《Seducing My Bully (BWWM)》Chapter 21-Finding out
"Get off me!" I said as Jin pushed me in my trailer. "put on some clothes and act like you have some sense!" He fired back. He quieted his voice once he realize Dream was lightly snoring on my bed. He slowly turned back to me "What's wrong with you?! Why would you intentionally start shaking your ass in front of all the men?"
"Um first off it's called twerking. It's a type of dance. And why do you care? It's my ass, I can shake it for whoever." I loudly whispered "so don't ever put your hands on me again!"
His face turned beat red as he struggled with his words. He soon gave up and said "fine. Go ahead and do what you want. I'm not going to put up with it"
He then made his way out.
Not sure what to do I chased after him. "What do you mean?"
He whipped around so fast, I almost slammed on his chest. "Go and shake your ass on Dylan if you want. I've had it with this place. I should have left sooner"
I held on to his hand "what? You're quitting? Only weak people quit" I mocked repeating the same words he said to me when I wanted to quit. He squinted his eyes at me "you're really annoying"
I shoved him. "No you are. You're annoying and you're weak! And you...you're just a horrible person that I regret ever sleeping with."
He raised one of his eyebrows and crossed his arms "so wait. You regret sleeping with me?"
I nodded at least 100 times. "Why would I want to sleep with someone that's using me? Just because I look like-
"Who says I'm using you? I'm not using you."
"So then why did you sleep with me?" I said; heart already dropping afraid how he would respond to that. The last thing I needed was feeling rejected. And how he looked hesitant made me lose all hope. So I just sighed and said "alright. Thanks for that" then I turned around. But changed my mind to say one last thing "I actually thought you were a good person...I actually thought-
"Thought what?" He smirked
I wanted to wipe that smirk off his face. But I took a deep breath and surrendered back to my trailer. I went straight to my closet; fighting back tears as I grabbed a handful of clothes and chucked it into my suitcase.
He's not suitable to be a father. He's giving me mixed signal and it's frustrating.
The door opened and Jin came back inside. "You didn't give me a chance to answer" he said walking up to me. He grabbed on to my hand; halting me from making any more movements but I shoved him back. He shrugged and said "fine, I'll help you pack"
"I don't need you to help me. I got it" I said placing my bright pink panties in the suitcase, but he took it out. I reached for them again and before you know it, we started playing tug of war with it. "Let go" I said gritting my teeth. He gave me a teasing smile and said "not so loud, your daughter is sleeping"
Furious I let go of the underwear expecting him to fall. But he just stood there smiling. "Come here" He said stepping forward
I was ready to kick him in the face if he got closer. His eyes let me know he was waiting for that kick. But he still chose to step forward. I attempted to back kick him, but he caught my foot, shoved it down before grabbing my waist and pinning me on the wall. His lips met my neck and my heart leaped. I could feel my insides instantly get hot. My arms were weak, and it's like I lost control of them. I bit my lip as soon as his hand grasped my neck. He pulled me closer and I could immediately feel how hard he was. "Let's go back to my place" he whispered sending chills down my spine. I nodded and allowed him to lift me up.
Once we made it on his bed, he helped me take off my clothes. I was already in the process of unbuckling his pants. I never wanted something so bad. I didn't want any interruptions. He's the only one that can make me upset and then excited in less then five seconds.
Once we were completely naked, he pulled my waist down so he was now inside me. I start to ride him. My very first time being on top. I can ride him without killing him. It was harder then it looked and him giving me the most sexy looks didn't help either. His eyes wouldn't leave my eyes. He didn't even blink when pulling me down more. I suddenly got nervous. He knew this so he somehow pinned me on my back while still inside me and started giving me the best pounding I've ever experienced. I hugged his back feeling every muscle that bulged out from every thrust.
It hurt. A lot. But still felt amazing. I didn't want him to stop.
He suddenly pull outs and softly told me to get on my hands and knees. I gave him a pouty face. "Why not have sex like this?"
He smiles "keep giving me those looks and this will end early" he then helps me get on my hands and knees on the bed. Then drives back inside me. It feels different this way, as if he's gone deeper. Each time I think it can't get any better, it does. And now I'm writhing, my hips gyrating against him. "You are so sexy" he says and giving me light taps from behind. I yelp and press my cheek to the pillow. "Feels so good," I say as he rams into me. It's a good thing we're alone because the springs in the bed are crying out just as much as I am, and the headboard slams against the wall. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a dent in the wall by the time we're done.
Sophia was walking over to me when I refused to budge. "Oh you're scared now Jackson? You've seen my body how many times? Why are you so nervous" She she now feeling in my chest. "Touch me" She whispers. She proceeds to lean to my ear and repeat herself "touch me Jackson. Please"
I never felt so...so.....weirded out.
I calmly grabbed her shoulders and pulled her back. I tried hard not to look at her exposed breasts. "Sophia...what do you think you're doing?"
She gave me a short pout "I just want you. Jackson I want you back. I know I fucked up-
She quickly sank her cold hands deep down my pants. I shivered instantly. I yanked her hand free and gave her a warning "listen. Leave us in the past. Alright? I have a wife-
I frowned. "I love her."
Sophia gave me a painful look before finally crossing her arms. "But, she doesn't even look like your type. I don't get it"
I soon got irritated. Now I have to defend the fact that I'm in love with Cindy to my ex girlfriend? No. What was the point. Sophia would never understand and I didn't want to talk too much. Cindy is who I chose to marry, Cindy is the one I want to be with. "I'll see you later" I said before whipping around.
My face fell when I spotted Cindy at the doorway. The facial expression she was giving me was one I have never seen. She looked like she just saw something so traumatic. Her face was filled with hurt, pain, and agony. I didn't know how to save my ass right about now. Sophia was shirtless, and here I was looking around as if I was guilty. "Cindy..." I started.
All she did was turn around and run.
I chased after her. I caught her just before she could reach the door. "Cindy stop. It's really not what it looks like. I swear it's not"
Her lips started quivering and her eyes were now moist with tears. My heart shattered "Cindy please don't. Stop. I swear on my life nothing happened..."
"Please, just let go" she said so softly I had to lean in to hear. "Cindy...she came on to me! I swear she-
"LET GO OF ME!" she shrieked.
Frightened I let go. And witnessed her run back to the dining hall. My heart was telling me to chase after her but my mind was telling me to let her cool off. It was not looking good for me. I wanted to take my anger out on Sophia but what good would that do.
"Did you just say Cindy? That's Cindy? You married Cindy?? Out of all people Cindy??" Sophia said walking up behind me.
I really didn't want to lay my hands on her. "Yeah and so what? I love her" then I smiled "She was the only one that actually treated my sister like a human unlike you. So just do me a favor and..leave us alone alright."
"Jackson wait"
"Sophia I mean it. Stay away from me."
"STAY AWAY FROM ME" I said now getting annoyed. I then finally made the decision to chase after Cindy. I don't care if she's mad. I can't risk losing her.
I got closer to Jin.
And not because of the sex.
But as days went by, every time we see each other it would always lead to sex but there was one day while I had Dream over in his room that he finally told me what I wanted to hear. All three of us were on the bed; Dream was in the middle getting tickled by him. He looked up at me and whispered "I can't lose you."
"What do you mean"
He straightened his face so he could get a better look at me. "You. I can't lose you. I can't explain it but...you're everything that I want and need, ever since...
"...since what?"
Of course he never answered. He just went back on playing with my daughter. He's been a good dad to her. Giving her baths, feeding her, playing with her. In fact he spent so much time with her that he barely spent time coaching. He stayed with Dream most of the time.
I trained. A lot. Sophia tried so hard to break Cindy and I. Heck even Jackson. But she couldn't. Because of this camp, I now know how to shoot a gun, defend myself from a potential enemy..and how to use a knife wisely.
All I really needed is to learn how to swim.
I was in the process of stretching when my stomach started turning. Jin was too busy with Dream so Matt had to replace him. I knew he could hear my stomach. It was quite loud. I turned to Cindy for any advice to calm it down but her whole aurora was haunting.
"You okay?" I asked
She bent down to try to touch her toes. "I'm fine"
"You don't seem fine" I said cracking my shoulders.
She rose up and rolled her eyes "oh so now you noticed? You were too busy screwing Jin to realize your best friend is hurting"
Confused I asked what's wrong. She never raised her voice at me. Yeah I was spending time with Jin. I mean he is my kids father. "Look it doesn't matter. All men are trash. I wouldn't be surprised if he dropped you like a hot potato"
"Excuse me?"
"Nothing. Forget it" she replied
"Girls no talking. Just stretching" Matt warned.
I waited a few seconds before asking Cindy. "Why are you being so cold? What did I do?"
She stopped stretching "it's what you didn't do. I've always had your back Quinn. Always! And you can't even do the same. You're going around hanging with Jin when he doesn't even love you. He doesn't love your kid. And he damn sure will be no father to Dream. So what's the point of being here? You don't even have the balls to tell him! WHAT'S TAKING YOU SO LONG!?"
she yelled the last sentence so loud, all eyes were on us. Was I really being a bad friend? Was what she was telling me true? I felt my stomach turn some more and when I looked around, people were now whispering. Did they hear everything? Oh god. This brings me to the time I got bullied.
This hurt.
Jackson jogged up to me "You alright?"
I held on to my stomach and shook my head. He looked over at Cindy "don't take your anger out on my sister."
Cindy hesitated but she shrugged "she needed to hear it"
"No-no she doesn't !" He replied back raising his voice.
The couple started bickering. And all my mind was focused on was my stomach. Hot spit came drooling out and I fell to my knees. Matt squatted down next to me "are you okay?"
That's when I rushed out of there. I needed to throw up and I didn't want to do it in front of everyone. So I ran back to Jin's room. I don't care if everyone knew we were sleeping together. I just don't care anymore.
Anyone who wants to say something to me, will catch a foot to the face.
As soon as I got to Jin's room, he hopped up to let me know Dream was sleeping and to not make noise. I shoved passed him and went straight to his bathroom where I threw up all my breakfast. He soon joined me and helped me with my hair. "Are you alright?" He whispered in my ear. I lifted my head just once; slightly feeling better. My stomach turned again and I found myself puking all over his bathroom floor. He quickly got up and grabbed the nearest towel.
It took me ten minutes to be officially done with puking. Jin made me take a shower in his bathroom while he cleaned up the mess I made.
I was pregnant
I had no doubt in my mind that I was pregnant.
We have been having unprotected sex multiple times....so I wasn't a bit surprised.
Should I be happy? Should I be sad?
I don't know.
I got out the shower and wrapped Jin's clean towel around me. I found him and Dream on the bed reading some books. When he saw me, he quickly got off the bed and asked "what happened? Are you alright?" He said reaching for my face. I nodded and he kissed me multiple times on the lips "are you sure?"
I nodded and pulled away "it was probably something I ate" I lied avoiding his looks. "Something you ate? Like what?" He said not letting me walk around him. I shrugged "I'm sure it's nothing"
He stares at me for a few seconds before raking his blonde locks back. "I'll take your word for it. For a second I thought....never mind" he hesitated
I raised both eyebrows at him already feeling my anxiety come back. "What?" I said grabbing his arm. "You thought I was pregnant? So what if I am?"
He looked uncomfortable, but still kept his eyes on me. "Well you're not. So I'm not worried about it"
And with that he went back to Dream. She was flipping pages using a pen to color in some of the images. Jin removed the pen from her fingertips and gave her a crayon
"Jin, what if I was pregnant" I repeated walking towards him
"Drop it. I don't want to talk about that" He calmly said.
I was beyond confused. Why sleep with me? Why play daddy with Dream? Why? Why? Why?
"Jin...what if I was pregnant? What if you were the dad? What if-
"Look didn't I say drop it?"
"Not until you answer the question!" I said now stomping my feet in anger. That caught his attention. He crossed his arms "why are you getting so upset? I told you from the beginning I don't want to be a dad. I never wanted to be one."
His words just sliced my heart. After everything...I thought maybe he would change his mind. Anyone could see he loved Dream...
I just don't get it.
"So....why did you sleep with me? Why are you spending time with our-I mean my daughter? Why risk having a kid if you don't want one?" I asked trying to mask the hurt in my voice.
He didn't even answer the question. He just gave me a blank look before slowly whispering "Queen. I don't want to be a dad. I love Dream, I do. But I'm not ready to be a father."
"I. Don't. Want. To. Be. A. Dad" he repeated as if I didn't already hear it. "Why?" I whispered
He didn't say anything.
Now furious I ordered Dream to follow me out. But my little girl shook her head and said she wanted to stay. I marched up to her and grabbed her anyways. She started screaming in my arms but I refused to put her down. No matter how hard she cried.
"You don't have to take her Queen..."
His words made me want to knock his teeth in. "You're not her father so why do you care?" I said trying to block Dreams tiny hits to the face.
Jin frowned "you're right. I'll try not to care next time"
He said it in a more sarcastic way that instantly made me almost drop my daughter. He stiffened his body straight and waited for me to pounce on him. "Queen, I told you from the beginning I didn't want to be a dad."
"So why did you sleep with me?!"
His frown tightened "no the real question is, why did you sleep with me knowing that I did not want to be a father?"
Cindy's words came rushing back. I was wrong about Jin. I was definitely wrong.
"I'm done with this camp, I'm done with evil people like you! Your parents did a great job on raising you. I mean I should expect this from you.-
"Oh really?"
"I mean you did drive a girl to commit sui-
I couldn't even finish off my sentence. He kicked the door wide open for me and pointed his pointer finger out the door. "Get out" He ordered
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