《Seducing My Bully (BWWM)》Chapter 26-Escape
"What are you doing?" I asked letting my towel drop to the floor. I was so shook, I couldn't breathe. Did Matt really pull out a gun at a woman? How did he even get a gun without me ever noticing. "Quinn get back in the house!" He said still pointing the gun at Sophia.
She didn't look too threatened. "Go ahead and shoot me." She challenged
"You think just because I'm blind, that I won't get that perfect aim?"
"Let's test it out...now back to the countdown. 10..9...8..."
I got in between them with my naked body. "Matt what are you doing?"
He didn't move. But just continued on counting. "7...6...5..."
Shocked I turned to Sophia. "Can someone tell me what's going on?" I said now trembling from the cool air that hit my body. Sophia refused to move. She gave Matt the most daring look. "Yeah I would love to know because even I am confused...I just wanted to let you know about-
A gun fire was shot. I ducked and screamed. Matt had shot up in the air. He started yelling at Sophia to leave, and this time she ran. All the way back to her car. She backed away so fast, she hit our mail box on the way out. "What did she hit? What did she hit?" He asked trying to reach out for me. He still had the gun in his hands. I slapped his chest in fury. "Why would you do that!?"
"Do what? She came here to start trouble. You know how she is Quinn..." he said grabbing my wrist. "How do you know? Did you even try to talk to her? All I heard was yelling? What if it was something important?"
"Yeah, and why did you have to threaten her with a gun?! Are you crazy?"
He paused. He threw the gun back inside the house and grabbed my shoulders "she wouldn't leave. I don't even know how she found us...."
I got away from him. "I'm going to call Jackson and ask for her number. I'm sure he knows it and-
"You will do no such thing" he said, voice now calm and scary. I tensed up. He was actually very scary when he was mad. This was a side I have never seen from him. I didn't like it. Matt was so sweet, I never seen him get angry. Not even once.
"Just calm down Quinn...I'll get to the bottom of it tomorrow. Just please-I just didn't want her mentioning anything about my brother. She's so stubborn and so problematic. She irritates my soul-
"I'm going to bed" I said finally. I was still stunned. I was afraid if I said anything he didn't like, he would yell at me. I just wanted things to cool down. I don't think the situation was so serious for a gun to be whipped out.
Matt slept on the couch that day. I didn't want him sleeping with me, especially after he scared me last night.
I really thought he was going to kill Sophia.
I made pancakes for breakfast. He was still on the couch snoring by the time I was done. I was about to wake our kids up when I heard him yawn. "Something smells good. What did you make?" He said standing up.
I didn't say anything.
He walked over to me, but each time he got close, I moved away. "Come on Quinn, it's hard enough that I'm blind-
"Do you think youcan wake the kids up for me?"
He frowned. "You're still upset"
I mean duh.
I stared placing some syrup on the pancakes. He touched the bottle and pulled it away from me before grasping my waist. "I'm sorry okay. I'm really, sorry. Do you forgive me?" He asked poking out his lower lip. I was not smitten by this. His face finally felt with defeat "alright, go ahead and call Sophia. Just please don't be upset, I hate that I made you feel this way. It wasn't my intention. I just really find Sophia annoying-
"But what if she had some new details about Jin? I mean she was at war with him....
He nodded "I wouldn't want to know. And I don't think it would be healthy for you to know as well. You were just progressing.."
No matter how hard I tired, I couldn't fight it. He was right. I didn't want to start over on square one. I was just doing good. "Promise me something..
His lips twitched "What?"
"Get rid of that gun please. It scares me" I said picturing one of my kids touching it. Anything can go wrong. I just don't find it safe. Matt nodded and apologized again. "It won't happen again alright. I love you"
"I love you too" I smiled pecking him on the lips.
"I say we have make up sex. What do you say?" He offered.
I slapped him on the chest "I say, you go ahead and wake the kids up, so they can eat"
Sex was the last thing on my mind. I had a lot of things to do today. Cook, clean, call my family, especially Jackson.
Matt was off today, so after breakfast, he took the kids and I to the beach. When the afternoon hit, I cooked some spaghetti and meatballs for lunch. It took me a while to make because Junior like his spaghetti with broccoli while Dream doesn't.
She was really picky
As Matt fed Junior, Dream was too engulfed in the television to even take a bite. I looked over at what she was watching.
It was the news. The news reporter was talking about all the lives that were lost during the Iraq war. They were showing some of pictures of the fallen strangers. I spotted Zack's picture and my stomach turned into knots. Dream hopped off her stool and stood in front of the television. "Are they going to show dad's picture?" She asked
"Turn off the television and come enjoy the food your mom made you" Matt ordered. But Dream ignored him and put up the volume. Junior started giggling at how red Matt got. "I'll get her" I said standing up. "No you sit down, you made this dinner, so just rest. I got it" He said placing the fork down before marching up to Dream.
He grabbed the remote from her hands and turned the television off. "Go back to the table and eat what your mom prepared you-
Dream snatched the remote from his hands and turned the television back on. "They are going to show dad's picture...I have to see it" she said getting excited. Matt processed to turn off the television again. And this time Dream got visually upset. "I'm going to miss it!"
"He's fucking gone alright! Go back and eat Dream! Now!" He yelled
She stomped on her foot "just because you forgot about him doesn't mean I have to!"
"Matt....please- Dream...you two calm down" I said walking around the table to shield Juniors eyes from the heated argument. "Dream, go and eat your food. Now!"
She shook her head "You're not my father-
"Your father is dead. DEAD! I'm the only dad you have now" he barked getting angrier by the second. Junior tried to take my hands away from my eyes; enjoying the scene like it was the greatest entertainment. Dream looked like she was about to cry. She pulled the pink towel out her pocket and clutched it tightly. Every time I tried to hide that towel, she always seemed to find it. "He's not gone, he's in my heart.."
Matt snatched the towel from her hands "I'm burning this" he said
Dream screamed. Within seconds she kicked him in the shin. He let out a scream of pain before falling to the ground. She pounced on him trying to retrieve the pink blanket. He quickly got on his feet, bent her over before slapping her on the bottom.
He hit her
He hit her
I raced over there blocked most of his hits with my arm. "Stop! What are you doing?!" I said pulling my crying daughter away from him.
Still steaming he walked to the fireplace, turned it on and threw the pink blanket in there. My jaw dropped. Dream stopped crying and squirmed out my arms. She started racing to the fireplace but Matt caught her just in time. She really was attempting to hurt herself just for a blanket. "I'll beat you again Dream. Stop it!" Matt warned placing her on the couch. She started kicking at his face yelling out "I hate you! I hate you!"
I leaped up and tried to peel his fingers from her shirt but was met by a strike to the face. It was so hard, it took my breath away. I felt my head bounce on the ground. Everything was spinning. The hit was so hard I couldn't even see clearly. Shit, I couldn't even move. I was temporarily paralyzed.
"Mommy!" Dream yelled out. But her face wasn't being shown. Matt's was. I felt him lift me up and take me upstairs. I still couldn't move. No man has ever laid his hands on me. And I would have never thought Matt would. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm so sorry" he kept repeating.
At this point I was beyond petrified. We were married for a year and never have I seen this side of him. I kept telling myself he's a good person. That he didn't mean to. "Do you need an ambulance? God I can't see how bad it is. Do you want me to call the police? Quinn, please tell me" he said lightly touching my face. But the pain was unbearable. "Please just give me a minute" I practically begged. It hurt to even cry. One tear stung my whole face.
"Matt please, I'm not mad. Just please leave me alone for a second" I said trying to control the fear from my voice
"Alright, five minutes" he said before leaving.
I had to bite my tongue to keep from crying. When I had the strength to sit up, I got a good look of my face in the mirror. The right side was all red; getting darker by the second. Fuck. This hurt. I suddenly jumped off the bed and tip toed downstairs. I expected him to do worse to Junior or even Dream.
I found them near the fireplace. He was giving Dream what was left of the towel; apologizing to both the kids. "I swear I will never hit you again. I'm sorry, there is no excuse for it. I just don't like hearing anything negative about my brother....do you forgive me?"
Dream seemed to forgive him. She gave him a light hug. But Junior stared up at me. His eyes said it all.
He was beyond frightened
"I didn't mean to hit you Quinn, you do understand that right?" Matt said coming up beside me. I tried to pretend to sleep but I felt his hand touch my face. It still stung. "Please, Matt..just stop"
"Quinn, let's talk about this. Do you really think if I meant to hit you that I'd tell you to the call the cops?" He said now tugging on my night gown to sit up. But I laid there. I didn't want to see his face and get angry. I still wanted to cool off. But he was laughing it. "First the gun, and now you slapped me, What next Matt? What are you going to do next-
"Don't paint me out to be an abusive fucker okay? You know I didn't mean to. I'm trying my best here. I don't want to hear anything about my brother, he's gone-
I sat up "I understand that, but don't force Dream to not mention him. He's her father" I said
Silence fell upon us.
He sighed "....I thought I was"
I hugged my shoulders feeling guilty. "I'm sorry..the last thing I want to do is make you feel like shit...."
He nodded "Do you forgive me? I don't want anything to go wrong in our marriage. I won't let it never happen again. I promise...my actions are going to speak louder then words. I love you and my kids Quinn"
I smiled and pecked him on the cheek "I believe you"
I could hear his brief sigh of relief as he pulled me closer. His lips found my forehead and I turned on the television. The news was back on. They were still showing tributes to the soldiers. And this time...they showed Jin's picture. "I'll turn off the television" Matt said searching for the remote.
So he is dead
My stomach dropped. He was half smiling at the camera, his face looked so serious but yet so handsome. He had his hat on. The only thing missing in the picture, is his necklace. God. What type of human was I.
I didn't even call Jason to say my condolences.
"What's Jason's number?" I found myself asking.
I pulled away from him "I at least want to say my condolences. What type of sister in law am I? I mean he didn't even come to the wedding, I want to at least-
He nodded "and that's final. The answer is no"
I fell silent. "Why?"
"Let me heal first Quinn. I know I may seem strong but I'm hurting inside. I know when you see Jason all he's going to talk about is Jin. I lost my parents, and now a brother, when I'm done grieving then we can all go. It's healthier that way. Alright?"
I nodded understanding. "Well can I at least call" I said looking through the drawers for my cell phone. Once I found it I turned it on. It was then I realized my phone service was not even on. "Did you forget to pay for the phone bill?" I asked. Matt didn't respond. He changed the channel to some cartoon. So I repeated the question. He then grabbed my phone and with one swift move broke it with a closed fist. "Quinn you're really pushing it. I don't want to hear anything about my brothers alright? If you lost your brother would you want someone yapping about it 24/7!?"
"Matt...you broke my phone..."
Infuriated he got out of the bed and locked himself in the bathroom.
I just sat there....so confused. "It's like I can't do anything right!" He yelled through the bathroom door.
I quickly rummaged through his drawers and found his phone. I quickly dialed Jackson. I was beyond terrified. I had to make sure I was not wrong. Once the phone started ringing, Matt came out. He didn't need eyes to see what I was doing. So he marched up to me and grabbed the phone from my hands so aggressively, that my hands started to burn. "Quinn...I'm warning you" he said in a low tone
I pulled the blankets closer to me and surrendered "I'm sorry...I'm sorry"
Still frowning, he got in the bed. I tried to fall asleep...but my heart wouldn't let me. It was pounding all crazily.
What was he hiding?
What was I doing? I'm stronger then this. Why was I letting him run me. My heart stopped racing and I started to get calm. For once my anxiety didn't come.
I waited
Waited until he was deep in sleep.
Then I went into action. Still in my sexy night gown, I tiptoed out the room. I went straight to juniors room first. I picked up my sleeping toddler and proceeded to go to Dreams room next door. She was too heavy to lift up, so I woke her up. She yawned but I slapped her mouth shut. "What are you doing?" She whispered
"Let's play a game okay?"
She sat up excited. "Right now?"
I nodded "let's all sneak in the car quietly without waking up Matt"
Dream raised both eyebrows. I thought for a second she would start asking questions. But she reluctantly got up. "Wait, before I forget" she said hopping back on her bed. She picked up the burnt pink blanket. "Okay I'm ready"
We all tiptoed downstairs. Junior was squirming in my arms. I had to get in the car before he wakes up. All the lights were turned off in the kitchen. I was struggling to find the keys. I don't know how Matt is able to see things without his eyes. I couldn't do it.
"Mommy I'm turning on the lights" I heard Dream whisper
"No don't!"I hissed
As soon as she turned on the lights, a figure was standing at the front door. It was Matt. His eyes were blazing, but his lips remained in a thin line. One hand was balled in a fist and the other was dangling something. I clutched to my son when I saw him dangling the car keys "looking for this?"
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