《Seducing My Bully (BWWM)》Chapter 22-bye


"No, I don't want to leave" Dream whines grabbing on to my towel. I scolded her to stop, but her cries got louder as she sank on the ground throwing a tantrum. Jin's pointer finger lowered and his face suddenly turned soft. He picked up Dream off the ground and she immediately stopped crying; clinging her tiny arms around his neck for protection from me. I was livid at this point. "Put my daughter down" I demanded.

He didn't say anything.

I walked over and snatched Dream from him. Again she started wailing. "I'm so done with you Jin. I'm so done!" I said losing control of my voice. I didn't want to cry in front of him but I couldn't help it. Tears just started spilling and it didn't help the fact that my daughter was now hitting me. I roughly placed her on the floor and whispered "Dream, throw another tantrum and a belt will be waiting for you." I warned. She tightened her face; placing her hands over her mouth to stop the cries. It came out all muffled.

"Now be a big girl and start walking" I hissed looking at the door. She didn't move. She just kept looking back at Jin. I couldn't make out his face, it's like he wanted to say something but just kept his mouth zipped shut. "I don't want to leave" Dream sniffed "please, I don't want to leave...without daddy"

"He's not your dad" I said grabbing on to her arm, forcing her to start walking. "He is, he is my dad" she said trying to get loose.

"Queen..."Jin started.

"I don't want to hear it okay! You've said a lot today..."

"So what? You're going to quit? You're going to quit this camp? You know I can't stand-

"Quitters I know! You can't stand quitters! I know! And I don't care" I said lifting my crying daughter once again. I started walking out the door praying to god my towel doesn't slip down. "You lied to me! You're a liar! You said he was my dad!" Dream cried

I placed her on the ground to tightened the towel around me. "Dream stop crying!"

She fell to her knees and sank her head down "You promised..."

"He's not your dad. Alright. It will be alright..."

She wiped her eyes and got up. Crossing her arms attempting to start another tantrum, so I quickly grabbed her again. I needed to get out of this place as fast as possible. I never realized how heavy Dream was until now. She has incredible strength when she was upset. I was getting really desperate on leaving.

"Does he hate me?" Dream suddenly asked finally calming down.


"Daddy, does he hate me?"

"No, he doesn't hate you. No one can hate you"

She fell silent and allowed me to carry her without any struggle

I stopped as soon as she started whimpering again. Her whole face was red as a tomato to the point I had to make sure she wasn't catching a fever. "So why doesn't he want me?" She sniffed

My heart broke into a million pieces. The last thing I wanted to do was cry myself. So I bit my tongue so hard I tasted blood. "He doesn't hate you..."

She poked out her lower lip and her eyes got moist again. "Yes he does" she said placing her head on my chest letting out small cries of sadness.

I looked around to help me get my mind off this. Everyone was jogging. I hurried back in my trailer so I didn't have to face Cindy or Jackson. I don't want Cindy to tell me "I told you so" or Jackson to threaten to beat up Jin again. I wanted to leave in peace.


Once I got in the trailers, I found Roxy on her bed reading a magazine. Once she saw me she placed the magazine on the floor and asked "are you alright?"

I nodded not saying anything. I placed Dream down and raced to the closet. I placed some clothes on before packing anything I can touch. "Don't tell me you're leaving" Roxy said walking up to me. "Roxy please, this place isn't for me..and it is really messing with my health" I said

I didn't want to go back into depression or have an anxiety attack again. This place was not worth it for that.

"But, you can't leave. I enjoy you making Sophia look like a fool." She said trying to make me feel better. I looked over to see Dream inches away from me, giving me a hateful look.

Yep she's mad at me. Maybe she feels I'm responsible for her not having a dad. Or maybe she's upset that I'm quitting. I don't know. But she will get over it.

"Don't leave Quinn. We were just starting to get close. How am I going to survive this place without you? It's refreshing to think you and Cindy are the only ones that actually treat me like I'm human here."

She was starting to get really teary eyed. But I had to let her know she's strong. She can handle the bullies. I believe she was even stronger then I was when I was fat. I hugged her, relief swept over my body. Who would have thought I would actually be hugging Roxy? The girl I feared the most.

"I'll visit you. I promise" I said.

She finally smiled and wiped her eyes "alright. I'll take your word for it"

She helped me pack. We were done in less then thirty minutes. Enough time. I thanked her once more and she helped me with my suitcases. Dream just stood and watched. When it was time for me to put everything in the back, she refused to step out of the trailer. "Dream come" I ordered

She shook her head whimpering. "I hate you"

I almost chocked on the vomit that I held in for five minutes. No one has ever told me they hated me. So to have my daughter say it, caught me off guard.

It was anger. Just anger. Don't take it seriously, I kept telling myself.

"I hate myself too" I whispered.

Roxy helped me place the final luggage in the back. She squeezed my shoulder and said "she doesn't mean it....kids say the silliest things when they are mad"

I looked back at my daughter and she was walking over to me crying. I sighed and lifted her up once she caught up to me. "Don't make me leave, whose going to read me bed time stories..

"I will..."

"Whose going to feed me honey buns.."

"I will..."

She stayed silent. "Whose going to be my dad?"

I kissed her forehead and placed her in the back seat. I finally thanked Roxy and she gave me another hug.

Before I had a chance to get in the drivers seat, Jackson came running up to the car; almost knocking over Roxy in the process. He quickly apologized and made his way towards me "you're leaving?" He said almost out of breath. His shirt was soaked with sweat and I smelled his stench almost immediately. "Yeah, this place isn't for me"


"Please don't talk me out of it! I want to leave. I don't want Jin being a father- I don't want him knowing about Dream period! I just want to go home. It was a mistake coming here" I voice cracking. "I hate him Jackson...I hate him so much for doing this to me"


Jackson pulled me into a tight hug. I didn't care if my nose was melting from his horrid smell. I needed this hug. "Alright alright. Do I need to go beat him up? What did he do?"

"Doesn't matter. I just want him out my life"

We pulled apart and he wiped my eyes. "What should I tell Cindy?"

I shrugged. I don't even want to hear that name. I wasn't sure is we could be friends after this.

"Well we are leaving with you-

"You don't have to-

He shook his head. "I only joined because of you and Cindy. Besides, I don't want you to be home alone. Just drive home and we will see you in an hour or so, alright?"

I didn't say anything so he started rubbing shoulders "you will be fine. You're a warrior remember that."

I rolled my eyes and cracked a small smile. He always made me smile at times like this. "Go take a shower, you stink"

He smiled before kissing Dream and I goodbye. Once he was out of sight I got in the drivers seat and started the car. My head lights came on and my soul almost came out of my body when I spotted Matt in front of my car. "You're leaving?" He said walking over to my side. I slid down the window and whispered "yeah, Dream wants to go home...she's quite homesick" I lied.

Matt frowned. "Is she in the car with you?"

"Yeah" I said looking back at my daughter who was still sniffing.

Matt grabbing my hand and started rubbing it. "I'm sorry things didn't work out"

I'm not sure what he meant by that but I didn't want to talk any longer. I didn't want to start changing my mind. The way he was staring at me would make anyone want to stay. "We can keep in touch" I said

He smiled and nodded "I'd like that"

He then leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek. "Have a safe trip"

"Wait!" Dream said

We all turned to see her search in one of my bags. She pulled out a photo and handed it to Matt. "Here. For you."

I slapped my forehead in annoyance. How is Matt going to see that. It was a picture of Dream and I. She was only a few months old. I was still really overweight. You know what? I was kind of glad Matt was blind. He didn't have to see how huge I was. I hated that photo.

Matt took it and smiled. Dream went back into the bag and pulled out her little pink blanket she loved to carry around "here! And this one too. You can give it to daddy."

"Oh really?" Matt asked

Dream nodded "I don't want him to forget me"

Matt paused, face plastered with sadness. He slowly grabbed the blanket and within seconds Dream went back in to the bag to get more stuff. "Alright Dream that's enough"

Matt chuckled. "Don't worry Dream, I'll keep these items. I'm sure your dad would love the blanket"

"Really? He will?"

He nodded then shook her tiny little hands before stepping away from the car. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you Quinn....I just wanted you to get close to Jin...I thought maybe he changed"

"Yeah, me too" I frowned.

He didn't have to apologize. He wasn't at fault.

When I started driving away, Dream and I both turned our heads to see Matt still standing there. My daughter started crying. "I don't want to leave!"

Matt started running up to the car, but I didn't need anymore reasons to stay, so I slammed my foot on the gas.

It was lunch. I wasn't in the mood to eat. I stayed in my trailer with Nick, Zack and Dylan. Camp was almost done and we were ready to go back on base. We had a lot of potential people ready for basic training.

Queen could have been one of the people.

But she quit

Sophia soon joined us and started talking to the boys; ignoring me. When she found out I was having sex with Queen, she had been giving me the cold shoulder ever since.

I honestly didn't mind it. I never lost sleep.

We were going to be at war soon. I could feel it. The tension between America and Iraq were strong. I can predict a war. And I was definitely looking forward to it. I was ready to die for my country.

My door suddenly burst open. Everyone stood up. Except for me. Matt came in. He looked genuinely angry. "You alright?" Nick said. But my brother ignored him and walked over to me. He slammed a photo on the desk I was at. I did not even stare at it. "What are you doing?"

"Look at the photo and tell me what you see?"


"Because I'm fucking blind"

I was really not in the mood for this shit. I already got into it with Queen, then to watch her daughter cry it for me just left a hard dent in my heart. I could feel the depression coming back. I already told myself I would take my meds before going back on base. My mind was far from being okay right now.

"Look at the picture" Matt ordered

I heard Sophia suck her teeth in. "I got it" She said swiping the picture from the desk. Matt tried to snatch it back but they both ended up tearing the photo in half.

My brother froze as half of the photo fell on the ground. It touched my foot. I slowly picked it up. Before I could analyze it, my brother grabbed Sophia's shoulders and slammed her on the wall. Nick and Zack jumped up and separates the two.

"What's wrong with you!" Sophia yelled rubbing her head.

"That photo wasn't for you to touch!" Matt yelled back

"Bite me" she responded back

I ignored them and looked at the picture.

It was Quinn

A more plump face Quinn. I've never seen this picture. She exactly the same, obviously bigger but her huge smile made me even smile. How did Matt get this picture? I didn't even need to ask him because he said "Dream gave it to me" he said getting out of Nicks grips. "She gave you this? Where did she get it from?"

Dylan walked over and found the other piece. He analyzed it for what seemed like forever. I walked over to him and looked over his shoulder. It was Dream. Well a more younger Dream. I was slightly confused. Dylan helped me place the pieces together.

And my heart dropped

"Here" Matt said throwing a small pink blanket on me. It hit my chest and I placed my hand on it, to keep it from falling. "It's from your daughter, she told me to tell you to not forget her"

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