《Seducing My Bully (BWWM)》Chapter 23-The bullies apologies


Sophia started laughing."Wait, so you're telling me, Quinn came back from the dead and has been training at this boot camp just so she could tell My boyfriend that he has a daughter?"

I saw my brother eyes blink. He never blinks his eyes that often, but for a second it look like had the power to see. The look he was giving Sophia made me almost laugh myself. "Ex boyfriend Sophia. EX. He dumped you, don't forget that"

Sophia's laugh suddenly stopped and her face was plastered with anger. Dylan didn't give her a chance to talk because he soon sat down trying to sink all of this through. Hell! I was even spooked. I did not believe it. I couldn't believe it. There is just no way. She died. But the more that I thought of it, the more I kept thinking maybe it is possible that Quinn never actually died. It wasn't on the news, there was no funeral, I didn't talk to her mother to confirm it. Jackson has tried so hard to get me to stay away from the family. Now I see why

So it might be possible.

"Wait, I couldn't be the father...I mean..we...we used protection so-

"Well something must have fucked up. Dream looks exactly like you" Matt added

"So you're telling me, that hot babe of a girl, is Quinn?" Nick asked pulling up a chair next to me.

"Don't call her a hot babe" I hissed

He frowned "oh come on, you have to admit, who would have thought she would have turned out to look like that."

"Still doesn't make it right, she was still a human being that deserved the same respect as everyone else did" Matt said

Zack took the two pieces and looked at it. "The resemblance is incredible. How did you find out? I'm so confused" Zack added.

My brother just stood there. Looking at all of us as if we were stupid. "So you're telling me a blind kid could see it but none of you saw it?-

"I mean we had the impression she was dead" Sophia said

"Well she's not. She just wanted to come here and let Jin know about Dream...but again, you all chased her away, just like you did in high school"

Everyone's faces dropped

"She slept with my boyfriend" Sophia interrupted

"Again, my brother is not your boyfriend! Get over it" Matt said making sure to put more bass in his voice so Sophia can get it. It didn't take long for them to start arguing.

I was speechless. I didn't know whether to feel like a total dick, happy or whether to be angry. Was she in on it? Did she purposely tell Jackson to tell me she was dead? Why would she wait years to tell me about my kid? I suffered for years with depression. I wanted to end my life because of this. And now she wasn't even dead. She looked me straight in the face and acted as if she was a different person. I felt so stupid.

"Do you feel as stupid as I do?" Dylan whispered.

I shrugged

"Well at least we all have our chances to apologize-

I stood up "I have to go"

I didn't know where I was going, but I wanted to be far away from his. I need time to think. To breathe. It's funny how even when I thought she was dead, I still fell in love with her all over again.

"Where you going?" Matt said grabbing my arm. I yanked it free "give me time" I begged. But like I expected he followed me out the door. "Time for what?" He asked.


"Look, stop being my tail. It's kind of annoying"

He tried to grab on to me but I got out the way. He did it more then once "why are you playing with a blind man right now?" He asked

"Why are you playing with me right now? I said I didn't want to be followed"

"Chase after her" he demanded.

"Chase after her? And do what? Confess my feelings? Promise her I'll be the perfect dad? Be a family?" I asked wishing he could see the look that was on my face. He didn't take my sarcasm well. He just nodded his head "yes, that's exactly what I want you to do"

I groaned. "I don't want to be a dad"

"Yes you do"

"No-no I don't"

He crossed his arms and made himself comfortable on the wall. I could tell this conversation would take forever. "Just because dad wasn't a good father doesn't mean you won't be-

"Please don't read me-

"I'm your brother. It's my job. You can pretend you're all manly with no feelings at all. But we both know you care for that little girl...so what are you afraid of? Why can't you just go to her and be that family you always dreamed of. You have a second chance"

I hated my father. I hated him. Workaholic, drank a lot, cheated on my mother and didn't appreciate her like he should have. My mom was everything. She was all we had. Took care of us 24/7. She was so overprotective, always had a bright smile on her face, such a caring beauty that deserves more then she got from my dad. But he took her away. My father took her away from us. He just chose not to be in this life anymore, and took my mom with him. Then burned the house down, with them still-in it. My mom never had the proper burial. She was nothing but ashes.

The hate I had for him was so powerful, that I never wanted to disappoint my future children. I was afraid they would hate me at some point. I don't think I would make a perfect father, I don't think I could be that loving father. I chose not to have kids for a reason. Besides....who says I would come back after war? Why would I show up and be that loving father, just to die? I think staying away from Quinn and Dream would be the best thing.

"Jin...what are you afraid of?"

He couldn't see me shrug but I know he heard that body movement. "You love her right?"

"Look I didn't ask for a therapy session."

"God you're so stubborn."

I frowned. He was right. I couldn't help but blame myself yet again. I guess I was just scared. I loved them both. I shouldn't let my insecurities get the best of me.

Before I could comment, I saw Jackson. He came in with his suitcase and gave me a death glare. "Just letting you both know I chose to quit. Since you ran Queen away, I'm going to follow her. Good luck." He finished off with a straight middle finger. Smiled. And walked away.

Oh he's still calling her Queen huh? Fucking liar

I balled my fists in rage. It's because of him that I almost killed myself more then once. He gave me false information just to punish me. I ran up to him, grabbed his shoulder, spun him around and decked him straight in the face. My hit was so powerful, the back of his head hit the door so hard it left a dent. He didn't give himself time to recover, his reflex was so hard and before you know it, he took me to the ground. Jackson was strong, so the only way I could stop him from laying hands on me was put him in a sleep hold. I blocked his punches and slithered on his back. One arm was grasped around his forehead and the other on his neck. When you're angry, you have incredible strength, so I tightened my grip so hard to the point my vision was blurry. I was so angry. He really fooled me.


"Alright! Alright!" Nick said jumping into the fight. It didn't take long for Dylan and Zack to get in also. Someone peeled me off of Jackson. He wasn't out of breath like I was. He pointed his fingers at all of us "you really attacked me? You're about to die" he said coming forward but Sophia got in between "stop acting like childish rugrats!"

"Don't touch me" Jackson replied back making sure to step away from her. "No you shut up! You had us all believe that Quinn was dead! For what? To make us all feel guilty?"

Jackson didn't flinch "oh really? Well do you feel guilty?"

That shut Sophia up

"Exactly. I don't regret what I said-

"You're one to talk. You bullied your own sister-

"Okay and? Don't you think that's been killing me? I made up for my sins. Have you?" Then he squinted at all of us "I only said what I said because none of you felt guilty at all!"

"We were kids for Christ sakes!" Dylan said

Nick agreed "where is she? We have time to apologize, it's not too late-

"Actually it is, she left." Jackson replied back. Crossing his arms refusing to wipe the bloody nose I gave him.

Even though he lied. I was a little relieved. She's alive. She's alive. Quinn is alive.

"So..umm...can we have permission to see her?" Dylan asked.

Jackson was speechless. He stared at me waiting for me to also ask permission but I didn't say anything.

"Yeah...you can." He finally let out.

We were all shocked by this.

"It's not about me anymore or my feelings. Even though I despise all of you, Quinn needs this apology, she has suffered for years....and..it will also be good for Dream" he said looking directly at me.

I frowned.

I wasn't going.

The guys talked for a few more minutes before Jackson finally left. Matt asked if I was going to see Quinn and I gave him a quick answer "no"

Everyone gave me a disappointed look. I didn't need to explain anything to anyone. I didn't want to hear it , so I left.

"I swear if I could see, I would slap you silly" Matt said following me. "Matt even though you're blind, I'll still lay my hands on you. Don't start"

"Don't start? You have a daughter. A DAUGHTER.-


"You're afraid she will hate you, but if you ask me, it will happen. You refuse to go to her after knowing. And honestly, I will never respect you as my brother for that. You're worst then dad"

I stopped walking. He actually made my heart drop. Of course he didn't mean it. But his words really hit me.

I loved Dream. I loved her so much. I was just afraid. I was afraid to disappoint her. That's it.


Camp was over. I made sure to sign recommendations for everyone that I believed had the power to be successful in the army. Even Roxy. Oh Roxy. Still hasn't changed. Her beauty was still the same, I didn't look past it. And I loved the fact she was more humble then she was when she was skinner. She was really excited when she passed boot camp.

She didn't hesitate to tell me about Quinn. I already knew. She repeated what everyone was telling me.

To go see her.

I gave her a fake smile and nodded just so I could shut her up.

Dylan, Zack, Matt and Nick went to go see her.

I wanted to. Don't get me wrong I did. But my mind was the war. That's it. Survival was in my mind. Before I wanted to die but not right now. I wanted to live just so I can make it home and finally see her.

It was midnight and I was back at home. I started going through some of my suitcases to unpack. When suddenly my eyes stopped at two phones. The two phones I took from Cindy and Quinn.

I took them both to my desk and just sat them down on my lap. Temptation got to me and I grabbed Quinn's phone. Luckily it was unlocked.

I looked through her pictures. All of them was of her daughter. I smiled and looked more. My eyes stopped at one.

It was a picture of both of us freshmen year. I still remember that day. Her mom took that picture.

So after all these years she still kept the photo.

I looked closer and shivered at how small I was compared to now. I had a really cheesy smile on as I wrapped my arms around Quinns shoulder. She looked so shy, so timid.

So beautiful.

That dress she worn was so beautiful.

I missed her

I had to go see her.

I quickly placed both phones in my pocket and grabbed my jacket. I wasn't prepared on what I was going to say. I just needed her to know I still cared. I needed Dream to know that I loved her. I left my room and almost head butted Matt. "Where you going?"

When I didn't reply he smiled. "Good luck."

I shoved him out the way and dashed passed Jason who was too busy watching television to notice me. I went inside my truck and went straight to Quinns GPS on her phone. I was relieved when she had directions to her home.

She lived almost around the corner from me. The pressure was now on me. I was pretty desperate at this point. I wanted to start off with an apology. And I hoped they were still awake, I couldn't wait any longer to see her. I needed to see her face.

I stopped at an apartment complex. It didn't take long for me to find her door. Before I could knock she came out. Quinn came out. The mother of my child. She had on some shorts and a tank top. Her hair was messy and she looked annoyed. One hand held some garbage. She screamed once she spotted me.

I witnessed her jump back and attempted to close the door but I held on. "Hi"

"Hi?" What are you doing? You almost gave me a heart attack" she said holding on to her heart.

I nervously raked my hair back "Well, I wanted to see you"

Her face relaxed "see me?" Then she crossed her arms "at midnight? Everyone is asleep"

I cleared my throat "Well you aren't. How are you?"

She pushed both eyebrows together and frowned "let me guess, since your friends apologized, you came here to do the same? Would you still have done it if you believed I was dead? You seemed to really despise Queen."

I fought the urge to look behind her. I wanted to see if Dream was still awake. "I uh- here, you forgot your phone" I said handing her both hers and Cindy's

She stared at them for a few seconds before grabbing them. "Thanks" then she attempted to shut the door

I stopped her once again. "Listen Quinn-

"I know you're sorry. I know-

I nodded and grabbed for her hand in which she flinched back. I resisted in grabbing her hand again. "Forgive me-

"I already did. A long time ago when you and your friends did what you did"

"Please don't bring up the past" I said. I didn't want to bring up the whole dare thing again. I was afraid to make her more mad. "It takes me a while to realize I'm wrong. I came for you and Dream-

"So now you want to be a dad?" She said crossing her arms not believing me. I can't contradict my words. I reached for her again and this time she didn't pull away "the last thing I wanted was to disappoint you and Dream. But if you give me a chance to be a father, I'll try my best to be the best damn one"

She didn't smile. Nor did she frown. Just gave me a hard look.

It was getting cold so I asked her if I could come in.

She declined.

I deserved that.

"Where's Dream?"

"Sleeping" she said getting back inside. She was ready to end this conversation but I didn't want it to end yet.

"I'm going back to base. A war is coming and I-

"I know. It's all over the news."

I sighed. "Can I please see Dream before I go?"

She shook her head and my heart dropped. I have never felt so bad in my life. This felt worse. Worse then when I found out about her fake death. I was about to surrender back in my car until I heard Dreams voice. She slithered in between her mom's legs; her eyes got bright once she saw me.

She didn't look like she was in bed. She didn't even have pajamas on.

I gave Quinn a disapproving look. Does she want me to be a dad or not? I understand I fucked up but damn. I should be the one upset that she hid this from me. But I wanted to make amends, I wanted to make things right. Because I loved them both.

Dream jumped into my arms and I hugged the little girl with every breath I had in me. It felt like this was the last time I would see her. She pulled away from me and whispered "I thought you forgot about me"

I shook my head. The hard lump tightened in my throat. "Of course not. You're my daughter, how could I?"

She smiled wider and hugged me some more. I gestured Quinn to join but she stayed put. So I pulled her with my free arm and hugged them both.

When we pulled away, I set my daughter now. "I'll be right back alright-

"What? Why? Come watch movies with us" she said grabbing on to my arm. But I shook my head "I have to start packing"


"Daddy has to go and fight the bad guys." I said. Felt weird saying that. Not in a million years would I ever think I would be a dad.

She froze and her eyes got bigger "now?"

"As soon as possible"

She paused for a second before looking up "what if you don't come back?"

I knew she would say that. So I took off my pendant. The one that had Quinns face and wrapped it around my daughters neck. "I'll come back. Make sure to keep the pendant just until I come back alright"

She didn't move. So I showed her the pink blanket that I had in my pocket. "See this. This will protect me from the bad guys alright? I will come back."

Her lips started quivering. "You promise to come back?"

I nodded.

Her eyes started to well up with tears. "Okay, I'll be right back" She then disappeared back inside. I stood up and faced Quinn. She was still mad. It was all over her face. "Do I need to kiss your neck again to make you feel better?"

She slowly cracked a smile but went back to her frown "don't die"

I chuckled "thank you for those words of encouragement" I then pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead. "I love you. I'll come back, and we can start all over again. I promise."

She nodded in my arms. Once we pulled apart, that's when Dream came with a little bag. She placed them near my feet. I crouched down to see a bunch of stuffed animals and letters. I took one letter out and it was a drawing of Quinn, her, and I. The tall stick figure didn't look like me, but I was assuming.

"You look at them when you're lonely. And the little animals will help you at night-


She nodded "Yeah when you're scared, just hug them"

I smiled "I can't take them all"

"Yes you can." Dream said

"You sure?"

She nodded and gave me one final hug. At that moment I regretted joining the army. I would do anything just to stay and be around them. I hope me rekindling with them wasn't a mistake.

I gave them one last hug before leaving. I could hear Dreams low cries. I turned around and witnessed her pale face filled with tears. Quinn hugged her while she literally wailed. I knew she wanted to cry with her daughter. And honestly...I wanted to cry too.

That's why I got in my car quick. The faster I can get out of there, the better. I didn't want to seem vulnerable.

Once I got home, I went straight to Matt's room. He was sleeping so I slapped him awake

"Really? You're going to abuse your blind brother like that?"

"Listen....if I don't come back.. promise me something"

He sat up and looked timid "promise you what?"

"That you will take care of Quinn and Dream for me alright?" I said trying hard not to think about the worst. But life is very unpredictable

"Jin...you're going to come back..what are you saying-

"Just promise me!"

"Alright! I promise"

I relaxed and nodded.

God lets this war not make me lose hope.

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