《Seducing My Bully (BWWM)》Chapter 27-Jason (legends never die)
Matt relaxed his face and slowly made his way towards us. I put my arm in front of Dream, for her safety. I knew she didn't know what was going on, and at this point, I didn't know what Matt was capable of. It was as if he was another person. I have never seen his face this red ever. I couldn't control my shakiness.
I was beyond scared for my life
Scared for my children's life
"Here, take it" He said giving my the keys. It dangled in front of my face. I was afraid to lift my hands and grab on to them. "Take them Quinn, you're in a hurry...I can feel it. I don't want to delay you" he smiled.
Dream yawned "are we still playing the game?"
Matt eyes twitched. He gave me a shocked expression. "You brought the kids with you?" He said placing the keys down. He looked visually hurt "what did I do Quinn for you to try to escape with my kids?"
I tried to get him to back up but he only got closer "are you not happy? I tried my best to make you guys happy. What the hell did I do? Just because we got into one stupid argument, you want to leave? You're not serious are you?" He said now holding on to one of my wrist. Whenever I squirmed around, his grip got tighter. "You're hurting me Matt"
"Me? You're the one hurting me! I had your back ever since you came to the stupid boot camp! Took you and your kids in! And now you want to leave me?!!" He yelled. Junior was now awake. I had to place him on the floor. He ran behind Dream; she too looked frozen with fear. "This isn't you Matt...this isn't you, just let me go" I said now getting desperate. He was acting like a drunk person. And my anxiety was quick to come back.
I needed to get my kids out of here.
"Where were you planning to go?" He desperately asked. When I didn't answer, he grabbed my other wrist and pushed me until my back was on the wall. "You're hurting me!" I screeched.
"Answer my question first."
"I was going to go back home alright! You're scaring me Matt! Just let me get away for a few days. That's all I'm asking"
His eyes scanned my face. I couldn't make out his facial expression. I didn't know if he was upset or happy. That's how confusing his looks were. "Get the keys from my hands then. But let me tell you one thing, you can go. But my kids stay alright."
"You can't do that!"
"They are my kids too Quinn! I don't want them around negative energy-
I grabbed the keys from his hands, but he wouldn't let go. "Let it go Matt!"
He frowned and held them only tighter. When I thought I had the best of him, he pulled really hard. Injuring my hand in the process. The keys gave me a deep cut; blood was dripping all over the floor. Furious, I slapped him. He shoved me back on the wall hard and held on to my neck. What happened next was a little blurry. I was on my hands and knees covering my head just in case he wanted to kick me. When I felt nothing, I looked up to find Matt on the ground with Dream over him. She had a knife in her hands. She was shaking wildly. I searched for where she punctured him. He was grasping his left leg in pain.
She got him in the leg
I quickly grabbed the keys from the floor and got the knife away from her. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! He was going to kill you! I was scared! Am I in trouble?" She kept repeating.
I searched for Junior. He was standing in the corner with both hands covering his mouth.
Oh god. If I could take what he witnessed back, I would. No child deserves to see this. I lifted him up and ordered Dream to follow me out.
"Quinn, don't leave! dear god I'm blind and bleeding to death right now...at least call an ambulance" Matt uttered out; sounding out of breath. His voice was getting all raspy. And honestly. I was too nervous to even be in the same room with him. "Call them with what? You broke my phone and I don't know where you put yours!" I screamed opening the front door. I was so upset that he actually laid hands on me again.
In front of my kids!
"Quinn! Don't leave me!" He yelled
"Bleed to death! I don't care! I will never forgive you for hitting me-
"You're a grown man! You can take care of yourself" I said pushing Dream outside so she couldn't witness the thick blood that was pouring out his leg. "Quinn, I'm going to die on this floor if you don't-
"Good!" I yelled back before walking out. I slammed the door and raced to the Jeep. I buckled both of my children in the backseat "I don't want him to die...go check on him" Dream whispered. I shook my head "he's fine. It's not that bad. He's fine"
Of course I wanted to go check up on him. But I was scared. He was truly bipolar. And he literally tried to strangle me. I was scared for my life. He can change moods in a blink of an eye. So I tried hard not to think about him dying over a stab wound.
When I got to the drivers seat Junior started weeping. I looked back and stared at the toddler. He had his lower lip poked out, and his eyes were soaked. "What? What is it?" I asked
"Bunny, we forgot bunny" he said now letting the tears run.
Bunny is his favorite stuffed animal that helped him sleep at night. He didn't go anywhere without that animal.
He started screaming as if the world was about to end. "Junior stop it! We will get another bunny alright? You're a big boy, stop crying"
Dream tried to hug him so he could stop. It helped for awhile but he soon went back to being hysterical.
This is going to be a long drive back home.
I knew if Matt did make it out alive he would go straight to Cindy's house. So instead I drove to Jason's place. A whole 11 hours back to North Carolina. Junior practically cried himself to sleep. But Dream stayed up. She was still to petrified to even close her eyes for a second
This is my fault
I wonder what went wrong. Why was he all violent all of a sudden? I mean I get that he lost his brother and his parents but my intentions were not to hurt him. I was just scared he would hit me again. I didn't want my kids growing up in that environment. I had no phone to call anyone and I was too paranoid to stop anywhere.
I was thinking to go to a local gas station, but what if Matt showed up? Then what?
This is NOT healthy.
I shouldn't live like this.
Live in such fear.
What the hell was going on!? I needed some goddamn answers!
I couldn't help but just cry in silence. Cry for Matt, cry for my freighted children...and cry for Jin.
I missed him. I needed him more then ever now.
I made it back to North Carolina. It was almost midnight and I prayed to god Jason would answer the door. My plan was to just rest at his place for a day, then call Jackson to come get us. I first want him to go check on Cindy just in case Matt went there first.
I left my kids inside the Jeep when I knocked on the apartment door. No answer. I knocked once more. Nothing. I started kicking the door getting desperate.
And this time, the door bolted open. I jumped back when I spotted Jason. He dyed his hair blonde, just like Jin's. He looked so much like Jin that it caught me off guard. My heart would not stop racing and all I wanted to do was just hug him.
He had a bat gripped tightly in one of his hands. "Quinn? Is it really you?"
I nodded slowly.
He placed the bat down and looked around "what are you doing here so late?" He then paused at my face. I reckon he saw the bruises "Jesus Quinn, what happened to your face?"
I forced a smile "Can my children and I stay for the night?"
"Please? I'll explain later but we really need a place to stay" I said exhausted from all that driving. My ass hurt and I really wanted to lay down. No questions asked.
Jason opened the door wider and asked "where are the kids...?"
"In the car..I'll get them"
"No, I'll get them. You look tired. Go sit on the couch" he said pulling me inside. My wrists still hurt from when Matt grabbed me so I winced in pain. "God who did this to you?" He whispered. I didn't want to burst out crying so I kept quiet. He got the hint. I told him to search for a black Jeep. And then he disappeared.
I sat on the couch and almost dozed off. It felt that nice. Jason came back with both Dream and Junior in his arms. He gestured for me to follow him. As we were walking, I couldn't help but stare into Jin's room as we past it. The door was cracked open, and someone was laying in the bed. There was little light in the room, so I couldn't really see who it was. But the person did tilt his head to witness me past by.
I shivered. How could Jason move someone in his dead brothers room?
I wanted to ask him, but we finally made it to Matt's old room. I really didn't want to stay there. But I'd rather his room then Jin's old room.
Anything that remind me of Jin would make me break. Especially during this time.
The king sized bed fit all three of us. When Jason laid my kids down, I gave him that hug I was aching for. I didn't care that my night gown was see through and he had a good look at my naked body through the gown. He had no idea how much this meant to me.
I made it my mission to ask him questions as soon as I woke up. I wanted to find out what was going on. And I knew he had some answers.
That morning I woke up around 6am. Jason had placed three new tooth brushes for us.
There was a sticky note on the bathroom mirror. It read
My heart fluttered. He was too sweet. I decided to not wake up Dream or junior. Instead I brushed my teeth and left the room quietly. My hand was healing well from when Matt cut it. It just hurt to touch things.
Jason left some homemade waffles for us. My mouth watered. But then I thought about Matt. And I lost my appetite.
What if he's dead?
No he can't be. He's strong. Really strong. I'm sure he's okay.
I'm pretty sure he's okay.
I tried to convince myself that. I tried hard not to feel guilty for not trying to help. I still loved him. But he clearly needed help. Real help.
"I see you found the waffles"
I flinched and spotted Jason coming inside. He was completely shirtless. He only had shorts and sneakers on. My eyes would not stay off his perfect body . Wait- he had the same exact body as Jin and Matt. It was quite scary. It's as if they were triplets or something. "You alright?" He asked walking up towards me. I cleared my throat and tried hard not to blush "Yeah-I-uh...
"Let me check out your face" he said moving my face from side to side. God how was he still single? Every touch gave me goosebumps. He is a stunner for sure. "What attacked you? A bear?"
I stepped back. I didn't want to say his brother. Who knows how he'd react to that. So I changed the subject "why didn't you come to Matt's wedding? I was-
"Wait...Matt got married?" He said grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. Instead of drinking it, he handed it to me.
He doesn't know Matt got married?
"Uh-yeah.....how do you not know? I'm pretty sure he would have told you" I said watching him carefully. He genuinely looked confused. "No, after what happened to Jin, he's been distancing himself. He doesn't answer my phone calls or nothing. I'm actually worried about him. And now you're telling me he got married?? Now that's crazy" he said gulping the water down after I declined. When he was done he wiped his pink lips "by the way, you look a little different-
"I gained a few pounds" I said now feeling self conscious
He chuckled "no it's not that- and you look beautiful Quinn, to be honest, I prefer you this way-
"You mean fat?"
He frowned "fat? No. I always thought you were beautiful. Ever since I first saw you. I know Matt and Jin loved it as well...."
I sat in a stool just in case I fainted at his kind words. It made me forget about the whole Matt situation. Temporarily of course. "Now tell me. Who did that to you? And when was the last time you talk to Matt? And who is the lucky girl that married my little brother?"
I fell silent.
"You don't have to tell me. But I'm a bit worried....
"I know...Matt is in Florida" I said answering only that question. If he doesn't know that Matt got married then he most definitely doesn't know about me.
Jason nodded before whispering..."is he alright? You know he didn't take what happened to Jin well...you know they were very close. He practically lost it, just like how he did when we lost our parents."
Maybe that was the reason he's been acting all crazy; Missing his brother and still coping with his parents death.
Jason could see I was clearly upset so he changed the subject "so, I see you have a son. Whose the lucky guy?"
I didn't even hesitate "Jin"
He raised both eyebrows up "what?"
I nodded
"How-how did that happen?"
I almost laughed "it was during boot camp...we didn't use protection...."
Matt chuckled "you would think that a guy that doesn't want kids would be more careful..."
"I'm glad you didn't question that he's the father" I said remembering how people say Junior looks more like me. Jason started chuckling "oh trust me, I believe it. As soon as I saw that big forehead and that mean mug look, I knew he resembled Jin"
I finally started weeping.
Jason panicked " I didn't mean it like that.."
"...no it's just...I miss him" I was tired of pretending everything was okay. It's not. I lost my soulmate...and I needed him right now. It hurt to even think of life without him. I thought maybe marrying Matt would make me happy. It did for a while. But he could never replace Jin. So I started crying some more. Jason went around the counter to hug me "Quinn....I know..what happened to him was awful, but-
"I miss him so much. Dream misses him...I wish I could get him back" I said grabbing the nearest paper towel to blow my nose. Jason awkwardly stood up staring at me. "If he was still alive he would have met Junior. And maybe everything would be alright. But now...I have to wait until Junior is old enough to let him know what happened to his dad" I said now getting hysterical. "Alright calm down Quinn..." Jason said patting my back.
But I couldn't just calm down
My life was going downhill.
The only people that will suffer more then me are my kids.
"Quinn...why don't you just tell him that?"
"Tell who what?"
"Jin. He's in his room"
I stopped crying and wiped my eyes. "You buried your brother inside his room?"
"What?" He said almost chucking. "He never died"
Okay this felt like a dream. I had to slap my arm just to make sure. "Huh? What are you talking about? Are we talking about the same person?"
Jason looked at me as if I lost it. "Yeah...if Matt would answer my calls, he would know. He got discharged from the hospital months ago"
"Who got discharged?" I said now getting off the stool.
Jason chuckled as if this was hilarious. "Jin, Jin is in his room-
I giggled "stop messing with me"
He frowned "go check it out yourself"
I hesitated but he gestured for me to go. So I went straight to his room, thinking he may be playing tricks on me. My heart had fallen down my ass. My emotions were through the roof. I tried to make sense of things.
Is that who I saw last night? He wasn't dead?!! When did this happen?! I had to find out.
"Wait, Quinn..I have to warn you though that-
Before Jason could finish, I began to sprint, only to smack my face on the hardest chest I have ever felt. My legs were wobbly at this point and I silently fell to my knees. When I looked straight ahead, all I saw was this huge bulge facing me. Feeling the awkwardness of staring at someone's penis, I looked up.
I met his eyes
My whole body was shaking. Is this real?
His living blue eyes searched my face. The eyes that were never dead. The eyes that gave me goosebumps every time I stared into them. Those eyes. But the only difference was that he was giving me a look that wasn't full of love.
...it was full of confusion.
He gave me his hand. I grabbed it so quick and allowed him to pull me up. He did not change one bit. It was as if he never left for war. But he did have a really great tan. My face was so close to his, I could swear I saw a little smile forming on his lips "Jin.....?" I squeaked. I didn't know if I was hallucinating or what...but I didn't want it to end. His touch had my body relaxed. I wanted to hug him, question him, love him. But he didn't even give me a chance. He just walked past me.
My heart dropped. I followed him all the way to the kitchen, fighting the urge to poke him. I was slightly thinking someone cloned him.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Did he not recognize me? How was he not hugging me right about now?
"Oh hello, I see you have finally awakened, my prince " Jason cheesed throwing Jin a water bottle. He caught the bottle and finally let out "I'll be back in thirty minutes"
His voice didn't even sound the same. It was full of pain. Hurt, agony....what the hell was going on?
He proceeded to take his shirt off. And that's when I saw the scars. Four deep scars were scattered all over his body. He then threw his shirt at Jason and walked past me again, all the way to the front door. "Jin....?" I squeaked. I turned to Jason for help, and he called out for his brother as well. "...Jin!" I said now tearing up.
The tears soaked back into my eye socket when he came back. He came back! His face was all red but he refused to meet my eyes. He only strutted back to where Jason was and grabbed a honey bun from the counter.
At this point I realized maybe he lost his memory. Because he was acting as if I was a ghost. It was like I didn't exist.
And that hurt more then anything.
I heard a little whimper. I turned my head to see Junior racing down the hallway. He had a big blanket wrapped around his body. I don't know where he found that blanket, but it was dragging all over the floor. He stopped midway when he spotted Jin.
His father didn't see him. He was too busy unwrapping the honey bun. Junior ran up to him startling his poor father. Jin almost stepped on Junior, but caught himself just in time. The honey bun dropped from his fingertips and Junior caught it.
Satisfied Junior wobbled back to me; munching on the honey bun in delight.
Jin gave us the most stunned look.
"Doesn't he remind you of someone Jin?" Jason chuckled
"What?" Jin finally responded; now giving me his full attention
"He's your son" Jason smiled
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