《I'm the Bad Boy's Sweetheart (Completed!)》Chapter 18- Fresh Wounds


Adriana P.O.V.

As I walked to class the next day my head was spinning. Jake had gotten me the roses? Why would he give me roses? Should I just leave it or should I ask? I was really curious so maybe I should ask.

I was startled out of my thoughts when I was smashed into a locker. My nose bent at a painful angle and I felt my eyes water. A familiar giggle sounded right behind my ear.

Tirana snarled in my ear,

"Oh sorry slut, your fat ass just takes up so much room I couldn't get by."

Her followers laughed and I felt myself turn red in humiliation. People in the hallways stopped and watched, laughing and whispering to each other.

A few traitorous tears fell down my blazing cheeks and of course Tirana noticed.

She gasped mockingly,

"Oh sorry sweetie do you not like the truth being pointed out?"

I ignored her and stared blankly at the locker in front of my. I felt sharp pedicured nails dig into my cheek, trying to make me turn my head.

Tirana snarled,

"Look at me when I am talking to you, slut."

I bit back every insult on the tip of my tongue. I gasped when a stinging slap was delivered to my cheek. Every watching laughed and pointed at me. I bowed my head, refusing to give her the satisfaction of a reaction.

A knee was driving into my gut and I gasped as the air was knocked out of me.

"Don't ignore me, bitch!"

I nearly doubled over but I refused to look up at her. Two of her followers slipped behind me and grabbed my shoulders and held me up. Tirana slowly walked towards me, her heels clipping loudly on the tile of the hallway.

She crossed her arms and smirked at me.

"You know what I have heard, whore? That you have asked out nearly every guy in the school and even forcefully kissed a few of them. Who knows what you do outside of school? I probably could ask any guy in this town and find out."

She shoved my back into the locker as hard as she could. I cried out in agony. The cuts where the mug had been embedded in my back were still healing and sensitive. I felt blood drip down my back and I knew she must have opened a few of the deep scratches.

Tirana laughed,

"Oh did that hurt bitch? I didn't even push you that hard, how pathetic."

Everyone laughed and agreed with her, whispering about how fat and ugly I was. Tears now flowed down my cheeks, due to the pain in my heart and back.

Tirana's friends made me turn around and I winced. I knew the blood must have leaked and soaked my white t-shirt. I heard gasped of horror and even Tirana was shocked,

"What the hell I didn't even push you that hard."

I felt fingers at the hem of my shirt and my heart leaped into my throat. They were going to lift it up and see the scars and healing bruises and then everyone would know my own father rejected me and couldn't stand me!

I started to flail, ignoring the ripping feeling in my back. I couldn't let them see!

The hand on my shirt vanished and I heard a booming voice yell,


I twisted my neck, expecting to see Norman or even Jake but instead I saw Reece.


I whispered hoarsely,


He ran up to me and shoved everyone away from me. He pulled me to his chest and wrapped his arms around me protectively. I saw him glare at Tirana with so much disgust it made her take a step back. She tried to recover by smiling sweetly at him,

"Whats the matter babe? Is she really that good of a lay?"

"I wouldn't know Tirana."

Reece turned back to me and stroked my cheek soothingly.

"Shhh shhh honey its ok. Madison is on her way and we will take care of you ok?"

I shakily nodded my head and heard the sound of running. A loud voice yelled and I instantly knew who it was.


Madison ran through the parted sea of people. She looked panicked.

I smiled weakly at her and gave a weak cheer,

"All hail Madison, who parted the Bitch Sea!"

Madison smiled and kneeled in front of me,

"There were some assholes too."

I laughed then winced in pain. The slightest movement sent fire through my back. Darkness tinted my vision.

Reece slipped an arm under my knees and around my back to scoop me up. I screamed and flailed, trying to get away from him, away from the pain in my back. The darkness had almost completely clouded my head when I felt the shirt move up my back.

Madison and Reece gasped in unison,

"Oh my god holy shit."

The darkness swallowed me up and I left behind the pain and consciousness.


When I woke up the world the swimming and spinning without me. I tried to raise my head and look around but my head felt abnormally heavy so I let flopped down on the pillow. I let my eyes flutter open and a harsh light made me wince. I still forced my eyes open and found I was in the nurse's office.

I closed my eyes and groaned,


I was startled when there was a deep chuckle from the side of my bed,

"Shit is right, Bookworm."

I slowly turned my head and saw Jake sitting by my bed. I frowned and rubbed my eyes. When I opened them again he was still there. He looked amused and I was baffled. Why was he here? Oh no I must have caused some sort of trouble for him!

I hurriedly apologized,

"I-I'm so sorry!"

Jake frowned at me,

"What for?"

I felt tears spring to my eyes and I sobbed,

"I-I must have caused trouble for you, I-I'm so sorry."

Jake shook his head and placed his index finger under my chin, making me raise my head. He had an almost gentle glow on his face as he smiled reassuringly at me,

"You did nothing wrong, Bookworm. I was more worried about you. What happened?"

I swallowed and looked down. I wanted to tell him, I really did but it hurt so much. It hurt that my Dad was the reason for my pain. I knew Madison and Reece had not only seen the fresh scratches but also the scars and bruises.

My throat suddenly started to close in panic. What if Madison and Reece had told someone? Would they send me to a foster home? Would everyone know and make fun of me?

I suddenly felt a hand grab mine and it was like cold water was splashed on my face. Jake was staring me desperately as I hyperventilated.


"Calm down, Adriana its ok."

He rubbed small circles on the back on my hand and I slowly started to calm down.

After a few silent minutes I said,

"I'm ok now."

Jake nodded,


I looked down at his hand holding mine and I waited for him to let go. I looked up at him in confusion. He frowned at my confusion then looked down at our entwined hands.

Jake hurriedly pulled his hand away like I burned him then looked away.

He mumbled shyly,


I saw a faint blush on his cheeks and I smiled. Who knew the biggest player in school would blush at holding a girls hand?

I poked his cheek and teased,

"I didn't know the player of the school could turn that color."

Jake turned to look at me and I saw he liked slightly hurt. I frowned in worry. Why was he hurt?

Then he grinned at me, making me swoon,

"So I'm a player huh?"

I nodded and cocked my head at him. Was that even a question?

He leaned towards me slightly and I felt the warm of his face hitting mine. I was bright red by this point. His eye-lids drooped slightly and he purred,

"Want to be my game then?"

I gasped and jerked my head away from him. He laughed and leaned back.

"Y-You should have seen your face, Bookworm!"

I frowned and smacked him across the head,

"I'm not a Bookworm and it wasn't funny!"

Jake smirked at me and looked mischievous. I liked this side of Jake, the playful carefree side of him. I never knew he could be like this.

Thats when I realized something. I didn't know anything about Jake. This was the first time I had really talked to him in four years. I didn't know anything about the person I was in love with four years.

I shook my head. How pathetic was that? What kind of love was that?

Jake snapped me out of my thoughts,

"Hey Adriana? You ok?"

I realized tears were falling down my cheeks in a silent wave. I swiped at them irritatedly. I stiffened humorlessly at Jake,

"I don't even know why I am crying."

Jake looked concerned and he wiped away my tears with his index finger. I fought the urge to laugh. Who wipes away tears with a pointer finger?

Jake frowned at me trying to contain my giggles.

"Whats so funny?"

At his adorable confused face I couldn't keep it in anymore. I grabbed my stomach and laughed in his face.

"Y-you wipe a-away tears w-with y-your pointer finger!"

He tilted his head, not understanding my amusement. I giggled and explained,

"You use your thumb silly, everyone knows that."

Jake crossed his arms and pouted at me,

"Well sorry I don't comfort damsels in distress all day I wouldn't know."

I opened my mouth to tease him some more when the nurse's office door flew open. Madison ran in and wedged herself between me and Jake. She grabbed my face in her cold hands and asked desperately,

"Are you ok? What the hell happened to your back? I haven't told anyone don't worry but you have to tell me!"

I shook my head at her sudden onslaught of questions.

"I can't tell you what happened..."

Madison looked taken back. Unshed tears glistened in her crystal blue eyes. Reece slipped into the room and stood behind Madison. He shyly placed an arm around Madison's quivering shoulders.

Madison suddenly yelled at me,

"Why cant you tell me? I have been there for you your entire life! There is nothing you can't not trust me with! Oh and do you think I'm blind Adriana, huh? You think I wouldn't notice? I'm like your sister of course I noticed your Dad!"

I flinched at the mention of my Dad. She knew?

Madison sobbed and threw her arms around me, taking me by surprise.

"I was so scared for you Adriana! I was scared I was going to loose you! I don't want to loose you! I don't want to loose my best friend!"

Madison tumbled off the ledge of hysterics and was hiccuping and dry heaving. I rubbed her back and felt my own tears start to fall. Reece looked baffled but Jake looked unmoved.

Madison pulled away and I saw her mascara was a mess, dripping down her face giving her raccoon eyes. I looked over Madison's shoulder and told the guys to leave with my eyes.

They nodded at me and left the office silently. I turned to Madison and guided her to the chair Jake was sitting in. I took a deep breath and looked at her,

"I'm going to tell you everything."


I told her everything, everything about my Mom, my Dad, the abuse, the abandonment. When I was done Madison was staring at me, speechless.


I nodded at her and waited for her to say something.

She frowned at me and began to speak,

"I knew about your Dad, the abuse I mean. I didn't tell anyone cause I thought that if you wanted to say something you would have. But I had no idea about your Mom. All I knew was that one day she went away."

I nodded and looked away, trying to show I wasn't comfortable talking about it. Madison took the hint and nodded.

I suddenly had a question. I winked and wiggled my eyebrows at Madison,

"Whats going on with Reece?"

To my utter shock Madison blushed and smacked my arm in embarrassment.


"Uh huh."


"Sure Madison. I totally believe you."

"Tell your face Adriana."

"My face doesn't believe you."

"Well it should."

"My face is never wrong."

"I have seen your face when you watch Pirates of the Caribbean and Will Turner comes on. Your face is totally wrong."

"Thats a different kind of wrong. Seriously, do you judge me?"

"No but whenever the cop from Bridesmaids comes on you look like a blank plate like seriously."

"Common don't even compare Will Turned to him."

"Well I cant help comparing your face to dog poop. Same thing."

"I will laugh when I see your face on Teenage Moms."

"Well when you are the Maury show I will be laughing at you when he says 'He is the father.'"

"Your husband will be over-joyed to hear he is the father."

Madison looked stumped and I laughed till I cried. Madison sighed and fist-bumped me,

"You got me."

"Damn right I did."

Madison suddenly looked serious,

"Are you ok?"

"I'm ok but my back hurts like a bitch."

Madison smiled and hugged me gently. I heard talking and laughing from the other side of the door and me and Madison rolled our eyes.

"Come in."

Reece and Jake came in laughing. Reece walked over to me and fist-bumped me.

"You totally smoked Madison that was awesome!"

Jake smirked at me,

"Will Turner huh?"

I blushed and smacked his arm,

"Oh shut up."

I felt happy, seeing all the people I considered friends around me. I realized that no matter what happened, I would have someone there for me. I would never be alone again.


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