《Seducing My Bully (BWWM)》Chapter 31-bad blood
"Where is my brother?" Matt repeated taking off his shades. I could see now that his eyes were soaked with tears. I didn't know whether to feel scared, guilty, or sad for him. I hesitated on opening the door wider. The only thing that left my mouth was "how did you find us?"
"You're my wife Quinn. My wife." Then he pulled out his cell phone and revealed me some text messages he sent to Jin "I knew you would be with him, as soon as I found out he was alive, I just knew you would run back to him, so I had to ask him where he was" he then slowly placed the cell phone back in his pocket and frowned "may I come in?"
"You-you drove all the way here? All by yourself?" I said trying so hard to make up questions in my head to stall time. I couldn't believe how terrified I was of him. I was shaking so bad I couldn't control it. Matt wiped his eyes and forced a smile. A smile that anyone could tell wasn't genuine. We just stood there. Not saying anything. It was not until Jason popped out of no where that I sighed with relief. "Hey Quinn!" He waved carrying a suitcase behind him. He pulled it forward and said "I'm sure this was something you weren't expecting"
Jason placed a hand on Matt's shoulder and cheesed "Look who came out of hiding" he then slapped his shoulder and smiled "he wanted to surprise Jin, I'm sorry for not letting you know, but I wasn't sure if you would break the news or not"
I blinked twined and grabbed on to my chest "oh, yeah. You both are here for Jin?"
Jason shook his head and patted Matt's shoulder. "No, I don't want to be a bother. I just came to drop off my brother so-
"No! Don't go!" I blurted out.
Both brothers jumped at my outburst. I did not want Jason to leave me alone with Matt. No. I was too nervous on what he would do. Would he tell Jin everything? Would he hit me again? How would he feel after I told him that I didn't want this marriage anymore? What would he do with the kids? They are legally his.
I cleared my throat already sensing the awkwardness "I uh- I want you to stay. Please!" I said almost demanding it. "You want me to stay? Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother" Jason said leaning the suitcase at the edge of the doorway. I knew it wasn't his.
Matt was planning on staying.
I literally grabbed on to his arm and pulled him in "of course! You're family remember!" I then accidentally pushed him on the couch a little hard and turned on the television "Jin should be back soon. So just rest, I'm sure that long drive has your ass hurting" I said grinning. He stared at me with such concern. I grabbed the remote and threw it at him "watch anything. It's fine, make yourself at home" I then turned around, only to smack my face on Matt's chest. I didn't even get a chance to jump back because he held on to me. I felt his lips lightly peck my ear before he whispered "let's talk"
"I'm good"
He grabbed onto my wrist and said "that wasn't a question. We are going to talk. Now" then he takes me out the room. He shuts the door and turns and faces me "You left me bleeding to death" he hissed. He showed me his bandaged calf. He then limped closer to me. "You literally left me to die"
I crossed my arms "you hit me."
He raised one of his eyebrows and sighed "I apologize Quinn. I didn't mean to do it...you just-you're just so ungrateful that it aggravated me extremely" he said making sure to speak in a low tone so no one would hear.
"Ungrateful? How am I ungrateful?" I didn't want him to start putting the blame on me. I did nothing wrong for him to hit me. I should be the one angry that he kept secrets from me "when were you going to tell me about Jin? You never told me he was in a coma Matt."
His face softens and he turns red "Quinn...everyone thought he died. That wasn't a lie. When I found out he was really in a coma..I was honestly happy-
"So why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I thought he would not make it. And I saw how destroyed you were-
"Of course I would be destroyed! He's the father of my children, he's my best friend!"
Every word I hit at him made his face worsen. He finally sighed "I thought he would be dead. So I thought it would be best for you not to know." He reaches for me but I stepped back. He finally surrendered "Quinn, the secret was killing me. I honestly thought he wasn't going to make it. I guess that explains the mood swings and.....you're right, I was completely wrong. I should have told you, and now that he is alive I'm more then happy-but-
"But what?"
He calms his voice and reaches out for me again. This time I allowed him. "Quinn..." his voice starts getting soft "I'm so sorry. I love you from the moment I kissed you. And I'm scared to lose you. Don't leave me. You've made me the happiest man alive and I know I messed up. Let me fix that. I will spend the rest of my life making up for it" he then places my head on his chest and I can already feel his heart racing. He was genuine. He was really sorry. Jason's words came rushing back in my head. I really wanted to ask him about his parents. As if reading my mind he said "I lost my mother, I thought I lost my brother...and I really don't want to lose you. Or the kids."
My heart sank and I allowed him to pull me in for a hug. His fresh breath hit my face as we pulled away "I love you" He said "I never want to lose you..."
I bit my lip lost of words. Did I love Matt? I did. I did love him. He was there for me from the beginning. He was nice to me when everyone else thought I was fat. Even in boot camp, he was the only one that stood up for me. And I tried to convince myself that him hitting me won't happen again. But...
...I love Jin as well.
"Now, where's my brother? And how is he?" He said looking around as if he could see. The sound of Jin's name made me slightly depressed. "Come inside, I know you're very tired after that long drive" I said grabbing on to his hand. He didn't budge. Instead he lifted my chin up and whispered "did you sleep with him?"
My eyes got big and I could not shake the feeling he already knew the answer. I was just waiting for the anger to erupt. Both his eyebrows squinted together and the look of hurt was spread all over his face. He bent his head down and pulled something from his pocket. My eyes widened at the sight of my iPhone "here, I paid for the phone bill. You should really call your brother"
I slowly took it "Why? What's wrong?"
He shrugged "call him and find out" then he walked back inside the room; leaving me full of shame and agony.
I'm suppose to be mad with Matt. I was suppose to be angry. But here I am, feeling so ashamed. I felt like a liar, a cheater....so I did what I held in for the longest.
I cried
I just stood in the hallway and just cried; sinking down, I could see some people pass. No one stopped and even cared enough to ask what was wrong. Maybe if I was skinner they would have stopped to ask. But since now that I'm getting bigger and bigger...no one gave a fuck.
Shit I don't give a fuck.
This was all my fault.
If I just waited. If I just called Jason..
...if I just told Jin the truth..
Ten minutes of crying my eyes out, I finally went back inside. I was tempted to call Jackson or even Cindy but I just stood there watching both brothers on the ouch watching television. Well Matt wasn't really watching...his eyes were closed; both hands rested on his legs. His left leg refused to stop shaking. I took a deep breath before shutting the door.
"So umm...where's Jin?" Jason said looking up.
"He should be back any minute" I said forcing a smile. I walked to the mini kitchen and asked them if they wanted anything. Jason answered with a "no thank you"
Matt didn't answer.
"Are the kids still sleeping?" Jason said oblivious to the tension. "Yeah" I said checking the time. It was 10am. They would be awake in an hour or two.
"Where did Jin go anyways?" Jason said making himself comfortable; he placed both legs on the table in front of the couch.
In that instant, Jin walked inside. Everyone looked up. He looked drowsy. Real drowsy. His eyes were all sunken in and his face looked paler then a ghost. Even walking in, he slightly wobbled. I was given the impression that he might be drunk. He eyes gazed at us, and as soon as he saw Matt, they got big. A smile spread across his face and he speed walked to him. Matt sat up and whispered "who came in? Was it Jin?"
Jin went up to his little brother and pulled him up before giving him a hug "you finally came to see me"
Matt struggled to get free. Once he did, he started feeling on Jin's face. When he confirmed it was really him, he fell back into his brothers arms "how? How were you able to survive that..." he whispered. Still holding his brother, Jin whispered "mom probably looked out for me"
Matt pulled away "you saw her?"
Jin shook his head and ruffled his brother's hair "no, but I know she protected. She always did. Anyways, Why did you disappear...? Thought maybe you were trying to avoid your family" Jin didn't even allow Matt to answer, he just continued on talking. "You could have told Jason where you were. We were getting really worried-
"Well if I knew you overcame the coma, I wouldn't have disappeared."
Jin looked up at me. "So why did you disappear? What were you up to?"
Instead of answering, Matt changed the subject. "Let me feel your bullet wounds." He let out reaching for Jin's shirt.
I let them have their mini reunion. I left to go check on the kids. Junior was still asleep on the bed, I went to check on Dream. She pretty much cried herself to sleep. I could see the dry tears all over her face. I had to bite my lip to keep from producing new tears. I let my daughter down. And it killed me. I had no one to blame but myself.
I heard Jason call me
I started to immediately panic.
Did Matt spill the beans? I wasn't ready.
I held my breath and walked back to the living room. Matt and Jason were back on the couch. Jin was the only standing one. He met my eyes and I tried hard to avoid them. But I couldn't. I couldn't tell if he was still angry or not. "Do you have your phone charger with you? I left mine back home" Jason said showing me his dead phone
that's what he wanted to ask me??
Before I could answer Jin grabbed my hand "let's talk" He whispered. I felt my body tense and he quickly calmed me with a light touch to the face "I'm sorry for making you cry" he said rubbing my dry tears that had nothing to do with him. "Are you alright?" He said now rubbing my shoulders. I was so confused. Wasn't he mad at me yesterday night? Now he's acting like everything was okay when I should be the one comforting him. He slowly looked over at his brothers before pushing me away from them.
"They need their moment" Jason whispered to Matt. I had to turn away. I couldn't stand to see Matt's face.
"Look, I had time to breathe and calm down" Jin said. He started rubbing my cheeks with both hands. "And I understand it. I really do."
"You do?"
He nodded "you needed someone to take care of the kids. You were at a weak state so you were open to anything right?" He said nodding. I imitated his head movement. He stopped nodding and frowned "I'm sorry for yelling at you-
"No Jin, I should have just told you the truth and-
"I'm not going to force you to tell me. When you're ready to tell me, I'm open to listen and understand. Communication right? I just don't want to hurt you Quinn..."
I looked down too ashamed to even look him in the eyes. "Why are you being so nice to me Jin? What I did was unforgivable like you said" he brought my face up and kissed my cheeks "because I love you Quinn. And stop it okay. I was just angry that another man married the woman of my dreams....forgive me?"
I stood there still stunned that he was apologizing to me.
"I want to make this work, I want us to work, but you just have to trust me. All I ask is for you to be just honest with me" he said now getting closer. "I'm sorry Jin-for everything-
"Do you love him?"
"Your husband? Whoever he is"
He grabbed both my cheeks and squeezed them so hard my lips looked liked fish lips. I couldn't even speak. He brought my poked out lips towards his. Jin kissed me long and deep. I tried so hard to let go because I knew Matt sensed this. As soon as I pulled away, Jin pulled me back in "I'm so sorry baby" he said in between kisses. His lips were now on my neck.
"Oh Jesus. Get a room will you" I heard Jason let out
I peeked to see him still on the couch. But this time Matt wasn't next to him. My heart dropped.
"Are you kissing her?"
Jin and I finally parted and we spotted Matt a few inches from us. He had a blank look on his face, but his fists were balled up. I hesitated. Jin looked so naive to this "you can't see it, so what's the problem?" He joked punching his brother playfully. But Matt slapped his fist away from him. "Don't touch me"
Oh no. This was getting bad.
Jin frowned and asked "what's your problem?"
I tried to get in between them, but Jin pushed me aside. "No really, tell me Matt. I've never heard so much bass in your voice before" he said with a teasing smile still oblivious to everything. Matt did not look amused at all. He placed his shades on and said "I honestly would have not have shed a tear if you perished during war"
Everyone gasped. But Jason's was the loudest. He jumped over the couch almost spraining his ankle in the process. He limped to us and said "what's going on? Are you two joking around or are you serious?"
Okay, already feeling the rising conflict I started to speak but Matt cut me off "well ask my fucking wife if I'm serious" he said pointing to me. Jin didn't turn to face me. Only Jason did. He started laughing uncontrollably "alright that was a good one-
"you wanted to know who I married so bad right? Well I married Quinn..." he then took off his shades and glared his nostrils at Jin "now keep your lips away from my wife."
All Jin said was "is this a joke?"
"Do I look like I'm joking?" He said pointing to his serious face. That's when Jin turned to me so I could confirm it. I bit my lip before slowly nodding. His eyes got wide and he turned back to his brother "so I go and fight for this country while you choose to marry Quinn out of all people-
"You told me to take care of her-
"I did not say MARRY HER!" He said now raising his voice. I shrank back with fear and prayed the kids wouldn't wake up to this drama. "Why do you care? You didn't even want to be a father. I had to beg you to go talk to her. I had to beg you to be a fucking dad to your own daughter...
"Okay, Wait..hold on" Jason said trying to keep the brothers away from each others throat. "Why are you using that against me?" Jin said. We all heard the pain in his voice.
"Because you didn't want to be apart of her life. I do, and I was there when you weren't. So why am I wrong for marrying her? She's the one that agreed on marrying me. I didn't force her to say yes."
Jin finally lowered his eyes and crossed his arms. I could tell he was trying to keep his calm. "I always wanted to be a father, and adopting those kids was the best choice Quinn ever made"
"You let him adopt my kids?" Jin whispered to me.
I stared shaking. "I uh-
"She also let me fuck her. Everyday, every night"
Jason almost fell back
Jin stood there. Not moving. Just kept his eyes glued to his brother. I couldn't see his face but I knew it wasn't good. Matt then reached out for me and said "Quinn, get the kids, let's go" he ordered
"You're taking my kids?"
"No, MY KIDS! They aren't yours anymore"
That's when Jin finally moved. He lounged at his brother only to be met with a gun to the face.
"Holy shit!" Jason screamed
"What are you doing?!" I squeaked
Matt didn't answer. He just kept the revolver in his older brothers face. "I will shoot you right now, don't test me. You're the one that showed me how to use a gun. I'll blow your brains out"
Jin frowned and stepped closer. Matt had the gun aimed at his eye so he slowly placed the gun on his forehead "Okay. Blow my brains out"
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