《I'm the Bad Boy's Sweetheart (Completed!)》Chapter 17- Roses on Valentine's Day
Adriana P.O.V.
I hugged a pillow to my chest as a persistent finger poked my cheek. I rolled over and slammed the pillow over my head. I grumbled,
"Go away Lucas..."
"Common wake up, my dear. I have a surprise for you."
I growled into my mattress without looking up,
"If you aren't fully clothes I will kick you out."
Lucas laughed and I felt the mattress tip as he sat down.
"I didn't know you were such a pervert in the morning, my dear."
I felt myself blush and I raised my head out of the blankets to glare at him in horror. He was in his usual crisp tuxedo and he was grinning boyishly at me. He winked,
"And I assure you, if I was not fully clothed you would most certainly not kick me out."
I squeaked and felt my cheeks heat up.
I threw a pillow at his face. He blocked it and chuckled,
"I only kid, my dear. But look at what I have gotten for you."
Lucas pointed across the room and I saw a mannequin with a gorgeous dress on it. It was a floor length emerald green dress with white swirls trailing up on the skirt. It had a plunging neckline and had a little white shawl to cover the shoulders.
I slipped out of bed and scampered over to it. I ran fingers over the soft silky fabric. I whispered breathlessly, still enraptured with the dress,
"What is this for, Lucas?"
I turned around and saw Lucas scratching the back of his head nervously. He was an adorable bright red. He stuttered,
"W-W since today is Valentine's Day I was w-wondering if I might be able to take you on a...date?"
I blinked in shock and stared at him. I felt myself start to blush against my will. At my silence Lucas hurriedly rambled,
"O-Of course you do not have to! I understand you saw Sir Norman Stiller not to long ago and of course there is Mr. Collins..."
I frowned. What about Jake? Did Jake not Lucas to ask me out? Why?
Deciding I needed a fun night with Lucas I shrugged and smiled at him,
"Sure I will go with you. It sounds fun. Are you sure it isn't illegal though?"
I winked and Lucas gasped in mock insult, laying a hand over his heart.
"How rude! I am not that old, my dear, only 20."
I giggled and poked his check.
"Whatever old man. Let me go eat breakfast."
I walked towards the door and Lucas cleared his throat when I laid my hand on the doorknob. I turned around and looked at him expectantly. Lucas blushed slightly before explaining,
"I would not leave your room in your current attire."
I looked down and saw I had only a large black sleeping t-shirt on that only reached mid-thigh. I rolled my eyes and sunk deeper into the warm fabric. No one was going to see me if I just ran out for a quick bagel.
I waved to Lucas and ran out into the hallway, closing the door behind me.
"Cause if you want to keep me, you gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder!"
I paused and spun around the empty kitchen as I waited for my bagel to toast. I grabbed a banana and used it as a microphone as I danced wildly.
"And if you really need me you gotta gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder!"
I pulled an Elvis pose and sung loudly,
"And if in the moment you bite your lip when I get you moaning you know it's real. Can you feel the pressure between your hips?"
"I most definitely can."
I let out a little scream and spun around to see Jake leaning against the door smirking at me. Oh God he did not just see that. My heart sunk down to the floor and all I could do was stare stupidly at him. Jake laughed slightly and stalked into the kitchen. I watched him silently as he walked over to the toaster and plucked my bagel out. He was just starting to walk away when I snapped out of my daze. I dashed after him.
"Hey thats my bagel!"
I grabbed his shoulder and scowled at him. Jake turned around and smirked at me. He tweaked my nose and chuckled,
"What are you gonna do about it, Kitten?"
I blushed and stomped my foot.
"I will go all psycho-kitten on your ass."
Jake raised an eyebrow before walking away.
I let out a screech that sounded more like a dying cat than a battlecry and jumped on his back. He let out a slight grunt of surprise and swayed to the side.
I snatched my bagel out of his hand and dashed away from him. By the time he recovered I was at the foot of the stairs. Feeling a strange confidence in me, I winked and made a scratching motion at him,
He stared incredulously at me as I vanished upstairs.
As I curled my hair, getting ready for my date with Lucas, I heard a quiet knock coming from my door. I clicked off my curler and walked to the door. I opened it and blinked in surprise. A little girl in a pink dress with warm brown hair and big brown doe eyes blinked up at me. Her hands were held behind her back and she blinked shyly up at me.
'Oh she is just so cute!' I squealed inwardly and dropped down to my knees.
"Why hello there, cutie."
The little girl smiled and squeaked out,
"Hello. I am Rosalyn. Big Brother told me to give these to you."
She jerkily moved her hand and revealed a bouquet of roses. I smiled broadly and took the roses from her. I didn't know Lucas had a little sister. I frowned slightly at her,
"Why didn't Big Brother give these to me himself?"
Rosalyn clasped her hands together and shrugged, swaying side to side.
"I dunno know. Big Brother turned a funny red color and asked me to give them to you."
An image of Lucas blushing came to mind and I laughed. I ruffled her hair and thanked her. Rosalyn smiled and skipped away down the hall. I closed the door and looked down at my roses. I smiled and placed them in a vase on my nightstand. Their sweet perfumery scent filled the air and it was soothing.
I suddenly remembered that every Valentine's Day my Dad would being me and my Mom home a bouquet of roses. Mom would always get white and I always got red. Dad would come home with a loud booming laugh and I would always run and jump into his arms. He would spin me around and kiss the top of my head as he handed me my roses. I would always cry when they would start to wilt and Dad would hang them from my wall and dry them. He would always tell me that whenever I was sad and cried it would make the roses dry up.
I chuckled at my childish foolishness as I remembered some of my happiest memories. Valentine's Day used to be my favorite holiday.
I rubbed one of the silky petals between my thumb and index finger and watched as a lone tear fell on the petal and rolled off, leaving not a trace.
After Mom died Valentine's Day changed. Dad would always come home with a bouquet of rotting dead white roses and throw them at me, their hard thorns scratching my face. That night was always the worst, he would drink till he nearly collapsed and beat me till the white roses turned red.
I wiped away a few stray tears that fell from my eyes and stood up, leaving those now painful roses to get ready for dinner.
I walked down the stairs to the front door where Lucas was waiting. His warm honey brown eyes light up when they saw me and his mouth was open slightly. There was a strange emotion shining in his eyes. Was it...awe?
I blushed and grabbed my clutch purse nervously. Lucas was in his normal tuxedo but had a rose tucked into his jacket pocket. He offered me his arm and winked,
"Shall we go, milady?"
I laughed and gingerly laid my hand on his arm. I answered in a posh British accent,
"We shall."
Lucas chuckled and guided me to the car. He opened the sleek black Lamborghini's door and I slipped in. He closed it behind me and walked to the driver's seat.
Once he started driving I raised an eyebrow and asked,
"Why are you driving? Don't rich people not drive?"
Lucas laughed and kept his eyes on the road, something I was happy for.
"I like driving. It is full-filling and I am also not rich."
I was confused. He acted like a sophisticated British aristocrat. Before I could think I blurted out,
"Aren't you like some rich British aristocrat?"
Lucas only laughed,
"No of course not. I come from a very poor home actually but I was sent to a mannerism school and was taught how to serve the rich British aristocrats."
I chuckled then suddenly another question flashed through my mind.
"How did a powerful family like the Collins pick you out of thousands of others?"
"Well as you can see from my stunning bulter-skills, I excelled at my school and was recommended to Madam Collins."
I nudged him with my elbow and teased,
"What butler skills?"
Lucas looked genuinely insulted,
"Am I not satisfactory for you, my dear?"
Sensing I had hit a nerve, I hurriedly shook my head.
"Quite the opposite you are very helpful Lucas."
Lucas smiled and turned to look at me. Even in the dark of the car I could see the slight blush on his cheeks.
"I always be there for you, my dear."
"Wow this is really fancy."
Lucas chuckled and pulled my chair out for me as I gazed around in awe. Deep red curtains drooped against the polished gold walls and small crystal chandeliers hung above every table.
A waiter came over and placed a bottle of champagne on the table. He had a thick French accent when he spoke.
"Welcome to The Blazing Tower. May I take your order?"
I opened my mouth to order the steak with potatoes when Lucas cut me off.
"Two steak with potatoes please."
The waiter nodded and took away our menus and I turned to Lucas with awe.
"How did you know what I wanted?"
Lucas winked and wiggled his eyebrows,
"I have magical powers."
I rolled my eyes then Lucas suddenly asked,
"What is your favorite color?"
I laughed,
"Thats a fantastic conversation starter do you use that on all the ladies?"
Lucas grinned at me,
"I only want it to work on you."
I blushed and replied,
"Blue. Whats yours?"
"Green. Whats your favorite movie?"
I frowned thoughtfully for a moment before answering,
"Avatar. You?"
Lucas looked sheepish when he answered,
"The Greenmile."
I nearly fell out of my chair and squealed loudly,
"I love that movie! Have you seen Forest Gump?"
Lucas frowned but his eyes held a smile,
"Of course! Classic!"
I laughed when I suddenly felt a glare bore into my back. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck raise and I shivered despite my flushed skin. I slyly turned around to see Jake glaring me. I froze. What was Jake doing here? I saw a beautiful brunette clinging to his arm and talking to him. I felt a pang of hurt and I found my self looking and drowning in his narrowed blue eyes. I slowly tore myself away and turned back to Lucas, who was still talking about Forest Gump.
"-thats why Lieutenant Dan is my favorite character. How about you?"
I shook my head, trying to snap out of my daze and forget the glare focused on the back of my head. I wasn't entirely sure what we were talking about so I hesitated but I was saved by the food.
"Here you go ma'am and sir."
A perfectly cooked steak and steaming mashed potatoes were placed in front of me and I nearly drooled.
Lucas noticed and smirked before waving to the food.
"Dig in, my dear."
"I had a really great time tonight Lucas."
Lucas turned to me on the Collin's estate front door and smiled,
"I had a great time too. Oh, here."
He pulled the rose out of his pocket and tucked it behind my ear. As he pulled away he brushed the back of his hand against my cheek.
I blushed and found myself looking into his warm brown eyes. They made me feel safe. Lucas whispered shyly,
"I would like to kiss you but that is disrespectful."
I chuckled and that bubble of strange confidence swelled up again. I stood up on my tip-toes and gave him a quick peck on the lips. I pulled away and smiled at him,
"Goodnight Lucas."
He looked slightly dazed as he replied,
"Goodnight, my dear."
I walked in and closed the door behind me. Now that I was away I clutched my head in my hands in embarrassment. I can't believe I kissed Lucas! He is probably so grossed out right now! What if he hates me for kissing him?!
I turned towards a deep voice, self-pity still coursing through my veins.
Jake was leaned against the rail of the staircase and was glaring at me.
"So you are with Lucas now, Bookworm? I had no idea you got around so fast."
I felt myself turning red with anger. How dare someone like him accuse me of that!
I snarled,
"Go talk to the hundreds of kids you probably don't know you have."
Jake's eyes darkened in anger and he walked slowly towards me. I backed away as he kept coming towards me. Finally, I was shrinking against the wall and Jake towered over me. He snapped,
"Stay away from Norman and Lucas."
"How do you know about Norman?"
"Doesn't matter. Stay away from them."
I crossed my arms and glared up at Jake.
"I don't have to do anything."
He glared at me, his light blue eyes darkened to a dark blue like the night sky.
"While you under this roof you will listen to me or I will kick you out and leave you just like your Daddy did."
I gasped and felt a stab of pain in my heart. How dare he throw my Dad in my face? Before I knew it, tears were falling down my face. I looked up at Jake and saw regret flash across his face.
"Oh geez... I'm sorry Adriana..."
I shoved him away and ran up the stairs.
"Adriana wait!"
I ignored him and ran into my room. I sobbed and practically ripped my new dress off of me. I stumbled into my bed and curled up under the covers. I peeked my head out and saw the slightly wilted roses. Their scent was a little weaker.
I watched as a single petal fell of the roses and fell onto my nightstand. I picked it up and gazed at it on my palm. My tears fell onto it and rolled off onto my sheets. I rubbed the petal against my cheek, imagining my Mom kissing me goodnight like she used to.
I looked back at the bouquet of roses and frowned when I saw a tiny gold card peeking out. How had I not noticed it before?
I picked it out of the thorny stems gingerly and opened it. It had a few simple cursive words stretched on its coarse surface.
"Happy Valentine's Day Adriana"
When I read the signature underneath my eyes widened to the size of moons.
"Jake Collins"
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