《I'm the Bad Boy's Sweetheart (Completed!)》Chapter 20- Bad Boy Saves me From a Bad Boy
Adriana P.O.V.
Loraine dragged me through an endless corridor lined with family photos. I giggle a little when I saw a picture of Jake with a splitting toothless grin plastered on his face while Mrs. Collins had a soft fond look on her face as she gazed at her sons beaming face. Wait up.
I pulled my hand out of Loraine's and peered at the picture intently. That was the look of a loving young mother, not the cold heartless woman Loraine had described. I turned to Loraine, whose eyes widened slightly when she saw the picture. She coughed uncomfortably and grabbed my hand and continued to drag me away.
"Common my dad's office is this way."
We passed the club room and the putt-putt room. I raised an eyebrow at Loraine,
"Care to explain why you have a putt-putt room in your house?"
Loraine just scoffed and looked up at the ceiling like she wanted God to strike her dead.
"Curtesy of my dad. You will understand when you meet him."
She abruptly stopped in front of a looming door made of mahogany wood and looked like something from Lord of the Rings and Narnia combined. Loraine grabbed the brass knocker and knocked three loud times. It made a harsh booming noise. A low booming voice rang out when the sound of the knocking had faded,
Loraine rolled her eyes and pushed open the heavy door. The room was dark and a single light was lite in the corner. I squinted into the darkness and saw a cloaked figure.
"Dad seriously common."
Loraine groaned in exasperation the figure spun around, their cape fluttering dramatically.
"You must take the Ring to Mordor!"
A ring was flung at me and it smacked me in the eye.
"Ouch son of a b-!"
I dropped to the ground and cupped my eye.
"Oh for fuck's sake..."
Loraine grumbled and peeled away from my side and in seconds the room was illuminated.
With my one good eye I saw a Lord of the Rings ring on a chain laying at my feet. Knowing the Collins it was real gold.
"Oh no sweetie are you ok?"
The caped man rushed towards me and slid to his knees and cupped my face in his freezing hands. I yelp at sudden coolness and jumped away,
"Your hands are freezing!"
I looked up at the man in front of me and my watery eye made him slightly blurry.
He had messy light brown hair and large wide light brown eyes like Loraine's. He looked young and playful with a slight grin plastered on his face. He had a rather feminine face save for the slight five o' clock shadow. Concern was etched into his soft features.
He placed two hands under my armpits and lifted to my feet with ease then engulfed me in a crushing hug. I gasped as the wind was driven out of me. He rubbed his cheek against my hair and squealed in a higher pitch then a girl could hit,
"Ooo Adriana you are soooo cute I'm Georgie but you can call me Daddy!"
I wiggled and struggled away and Loraine helped pry Mr. Collins arms off of me.
I stared in shock as Loraine scolded Mr. Collins but he was barely listening and kept trying to hug her. How did someone as sophisticated like Mrs. Collins marry such an...idiot?
Loraine held her hand against Mr. Collins forehead to keep him a safe distance away and asked with an annoyed sigh,
"What do you need Dad?"
"You mean Daddy."
"Nope pretty sure I meant Dad."
Mr. Collins clasped his hands together and gave her the best puppy eyes I have ever seen.
"Please call me Daddy?"
He whimpered slightly. Loraine sneered,
"One more word and I'm calling you father."
Mr. Collins looked liked someone had just blown a baby pug's face off. He bowed his head and sniffled,
"So cold Lori..."
Loraine just snickered and crossed her arms across her chest and tapped her foot impatiently.
Mr. Collins finally put on a semi-serious face,
"I wanted to meet Marcus's daughter that is all."
He turned to me and spoke more gently to me than anyone had in years,
"He never explained what happened."
It felt weird to hear my dad called by his first name. The only way I addressed him was sir or Dad if he wasn't drunk. At the mere mention of him I felt the blood drain out of my face and an irrational fear washed over me. I took a step away involuntarily, needing to get some space.
Mr. Collins looked stricken,
"Honey its ok you don't have to tell me."
He reached a hand towards me, probably to pat my head, but I absolutely panicked. I flinched and cowered away, my hands automatically shielding my head. I spun on my heels and ran away, feeling tears threaten to fall. I vaguely heard Loraine and Mr. Collins call out to me but I continued to run as hard as I could.
I didn't know where exactly I had run to. I looked around and I had left the Collins's property but the sun was starting to set and the trees surrounding me cast daunting shadows. I was on a rough dirt road that I had run to in my blind panic.
I walked down the dirt road for only a couple minutes before my feet started to ache. My ballet slipper style shoes gave no protection from the sharp stones of the road. I sat down and leaned against a nearby tree, feeling tears threaten to fall. Here I was, in the middle of the woods at night with no clue where I was. Woods were filled with horrible things like wolves and bears and rapists.
I groaned and closed my eyes and leaned harder into the tree. The bark dug uncomfortably into my back but I didn't care.
I stayed there for a while and was starting to doze off when the sound of car tires startled me awake. What if the car was full of rapists?!
I hurriedly scrambled my feet and prepared to run when the car stopped. I had only a single step when a sweet worried voice called out to me,
I spun around and felt relief grab my heart when I saw Norman's sweet caring face. I felt a sob rip out of my chest and I ran to Norman and launched myself into his arms.
"I had no idea where I was! I was so scared! I thought no one was going to find me!"
Norman stroked my hair soothingly as I sobbed and cried into his chest.
"Shhh shhh it's alright Adriana. I'm here now. My house is right up the road would you like to come there until you calm down?"
I nodded against his chest and he guided me gently to the car and slid in beside me. The sleek leather interior smelled like Norman's cologne. It was oddly soothing.
Norman entwined his fingers with mine and rubbed his thumb in small circles on the back of my hand. It felt off and it made me uncomfortable for some reason. I pulled my hand away and Norman's face fell.
"I'm sorr-"
I cut him off by simply raising my hand. Norman closed his mouth with an audible snap and looked forward, frustration written across his face. I sighed and propped my elbow against the window and cupped my face, watched the trees speed by in a blur.
I gawked up at a house almost as large as the Collins. Norman looked sheepish and said lamely,
"Surprise! I'm actually rich!"
I gave him my "bitch-are-you-serious" face and Norman sighed and raked his finger's through his hair,
"Ya I know I didn't want you to find out this way."
I rolled my eyes. It was the same thing with Jake. It just proved I didn't really know anyone in my life.
I walked forward and a large black woman answered the door. She saw my appearance and rushed me inside,
"Oh sugar you are a disaster! You have leaves in yur hair! A purdy girl like you shouldn't look such a mess! Melissa run a bath!"
"Yes ma'am!"
A young maid scampered off and the large black lady finished picking leaves out of my hair and introduced herself,
"Pleased to meet you ma'am. I am May but you can call me Aunt May."
She gave me a broad smile that lit up her whole face and Norman appeared at my side. He looked proud as he explained,
"May is one of the best maids available."
Aunt May smiled and ruffled his hair,
"Such a charmer."
I noted the mood was different at the Stiller's house. The maids were all friendly and rather laid-back whereas the Collins were uptight and almost fearful.
The maid Melissa rushed down stairs and gave me a rushed bow,
"Mistress your bath is ready!"
I smiled at her and followed her upstairs. Before I vanished into the bathroom I called down to Norman,
"Could you call the Collins to let them know where I am?"
Norman smiled up at me,
"Of course."
I smiled back then follow Melissa to the bath.
I sank into the hot water with a heavy sigh. How long had it been since I had a bath? At least 10 years. The water was scented with lavender and the steam rolling off the water made the room humid and relaxing. I lazily washed myself with some lavender body wash, feeling the sweat and grime from my run in the woods wash away.
I lounged in the water for fifteen minutes till the water turned lukewarm and Melissa knocked at the door,
"Mistress, Norman would like to see you. There is clothing provided for you on the bed since your old clothing was too soiled. I apologize for interrupting your peace."
I heard her walk away and I sighed and dragged myself out of the water. I toweled off suds and walked into the bedroom. There was a pair of black shorts and a maroon tang top as well as undergarments. I frowned as I held up the shorts which were VERY short and eyed the undergarments that were VERY lacy. I sighed out loud,
"Better than being naked I guess..."
I pulled them on and let out my brown hair which was damp and wavy. I groaned at my bed-head hair. It looked like I just had sex.
However, no matter how hard I looked I couldn't find a hairbrush or a hair tie.
I gave up and followed Melissa to Norman's room, desperately trying to comb out my hair and flatten it as we walked.
"Here we are mistress."
Melissa opened a door and ushered me inside, closing it behind me. I looked around and expected a messy teenage boy's room but that was not what I saw.
Everything was a neutral grey and everything was meticulously cleaned and in order. I walked around and the only thing that set the room apart as Norman's was the faint scent of his cologne clinging to everything.
"Well don't you look beautiful."
I spun around and saw Norman looking me up and down openly. When his eyes lingered on my chest I blushed and covered my chest with my arms.
"Do you need something Norman?"
He smiled and I noticed a tiny dimple on the top of his cheekbone.
"I wanted to invite you to spend the night here."
I raised an eyebrow,
"Does Jake and the other Collins family know?"
Maybe it was just my imagination but I could have sworn Norman's eyes slightly darkened in anger at the mention of the Collins.
He purred and walked towards me,
"Of course, Adriana."
For reason I didn't believe him. I held out my hand and asked politely,
"May I use a cell-phone and tell them myself? They must be concerned, considering I left rather abruptly."
Norman frowned for the first time since he entered the room. In a flash, he was in front of me and I was looking into his brown eyes. But back when they looked like warm honey glowing in the sunlight they now looked like the cold cracked dirt in a desert. They glittered dangerously at me and I swallowed and began to back away, my heart beginning to pound in my chest.
I jumped when I felt the bed hit the back of my knees. Norman smirked and shoved me onto the bed. What was he doing!?
Norman hovered over me and I felt fear and adrenaline start to pump into my system. What was he doing? This wasn't the sweet blushing Norman I know!
Norman smirked and when he spoke his hot breath brushed across my face,
"Why are so concerned about Jake, huh? Do you like him?"
"What are talking about?"
My voice game out thin and squeaky and I didn't sound convincing to my own ears. Norman's frown deepened and he held my hands over my head and trailed the tip of his nail down my cheek, making me shiver. He pressed his hips against mine, making it so I couldn't move.
"I think you do, little Adriana. Funny, huh? Little nerd falls for the player bad boy. Sounds like a romance novel doesn't it? But guess what, my sweet Adriana?"
I could barely breath,
He smirked and leaned down so our noses were brushing and I could feel heat coming off his lips. If I moved my head at all our lips would brush. His grip on my wrists tightened to the point of being painful and were probably bruising.
"This isn't a romance novel. And I don't like to share."
He lunged forward and kissed me. I groaned and twisted my head, making his lips break off mine. He growled in annoyance and roughly grabbed my chin, turning my head back to him.
He kissed me again and run his tongue along my bottom lip and I closed my lips tighter and refused to open for him. Norman growled and tried to pry my lips open.
When I refused he took his spare hand and slowly ran it down my side and slipped under the hem of my shirt. Tears started to fall out of my eyes as I desperately tried to get Norman away.
Then, Norman's bedroom door flew open and a bright beam of light fell on us. Norman hissed and raised the hand holding my wrists to cover his eyes. I took the chance and jammed my knee up as hard as I could. Norman gasped and looked like a dying fish as he rolled off me collapsed, cupping his family jewels.
I looked up to the doorway and my jaw dropped at who I saw standing there. I stepped around Norman's curled up fetal position on the floor and stared up at him.
"Jake...? What are you doing here?"
Jake looked at me and his eyes darkened when he saw my bruised wrists from Norman's iron grip. He reached forward and gently inspected my wrists. I blushed and waited for him to finish. He looked up at me and asked softly,
"Are you alright Bookworm? Did he...a...er..."
He looked embarrassed and I shook my head. Jake looked relieved,
"Oh good I was worried. Let's go home."
He grabbed my hand and started to pull me out of the room. Unable to help it, I glanced back to Norman and saw him smirking at me. He mouthed three words and I could clearly see what they were. I shivered and let Jake pull me away to his car.
There was a stiff silence and I twiddled my thumbs.
"H-How did you know where I was?"
Jake stared at the road as he answered,
"May called me. When you asked Norman to call us she noticed he didn't and being the sweet caring woman she is, she called me out of concern for you."
I smiled and looked at the road again. I was truly indebted to Aunt May. Suddenly, something soft smacked the side of my face.
A hoodie. Jake was still looking at the road but I swear I could see a tiny blush on his cheeks in the dark of the car.
"Cover up."
I blushed and pulled it on.
"Sorry if its smelly. It lives in the back of my car."
I laughed again and snuggled deeper into it.
"Its fine. It smells like you."
I froze. What did I just say!? Adriana you idiot!
I cupped my head in my hands as I blushed bright red. I was just thinking it and I said it! I shyly peeked up and saw Jake was a deep red color. He coughed uncomfortably,
"Uh...is that good?"
How was I supposed to answer that?! Why was he asking me such an embarrassing question?!
I just mumbled,
"Uh huh..."
The stiff silence was back and when we pulled up to the Collins house I nearly cried in relief. I got out of the car and me and Jake walked inside. The house was deserted and quiet and I realized it was past midnight.
Jake and I silently marched upstairs and stopped outside out bedrooms. We both paused and looked at each other. 'I have to thank him.'
I shyly walked towards Jake and slowly wrapped my arms around him. He was stiff and the top of my head barely reached his chest. I sighed,
"Thank you..."
Suddenly, he returned my embrace and whispered back,
"I'm glad your safe."
His warm was comforting and made me smile. After a few heartbeats I pulled away and my heart was fluttering my chest at the gentle soft look on his face.
I turned around and walked to my door. As I walked in I heard Jake say behind me,
"Goodnight Bookworm."
I sat on my bed staring up at the ceiling, my mind reeling from the events of the day. Who knew that was the real Norman? I remembered the words he said to me and I wondered what I was going to do. Should I tell Jake? Somehow, I think that won't help.
I could still picture the gleam in his eyes as he mouthed those three words that struck fear deep into my heart. I saw my dad in those eyes as he said those words.
"You are mine."
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