《Seducing My Bully (BWWM)》Chapter 17-The brotherly kiss
I did not see the whole scene but I had a quick glance of Jin grabbing my sisters arm aggressively. The only person that can lay hands on my sister is me. I already felt the fire burning into my soil watching it. Quinn soon yanked free from him and started walking back towards her little trailer. I could see the girl group was giggling at this as if it was funny. I marched over to them, and like I expected everyone got quiet. Cindy mouthed me not to make a scene.
After all, everyone in this bootcamp don't even know Quinn and I are siblings. So I hate to give them the wrong idea.
My eyes darted towards Sophia. She had that one smirk that I really wanted to wipe off. "You call yourself a soldier?" I whispered
Her smirk didn't disappear. She just shrugged "there are some people that are cut out for this. She's not."
I bit the inside of my mouth and tried to control my anger. "I honestly don't regret leaving you"
All the girls got quiet. "I don't know why you're defending her. You have a wife, why are you worried about another female?" She spit back; everyone can sense she was now angry. I shoved my finger deep in her chest, not caring if it was touching her boob "you will forever be a bully. Words can't describe how much I-
"Tell it to someone who cares" she said flicking my finger from her chest "and don't you dare touch me again. I'll make sure all three of you are kicked out of this camp. You hear me?" When I didn't say anything, she shoved me "Did you hear me-
I saw Cindy lunge for her and I quickly got between them. It's no question Cindy would knock out Sophia. But I didn't want any reason to be kicked out of bootcamp.
Still holding on to my frantic wife, I made sure to give Sophia a venomous look. "Bitch. You are a bitch."
She rolled her eyes and said "I know"
"Put me down Jackson! Put me down! Let me at her! Let me end her now!" Cindy screamed trying to squirm out of my tight grip. My concern wasn't Sophia right now, I had to make sure Quinn was okay. And I let my wife know this. We can worry about Sophia later. But right now, she wasn't important.
Still holding my wife, I made my way towards Jin. He was still at the same spot as I last saw him. But this time he was talking to his brother like nothing happened. He hurt my sister and dared to talk to his brother? I soon freed Cindy and marched up to Jin; I grabbed his shirt and pulled him to face me. "The hell is wrong with you huh? What's your problem? Why on earth do you think you can just yank my sis-
I stopped myself just in time. I paused before continuing "you have no right to yank Queen's arm like you own her alright?"
Jin face did not even change. He gave me a bored look like a statue and it had me boiling even more. Only he could get under my skin, he was doing a great job. His brother tried to step in to diffuse the situation but I told him to mind his business. He hesitated for a moment. "Jin just apologize. You're a soldier, own up to your mistake" Matt begged trying to reach out for his brother but failed multiple times.
Jin finally let out a short breath, cleared his throat and whispered "if you touch me again, I'll kill you"
I suddenly let him go actually shocked he would have the balls to say this to me. I balled my fists and challenged him "come do it. Kill me just like you killed my sister"
That's when he showed the signs of hurt I wanted him to feel. Anger spread on his face and he also balled his fists.
I witnessed Cindy grabbing a stick just in case a fight did break out while Matt struggled to get in between us. "She's weak. Get over it. She will never be a soldier, she is not right for this camp" Jin started.
I knew what he was doing. He was testing my emotions. That's what the drill sergeants did during basic training. They could never get me to crack. Never. But Jin...I wanted to really break his neck.
"You have not right to say that! She is stronger then you know" Cindy started
"Then fuck! go join her then! All three of you cry babies can get the hell out of my camp" he hissed. Before cracking his knuckles expecting my to lunge at him for disrespecting my wife. No, I had something better up my sleeve. I found myself aggressively grabbing Cindy and proceeded to walk around Jin. He followed us with his eyes only; he didn't dare move his body. I then swung around and yelled out "you want to know why I will never respect you?" I asked
"I don't care, a lot of people hate me, but does that ruin my day? No so-
"Yeah how about you shut up. I will never respect a man that killed my sister-
"I did not kill your sister-
"I will never respect a man that will date one of her bullies.." I spit out. I couldn't see his face but he was standing so still it was entertaining. "Yeah I'm guessing you didn't know that. Why do you think I ended things with Sophia? I'm sure you knew we were dating at some point right? You both deserve each other" I said walking backwards to make sure I witnessed his response. His whole body shivered. Matt tried to reach out for him but he flinched and started walking towards Sophia.
"Did you really just say that?" Cindy asked.
I shrugged "so?"
"Jackson, Sophia is going to put us through hell, you should have at least gave me a chance to beat her ass first"
As we walked to the small trailer, I opened the door for her. "They can all burn in hell. I don't care."
She gave me a smile. A smile that confirmed that I indeed despised Sophia. You could not pay me enough to go back to her. I'd rather take a shower in acid.
Once we walked in, I witnessed my sister already packing up. Dream was up and watching her mother.
"Quinn what are you doing?"
She didn't even turn to my direction. She just shoved a bunch of clothes in her suitcase. Tears were streaming down her face and I just couldn't stand the sight. I walked over to her and grabbed her arm. "You're not going to quit okay?"
She yanked free, wipes her eyes, and crossed her arms "I can't do this anymore. He's..he's..I don't want him to be Dreams father. He's just so mean, and, and-
"Quinn prove him wrong-
Her eyes got more tears eyed "For what! I came here for the purpose of telling him everything! I didn't expect him to be so..so...evil to me." She then sank on the bed and started balling out crying. I watched Dream gasp before running to her mom; grabbing her leg and stroking it as if it was a doll. "Don't cry" She whispered.
I looked over at Cindy and she too was crying. "She's right. She doesn't deserve being humiliated everyday. Jin is bipolar. And she doesn't need that. And he did tell her that he didn't want to be a dad so-
"What? When?" I said upset they didn't fill me in
Cindy started to tell me about the depressing tale of how Jin straight up told my sister he could never be a father. Not realizing he was saying this right in front of his daughter. God. He's such a dick. I could never say that to anyone.
"Quinn, you're not leaving this camp without telling him alright. No more secrets. We can go afterwards. Don't do this for you, do this for Dream" I finally said. A part me really wanted us to leave, but I knew if someone was hiding my kid from them I would honestly be upset. But I can't even blame Quinn or Jin.
He thinks Quinn was dead.
My sister looked down at her daughter who was now struggling to get on the bed with her little feet. She placed her on her lap and allowed Dream to wipe her tears. She started singing a "don't cry song" that I never heard in my life. But coming from her sweet little voice, it made me want to have a kid. She was just so precious.
With a little hesitation Quinn finally looked up "can you come with me?....I'm scared...I'm scared of him"
I frowned. Oh no. The old Quinn would have been scared but not the new Quinn. I marched up to her "Listen, I trained you for a reason. You are strong! you can dominate this place if you wanted. Stop letting your anxiety make you look weak. You better march up to Jin and set him straight alright. If you have to fight, just call me. I will make sure he never disrespects you again alright?"
She stood up with Dream and slowly smiled. "You really think I'm strong?"
"Awh that was sweet. You have a soft part Jackson, that's actually a turn on" Cindy said
Quinn gave us a disgusted look and thanked me for the encouraging words. "I'm going to go up to Jin and make him my bitch! Yeah! He will see the wrath of Quinn!" She nodded getting excited. "Alright don't over do it. If you don't think you can do it, just come get me. I got your back little sister" I said tickling my niece in the ribs. She started giggling uncontrollably. God if Jin doesn't want her, I'll gladly adopt her.
Quinn nodded. "I got this, thank you"
I'm actually glad she didn't mention the whole telling Jin about her fake death. She doesn't hold grudges. And that's the one thing I love about her.
I shut the door to the trailer and almost bumped heads with Roxy. She was still soaking wet; covering herself with her hand. She gave me a weak smile "your daughter, is beautiful" she whispered staring at Dream. My daughter froze at the sight of Roxy. I started shaking her afraid she would say something rude but she smiled and said "I love purple" she said pointing at Roxy's swim suit. I tried hard not to stare at her body. It gave me bad memories of myself.
Roxy smiled. "Thank you" Then she gave me a serious face "can we talk? I-
"Maybe later"
"Quinn....I won't tell anyone about your identity okay. I just want to apologize for-
"Telling me to kill myself?" I sharply stated.
I didn't mean for it come out cold but Roxy seemed hurt by it. "Quinn, can we-
Dream started tugging my arm. She was hungry, and she didn't have breakfast yet. So I asked Roxy where Jin was so I can make this quick. She politely told me he was back in the big trailer with Sophia. I smiled and thanked her.
She slowly returned it.
I'll talk to her later. But not now.
I went inside the big trailer with Dream. I started going down the hallway full of doors. I didn't know which room Jin was in but the hallway looked a bit scary. I could hear my shoes echoing on the floor.
It was that quiet. I could even hear myself breathe
All of a sudden I heard Sophia's scream.
They were in the third room to my right.
The scream scared Dream. She started covering her ears and hiding her face in my chest. I walked over to the door and grabbed the door knob. What halted me was my name being called.
"How could you be mad over something that happened years ago. She killed herself. Quinn killed herself. We are all to blame. Don't you think I feel bad about it? I do!" She said
How did I even come up in this conversation? What the hell.
"So why did you not tell me?"
"Jin!" She screamed. Dream started to whimper. "She is DEAD! This was years ago! She is known to be that fat girl to kill herself, we can't dwell on the past. Get over it"
My heart dropped. The word "fat" still gets to me.
There was a pause. "Don't tell me you still love a dead girl. Are you kidding? I'm your girlfriend Jin. We both are too grown for this. Jackson wanted to get you upset-
"Just stop okay."
That's when I heard footsteps coming towards the door. I panicked. Where can I run to? I was frozen.
As he made it to the door, something stopped him. Took me a moment to realize it was Sophia. I could see their dark shadows, so I quickly got out of the way so they wouldn't see mine. I started hearing some kissy and moaning noises.
Oh hell no! So she just disrespected me, and Jin is kissing her?
I peeked at their shadows one more time. My heart dropped when I witnessed them intertwined with each other. Their hand gestures let me know they were touching each other all over the place. My heart broke into a million pieces. I was so angry I slammed my fists on the wall.
Their shadows stopped kissing. And that's when I realized I just fucked up.
I started racing away from the door only to realize I forgot Dream. I turned around to witness her waving at me. "Dream come" I said
She giggled as if this was a game. Dream then started playing peek-a-boo with me. My heart wouldn't stop racing. I quickly bolted to her and grabbed her little body. When I attempted to run to safety, I tripped over my feet. My instincts told my to fall backwards to save Dream from gettin hurt.
And that's what I did.
My back slammed on the floor. A sharp pain exploded in my back.
Dream sat on my chest, unhurt.
The door swung open. Both our heads turned to see Sophia and Jin come out. Sophia was fixing her bra and Jin had his belt unbuckled in which he hid with his shirt. My face darkened with his. He shot me an angry glare and I gave one right back.
"What are you doing on the floor?" Sophia asked crossing her arms.
Still laying on the floor I said "playing with my daughter"
She rolled her eyes "what do you want? Didn't you already quit?"
I got off the floor and refused to give Jin eye contact "nope, I came her to tell you both, I will never quit. So just get that in your thick skulls alright." I angrily said. My eyes darted towards Jin. I knew he wanted me out. I was so angry I forgot that I needed to confess him everything. "I'm sorry but when I came here I heard you guys talking about that Quinn girl. Is it the same girl you were telling me about?"
Sophia glared at me "and so?"
I shrugged "just never heard someone be disrespectful towards a dead girl. Well your dead ex girlfriend." I smiled "I mean you called her fat and everything and Jin you didn't even-
"It's none of your business. You shouldn't worry about someone you don't know. All you have to worry about is training! That's it" Jin suddenly said.
I frowned and found myself raising my voice "I knew her. And I know she hated you as much as I do" I fired back.
Dream started weeping.
Jin's face fell and Sophia started to defend him "nice act you are portraying in front of your daughter. You came here to train! That's it! Don't stick your nose in our business! Worry about your phobia of 3ft of water ok. Now get the hell out of our faces, and I still expect that mile run that I-
"I'll give you two miles just for the heck of it" then I grabbed my daughter and left.
Don't cry Quinn
Don't cry Quinn
To witness my daughter stare into my eyes with such sadness made me want to burst out with tears. He allowed Sophia to disrespect me then try and sleep with her. Now that I think of it...Jin is friends with all my bullies. All of them! My death didn't hurt him as much as I thought.
I almost bumped heads with Matt when coming out.
I could tell he knew it was with me. And not because Dream was whispering his name. I saw his eyes analyze my face before whispering "you're quiet. Are you ok?"
And that's when the tears came. I didn't want Jin or Sophia to hear me. Matt quickly pushed me back inside, grabbed Dream from my grips and grabbed my hand "come, lets go to my room"
He made sure to place my head on his chest and cover my face with his hands. I knew we passed Jin's room. And I knew they were still out there.
"Matt! She needs to run her miles!" Sophia yelled out
"Sophia..just shut up alright" he responded back
I wish I could see her facial expression. I never heard Matt's voice have so much bass in it. He was angry. I knew he was angry.
Once we were inside his room. He sat me on his well- made bed. I changed the subject by telling him that Dream was hungry.
He got her some cinnamon toast and a small cake for her. He attempted to feed her but she dug in before he had the chance.
He left her on his desk eating before walking back to me. "Do you want to talk about it?"
I shook my head. "I just....I just feel unloved." I admitted. When I came to that conclusion, I started crying some more.
I suddenly felt hands on my cheek. Matt made me face him, before I could realize what was happening, he presses his lips against mine. Long slow pecks at first. I didn't pull away. He kissed just like Jin. He was so gentle, so passionate. His mouth then opens and mines followed. Our tongues find each other and tangle in greeting.
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