust. When I turned around I bumped into a different chest.
"Can I help you, little lady?"
I looked up in surprise at the deep baritone voice. A tall black man smiled down at me. He looked to be the same age as Travis. He grabbed my shoulder and I began to panic.
"Please let me go!"
I slapped away his hand as hard as I could and started to back away. Images of my dad flowed into my mind as they reached their hands out to me. Tears welled up in my eyes and I instinctively raised my hands over my head. I cringed down on my knees and felt a scream building up in the back of my throat.
"Hey hey hey! What the hell is going on here?!"
I shakily raised my eyes to see Jake standing in front of me, looking absolutely terrifying and angry.
"I was just helping her up, Collins."
The black man behind me kindly lifted me up to my feet and dipped his head in respect before grabbing Norman and Travis by the scruffs of their necks and dragging them off.
Jake turned to me and I flinched when his dark angry eyes met mine. His face softened and he crouched beside me and whispered,
"Are you alright?"
I took deep breaths, trying to control my fear. Would this control me forever? Would my Dad never leave me? I had scars physically but I also had mental scars. I didn't like anyone touching me, I flinched at sudden movements and sounds. I was pathetic.
Jake noticed the hopeless look on my face and helped me to my feet, and when I swayed unsteadily he responded by wrapping his arm around my waist to hold me up. He kept his head close to mine, whispering soothingly to me, his soft steady voice working miracles on my pounding heart.
"Its alright Ri. Lets get you outside and you can just relax. Don't worry you are alright."
Then his head snapped up and he snarled loudly,
"Is there something to stare at?"
The hum of conversation and clinking glasses filled the room again as Jake led me outside.
Jake led me along a little cobblestone path away from the ballroom. I held onto his hand, starting to fell myself calm down. The cool early summer night air brushed across my bare legs and the faint chirp of awakening crickets made my racing pulse slow.
"Come here Ri. There is somewhere I want to show you."
Normally I would be freaking out but honestly, even though Jake was kinda moody and scary, I trusted him. I don't know why but he had never hurt me.
Jake led me to a willow grove. Their small blossoms had just bloomed and it was absolutely magical. My whole life is so cliché.
I let go of Jake's hand and walked around in the grove, taking it all in. I ran my fingers through the fine branches of the willows and kicked off the heels that were killing my feet. The grass was soft and cushy under my burning blistering feet. I took a deep breath, held it, then it all out, feeling much better.
It was then that I realized that Jake was watching me walk around like a little girl in Build-a-Bear the entire time. I blushed and walked over to him. I dipped my head and muttered,
"I'm really sorry."
He cocked his head and put his thumbs in his pockets, rocking back on the heels of his dress shoes,
"What for?"
I felt ashamed and embarrassed as I whispered,
"Because I embarrassed you."
Jake rolled his eyes and chuckled as he ruffled my hair.
"You think I care about what those fudy-duddies think? I only care about whether you're ok."
Before I could think I took that extra step towards him and hugged him. I slowly slid my arms up his back and buried my face in his chest. I was so short the top of my head didn't even hit his chin.
Jake stayed ridged for a few heartbeats before pulling me even closer and hugging me back. I giggled when he rested his chin on my head whispered,
"Little inchworm."
"And you're a big idiot whats your point?"
Still leaving his hands on my hips, Jake pulled away so he could look me in the eye. He was smiling softly,
"I'm the idiot little Bookworm?"
I nodded. He was an idiot.
Jake let out a low chuckle and tweaked my nose. I stared incredulously at him.
"Did you just boop my nose?"
Jake looked up at the clouds and shoved his hands in his pockets, whistling a random tune. I stood up my tiptoes and tapped his nose,
Jake rolled his eyes,
"How old are you?"
I shrugged and walked over to a willow tree that had a tire swing. I gave Jake a goofy grin before sliding into the tire.
"Not old enough! Common gimme a push."
Jake scoffed and trudged over to me. He grabbed the tire and pulled in back before giving a hefty push. I laughed and thrashed my legs as I soared high into the high before plummeting back down. My hair was a wild mess and my dress flowed and snapped in the gentle breeze.
Then I heard a faint voice yell over the wind rushing past my ears,
"Jacob Andrew Collins you get back in here this second!"
Oops I totally forgot about Mrs. Collins. She must be pissed.
I yelled,
"Jake let me down!"
When I came back down Jake grabbed my tire. It jerked out from under me and I continued to fly back. My stomach lurched as I realized I was going to face plant. I squeezed my eyes shut and braced myself.
Instead of hard dirt and grass, I landed on top of something warm and soft.
Something that just grunted.
I raised my head up and let out a gasp as Jake's face appeared inches from mine. His eyes were closed and he rubbed the back of his head as he groaned,
"You alright?"
I was too shocked at the fact Jake Collins face was a mere inches from mine and I was straddling him to reply. How often did this happen in movies? Its like my whole life is a cliché movie. Jake opened his eyes and they went wide when they saw me. I could see his face flush slightly and he stammered,
I watched as his eyes slowly looked down at my lips and I found myself doing the same for him. If I moved my head a few inches I would kiss him. His breath brushed across my face and my heart pounded relentlessly against my chest.
I leaned forward slightly and he did the same. I tilted my head slightly and moved closer. Jake's hands slid up my back, making me shiver as he pulled me closer.
Our lips were just inches away. I could feel the heart coming off him and his breath was coming out in faint puffs. My hand rested against his chest and I felt it pounding under my palm. Was I making his heart race? The thought was flattering.
My eyes fluttered shut as I anticipated his kiss.
I snapped out of my haze and Jake shoved me away from him in a panic. I let a faint painful grunt as my back slammed into the willow tree. The bare skin of my back scratched against the tree and I winced.
As I groaned and massaged my neck I looked at who had interrupted us. I blinked in shock.
The slut herself was in a fiery red ball gown with a slit that ran up to her hip and her chest was hanging out. While she was still slutty she was beautiful at the same time.
She popped her hip and sneered at me,
"Ya its me, bitch. I didn't know that they would drag a lost pup to this party."
What was it and people comparing me to a puppy...?
I shakily stood up and glared at her,
"What are you doing here?"
Her eyes widened in mock shock. Tirana grabbed Jake's arm and pulled him up next to her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss.
I watched painfully as she kissed him hard for a few seconds. When she pulled away her perfect lipstick was smeared. She placed a hand around Jake's hip and smirked triumphantly at me,
"I am here to see my fiancée of course."
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