《I'm the Bad Boy's Sweetheart (Completed!)》Chapter 19- My Crush's Sister Does me a Solid
Adriana P.O.V.
Lucas chuckled as he rewrapped my back.
"Oh you big baby."
I winced as he splashed some cleaning alcohol on the main cut. Lucas grabbed a towel and wiped down my naked back. I was feeling slightly uncomfortable. I was shirtless and braless, laying on my bed so he couldn't see anything but my face was still flushed.
"There you go all done!"
Lucas placed a chaste kiss on the fresh bandages before rising to his feet.
I twisted my neck and looked up at him,
"Thanks Lucas. Now get out."
He laughed at the blatant discomfort in my voice but still walked out of the room in long strides.
I slowly sat up with a groan. I shakily climbed to my feet and walked to a large floor length mirror on one of my walls.
Little scars decorated my stomach and shoulders. Bruises blossomed on my sides and were turning a sickly gross yellow color. I was skinny but in the more starved way than the fit way. I raised a hand to the back of my head and found the bump that appeared when my Dad threw me against the wall after Evan's party was nearly gone.
Suddenly, my door flew open. I squeaked and covered my bare breasts and glared at the intruder. A young woman with blond hair and navy blue tips sauntered in. She was wearing black stilettos and sun glasses. Her jeans shorts looked more like jean underwear and her loose black tang top was half tucked in and showed a generous amount of cleavage.
I stared stupidly at her. She flung herself onto my bed and stretched.
"Whew I am beat! Long flights really take it out of you!"
She had a thick British accent. I hurriedly slipped on a shirt then walked over to her. I cleared my throat and asked,
"Um who are you?"
She moved her sunglasses down and piercing light brown eyes looked me up and down, scrutinizing me. She snorted and moved her sunglasses back up her nose and crossed her legs. She offered me a delicate tan hand,
I shook her hand and tilted my head in confusion,
"What are you doing in my room?"
Loraine huffed and gracefully rolled of my bed. Her long model legs made me feel short and fat as she looked down on me. She placed her hands on her hips and smirked,
"This used to be my room, love."
I rolled my eyes and mimicked her pose,
"Well now its mine."
Loraine smiled and took off her sunglasses. She was absolutely gorgeous with flawless skin. She smiled genuinely at me,
"I like your spunk. I'm Jake's older sister, nice to meet you."
I frowned at her attitude 360 but soon smiled back.
"Adriana Layman. Nice to meet you too."
Loraine and I turned to the door when we heard footsteps. Lucas's head appeared around the corner and his arms were filled with white towels.
"Hey my dear do you need anyth-"
Lucas abruptly stopped talking when he saw Loraine. Loraine face lit up and she ran towards him,
I watched as Loraine tackled Lucas and white towels flew everywhere. Lucas was on his back on the floor and Loraine was hugging him tightly,
"Oh I missed you Luci! Why did you never call me?"
Lucas tried to pry her off,
"Because you are a psycho!"
I chuckled and walked over to them. I asked Loraine,
"Do you know Lucas?"
She grinned and rubbed her cheek against his,
"He's my little lover."
"I am not Loraine!"
Lucas looked flustered and I tried not to laugh as Loraine pouted but finally stood up.
Lucas looked apologetic as he stooped to pick up the towels.
"I am so sorry, my dear."
I laughed and ruffled his hair since it was for once low enough for me to reach.
"It's fine Lucas."
Loraine squinted at me dangerously and I frowned at her. What had her panties in a twist? She grabbed my arm and purred,
"Lets go have a girl day, just me and you."
I was instantly suspicious and tried to pull my arm out of her grasp. I wasn't going anywhere with her while she looked like she wanted to run me over with her car repeatedly.
Lucas stood up and beamed at me,
"Thats a wonderful idea! You need some girl time, my dear."
I sighed and looked at Loraine who was smirking at me.
"Fine just let me go put my contacts in."
Loraine squealed and hugged me tightly, making me gasp,
"Oh yay this is going to be so fun!"
"Ok how did you do bloody do that, lucky bitch?"
Loraine stared at me over her sundae and I frowned,
"What did I do?"
Loraine rolled her eyes and twirled a colored piece of hair in between her fingers,
"Get Lucas to like you."
I laughed,
"Oh Lucas doesn't like me, trust me."
Loraine mimicked me mockingly,
"Ooo Lucas doesn't like me, trust me. Bull shit."
She slammed her fist down when she swore and I jumped in my chair. Her light brown eyes stared into my wide green eyes. She sighed and rocked back in her chair, shoving McDonald's fries in her mouth.
"You have no idea do ya?"
She mumbled and I frowned at her,
"Uh... no?"
Loraine nodded like I said something interesting and swallowed her mouthful of food. She clasped her hands together in front of her and looked seriously at me,
"You do realize he wasn't meant to be your personal butler right?"
I cocked my head at her in confusion and took a sip of my milkshake. I waved my hand at her, telling her to explain.
Loraine smirked at me, like it was ridiculous that I didn't know.
"Lucas worked for the Queen of England as her personal tea bearer."
My jaw dropped. Lucas worked for the Queen of the England?
"Ya I know shocking right? Anyway, Lucas came to deliver something to my mother and she called in a favor, asking him to help you get settled into your room. Of course, Lucas stayed and for reason he is still here."
I cleared my throat and tried to make sense of everything,
"So you are saying Lucas blew off THE Queen of England for me?"
Loraine nodded and ate some more fries,
"Yep. He probably makes more money in a day than you would in a year."
She brushed salt off her fingers on her jeans and stood up. She offered me a smiled,
"Common what girl day is a girl day without shopping?"
I smile back and stood up, feeling slightly dizzy. My mind was still whirling from what Loraine told me. Lucas should be at work, not staying here babysitting me. It continued baffled me as Loraine dragged me to a nearby outlet.
Loraine dragged me around shopping till my feet were numb and my arms ached from carrying bags of clothes. Loraine had a check list and was crossing things off. She had pretty much remade my wardrobe even though all I loved all the clothes the Collins had given me.
"All right Adriana all we have left is lingerie and having your hair done."
I felt myself blush as she dragged me towards a Victorias Secret. I was more of a sports bra basic underwear kinda person.
"Put this on."
I stared in horror at the lacy bra and thong. I put it down like it was acid and shook my head at her. Loraine scoffed and looked me up and down,
"You are about a size 5 and a 34C."
My jaw dropped as she nailed my size perfectly. She laughed at my shocked expression. She turned to the rack and explained as she fanned through the options,
"I work in London as a fashion designer. I'm used to guessing sizes and stuff."
I nodded. That made sense.
"Here is this better?"
She held up an emerald green set. It was nothing close to what I was used to but I could deal. I took it from her hand and went to the changing room. Oh how I have changed lately.
Loraine was directing the hairdresser after seeing my lost expression when she asked if I wanted layers. The only hair cut I had received in ten years was my own using the kitchen scissors.
"Take off a little bit here. No bangs. Add three layers. Leave it three inches past her shoulders. Add a shade 7 brown here."
The hairstylist nodded and bustled me off to wash my hair. I closed my eyes in bliss as the stylish massaged shampoo into my scalp.
After washing the soap out of my hair, the hairstylist rushed me back to the sleek leather chair and spun me around. The sound of hair dryers and the overpowering smell of chemicals made me dizzy so I just closed my eyes and let the hairstylist work my hair.
After two hours of having my hair pulled, cut, colored, thinned, dried, and straighten I was finally done. I was jittery from sitting still so long and the hairstylist ripped off my cape. I heard Loraine gasp. I felt my heart lurch. Oh no! What if it was ugly!?
I hurriedly opened my eyes and let out my own gasp. My hair had lost about two inches in length and was trimmed to frame my face. I had layers and my top layer had remained my natural light brown but the lower layer was a dark brown. It looked beautiful, a word I never used to describe my hair before.
The hairstylist looked proud as she brushed out my hair. Loraine paid her with a heavy tip.
We were sitting in Loraine's car and her chauffeur was driving. Loraine was crackling gleefully,
"Jake is gonna flip his lid when he sees you..."
I felt my heart skip a beat. Jake would like my new hair? How did she know?
I kept my face passive as I asked,
"What do you mean?"
Loraine looked shocked then bonked my head with her fist,
"Hello McFly anyone home?"
I shoved her away and she chuckled. She pulled open her phone, scrolled for a heartbeat before showing me a picture.
It was of Jake watching me dance in the kitchen. I wanted to scream and stab myself when I was reminded he had seen the entire dance of my prancing around a t-shirt singing into a banana. Then I noticed the tiny smile on his face. It was a soft fond smile as he leaned against the doorway.
Loraine pointed to his face and declared,
"I have never seen that look on his face before. Please tell me you know he likes you."
My heart dropped down to the floor. Happiness began to seep through me as well as disbelief and some suspicion.
"How did you get that picture?"
"I have to keep tabs on my baby brother you know. When I'm in Europe I worry about him."
I guess that made sense but I still couldn't wrap my head around the idea Jake might like me. He was one of the biggest player in the school and I was the biggest nerd.
Loraine could see my doubt and she rolled her eyes and smacked her gum.
"You will see when you walk in. Then you will believe me. Also, why is it so hard for you to think he likes you?"
I blushed stared awkwardly at my fingers. I mumbled,
"I might be known as the school Bookworm, and... mighthavehadacrushonJakeforyears."
Loraine cocked her head and placed a hand to her ear. She smirked,
"Sorry say that again?"
I heaved a huge sigh before saying slowly,
"I have had a crush on Jake since I was in ninth grade. But I've been trying to give up on it since I'm about to leave high-school."
I sighed again. I pulled my knees up to my chest and felt self-pity wash over me. Hopeless love was painful.
Loraine looked thoughtful,
"Well, he is a player and I hate that about him but I also know he has just has had a bad experience with girls, primarily our mother."
"What about Mrs. Collins?"
A sad look washed over Loraine's gentle features and I immediately regretted asking.
"Our mother has always been rather...distant. She gave Rosalyn to my father to raise basically. She actually gave attention to Jake but only because she wanted to train him to take over the company. She tried to do the same to me but I was never the yielding type so she gave up. So Jake has never respected any women and has never known their gentle loving side. So he thinks they are...under him I guess. That he can use them. Apparently, he has been better though according to my sources. I would assume the reason for that is you."
Loraine poked my forehead as she said this. I frowned. Why would he stop being a player because of me?
The car came to a stop and butlers and a single maid stood ready to collect our bags. Loraine stepped out of the car and began instructing the butlers with a confident authority. The maid came up to me and I saw it was Alyssa. I smiled at her,
"Hey Alyssa."
"Hello Miss Laym- I mean Adriana. Can I get any lingerie bags you may have?"
I shook my head,
"I think all the butlers have it thats ok."
Alyssa paled and rushed to the car,
"Oh no no no I had specific instructions from Master Jake to not let any men take that bag."
I frowned as I watched her snatch the Victoria Secrets bag out of an elderly butler's hands. As she walked by I grabbed her arm,
"Why did Jake want you to take that specific bag?"
Alyssa shrugged,
"I dunno something about guys shouldn't see that."
She continued to walk but before she went into the house she turned and gave me a rare smile,
"Your hair looks nice."
The door closed behind her and I smiled, happy that Alyssa might be warming up to me. Loraine closed the car door rather hard, making me turn around and raise my eyebrow at her.
Loraine snorted with amusement,
"You look like Jake when you do that."
I instantly lowered it again and blushed slightly. She linked her arm through mine,
"You ready to see his reaction?"
I nodded shyly and she threw open the big front doors and yelled,
"Oooooh Jakie guess who is baaaaack?"
I heard the sound of running and Jake flew around the corner and beamed when he saw Loraine.
He slid down the railed and hugged her tightly. The loving happy look on his face tugged on my heart strings. He kissed both her cheeks and she did the same. She pinched his cheek and cooed,
"Awww did Bad Boy Jakie miss me?"
Jake smiled,
"You know I did."
Then he turned to me and his jaw dropped. He stared at me for a few seconds, his eyes stretched wide before his face returned to its trademark smirk.
"What did you do to your hair?"
"I got it styled. Do you like it?"
I gave a cheesy pageant girl spin and flipped my hair, giving an exaggerated wink. Loraine was silently cracking up and Jake just rolled his eyes and then looked away.
"It looks nice."
I noticed a tiny blush tinting his cheeks. I was nearly speechless. Could Loraine have been right?
Loraine laughed and started to drag me upstairs,
"Common lets go try on the sexy lace lingerie I got you! The guy that gets you in his bed is gonna be speechless!"
I turned around and saw Jake's cheeks turn bright red. I snorted quietly with laughter. The color looked so alien and unnatural on him.
When we had gone into my bedroom we closed the door silently then looked at each other. We burst out laughing till we could barely breath. Loraine wiped away tears and gasped,
"D-Did you see his f-f-face?"
I nodded and cracked up again. Then Loraine phone went off and she pulled it open. The glow of laughter left her face and she groaned.
"Whats wrong?"
Loraine explained sounding annoyed,
"My dad wants to meet us."
"Is that so bad?"
Loraine flopped onto the ground,
"My dad is well...rather...eccentric."
At my confused expression Loraine smiled and slipped her sunglasses on,
"This is gonna be fun."
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